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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14752113 No.14752113 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Horse Milk is the best milk, or that Fermented Horse Milk is the best milk, and with this Milk, you may conquer the lands around you, and create an empire?

>> No.14752118

nah bro, you heard wrong. you have to drink WHISKY. check out the whisky threads here and /r/scotch and GET SIPPIN

>> No.14752156

Yes. During my time at Ram Ranch all we drank was pure white horse milk, right from the source. It was amazing.

>> No.14752202

I had the chance to try some mare milk at a hotel room party a few years back. Honestly it's not great, it just kind of tastes watery and like wet hay.

>> No.14752206

>mare milk
>hotel room party

>> No.14752833
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*bites lip*

>> No.14753707

Never had horse's milk but donkey's milk is widely available where I'm from and that shit's delicious. If it's anything like donkey's milk, horse's will taste sweet and creamy.

>> No.14753719
File: 57 KB, 717x693, IsFermentedYaksMilkGoodForYou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14753727

Fuck me no.
I had some in Mongolia. Fermented stuff is fizzy and tastes like ass.

>> No.14753751
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>that entire channel
I knew of pedo rabbitholes, but this...

>> No.14753763

fuckn mongols cant ferment it. Kazakhs do better.Look up kymyz[қымыз]. Either from Atyray or Bayan-olgii. It has to be in july or early august only. Totally different beast than milk. I can drink 10 liters a day with no problem.
t. Kazakh who was raised on horse milk

>> No.14753780

>t. Kazakh who was raised on horse milk
Tell me, do all central asian women have nice legs?

>> No.14753805

Almost as nice as the horses

>> No.14753827
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Have you given Tengri his daily milk?

>> No.14753913

Kazakhstan is the second worst shit hole I ever went to. Ukraine was the worst.
I don't want to under sell just how shit Kazakhstan is, because it's a total shithole.
Sorry mate, your county is a joke.

>> No.14753981

Can I move in?

>> No.14754000


>> No.14754003

>Fuckn mongols
>Is kazakh
What an idiot. They are your ancestors.

>> No.14755287


>> No.14757221

*pelted with fucking arrows*

>> No.14757569
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Yeah I agree with that. Fermented milk (airag) tastes like some sour cheese dissolved in water and it will certainly give you explosive diarrhea no matter how lactose tolerant you are. Don't understand why my countrymen love that. Actually the milk vodka is much better.

>> No.14757578

Which Brony convention?