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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14742034 No.14742034 [Reply] [Original]

this guy gets it

>> No.14742042

he do be kinda based

>> No.14742082

His videos are good
But he is brown and has a hot gf so I hate him

>> No.14742094

why isn't he gay

>> No.14742118

he's gay but in a spiritual sense

>> No.14742149

I like that he does technique videos as much or more often than he does recipe videos, and he always just jumps in, says what he wants to say, and gets the fuck out of there. Too many creators turn a 3-minute video into something that's 10:02.

>> No.14742179

Based spic

>> No.14742235

100% sure he lurks /ck/

>> No.14742257

who? zoom zoom

>> No.14742478


>> No.14742733

ever tried looking at the image bud

>> No.14742736

Sorry you hairless "nordic as fuck" molerat subhuman, Castizos/Castizas are the master race.

>> No.14742898

He gets the dick.

>> No.14742914
File: 118 KB, 865x865, 4A16C4C4-D35B-4728-8813-884784CD8738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot gf

>> No.14743130

that photo is not her best but she still looks good
she also has a sizeable rack
she looks like Lana del Rey
abloo bloo bloo

>> No.14743148

>t. hugless incel virgin

>> No.14743194

Says the incel in denial

>> No.14743213


>> No.14743400
File: 74 KB, 491x280, Discord_2020-09-15_15-55-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14743407

Stop throwing shade at your gf and let me impregnate her, Shaq.

>> No.14743611

Can anybody tell me who the man is in OP picture and why I see him constantly on this thread? And why is his mouth permanently open in a :O expression? Is his jaw hinge broken? He's like a one trick pony with his face. Do you think he fucks his girlfriend with his mouth open like that? Jesus christ.

>> No.14743651

have sex

>> No.14743820


>> No.14743836

he has some good advice and is very to-the-point, I give him 8/10 because his voice annoys me

>> No.14743873

i like his videos, and adam ragusea hates him so he's based

>> No.14743968

i support my latinobro

>> No.14744006

I think he is cute. I want to ride him with my boipucci

>> No.14744009

He's clearly a bottom.

>> No.14744021

Well, I'm an aggressive power bottom. I think it will work out.

>> No.14744172
File: 1.98 MB, 1440x2960, 1599845091158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give latina gf

>> No.14744177

not cringe and gets bonus points for subtly shitting on ragusea in his latest vid

>> No.14744193

Slap on a video whenever I'm cooking
Used to do it with babish or ragu but shaq helps me relax

>> No.14744316


>> No.14744366

>subtly shitting on ragusea in his latest vid
what'd he do?

>> No.14744549

best foodtuber by a country mile. He'll be successful enough to sell out in no time.

>> No.14744562

I like him but I hate his fake hairline. If you have a narrow hairline don't artificially widen it wtf

>> No.14744569
File: 94 KB, 874x579, 1599440539062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, it was actually a couple vids back
pic is a jab at one of ragusea's vids on using olive oil for high heat applications

>> No.14744614
File: 206 KB, 640x640, 1581128113868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

success breeds jealousy

>> No.14744619

Excellent content.

>> No.14744643

>little bullshit
>Keeps it light and funny
>Doesn't try to reinvent the wheel
Honestly these qualities alone put him in kenji tier

>> No.14744666
File: 62 KB, 640x640, 1591336063366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kenji tier
except shaq doesn't push enby blm shit in every video

>> No.14744860

Seethe more

>> No.14744875
File: 1.64 MB, 400x300, 1597157149628.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get a quick rundown or perhaps a basic gestalt? I hate fagam ragusea

>> No.14744885

Nearly every tuber reads his books and takes his ideas

>> No.14745293
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>> No.14745930

what discord

>> No.14745989

Why are you guys like this?

>> No.14746061

wait what happened with him and ragusea? must've missed it

>> No.14746152

I looked this up and apparently he's been beefing with him for months now. Now I love him even more. Based Shaq.

>> No.14746426
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>> No.14746533

it's a little uncanny valley, I don't know how he could think it looks good

>> No.14746536

you just know that she cucks him

>> No.14746953

Mutt's law never fails.

>> No.14746964

i wish i were him ck bros

>> No.14746972

It did, as I am not a mutt

>> No.14747073

>kenji tier

>> No.14747239

Would wife.

>> No.14747258

I bought his use my course and used his methods on my girl. I never been laid so much frim copying his “recipes.”

10/10 Shaq is my favorite YouTube chef.

>> No.14747263

Get's what? How to not be white?

>> No.14747370

...gets shilled here by himself

>> No.14747478

>I bought his use my course
his what

>> No.14747495

op here, i didnt even know the guy lurked here. I'm not exactly a /ck regular I did wonder if he used this board but im pleasantly surprised he noticed

>> No.14747497

Adam Ragusea is a genuine villian like im pretty sure 60% of his videos are just intentionally antagonistic

>> No.14747507

most of the other youtube chefs I'll watch when bored and be like "huh maybe i'll use that trick/part of a recipe" (i usually do eventually) but shaqs videos i actually watch out for, his tips genuinely make my cooking experience better

>> No.14747512
File: 175 KB, 309x309, fagusea69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than fagusea

>> No.14747517

I appreciate that he doesn't pretend that he's the genius behind half the things he cooks, he pretty openly points out that he's not coming up with these dishes (aside from that insane burger)

>> No.14747521

if i was shaq i'd not use the crunchy quality 4th image on google search picture for this thread. Man probably has much funnier/flatter pictures of himself than that, cmon

>> No.14748047

Oh man my damn autocorrect. I bought his course on udemy

>> No.14748063

why is he so powerful bros

>> No.14748240


>> No.14748643
File: 498 KB, 624x459, adam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14748917

He actually looked deranged in that video he did with Kenji, idk what's up with his face

>> No.14748929

this is what mild criticisism does to a man, if he isn't in full joker makeup by next month I'll be shocked

>> No.14749065

literally retarded if u dont think he's packing a 8-inch gigaschlong

>> No.14749134

>this is what mild criticisism does to a man, if he isn't in full joker makeup by next month I'll be shocked
that's cuz he's an academic
every person who teaches at a college is in a perpetual power trip

>> No.14749165

and kenji takes heston blumenthal recipes and adds fish sauce to them

>> No.14749224

name one example

>> No.14749520

it's our brand

>> No.14749705

take ur selfies to /soc/ haha

>> No.14750384

ok shaq

>> No.14750559

His french toast pizza is actually pretty based.

>> No.14752011

Ragusea is smarter

>> No.14752366

If he didn't have a girlfriend, I would have thought he was gay.

>> No.14752368

She is obviously a beard

>> No.14752379

can someone post an archive of thier beef, i know that Shaq is constantly baiting adam into typing paragraphs

>> No.14752393

this, i just want fagusea to make good food while i snack i dont care about his opinion

>> No.14753019

but he cant cook....

>> No.14753160

>From Texas
Based just from this

>> No.14754014

Why does he hate Fagusea so much?

>> No.14754055

I like Shaq, but I'd probably like him more if I didn't hang out on SE so much as a youth. He understands that cooking is an art that, while never fully divorced from objective methods and information gathering, nevertheless remains firmly in the grasp of subjectivity. Also his vid lengths are refreshing and "Fuck it Up" is the best fast food series by a country mile.