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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 71 KB, 610x458, 20100520-srslyasian-primary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14749672 No.14749672 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a way I can make natto without a pressure cooker? Some other kind of appliance that doesn't explode?

>> No.14750073

Apologise for the holocaust now please.

>> No.14750086

Just make it the traditional way in those straw bundles. Don't get food poisoning!

>> No.14750087

but why would you want to make natto? have you really thought this through?

>> No.14750155

Loads of vitamin K2 and also some PQQ apparently. Plus, I like the taste of it

>> No.14750159

Looks like cum OP. Disgusting.

>> No.14750177

>t. dilate seething tranny

>> No.14750189

Why would you want to eat a food that looks like it's literally drenched in cum you faggot

>> No.14750260

I commend your DIY spirit, but Natto is widely available at low cost in many Asian supermarkets. Is there a reason why you'd wanna go through all that effort to make it instead of just buying it? I buy 20 x 3 pack of Natto and put that in my chest freezer.

>> No.14750299

so you're okay with swallowing my load?

>> No.14750359
File: 309 KB, 480x934, 1600311731473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga like cum in his beans

>> No.14751388

I use a yogurt fermentation machine, does the job well and won't explode on ya.
Btw cum on beans is the best.

>> No.14751399

>kind of appliance that doesn't explode
Are you guys actually retarded? I'm new to this place and the average poster seems so fucking dumb. I do not know if it's some internal joke or what but you guys sound like you are actually mentally challenged.

>> No.14751405
File: 37 KB, 640x634, 1594438186017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk moar newfag

>> No.14751408

Man I think I'll go sick in the head if I stay here any longer. Plus none of you faggots know how to cook anything other than Mac n cheese. Thought I might share dishes and stuff but you fucks can't even make omelettes. Fuck y'all I'm out

>> No.14751413

>Fuck y'all I'm out

Hopefully you left a trail of Nintendo Switch games so that you can find your way back to R*ddit.

>> No.14751424

Bruh, soaked soybeans have to be steamed at _atmospheric pressure_ so you don't destroy the spores of Bacillus Subtilis Natto so it can do the work.

>> No.14751441

OP, watch this Japanese video about natto before you decide to go down this path, it only gets worse. Anyone that doesn't know about the natto making process should also watch this video.


>> No.14751455

It's not low cost, and the individual packets take up more volume than the serving of beans they provide. I need at least 2 packets to add to my bowl of rice to make it a decent meal. Ideally they'd sell it in big jars or bigger portions but I'm not in Japan or intend to be

Where the fuck do you get told to use a pressure cooker? You essentially kill the bacteria natto is made from with a miniature autoclave.

Also they are designed not to explode. Read the instructions. If you're scared, get a stove top one (not electric)

>> No.14751478

>If you're scared, get a stove top one (not electric)
You're more likely to blow up a stove top one than an instant pot. The electric ones have automatic shutoffs if they overheat

>> No.14751499
File: 232 KB, 500x375, a tailor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man, i'm going to tell you a secret but keep your mouth shut about it alright? don't go telling this to everyone.

you can buy a pressure cooker from walmart, use it, clean it out, and bring it back within a month and they'll give you your money back for it. now i'm not saying that you ought to do that, but i am saying that it's not illegal to do so.

>> No.14751503

What if the pressure gauge is out of range?

>> No.14751507

The pressure gauge and thermometer would both have to fail for that to happen. Instant pots have been around for long enough that you'd have seen a spate of news stories about it if it were something that was happening.

>> No.14751511

do you know how a pressure cooker works?
there's vent on it that you put a weighted cap on. when the steam is strong enough to lift the cap off, the steam vents out and the pressure drops.

>> No.14751518

damn you can make some natto in the pressure cooker? The more you know

>> No.14751524

That is not what cum looks like at all outside of hentai. Funny how a statement that you thought would make you appear manly and heterosexual completely went the other way around.

>> No.14751543

>t. roastie
just had to open your stupid fuckong mouth, didn't you? hur! cum doesn't look like that! teehee!

>> No.14751553

for real. my cum looks like silly putty, idk what that dudes on about

>> No.14751554

hmmm delicious jizz beans

>> No.14751578

Literally everywhere I've looked online says to use a pressure cooker.
Here in the US, buying premade natto just seems expensive.. $3 for 4 of those little styrofoam packs from H Mart

>> No.14752643

Have sex, incel.

>> No.14752837

I’ve tried making chickpea natto with starter from the commercial soybean stuff but it just isn’t the same.

>> No.14753221

Eat good quality raw cheese and you will get more k2