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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14728943 No.14728943 [Reply] [Original]

How long does /ck/ like to boil their eggs?

>> No.14728949

I overcook them every time and dont give a fuck about the darker yolk. 16 minutes boiling.

>> No.14728969

depends on what I'm using them for, but about 8.5 minutes for "hard boiled"

>> No.14729021

6 minutes for soft boiled.

>> No.14729030

All you have to do is turn off the heat when the water starts boiling and just let the eggs sit in the water for about 10 minutes.

>> No.14729038

>depends on what I'm using them for

What about for dipping them into hummus?

>> No.14729060

I wouldn't do that you weirdo

>> No.14729076

>Once comes to boil
>Hard boiled - 13 minutes
>Soft yolk - 10 minutes
>Soft boil - 8 minutes

>> No.14729081

In water until they are cooked.

>> No.14729083

This is the worst way to do eggs. You have no no control over the heat because of the starting temp of water, the volume of water, the amount of heat your burner puts out, and the heat capacity of your vessel. Having the water boiling ensures that it's at pretty much 100C

>> No.14729088

Heating from cold makes them stick to the shell.

Only add eggs to boiling water.

>> No.14729097
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I put eggs in water in electric kettle. Turn kettle on. Take eggs out 10 minutes after kettle done. Cold water bath. Perfect every time.

>> No.14729096

Works for me.

In my experience, adding eggs to boiling water makes them crack because of temperature shock.

>> No.14729098

3 to 5 minutes, depending on mood

>> No.14729110


Whatever time the egg timer app tells me. Perfect eggs every time.

>> No.14729118

There’s something very uninteresting about brown women. It’s like there’s millions of them but if you’ve seen you’ve seen them all. They are all desperate for white men so I rank even the best 5/10 because I don’t have to try to get them. They just suck, they age like milk and get fat instantly when you put the ring her finger like some sort of life raft. What a curse race of “people”.

>> No.14729125

>Works for me.
yeah, because you had enough trial and error to calibrate your cooking medium and cooking vessel. It would be like telling people to be perfectly comfortable, turn the AC to 80% cold, 60% fan after having the engine running for 8 minutes on a clear New England August evening.

>> No.14729168
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>> No.14729169

depending on the size 6-7 minutes

>> No.14729172

why dip savory mush into savory mush? Do muzzies really?

>> No.14729184
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dunno. I use this it does all the work.

>> No.14729188

3 min instant pot

>> No.14729201

I always have trouble with the shell sticking to the white when I do this. But they peel perfectly every time if I boil the water first, then put them in.

>In my experience, adding eggs to boiling water makes them crack because of temperature shock.
I don't have that issue if I use a slotted spoon to slowly lower them in. If you just drop them in the pot then yeah some will crack.

>> No.14729205

How do you do it?

My thought process is the same for when I boil potatoes, which is rare nowadays, i.e. put them in cold water and let them heat slowly with the water.

Actually, I would prefer to cook eggs on a skilled, but I don't have a good non-stick for that, and I don't wanna put loads of butter or oil, so I have to hard boil them, which takes far too long for me.

>> No.14729210
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>> No.14729226

At least brown women are more faithful than white women, know their place, and will want to marry and have children. That being said, white women age worse than any other race.

>> No.14729227

Facial features for brown women are a lot more important in my experience because they don't get to have less common eye/natural hair color for the most part to make up for an average face. But if you see a brown woman with really nice facial features it stands out a lot.

>> No.14729230

use practically any vessel you have, but make sure the water is vigorously boiling. Science is a motherfucker, and pure water in liquid form generally can't get any hotter than 100C. So the time is the same whether you are using some shitty non-stick 4 cup sauce pot or a 10 gallon stock pot.

>> No.14729232

Put a small on the narrow end of the egg. It'll never crack and they'll peel easy.

>> No.14729243

>white women age worse than any other race.
If they avoid getting skin damage from the sun and don't do something retarded like going tanning then they age about the same.

>> No.14729245

9 minutes, between soft boiled and soft yolk. Cold water bath after boiling is a MUST or I'd find them disgusting to eat.

>> No.14729251

Peel them under running water. The water will help pull the membrane under the shell off. And if you're tired of then cracking, poke a pinhole in the round part of the shell right at the bottom. There's an air pocket there and it'll relieve the pressure before you throw them in the water.

>> No.14729260

Wrong. White women lead extremely promiscuous lives, filled with partying, drinking, and drug use, which takes a toll on their body, causing them to age like dogs. Not to mention white women have poor diets.

>> No.14729261

lol ok fag

>> No.14729267

>t. dog mom spinster

>> No.14729298

>Not to mention white women have poor diets.
the majority of people are overweight and have poor diets these days, sadly. black women have it the worst and are the most obese demographic.

>> No.14729309
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I try and hit between 5-6 on this chart

>> No.14729339

Are those some tiny eggs because 6 minutes always gives me what 4 in this picture looks like.

>> No.14729341
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'bout tree fiddy

>> No.14729349
File: 522 KB, 600x1069, DSC_3696-soft-boiled-eggs-steamed-cook-time-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's what you like, that's fine, but the times on that chart aren't correct in any reality, this is more typical.

>> No.14729351


6 minutes.

>> No.14729368

Yeah, I know, I usually do 10 minutes, but I couldn't find a chart like you posted. I assume they're qual eggs or some bullshit like that. I just meant the yolk consistency I like.

>> No.14729374

>How long?
7 to 7 and a half minutes.
No, steam.

>> No.14729386

Put themjn cold water, after it starts to boil remove from heat and wait 8 minutes. Then dump them into ice water. Wa la.

>> No.14729393

I've never steamed eggs. How do they differ?

>> No.14729401

I find they peel easier and that I have more control over how cooked they get.

>> No.14729403

They don't really, maybe slightly less instance of the shell breaking during cooking and having those egg "tumors".

>> No.14729415

Until the cooker goes off.

>> No.14729455

chad. this gets you perfect style every time. start in cold water, deep enough maybe 1 inch above the egg height.
like 6 min for runny, 8 for soft 10 for half hard 12 for hard

>> No.14729459

I wonder what it would be like if you kept them boiling for 24 hours. Not good, obviously. But significantly worse than 30 minutes?

>> No.14729476

Start in cold water, when rolling boil turn off heat and let sit for 6 minutes. Into ice water afterwards. Perfect.

>> No.14729633

35 minutes minimum will make the best boiled eggs, anything else is shit

>> No.14729702

>but they peel perfectly every time if I boil the water first, then put them in.
I'm gonna give it a go tomorrow, but I've heard that is related to how fresh the egg is, but that could be another superstition. What I believe is that it depends on the chicken and her diet and that there's nothing one can do to affect the membrane from being difficult to remove.


I will try this tomorrow.

>> No.14729716

you get a room temp egg and start in hot water
3-4 minutes for runny yolks

>> No.14729721

I always peel them under running water, but when starting in cold water then bringing up to a boil the shell would still stick and I'd end up with mangled eggs.

With the same eggs I had like maybe 1 out 10 peel cleanly with the starting in cold water method, but now it's 1 out of 10 that don't peel cleanly with boiling the water first, and if the shell does stick it's only a little bit. Just remember to add a few minutes to the cook time if you're used to starting in cold water though, for large eggs it's about 12-13 minutes for hard boiled.

>> No.14729726

kenji did a massive experiment with like 500 eggs
start in hot water for better peelin

Dr Karl also said something about the freshness of the egg and how much Carbon-something is in it can affect the proteins on the inside and how they bind together and to the membrane

>> No.14729728

There are lots of factors, but one you can rely on is an older egg having a more detetiorated membrane inside the shell.

>> No.14729734

mmmmmmmm sulfur chalk

>> No.14729751
File: 293 KB, 1758x1732, 05f84839cc403175aa5b56c0b5fd9790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like a good place to sperg out.

>work at an assisted living facility as chef
>very surprised to discover it's actually cooking good food and not just blending shit
>breakfast shit
>"Margaret wants her 2 medium poached eggs"
>poach her eggs the same way I do every fuckin day
>order up
>45 seconds
>"she wants these redone, they're cooked too long she says"
>hasn't even cut one
>wait 2 mins
>dip eggs in poaching water very quickly
>order up
>"she says they were perfect!"

I still fucking hate you Margaret.

>> No.14729757
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>> No.14729805
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first I puncture each egg with a needle to vacate the oxygen while boiling and make for a seamless peeling later.

boil about 7.5 to 8 minutes then toss in iced water. wait a few for them to cool then I peel and toss them in a marinade container for at least 3 days. they come out perfect for ramen and many other Asian dishes.

in case you're wondering about the marinade, it's one cup water, ½cup sake, ½cup mirin, ½cup soy sauce and ⅛cup sugar. bring it all to a quick boil and immediately cool. once cold you can use as a marinade immediately.

works great with bamboo shoots too!

>> No.14729817


I hardboil hours old eggs without issue by boiling the water then adding the eggs. Tried salt, baking soda, all bullshit. Downside is a few burst so be prepared to eat a couple of poached eggs.

>> No.14729826

neat, thanks anon

>> No.14729837
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>All the dummies up in here waiting for a big pot of water to boil instead of just steaming them.

>> No.14729958

Truly a strange combo. Eggs aren't ideal dipping food, and I dont imagine hummus would adhere very well to a freshly peeled egg or anything else with that shape. Just slice or chop the egg into the hummus and eat it with bread or crackers like a normal human

>> No.14729963


Steamer basket. 9 minutes.

>> No.14729965

My mom got one of those, she usually hates unitaskers but because she loves eating eggs nearly every day she actually loves this thing.
Makes perfect boiled eggs.

>> No.14729970

Old people are weird

>> No.14729977

Just accept that you're the weird nig here

>> No.14729988

I like hardboiled eggs, so after a few attempts I've decided on 10 minutes. A lot of people would call that dry and gay, but I've come to really enjoy it as it makes for a pretty easy snack.
Sometimes I just boil five or so eggs and eat them with a cup of milk in place of breakfast/lunch.

>> No.14730514

>Inch of water in pan with steamer basket inside
>Heat until boiling
>Place eggs in steamer basket, cover
>Leave on heat for 10 minutes
Comes out looking like 8 or 9 in >>14729349
I live at 7000 feet so times should be lowered if you live at sea level.

>> No.14730526

13 minutes. Run under cold water when done. That's it.

>> No.14730532

Except enjoying your rubbery eggs, of course.

>> No.14730540

Put them in the microwave for one minute too take the chill off from the fridge before boiling. Works for me.

>> No.14730541

Steaming makes pealing simple because the eggs do not get jostled around in boiling water and fuck with the white.
t. worked in a prison where they steam thousands of eggs and never had a problem with pealing a single one.

>> No.14730549

We're not concerned with the sound our eggs make lmao

>> No.14730657

ive tried steaming them and the eggs ended up cooking on one side more than the other, part of the yolk was cooked while part of the white on the opposite side was still jelly like