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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14748453 No.14748453 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't they make Lunchables for adults?

>> No.14748464

Because you're an adult and should be cooking your own food, retard.

>> No.14748468

It's called stop being a lazy faggot and make something yourself.

>> No.14748476
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>bacon and whiskey XDDDDDD

>> No.14748490
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>> No.14748539

its like a MANLYBOX but for kids
Where is the hipster mustache wax

>> No.14748552

That lunchable would likely cost somewhere around 25$. No adult is going to pay 25$ for a shitty snack.

>> No.14748560

>the absolute state of that egg

>> No.14748573


>> No.14748587
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Wouldn't that just be a TV dinner

>> No.14748593
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they used to..

>> No.14748595
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They literally do retard

>> No.14748604
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They do and they suck

>> No.14748609

lunchables dont need to be cooked

>> No.14748610

exactly even soyboys like bacon and whisky so if you don't you are basically even gayer than they are.

>> No.14748612

People definitely pay $25 for a charcuterie plate, which is in essence a lunchable except made of stuff that tastes good. And those hipster "gastropubs" don't even include the bourbon in that price tag.

>> No.14748614

You don't cook your lunchables?

>> No.14748619
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So it would be a charcuterie board then

>> No.14748623
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>> No.14748685

>only 1 (ONE) single egg (dafuq?)
>maybe like 2 strips of bacon, probably dried and tough AF
>barely enough whiskey for 1 shot
>an unwrapped cigar so it'd taste like stale chemical cardboard
>one single useless matchstick that will highly likely either break or go out

thanks, its total shit.

>> No.14748716

>grapes on packaging
>no grapes inside
what's the point

>> No.14748769

aren't lunchables for adults called food subscription services?

>> No.14748777


>> No.14748781

canned goods doesnt need to be cooked either

>> No.14748783


>> No.14748803
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> And those hipster "gastropubs" don't even include the bourbon in that price tag.

Oh god, I don't even drink at pubs/bars, I genuinely want to know what the prices are like in those shitty establishments.

Anyone who goes to a bar instead of buying their own liquor is a PEAK RETARD. You're paying 8 dollars for a shot of fucking Jack when you could just buy the whole bottle for 25 instead.

>but bruh, you don understahnd, i go to bahrs for teh atmosphere and chit chat
1 - Who the fuck gets anything out of talking to drunk rando's at a bar
2 - the "atmosphere" is either pretentious faggots gossiping about the latest tv show or depressed 40-50 year olds looking for someone to have pity dumped on them

No thanks.

>> No.14748833

>if you like things just like a soyboy you're not a soyboy
Did you type that with your mouth agape?

>> No.14748984
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ok ahmed

>> No.14748989


>> No.14749003
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>> No.14749008

They do, they're called MREs

>> No.14749026

How do I light the match?

>> No.14749041

It's called charcuterie plates, OP.

>> No.14749069

when you say reddit but you yourself are reddit

>> No.14749075

They do. Theyre called Lunchables.

Imagine being insecure about enjoying things from your childhood. I still replay Pokemon Yellow and Gold every other year or so. Dont be a fag.

>> No.14749077

based. People seem to think that you can drink as much as you like as long as it's at a bar/pub and you can still wake up the next morning to go to the wagecage, but as soon as you get drunk on your own terms you're an alcoholic who "needs help". I've literally been thrown out of a house share on this basis before.
In an absolutely side-splitting turn of events, I am actually an alcoholic now. The universe must be predetermined.

>> No.14749081

i can't look at this dude and think "wii"

>> No.14749084

fuck, i'm an idiot
i can't look at him and NOT think "wii"

>> No.14749087

money is what differentiates adults from children
while NEETs may miss this point, an adult with means can already get themselves what they desire at will

>> No.14749094

By that logic, all rich children are adults.
No, the differing factor is dependability. An adult can be depended upon, a child is dependent upon others.

>> No.14749097

adults are dependent on others too so by that logic --

>> No.14749107
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>I still replay Pokemon Yellow and Gold

>> No.14749113

You're both wrong.
Imagine a) thinking in such a black and white way and b) being so resentful of non-wagies on fucking 4chan, of all websites.

>> No.14749116 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14749118

I'll agree with you on the unusual bacon love that soi faggots have but leave whiskey out of this.

>> No.14749119

Yes, those are called man-children.

>> No.14749138

that's not what resentment means, but get a job

>> No.14749142

Imagine relying on other "people" for anything at all whatsoever.

>> No.14749167

Careful, if Mr Goldstein catches you on 4chan at work you'll lose your piss breaks (which, you are reminded, are a privilege, not a right)
Oh also we forgot to mention on the zoom call this morning, as of tomorrow you'll be payed in Amazon® vouchers. Any objection to this is grounds for immediate dismissal.
Keep working your way up though, I'm sure you'll be at the top in no time with that can-do attitude!!!

>> No.14749177

>Wall of text
I'm not mad

>> No.14749186

>adults eating bacon


>> No.14749197

Cope harder, wagie. Better put in some more overtime, rent is due in 2 weeks.

>> No.14749208

>That lunchable would likely cost somewhere around 25$
$15 at most

>> No.14749215

one day your mother will die and there will be no one to protect you from yourself

>> No.14749220

they shouldnt have cross promoted with hat awful hulk movie

>> No.14749266

>$3.69 for that

>> No.14749273

Ikr, genwunners are so cringe. Adults play gens 4 and 5

>> No.14749288

One day (in the next handful of years at most) the whole "economy" - and by proxy, society - will disintegrate and all the "money" you have "saved" through "hard graft" will become worthless practically overnight.
The cracks have been showing for decades. I don't understand why people can't see that.

>> No.14749394
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i-is that... is that W-W-WHIIIISSSSSSKKKKKEEEEYYYYYYYYY?!!?!!?!?!?!!

>> No.14749412

Imagine the loser that went so far out of their way to draw this.

>> No.14749424
File: 78 KB, 552x768, 1598468559226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine the loser that went so far out of their way to draw this.

>> No.14749434

just imagine the smell of their room

>> No.14749518

MREs are for all the faggots in the military

>> No.14749533

>Eating chemically enhanced food thats been expired for over a decade

No thanks chief

>> No.14749536

Bing bing wahoo, so long gay bowser

>> No.14749539

your mom's womb has also been expired for over a decade yet i'm still having an excellent time everytime i'm pounding the shit out of it.

>> No.14749550

Shut your bitch ass up.

>> No.14749557

since when is a hungryman dinner canned?

>> No.14749582

Sounds like something you would get at Las Vegas.

>> No.14749606


The only thing that annoys me is that it's got 1 fucking egg, nigga we need at least 3

>> No.14749662

That type of food pairing is related to drinking wine. Likely marketed to mothers who eat OMAD, and get blasted off wine expecting to get skinny

>> No.14749703

I still eat lunchables. Where else can you get a meal for $1 that requires no prep?

>> No.14749819

how do you get feelings of fufillment anon?

>> No.14749827


>> No.14749831

i mean like anything but i digress

>> No.14749915

Keep Reddit out of your mind. Do not give them (You)s.

>> No.14750026

There was nothing wrong with that movie, don’t be a brat

>> No.14750048

They do. Forgot the brand name, but they sell these 'spensive-ass "for grown-up!" Lunchable-alikes in my area.
Rather than crackers, you get melba toast rounds. Idk what cheeses or meats you get since I'm only familiar with them in passing.
I'm going shopping Friday.
If the thread's still up and I remember to do so, I'll take a picture of it and post it.

>> No.14750096

I work a wage, and I'm pretty content with my life. Must be because I'm not a city-rat.

>> No.14750107

The cigar if it's even half decent is going to cost around 5 or 6$, while the whiskey and bacon will also add onto it significantly.

In total the cost for putting the package together will cost around 15, then you have to add in shipping costs and local taxes and it comes out to around 25$.

>> No.14751145

Where do you live that bacon is that expensive?
I live in Norway where everything is expensive as fuck and even here a kilo of sliced bacon only costs about $23. No way the cooked slices in the photo cost more than $2 overall.

So let's say $5 each for the whiskey and cigar, $2 for the bacon and 50¢ for the egg.

>> No.14751187

gym, hunting, foraging, family, whores.

>> No.14751332

So long as their piss bottles are closed and set away from their tv and desktop to avoid accidentally taking a swig from one again. Fukken Keith, that crippled faggot.

>> No.14751546

No you're just a retard and a loser

>> No.14751562

Maybe your "own terms" is not a excuse to be day week drinking like an addicted alcoholic, but that's what you have become it seems, who would thought about that except everyone with two neurons fully functioning

>> No.14752023

this bumpkin cope is so bizarre

>> No.14752189


>> No.14752192

same fag

>> No.14752236

They do, it's called leftovers.

>> No.14752241

that's just depressing man

>> No.14752245

It’s called getting a housewife

>> No.14752256

This thread is the epitome of vinegary shits

>> No.14752530


Yeah, this thread is terrible. OP is fine, but damn the grumpy alcoholics fucking ruin it.

>> No.14752543


>> No.14752739

Where can I find one of those?

>> No.14752746

I week-day drink all the time because my days off are during the week, and because my work schedules shifts between morning, afternoon, and night every week. If people think that makes me an alcoholic, I don't really care.