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14740017 No.14740017 [Reply] [Original]

Why the FUCK is fruit so expensive? It’s no wonder why there are so many obese people in this country.

>> No.14740030

It's expensive if you buy out of season, because they fly it from other countries.

Buy locally and in season. Not only fruits but every kind of produce.

I'm dying to eat pears, but they're not in season now, so I'm waiting.

>> No.14740046

>It’s no wonder why there are so many obese people in this country.
America? Bruh it's not like people are going "hhmmm I could buy some apples but instead I'll buy a bag of bacon flavored corn syrup". People who are drinking sugar by the buckets, fruits aren't gonna do much for them.

>> No.14740053

"healthy" people typically don't eat fruit. It's like diet soda, only fat fucks eat fruit in the US. Athletic people are mostly on low carb.

>> No.14740055

1. Buy on season.
2. Fruit isn't healthy, it's still fructose which will raise your blood sugar and trigger insuline, unless you eat berries, don't think that drinking an orange juice made from 5 oranges is healthy, it isn't and you can prove it yourself. You can be healthy while eating fruit, eat on moderation, like once every 2 weeks.

>> No.14740059


These two posters are obese.

>> No.14740070
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Nah I'm actually looking into lean bulking soon

>> No.14740072

hey man why leave me >>14740046 out

fruits got some vitamins in them but no yeah it's actually mostly just sugar. This is like that "iced tea in a can with 50 grams of sugar is tea, and tea is healthy" thread. You even got "fruitarians" as a meme diet

>> No.14740077

Lol, whatever. Every person that is serious about fitness is on IF, OMAD, keto, low carb or something similar. The only people I know that are fit and don't are the fucking madmen that run like 200+ miles a week. Long distance runners are mentally ill, even though I respect their grit.

>> No.14740079

>only fat fucks eat fruit in the US
You're fucking retarded. Plenty of fit people eat dark fruits like blueberries, blackberries, acai berries, etc. for antioxidant benefits. You just have to be aware of the calories in fruit but its way healthier then any other type of sweet food.

>> No.14740085

Plenty? Sure maybe, but they aren't typical. The typical person is getting all their micros in pill form and managing their macros with real food because it's fucking impossible to juggle all of it and have a life and actually work out.

>> No.14740096

>fruit isn't healthy because juice is sugar water
"fruit" and "juice" aren't the same thing. please post a study showing that eating whole fruit is ever unhealthy.

>> No.14740098

sugar is sugar

>> No.14740110

Even that isn't true. At high level competition, where shit like Gatorade doesn't have a sponsorship, you'll never see shit like Gatorade being used. They'll be using something with glucose instead of sucrose, or even worse fructose in order to restore glycogen stores faster and more efficiently.

>> No.14740111

Fruits and veggies are cheap in the rural retard areas. The rural retards pay less and eat better than urbanites. But you may not like it because everyone who grows your food is non-diverse. Serious dilemma.

>> No.14740123

Yes but fruit isn't just sugar. The fiber slows digestion which means less of a blood sugar spike compared to processed food with refined sugar. Some studies also show phytochemicals helping to control blood sugar along with helping to prevent a bunch of different diseases.

I've only ever seen studies come to the conclusion that more fruit in a diet only leads to more benefits. Unless you're doing something like a fruitarian diet which is a bit too extreme, there is no downside to eating fruit. We have tastebuds for sweetness for a reason and it's because fruit is good for us.

>> No.14740146

>Fruits and veggies are cheap in the rural retard areas.
I have no source, but there's no way this shit can be true. At least in respect to median wage for the area. Trucking shit out to the middle of nowhere costs more, and distribution networks are less efficient. There's probably some places where there is some kind of decent farmer's market shit, but most people are still driving their truck like 30 miles to get there, so saving 5 cents per orange is negated by that.

>> No.14740635

I've lived in Boston and Indiana. Fruit is about half the price in Indiana. Transportation costs effect the price way less than competition. There are fewer people per grocery store in rural areas, fruit is super perishable, so they have to move it faster to get it sold. Less demand= lower price. I think fruit is also fairly price inelastic when it comes to demand, at least, prices seem to vary a lot more than they do for most goods.

>> No.14740668

Fruit doesnt even taste as good as vegetables. Waste of money, I never buy fruit.

>> No.14740699

I grew up in a farming town and produce wasn't particularly cheap. Can't remember exact numbers but for the sake of argument, tomato was like $1.20 at the local market, 1.00 at the walmart 30 minutes away, and 1.25 in the city 50 minutes away. I've never seen produce vary 2x from city to country and I've been to a bit of the country doing biomed service training. Like, I can see maybe 50% change, but rural Walmart vs city isn't even that much. Usually rural markets are more expensive than city because it's the only place to buy shit without spending 10 bucks in gas at a minimum. I depends on item to item. Maybe you'll save 10 cents a pound on corn, but then you're paying like 5-6 bucks on shit like a tube of toothpaste. And fuck other produce that isn't "local". Most herbs in the city I live in are $1 per bunch, they'll be like 3 bucks in the country.

>> No.14740734

You must have lived in Montana or something, because rural areas of the Midwest get way better prices. Herbs are ¢60 a bunch where I live. Twice the price was an exaggeration for some things, but all produce is really substantially cheaper in my Midwestern town than in Boston.
And gas isn't that expensive, the nearest Walmart is ~15 miles away from me, car gets 30 mpg, that's ~$1 per trip, which we make once a week. Maybe things are worse out west.

>> No.14740754

Mostly both coasts and through the south and midwest. Shit the Idaho, Montana, the Dakotas etc are about the only parts of the continental US I haven't been.
>costs are cheaper in my midwestern town than Boston
well fucking duh. A skilled worker in Boston is probably making like $25 an hour vs $18 an hour in rural east PA.

>> No.14740766

>dying for sandy sugar

>> No.14740767

>Fruit isn't healthy
I eat 1 piece of fruit a month, or less.
Haven't been sick for 5 years.

>> No.14740781

>getting all their micros in pill form

no, no they are not

>> No.14740811

post your body than faggot?

>> No.14740858

> it's still fructose which will raise your blood sugar and trigger insuline
Post a study

>> No.14740861

>sugar is sugar
What makes sugar bad? If whatever is unhealthy about refined sugar doesn't apply to fruit, then fruit isn't unhealthy

>> No.14740883

it has to be fresh and without blemishes or people wouldn't buy it, keeping it that way costs a lot

>> No.14740932

Fructose, one of the two components of sugar, is metabolized in the liver, rather than the intestines, in a process called fructolysis. This process is analogous to alcohol metabolism, creates more fat than other forms of digestion. The worst effect, though, is that it causes huge blood sugar irregularities, causing diet and appetite to fluctuate wildly.
>t. Dumbass who just broke my diet to eat a slice of cake and broke a 2.5 month sugar free streak

>> No.14740943

Surely then there are studies showing fruit causes issues with the liver?

>> No.14740958

I've generally heard it claimed that fruit isn't as bad because the fiber slows the digestion

>> No.14741262

>eating fruit once every 2 weeks
genuinely what the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.14741294
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fruit is the best shit ever, I want to be a fat ass roman senator in a toga and eat shit loads of fruit at the gladiator fights

>> No.14741299
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bananas are dirt fucking cheap what are you talking about?

>> No.14741486

*Laughs in chilean

>> No.14741502

In most places, fruit is pretty easy to find in nature. It might be harder in big cities, but here we have a lot of berry bushes in some forgotten areas, wild apple trees even hazelnut trees.

>> No.14741510

if you think the amount of sugar in a few pieces of fruit makes much difference youre delusional
if youre that worried run for a bit longer since youre that concerned about fitness

>> No.14741658

So 95% of Americans being obese is because they eat too much fruits?

>> No.14741682

Lot's of prickly pear available in central Texas right now. Easy to fill up a backpack on a hike.

>> No.14741722

Masterful bait

>> No.14741733

if grocery store fruit tasted good people would buy it more
too bad everything is picked unripe and then exposed to artificial ethylene during transit
i've lived next to farms my whole life and nothing is better than farm fresh fruit. the only fruit that really holds up in cold storage is apples and sometimes pears.

>> No.14741883

Fruit is full of sugar and will make you obese. Fruit is nature’s candy. Eat vegetables

>> No.14741908

Eating too much of veges will irritates the stomach so I suggest to eat fruits and vegetables. It kinda gives it a balance

>> No.14741912
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And meat

>> No.14741921

Looks like fried eggplant

>> No.14741930
File: 11 KB, 251x201, D03E6D27-A1E3-4F78-892E-74AD4AF29D0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fired pork chops

>> No.14741932

This picture is making me hungry lol

>> No.14741943

Schnitzel (pork), boiled potatoes, cucumber salad, and lingonberry sauce