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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 114 KB, 1031x650, whiskyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14747151 No.14747151 [Reply] [Original]

>sweet and sour
>some grapefruit
>grassy notes

Do people really identify all these tastes in whisky or is it pretentious talking?

>> No.14748132
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Kinda I guess
Aside from you palate sensitivity and really obviously aromas, you will be able to reckon more subtle flavour once you destroyed your mouth enough that can suppress the alcohol flavour

I would suggest you to persist drinking it but I don't actually see the point.
If you like it keep drink it otherwise just stop and move on

>> No.14748162

They definitely can, but some descriptors are really fucking reaching. Even scotches aged in wine casks doesn't have grape/berry notes, and I'll be fucked if any whiskey described as pinapple couldn't be better described as something else. And really, if you're using more than 2-3 unique flavor descriptors, you're being a cock holster. At most you'd say, "oh this is smoke forward, with some kind of spicy/peppery notes and a hint of citrus at the end." When I see some faggot describing something as "vanilla, marzipan, chocolate, leather, tannin, honey, raisin, spicy, and stonefruity" their opinion goes into the trash for me.

>> No.14748175

Speaking in relation to beer, I agree with this to some extent. My palate is well developed, but I generally find only 3-5 notes are well placed and the rest of the bunch that people tend to say are present are just a bunch of bullshit thrown on top due to the subtlety of some present flavors.

>> No.14748176

I do.

>> No.14748188

I can definitely detect differences in whiskeys but I often have trouble figuring out what they are beyond "fruity" or "smoky". I also try to avoid the descriptions or tasting notes because then I feel like I'm just tasting what they've told me to taste and it takes a lot of the fun out.

>> No.14748195

Some people are just fucking weird. Had a co-worker that was really into craft beer and we went to a brew pub after work one day, and I remember he said something along the lines of "this had a note of caramel....no wait, toasted sugar...yes" and I wanted to fucking smack him.

>> No.14748325

Bruh I woulda felt like clocking his gourd for that too, that's just absolutely fuckin ridiculous

>> No.14748339

For the small percentage of people who are "supertasters" I'm sure they can pick up far more than an average person.
The problem is that whiskey/wine snobs are overwhelmingly not supertasters and on average are absolutely full of shit.

>> No.14748637
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Those are all legitimate tasting notes though, and a lot of them being basic ones as well. Are you just a basic bitch incapable of finding even the most obvious tasting notes? If you find a citrus note, think about it and dig deeper to think about what kind of a citrus note. If it's peppery, what kind of pepper, black or white? If you find that it's smokey, what kind of smokey, campfire or barbeque? Or does it mix with the other flavors to create more of a briney/sea salty taste?

Most of the time when drinking whiskey, I don't literally sit there thinking about every sip, I just take a whiskey I like, pour a bit of it, and on the first and second sips I try to think about what notes I'm getting, and then just enjoy the rest.

Subconsciously, I think the reverence shown for whiskey is a positive gain for people, since it keeps them from disregarding it and just irresponsibly drinking themselves into a coma. Even if there is a lot of fluff and pretentious talk going on in whiskey (you have no idea...hearing shit like "I spot notes of lavender and thyme, with rounded edges of baked cinnamon apple and a hint of old, NOT new, dusty corn"), but if you can cut through that, find what you like and try to recognize some of the flavors in it that you find appealing, then you're alright. If not, try and work on developing your palette more.

>> No.14748650

I don't drink craft beer, but I unironically get "burnt sugar" from Ezra brooks. I don't laden whiskey with flowery tasting notes. From Ezra I get some oak, burnt sugar, and a bit of vanilla. That's it.

>> No.14748655

Supertasters are also far more likely to be women.

>> No.14748671

supertasters are much more sensitive to bitterness, which is an obstacle when it comes to spirits, hoppy beers, and old-world wine

>> No.14748693

25% of the population is assumed to be "supertasters", with the remaining 50% medium tasters, and the last 25% nontasters.

>> No.14748696

That could explain my preference for Bourbon over Scotch.

>> No.14748759

>and the last 25% nontasters.
/ck/'s key demographic

>> No.14748762

Supertasters are mostly just more sensitive to bitterness and salt.

>> No.14748871

>sweet and sour




>Some grapefruit


>Grassy notes



Hell no

Obviously yes







>> No.14748881

There's definitely some pineapple in some Ardbegs.

>> No.14748884
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>his lone descriptor of a whisky is "smooth"

>> No.14748937

It's retro-olfaction. I'm pretty sure professional tasters or nose/nez in parfumerie industry can. They're trained for it. Look up how, it's quite interesting. And idiosyncratic. There sure might be bullshit here and there but you got to be trained to call it, you retro-olfaclionlet.

>> No.14749112

I thought so too until I tried some japanese whiskey at whiskey tasting shit. It was pic related and it had very very pronounced fruity flavors (imo). And I can't taste whiskey for shit so this convinced me that its not all bullshit. Are some of the descriptors a reach and completely useless to people who aren't whiskey snobs? Yes.

>> No.14749115
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pic related

>> No.14749246

>pretentious talking?

>> No.14749251
File: 157 KB, 1262x592, embarrassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is what whiskey ACTUALLY taste like:
maybe smoke

everything else is imaginary.

>> No.14749295

It's a Ralfy goes on a weird, out-of-place Libertarian rant episode

Stick to the booze, lad.

>> No.14749322
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>> No.14749814

super tasters don't taste more flavours some are just more pronounced, like being able to see a certain type of light more compared to being colour blind
most of the time they're terrible cooks that make shit way too sweet

>> No.14750027

it's obvious this guy is a massive incel/mgtow but i just wonder how that came to be?

>> No.14752006

What a faggot take

>> No.14752018

You can absolutely taste the smoke and peat in Scotch. It's why it tastes fucking disgusting.

>> No.14752025
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this unmistakably tastes like pear. I agree in general, but some whiskey have obvious notes that go beyond the basic ones you mentioned

>> No.14752032

how many whisky threads per day are we having now? this shit really is the new IPA.

>> No.14752039

Yeah bro THINK OF THE FASTFOOD THREADS THAT DIED FOR THIS!!!!!!!!! Fuck it makes me so mad..... could have had a mcdonalds thread...... or a five guys thread...... damn I... I'm fucking cryuing bro think of the fast foo9d threads that died fro this..............

>> No.14752078

I have very few tastebuds. Whiskey to me either tastes sweet or not. That’s pretty much it.

>> No.14752093

Whisky flavor is inherently subjective. People tend to relate it to flavors they remember. Like I’ve heard people relate a whisky flavor to very specific smells/flavors they experienced at a very specific location went to before.

>> No.14752125

That's not at all untrue. I refuse to touch Laphroaig because it tastes just like I remember my house fire as a kid. And there's lots of random volatile flavor compounds that are close to each other, but people that are reading off a list of like 10 things they "think" they taste are either dumb and can't actually detect flavor and are throwing shit at the wall seeing what sticks, or trying to compensate for a lack of any other personality or talent.

>> No.14753525

I think people who taste more flavors in whiskey are also people who are acquainted with more flavors in food. I've described things as "lychee" or "osmanthus" before but how many people would be able to go "ah yes, I know exactly what you're talking about".

If you can't taste at least some complexity in flavors, maybe you should eat more than sammiches and fast food.

>> No.14754440
File: 539 KB, 2009x3013, 43A0C73E-073A-4AEB-A645-A8490B0CCF0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to be the most popular Scotch on 4chan at the moment, and not just /ck. So what’s up with it?

>> No.14755231

Some of those in some whiskys.
If you read into it more you'll see how unpretentious some of these claims are. Of course people can and do just make shit up.

The only reason he didn't name a berry is because the flavor is so indistinct he couldn't tell. If it's even less distinctive the note becomes "fresh fruits" or "fruits" or even "sweet."

If you destroy your sense of taste you can taste better.
Checks out.
More like if you buy something better there are less impurities (pure alcohol is mild) that lead to harshness, and if you gain experience you won't be overwhelmed by any single flavor (including harsh booziness and peat).

>> No.14755237

>descriptors are really fucking reaching
Yea, I never did get the finish of disco and funk on my Fettercairn. Maybe funk, but idk about disco.

>> No.14755256

>Even scotches aged in wine casks doesn't have grape/berry notes
They do if they're young. Really young.
>and I'll be fucked if any whiskey described as pinapple
I think Glenlivet 12 definitely tastes like pineapple.

>> No.14755273

If the bottle can trick me into tasting placebos, then fuck you I have superior placebo whisky.
The better call is to drink it, read the notes, drink them again, then call them dickheads for anything that's clearly wrong.
I find most are fairly accurate, but many are so lacking in intensity that I wouldn't bother mentioning them.

>> No.14755286

I would caution you (and the authors of tasting notes) not to be so whisky centric.

>Some grapefruit
>Grassy notes
Sauvignon Blanc or gtfo
Actual fortified wine

>> No.14755301

My understanding is that this is scent, and taste is entirely objective (genetic).
Of course your enjoyment of those flavours is subjective.

>> No.14755309

Rasins, wood. Quite complex. More port influence than many exclusively wine matured whiskys out there (looking at you Glendronach).

>> No.14755696

What about the black fly in your chardonnay?

>> No.14756911

Fuckin Ralphie, makes you wish Clive walks into the room and electrocutes him a bit.

>> No.14757423

I generally think it's fake and gay talk, but I had an experience with Glenmorangie where I bought a bottle and had a few glasses, thought it was good but nothing special, and then a few days later I returned to it and the tastes had developed so much it was like drinking something else completely. There was this new depth and complexity to it that wasn't there the first time, and for the first time it felt like I could understand why whiskey reviews sound the way they do. I haven't had this happen to any other whiskey I've tried, I heard it could be because of oxidation and is more common with younger whiskeys.

>> No.14757432

this nigga huffing paint thinner yall

>> No.14757438

fuck all you ralfy is fucking based

>> No.14757440

bitch more.
whiskey is the new soy

>> No.14757441

>baking spice
so boring, literally any ol' barrel will give you these.

>> No.14757619

>the tastes had developed so much it was like drinking something else completely
More likely it had to do with what you just ate/drank prior to tasting it.

>> No.14757649

Some whisky or red wine with a heavy oak presence will make me think of graphite pencil, i.e. the smell of shavings in those old crank sharpeners. I've even seen pencil listed as a note on some bottle.

>> No.14757955

You're the idiot here.

>> No.14758241
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People who find the idea of an experienced palate pretentious tend to have quite basic tastes and have trouble imagining that people are different from them.
>that's all bro why so pretentious?

>> No.14758247

Wasn't there another whisky reviewer whose wife left him?

>> No.14758475

don't know, but considering how most of these guys are already showing signs of wear and tear from their alcohol consumption, it wouldn't come as a surprise.

>> No.14759979

insecure much? Some people are better at things then you are. get over it.

>> No.14759983
File: 118 KB, 480x418, 108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insecure much? Some people are better at things then you are. get over it.

>> No.14759988

It's damn good at a decent price.

In SoCal it's the same price point as a lot of entry level offerings for other labels. $55ish

>> No.14760013

>i don't have a comeback so have a wojak
ok. I'll take the win. Thank you.

>> No.14760021

I've had a weird experience where I tried a rum, hated it because it tasted so weirdly chemical, read someone describing it as like baked bananas, thought "wtf no" and tried it again to see what they were on about and BAM instantly loved it because now it tasted of baked bananas.

I THINK it's like how if you listen to a song you've heard a billion times but you start listening to it at a random point, for the first second or two it sounds really weird and nonsensical until you get back into the melody and it becomes good in your mind again.

>> No.14760031

Same but with scotch for me. Didn't like it until somebody said, "this taste like baked apples and pears" I thought that was bullshit but on a second taste they were completely right.

Now I'll try a drink blind first, try to figure out the flavors, then I'll read the manufacturer tasting notes then try another glass. It's really helped me figure out flavor profiles on my own.

>> No.14760037
File: 27 KB, 600x600, ca6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll just pretend i won, teeheee

>> No.14760057

Two wojaks! Too kind, Anon.

>> No.14761343

With rum I just decided white was the devil and dark was the fun devil.

>> No.14761362

No such thing as white rum and dark rum - you can point to Demerara, English-style, French-style, Portuguese-style, Spanish-style, Dutch-style and plenty of other styles of rum, but not just dark and white.

>> No.14761367

A big part of it is just that you were straight up unable to identify what was going on in that rum, I think. That's a thing that happens, putting a name to things massively helps.

>> No.14761414

If you were to believe scotchfags, you can somehow replicate literally every food and flavor by fermenting barley. Obviously this isn't the case for those of us who don't need to justify a reason to spend hundreds of dollars on fermented barley.
So yes, it's just pretentious talking. Because if you don't come up with this bullshit suddenly you realize that it all tastes more or less the same because, wow, it's all made from the same shit with the same method.
Imagine drinking wine and saying "no, this doesn't taste like grapes, it tastes like bananas." Wine tastes like fermented grapes because it's fermented grapes. Scotch tastes like fermented barley because it's fermented barley. Or it tastes like iodine and flaming manure if you're a peatfag, which is the only group worse than IPAfags.
And I say this all as a whiskey enthusiast. The scotch guys are the worst in the alcohol community, even worse than the uppity wine folk.
If you want actually different flavors, drink different alcohols. Try bourbon, rum, gin, liqueurs, wine, sherry, make your own cocktails.

>> No.14761628

Of course you can label rums white an dark. White rums are lighter and clean tasting while dark rums are ester heavy and more spicy in taste. Dark rum is made for mixing anyways and it's not like people use it for actually aged rums.

>> No.14761651

But this isn't even right, I have a "dark" rum (Flor de Cana 4 Year) on my cabinet right now and a "white" rum (Hamilton Pot Still Gold) and the two are absolutely fucking different, Hamilton Pot Still Gold is a dirty, funky rum with plenty of molasses and even a bit bitter, while the Flor de Cana gets fresh banana notes and is far sweeter. This doesn't make any sense!

>> No.14761675

You will always find exceptions. Not all english style rums are heavy bodied and not all spanish style rums are oversweetened piss and still you're also using such categories.

>> No.14762030

"White" rums can be filtered, and darker rums can oftentimes be artificially colored. in b4 when you say "dark rum", you mean spiced rum like everyone else.

>> No.14762050

Dark rums are always heaviely artificially coloured to emphasize their strong character. As i said they're nothing you want to sip anyway but use for mixing and if a recipe calls for dark rum, you obviously use something that says dark like Myers or similar rums. No quality rum will label itself dark rum.

>> No.14762067

Anon, you can buy a huge fucking tin of lychees for literally £1.40. Everybody knows what lychees taste like. If you'd gone with longan then you would have had a point.
Is it? I'd have said ardbeg uigeadail or however the fuck you spell it.

>> No.14762069

What's the difference between demerara and english-style

>> No.14762101

Leather is a very real taste and so is grass, coal, dust, pencilsharpener shavings.

>> No.14762177

I actually meant to say longan. Oops.

>> No.14762245

I like Chivas Regal will I like this?

>> No.14762370

Rally thinks it’s pretty good

>> No.14762382

Is this what the cool kids drink these days?

>> No.14763827

>try to find a bottle of mellow corn
>sold out anywhere that carries it
>at least a week before any deliveries
>state cant ship alcohol
its a myth, it doesnt exist...

>> No.14764780

>>Blah. blah, blah... With NOTES of...

Piss off already. It's not music.

So yes it's pretentious and it's bullshit.

>> No.14764951
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Diluting and/or chilling whisky is for women and homosexuals.

>> No.14765048
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>its bullshit
.... and I'll tell ya why malt mates.

>> No.14766032


>> No.14766408

t. Butthurt nig-fags

>> No.14766414

I mean objectively speaking, your wrong, since the alcohol pulls and bonds with the tannins and aldehydes in the wood to create recognizable flavors depending on certain mash bills.

Also lolling at you pretending like "leather" is a "normal" flavor of whiskey when at no point does alcohol come into contact with fucking leather.

>> No.14766421

> and taste is entirely objective (genetic)

Mmmmm, nope. You can have a dislike of something that you grow acclimated to over time. For me, oysters was one of those things.

>> No.14766430

The darkness of the rum is specifically from it being aged, you dipshit (when it hasn't been artificially colored).

White rums are just unaged/uncolored rum.

>> No.14766439

Those bottles look unmistakably like plastic.

>> No.14766441

>drink beverage
>autistically search the taste qualia to try and find specific 'notes'

what is the point of this game? who fucking cares? drink it, get drunk. I cannot understand why somebody would enjoy this. It's like looking at a painting and searching out the colours - ahh yes, patella white, and is that morningwood crimson I see? Ahh and is that a note of daylight blue I detect?

fucking faggot shit

>> No.14766450
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>fucking faggot shit

Getting drunk like a worthless sack of shit bum riding the train from state to state is faggot ass nigger-tier homeless shit. Buy your handle and fuck off to loser-ville out of this thread faggot. People buy cigars for the quality flavor and smoothness, just like they buy certain brands of liquor for the quality flavor and smoothness. Can't cope? Neck yourself, nobody cares alcy.

>> No.14766474

streuth, have a dram bud, sounds like your commodity fetish has blurred into alcoholism!

>> No.14766481 [DELETED] 

>commodity fetish

I drink, over the course of a week, less than an ounce a day.

>> No.14766485

Well the stuff inside is probably about 6 hours old, so it's hardly worth putting it into a glass bottle, much less using an actual cork....

>> No.14766486

>commodity fetish

I drink, over the course of a week, less than an ounce a day, and I don't fetishize commodity. I barely drink and even I can tell that different whiskey's have different flavors.

>> No.14766494

>6 hours old

That's a vintage dram for Sierra Leone

>> No.14766501

tongue my ass and taste the vanilla and pineapple you rancid drongo

>> No.14766507

Dark rums are so gimickily dark that they don't even pretend to be aged like regular rum anymore. Not even 20yo bourbon will be as deeply coloured as dark rums. Also not every rum with some colour is considered dark rum, you autist.

>> No.14766518

I'd imagine so... and you'd better hurry up and drink it down while you can, because in the next street over they are burning people alive using truck tires.

>> No.14766520
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Looks like I was right when I said you were a faggot. Don't you have some alcohol soaked tampons to anally insert and get "LE EBIN FRAT BOY 2020 DRUNK" over you beta orbiter cuck?

>> No.14766534

Not to mention Licorice, Woodland musk, Coffee, and tobacco. Any old barrel. In fact, the rarest and most sought after note, so rare that many think it's a meme, is Spring Morning woodsmoke with a nuance of post natal flatulence.

>> No.14766539

>Also not every rum with some colour is considered dark rum, you autist.
Let's not argue over this, but as it's legally defined, yes it is. There's white and dark. They are legally distinct, I don't know what colloquial garbage terms you throw around, but that's how it is.

>> No.14766542


Yes indeed. https://youtu.be/ouGLEtapOX8

>> No.14766554
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The face of a broken man.

>> No.14766570

That's a joke as long as artificial colouring or colour filtering are allowed anyways.

>> No.14766617

I'm pretty sure some scotch uses coloring in it.

American whiskey (it might just be Bourbon) isn't allowed to have any added colors.

>> No.14766678

Most scotchfags colour their shit. Same for all other aged spirits too. I'm glad that bourbon isn't coloured so you can compare other spirits to it. No rum, cognac whatever can be darker than bourbon in a shorter time so many of them are obviously heaviely coloured. Many cheap blended scotchs would look like Havana Club 3 without caramel colouring.

>> No.14767173

No. The cool kids drink ribena mixed with vodka and ket.

>> No.14767174

>is that....an ice cube? And oh god no.....orange juice? With bitters and sugar? AAHHHHH NOOOOO HELP ME I'M GOING INSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE

>> No.14767178

>fucking faggot shit
Bold words for someone using a word like qualia.

>> No.14768504

>Well the stuff inside is probably about 6 hours old
So they make their whisky at noon.

>> No.14769790

There are about 450,000 words in the English language. You appear to use only about 250 of them, maybe 500 on an ongoing basis?

If you cannot find nuance in language, how can you possibly be worth communicating with when it comes to cooking food or drink?

>> No.14769799

They wait long enough for it to cool down in the bottle after distilling is done.

>> No.14770368

You mean my mulled wine with extra body?

>> No.14770381

Half of them maybe. You get more variety in nicer rums.

>> No.14770384

>*makes an old fashioned in your path*

>> No.14770389

Isn't this that company in Sierra Leone that made 3-gallon jugs of Black Booster Whisky?

>> No.14770411

>depending on certain mash bills
That's a stretch

>> No.14770421

I think you failed to understand my post.
Enjoyment is subjective. Taste is objective.
If you disliked something (subjective enjoyment) and then grew to like it (subjective enjoyment), but its flavor hasn't changed (objective perception) then that is perfectly inline with what I said.

>> No.14770431

Except the uncolored scotches that look like Havana Club 3 don't actually taste worse. So all the coloring is doing is robbing you of your biases.

>> No.14770500
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>> No.14770520

Pretentious shit probably. Altough the smell of some black trumpets I worked with a day or two ago reminded me of my last whiskey binge.

>> No.14770695
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>best before date

>> No.14771101
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>literally a gas can
>expiration date
>they just fucking printed the label in an inkjet printer and slapped it on with some packing tape
This image kills me every time I see it

>> No.14771190

Plastic bottles degrade. Even bottled water will have an expiration date.

>> No.14771373


Hey anons you ever noticed how many cocktails from the first half of the last century have crazy weird dangerous sounding names? It's because of retards like this. They had to give hard as fuck drinks tough manly names because manly manly (broken and insecure) men had "views" about alcohol.

I'm here on my 4th overly complicated and super boozy tiki drink of the night and can tell you the fags who say shit like this anon don't know jack about drink.

>> No.14771568

He wasn't even trying with that bait.

>> No.14772143

There is a website about rum - can’t remember the name - where it has tasting notes, and after reading them I can taste the flavours. It makes you wonder whether it’s all just psychological.

>> No.14772162

Using qualia outside of philosophical discussions is some fucking faggot shit, simple as.

>> No.14772272

The bigger test is to see if you can correctly identify what you're drinking blind.
>we're sipping through some of the scotches I own
>bf hands me a pour of mystery scotch and asks me to identify
And then you talk through what you taste and how that compares to what you remember of your bottles and make a best guess. It's an interesting exercise.

>> No.14772319
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>burning poison that might taste a little like burnt wood instead of paint thinner if it's prohibitively more expensive
Oh boy yes I love this taste sensation this is my hobby

>> No.14772357

This but unironically, I love the iodine/medicine flavour of laphroaig but I hate normal whiskey. I know lots of other people don't like it but it's what my tongue decided it liked.

>> No.14772394

Nice price, nice ABV, sweet and welcoming taste, desserty.