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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14754826 No.14754826 [Reply] [Original]

Food Things You Do
That You Would Never Admit In Public

>Eating indiscriminate amounts of mayo with a tablespoon

>> No.14754873

Eating an entire jar of peanut butter in one sitting. Dunno how I'm still so skinny

>> No.14754892

you are a disgusting animal OP

>> No.14754922
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I scratch my balls while cooking and if I drop an ingredient on the floor I dont wash it.

I also let this faggot sit on the kitchen counter.

>> No.14755047

For me it's keeping a bowl of crackers in the fridge

>> No.14755085

I drink from the milk jug

when visiting others houses.

>> No.14755109

that's disgusting

I cook my food without washing my hands sometimes just because I can't be arsed to

>> No.14755123
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Cumming in the pot when family’s over

>> No.14755125

no im not gonna wash my hands every time i pet my dog

>> No.14755132

I eat uncooked soup out of the can with a plastic spoon in the dark so when my roommate's friends or gf come over, they think I'm asleep and I can be left alone.

>> No.14755145

lick the plate/bowl
would never do outside of my own home though

>> No.14755159

I eat deviled ham about once a week.

>> No.14755202

i actually sometimes attempt (((tasty))) recipes

i like cheese when i'm depressed okay

>> No.14755228

I feel your pain anon

>> No.14755236

I usually lick the salty margarine off the knife when I finish making toast or whatever. Not a lot though. The thought of this with ketchup makes me want to gag though

>> No.14755625

I eat a lot.of meals with my hands. I don't have a problem admitting this in public but i just wouldn't do it when I'm out.

>> No.14756091

>anal pain

>> No.14756169

just about to eat a depression can of that on some hotdog buns i found in the freezer

>> No.14756172

i do this with sour cream

>> No.14756177

i have no issue picking a giant slice NY pizza and eating it but at home i use i fork (no knife though, not that much of a faggot. Just mash the fork through it until my hand get sore)

>> No.14756189

I enjoy eating the salty crusty boogers I extract from my nasal cavities.

>> No.14756252

>be me
>Eat mayo with a spoon
>Eat raw hot dogs
>Eat raw sausages(non precooked ones)
>Eat 5 day old potatoes
>Eat food even when it goes sour and kinda bad
>Combine literally anything with anything
>Mayo + Ajvar
>Cheese spread + mayo
>Eat from the pot

>> No.14756265

I own and regularly wear an apron.

>> No.14756270

me 2

>> No.14756279

that's pushing it even for /ck/

>> No.14756332

I think I am a literal germophobe.
This thread is fucking disgusting.

>> No.14756413

>nit rinsing your nose every day

>> No.14756426

My kitchen is a mess and I wait til there is no clean dishes left before cleaning the whole thing.

When I lived in a dorm I was also the only one who could cook out of 10 cycled roomates over 2 years. They all ate frozen pizza while I ate roasted chicken salads and spinach puffs and candied fruits.

>> No.14756566

>sprinkling Lawry's seasoned salt directly on my tongue

>> No.14756578

not heating up any leftovers

>> No.14756607

People get so fucking mad when I tell them this

>> No.14756614


i steal the fuck out of my room mates food when no one is around

small amounts. anything to sustain me and not spend any money. i'm a scavenger. also. they leave shit and buy shit and just leave it in the fridge for months letting it go bad. so if there is anything i want to eat, like some leftover ribs. i eat it and if they ask i just say it was moldy and i threw it out

>> No.14756718

All it took for me was one completely grease stained shirt to start wearing an apron while cooking (most of the time)
It's not something to be ashamed of.

>> No.14756765

this thread is really a breath of fresh air coming from pol, thx op

>> No.14756769

Your immune system is stronger for it

>> No.14756819

>eating in bed

I am a degenerate

>> No.14757212

I drink the Worchestershire

>> No.14757217

I think you have a binge eating disorder

>> No.14757232

I cut my coffee with cocoa and my beer with lemon juice, because I want to be a big boy but also I am a moppet

>> No.14757246

>should we do something about anon stealing our food?
>no I kinda feel bad for him, I think he's poor

>> No.14757281

I never eat catfaggot food because it's common knowledge that you are all vile and unhygienic

>> No.14757486

the grilled cheeses I make. I use olive oil to fry each side because it makes it really crispy and delicious. I don't add a lot, just a tiny layer to cover where i'm going to put my 'wich. i like chopping up chorizo, a bit of mayo and cheese in my 'wich.

probably loads of calories but it's easy and tasty

>> No.14757563

I put ketchup on steak. I don't give a fuck about what other people think I am just tired of them crying like little faggots over how someone else eats their food. Just bitch bitch bitch. Should I fucking backhand you at the table because you put salt on your potatoes you stupid cunt? No because you like them that way. So why the fuck do I got to sit here and listen to you complain for fifteen minutes about how I like my food. Did you work to buy the steak? No you sat on your ass and played candy crush. Did you go to the store and physically buy the steaks? No you sat on your ass demanding I do the shopping as soon as I get home. Did you cook the fucking steak? Nope you just sat in the living room laughing like a jackass over retarded shit on youtube. So can I get one fucking meal where I eat the steak I worked for, bought, and cooked the way I like it you fucking parasitic femgroid NEET.

Fuck I hate women.

>> No.14757565
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>drink soy sauce from the bottle
>drink pickle/jalapeno/olive brine from the bottle every day
>1/3rd of meals are peanut butter on 2min noodles
>snacks are often 400-500ml cans of custard, consumed directly and entirely. pic related
not fat either, just love me salt

>> No.14757579

>I don't give a fuck what other people think
>posts massive bitch fit obviously caring way too much about what others think

You're more like a woman than you think you absolute moron.

>> No.14757587
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When I was an autistic young lad, I'd drink the individual coffee creamers at restaurants.

>> No.14757618

I lick knives all the time, even steak knives. Never cut my tongue yet, there's a knack to it.

>> No.14757736
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>> No.14757743

I do that too, I find it not so much a knack as to not be a spaz, most people are spastic morons and shouldn't be around knives in the first place.

>> No.14757749
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>> No.14758337
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My favourite drink is cheap beer and oj and I don't give a fuck what people think.

>> No.14758399

I used to do this on road trips. At every gas and rest station, I'd just drink a bunch of coffee creamers

>> No.14758426

There's nothing I wouldn't admit but
>drink heavy cream like a beverage
>drink pickle juice from the jar
>eat handfuls of chocolate chips directly from the bag
>eat sour cream by the spoonful
>cut the moldy part off food and eat the rest even though I know there's still mold spores in it
>lick plates clean when I'm done eating, even in restaurants if the foods good enough
>lick knives clean
>eat my own boogers
All this makes me sound fat but I'm actually skinny

>> No.14758441

Can you hear them wrestle anon?

>> No.14758488

>often too lazy to get a cup so I tilt the bottle back and pour the drink straight into my mouth
>sometimes do the same with coffee creamer
>dip apples, carrots, and crackers right into the pb jar instead of using a spoon
>eat oats by the handful
>eat dropped food
>eat old food others won't so I don't have to toss it out

>> No.14758501

Cute cat, hope you let him smell what you're cooking

>> No.14758594

Yooo ajvar is tasty as hell my brutha ngl

>> No.14758603
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>> No.14758732

Not had this since i was a kid. Fucking loved it. Hated the the rixe pudding though, vile?

>> No.14758796

I just had KFC for the first time and now I feel like shooting hoops and reminding people that my race's lives matter
I'm not American

>> No.14758830
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>open bag
I just eat the whole bag dry for dinner. Who needs cooking?

>> No.14758842

If you put them in the freezer they become mini ice cream tubs.

>> No.14759186

Not him but same.

>> No.14759191

When I go get something to drink I break off a bite sized chunk of sharp cheddar off a block I keep in the fridge for the specific purpose of breaking off said chunks. I'm disgusting.

>> No.14759413

I've eaten 6 pounds of grapes over the last week and Can't stop myself

>> No.14759423

my grandma who couldn’t cook to save her life would make “pea salad” which consisted of uncooked canned peas, mayo and american cheese. add some salt and pepper and honestly the shit is so good. i know it’s disgusting but every once in a while i’ll eat it when no one’s around

>> No.14759683

Back when I was al/ck/, every time I would get retardedly drunk and cook something that took longer than a few minutes I would end up ashing my cigarettes into whatever I was cooking once or twice on accident. I was never able to taste it though so it didn't really matter to me.

>> No.14759727

I lick the stuff off doritos before i eat teh chip

>> No.14759773


>> No.14759779

Its called a brass monkey

>> No.14759810


>> No.14759838


>> No.14760244

>Smoke while cooking(don't care if ash lands on food)
>Everything pickle jarred I pick with my fingers
>''that black pancake at the bottom of the pan is fond'' don't judge me
>marinate everything in soy sauce
>use half yogurt and leave the other half for 3 days, eat anyway

>> No.14760274

I'll put some hot sauce on a plate an lick it up

>> No.14760309

that's oj+40oz+vodka
beer+oj is just a redneck mimosa

>> No.14760366

I dip frozen pizza in mayo mixed with hot sauce. I weigh 240 pounds at 5’11”.

>> No.14760376

when i was sin high school and we had those class parties i would put "extra protein" in the mix

>> No.14760393

I don’t wash my hands after I touch my wiener

>> No.14760632

try uncooked soba noodles

>> No.14760914
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Not that anon but I'm not against

You have a problem anon. I slap mayo on absolutely everything but eating it spoonfull nope.

Absolutely basierte /ck/anon. Aprons are the tits. My girl was like "mUh yOu doNt nEed oNe" what a low human. I take cooking very seriously, not having an apron is a problem.

Also i cook/clean using gloves.
Also I don't wash dishes until they are full and stinky, then I randomly wake up at 3am and deep clean my apartment/kitchen.

It's so bad sometimes that i eat from aluminium foils and with my hands.
I have confessed father, lay your hand on me

>> No.14760918

>drink pickle juice from the jar
my girl does that ugh nasty

>lick knives clean
wow anon you gotta go to church this sunday

>> No.14761070

spoonfuls of balsamic vinegar

>> No.14761696
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I like cold baked beans straight out of a can with a spoon. Reminds me of my college years. Didn't own a can opener so I used to open them with a Kbar. I remember squatting nude on a tile floor in front of a hotplate debating whether to heat the beans and deciding cold was better.

>> No.14761719

When I was a kid I'd just eat colby cheese straight from the block. Like those half moon shaped blocks of colby cheese. Surprisingly I wasn't fat, but holy fuck if I did that today I'd be incapable of shitting for a week.

>> No.14761727


dude. i came here to say this. why is it so good??

>> No.14761733


>> No.14761820

Reminds me of my stepdad who would get drunk and make some kind of ramen noodle prison food.

>> No.14761832

Beer and lemonade is actually a thing though. I've worked in a bar before and I've had people ask for a pint of beer with some lime or blackcurrant cordial in it.

>> No.14761865

i do too

>> No.14761906

>eating half a block of butter as I'm cooking
>Drinking thickened cream
>Drinking over a liter of milk a day

I would admit to all of these, I just really love dairy

>> No.14761925

Based. Dairy is good for your bones boy
Now you just need some nice juicy red meat to make your muscles strong

>> No.14761937

I eat spreadable liverwurst straight from the tube.

>> No.14761947

IIRC, they actually brew a very syrupy low ABV beer in the south of the Netherlands specifically to mix through regular pilsner beers. Had the misfortune of drinking one of those fuckers pure once...

>> No.14762279

I dip my fish sticks in fudge pudding like I’m having pregnancy cravings.

What once was an accident is now essential

>> No.14762305

i have a sip of soy sauce if I want flavor without eating food

>> No.14762634

you know them honey marinated chicken strips? i like to eat them raw, only small amounts tho since my body can't handle it.

>> No.14762665

>still mold spores in it
no spores, you've cut them off, but hyphae yes

>> No.14762689

i guess i'm pretty tame by 4chan's standards
what a deeply alarming thread
i usually tie a large towel or handkerchief around my neck before i eat
i like to get comfy before i can begin
i will do it in public, but not at restaurants, usually
i was just fine doing at uni, i kept a tablecloth in my backpack lmao

>> No.14762710


>> No.14762744
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Oh hell yeah, I eat these things dry all the time. Sometimes I even sprinkle the flavor powder on the noodles, first. Great lil' snack.

>> No.14762759

>7 over cups when cooked

>> No.14762916

thanks for the alu foil tip, I will ball them up and throw them on the roof after

>> No.14762930

i remember my mom packing me blocks of dry noodles for a snack at school. been a while since i had them like that. do you think you could eat konjac noodles like that as well and get a similar effect?

>> No.14762931

I currently have a molded over stew pot on the counter. The lid is on so it's fine.

>> No.14762936


>> No.14763409

Oh fuck I would vomit immediately, I hate balsamic vinegar

>> No.14763666

Be nice to your mom anon

>> No.14763737

>My kitchen is a mess and I wait til there is no clean dishes left before cleaning the whole thing.
I do the same with clothes

>> No.14763856

Carrot with peanutbutter is good?

>> No.14763861

While I'm standing with the fridge door open I sample my condiments.
Like I'll poor a little worcestershire sauce or balsamic vinegar in my hand and lick it.
I do this with absolutely anything I spread or prepare.
Unless it has raw meat I put it in my mouth before I wash it.

>> No.14764068

She's right though. The way you like your steak is just wrong. If you said

> I like my hot dogs smothered in vinegary shit

I'd say you're eating them wrong too.

>> No.14764217
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I dip my soft tacos in ketchup

>> No.14764547
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Put a large amount of sweet beans on rice.

Put a lot of mayonnaise on rice.

>> No.14764865

>tfw sibling named austin did this
who are you

>> No.14764937

Sometimes I'll pour myself a shotglass full of Worcestershire sauce and just sip it.

>> No.14764983

fucking myself in the ass with a cucumber as a teenager and then throwing it into the neighbors yard. their dog ate it.

>> No.14765006

just balsamic vinegar or all vinegar

>> No.14766511

Pic related is me most nights

>> No.14766670

I did that when I was living by myself. Especially if I ate a pasta dish.

>> No.14766683
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I mean you cook it to safe temperature that will kill anything that can cause you immediate illness, then you drop the temperature to a point where there is minimal microbial growth. When you eat it from the fridge and starts to heat up via body temperature, you're killing off whatever could only grow in colder temperatures.
Only thing you should watch out for is if you left rice out for a long time and then refrigerated it though.

>> No.14766739

How is eating olive oil controversial are you trying to fat sham me bruv

>> No.14766741

>Fuck I hate women.

>> No.14766792

Get on my level.
When I was in college I sound-proofed my entire room with styrofoam (tested it when no one was around) and acquired a small fridge, an electric cooking plate and a microwave, all second hand. My room’s only window was, for better or worse, very close to the buildings trash area so I eventually figured out how to lower my trash bags, including my piss jars and poop bags, out the window and silently swing it onto the other trash at 3am so no one could see.

>> No.14767919
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I eat pork liver paté with a spoon like it's chocolate pudding

>> No.14767975
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Ate fruit and vegetables in the missionary position

>> No.14768032
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I squeeze condensed milk directly into my mouth

>> No.14768812

never in my life have i seen it come in a tube

>> No.14768820
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>> No.14768830
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Sometimes I will stop using cutlery mid meal and just eat everything with my hands. Obviously not soupy stuff or anything but there are occasions where I can't be fucking bothered with a knife and fork.

Pic kind of related, I wouldn't eat a whole steak like this tho, it would be sliced into half inch slices.

>> No.14768843
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It's a thing in Europe as well. Also easier to consume, which is an important boon if you're fat.

>> No.14768847

>drink pickle juice from the jar
Is fucking amazing

>> No.14768859

I just use the same cutting board and cut it all at once when it's done and throw it on my plate. I don't even have a steak or table knife. (other than butter knives)

>> No.14769195

I always scrape the fake cheese off the wrapper and place it onto the sandwich. No cheese shall be wasted.

>> No.14769196

just recently learned about tomato paste in a tube

>> No.14769352

I used to dip taco bell churros/cinnamon twists in nacho cheese. Delicious. Horrible for you. Anyone who tried it admitted it wasn't nearly as bad as they thought and it became a friends guilty pleasure as well. Now that I'm an adult and know how bad it is for me I don't eat it anymore.

>> No.14769381

I'll do this with leftover burgers. I will leave the patty cold and just eat it like a sandwich.

>> No.14769867

i just fold the frozen pizza in half and eat it like a taco while using the box as a plate to catch the dripping grease. if i'm feeling frisky i buy a box of dollar mozzarella sticks and add it on top of the pizza while its baking.

>> No.14770090

look at the fags sweet little smile oh my fucking god perfect sous chef

>> No.14770188


>> No.14770203

I'll just start eating a wheel of brie like a donut.

>> No.14770248

Based and wurstpilled

>> No.14770253


>> No.14770435

One time, I ate an entire pack of sausages straight from the fridge

>> No.14770517

Only one way to find out. I actually was under the impression it was more common but people thinks its pretty strange.

>> No.14771228

i do this on occasion

>> No.14771242


>> No.14771510

He said onto them...

>> No.14771828

digging through garbage cans for sandwiches thrown out at the end of the day

>> No.14773720
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>ate an entire plate of fried chicken and 70% of a mayo jar in a single sitting
>put ungodly amounts of mayo on sandwiches
>eat the food straight out of the pot/pan

fairly tame compared to the rest, shout out to my fellow mayo bros

>> No.14773758

roleplaying a dinner date in my head when i cook and the other person enjoying my cooking enough to praise my ideas even if they dont particularly like the meal subjectively

>> No.14773793

I bet you enjoyed that you sick fuck

>> No.14773798

not as much as the dog

>> No.14773801

is it assless and are you naked when wearing?

>> No.14773814

Is he pouring cheese into vodka?

>> No.14773900

I eat boogers.

>> No.14773937

If I have a meal with a lot of sauce or gravy or such, I'll slurp it up and lick the plate clean. Would never even dream of doing it in public but at home? Absolutely.

>> No.14775146

toxo in your brain

>> No.14775431

I eat the shrimp shells and tails

>> No.14776983

i hate you and anyone that put whole shrimp in a soup or saucy dish

>> No.14776990

oh but same, that chitin provides you with some real nutrients. i'm always taking the shrimp tails from the people i eat with. plus all the seasoning accrues there.

>> No.14777079
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you're a sick freak, bet you like your burger with the peel

>> No.14777210

I regularly fill up my instant coffee with boiling water filtered through my little sister's unwashed panties. You can get a delicious after taste of sweet young pussy. Delicious.

>> No.14777261

i will put heaps of hot mustard on anything

i will drink milk anywhere, even in public. i dont give a fuck

also lick the plate. if you get the urge to lick the plate it means you've cooked really well. why waste that pan sauce?

>> No.14777273

i like to buy those spicy tamarind mexican lollipops and just bite them until i eat them all in a row

crunch crunch crunch

>> No.14777365

very based

>> No.14777685

>srirarcha and peanut butter on a spoon
>vegemite and peanut butter on a spoon
>soy sauce and cheese singles
i used to do shots of soy sauce when i worked at a sushi shop too

>> No.14777687

also use the same pan for weeks on end for everything i cook

>> No.14778349
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It's an actual thing here, comes in three flavors - basic, cocoa, caramel

>> No.14779036

Because an entire jar of peanut butter contains about 1000kcal max you innumerate faggot

>> No.14779050

>drink pickle juice from the jar
I will never make that mistake again

>> No.14779070

What happened

>> No.14779072

That seems like a way to waste the perfectly good stank

>> No.14779096

Shit myself very slightly ( I don't know how I made that save) and spewed nothing but water and undigested food out my arsehole for about 10 minutes straight. I also managed to shit straight stomach acid and burnt myself (and seemed to cause a minor anal bleed)

I wasn't aware you could shit stomach acid (I would have thought it would be blocked by the pyloric (?) sphincter) but it had the unmistakable "burn" of hydrochloric acid - even on my finger

>> No.14779247

twice a year i buy a little ceasars deep dish pizza and eat the whole thing in one sitting. i am a dietician in a hospital i literally spend all my days making healthy meal plans but secretly i am a neckbeard

>> No.14779261

Youre fucking disgusting, but i take sips out of the A1 bottle so we can still be friends.

>> No.14779285

and you dog fags are supposed to be clean? Wash your hands, I can smell the beast all over you.

>> No.14779294

>I wasn't aware you could shit stomach acid (I would have thought it would be blocked by the pyloric (?) sphincter) but it had the unmistakable "burn" of hydrochloric acid - even on my finger

How did it taste?

>> No.14779299

do you dip all the cock you eat in ketchup too?

>> No.14779320

>catcucks letting their filthy cats roam around their kitchen counter tops smearing feces/urine with their disgusting litterbox paws
absolutely disgusting, never eat food made by a cat owner

>> No.14779412

I hate you anon because you're kinda right. I love cats, and i used a squirt bottle and clicker to train the little fag not to hop on my counter tops. It doesn't take much to deter an animal from being bad but lots of folks just pussy out and let their animals do whatever they want. Having an animal on your furniture is just disgusting

>> No.14779415

kys before the margarine does

>> No.14779432

Yeah, but that's an Icelandic brand. So, if he's Icelandic, that explains it.

>> No.14779460
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I eat sweetened condensed milk straigh out of the can with a spoon

>> No.14779500

You can train them but most people don't want to put in the work. The problem with cats is people have adopted this "omg cats so random they rule the house and do whatever tf they want" attitude and let their little shits do as they please.

>> No.14779516

did this recently. will do it again soon probably

>> No.14779535

Funny thing is i was never judged because of that, rather that the food was cold and "how can you eat it cold?!". This annoys the hell out of me desu. I dont need to like the same things as whoever tells me that.

>> No.14779536 [DELETED] 

kind of like letting niggers into your country

>> No.14780018

incredible, I hope you've moved on from that lifestyle.

>> No.14780131

I live in Europe, Nestlé does it like that here

>> No.14780262

Sharp edges and can openers are considered too dangerous for the average European.

>> No.14780370

Worst thing I've done was use a dough despite some snot dripping into it cause I didn't want to throw the whole thing out (I had a cold)

>> No.14780387

Based hikki

>> No.14780440
File: 67 KB, 569x689, 81a0QVbkTCL._AC_SX569_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to push Twiglets into my jap's eye, it tickles when they snap

>> No.14780480

When you say "kcal", is that 1000 cals proper or 1000 food cals?

>> No.14780485

I’ve done this