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14726601 No.14726601 [Reply] [Original]

oh no

>> No.14726608

Learn to use the catalog and lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.14726607

Hot. For me it's the Impossible Whopper. Oh no no no no no.

>> No.14726612

>Anyone with a blue check
>Breitbart News
Just a litany of sins.

>> No.14726664


>> No.14726691
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>> No.14726697

the entire world is completely pozzed. im so sick of this shit i bought a camper to live innawoods, i know once my brothers finish exposing jewish power this will all come to an end, you kikes pushed too far and everyone has your names, it's game over for you but keep pushing faggot shit on my fucking kids who want a happy meal you scum

>> No.14726728

Kek, you can never tell whether it's satire or not with right-wingers.

>> No.14726738

it's prob a libby shill on here shitposting under the guise of being a tinfoil hat right winger

>> No.14726742

Getting free press from chuds is the new meta of marketing.

>> No.14726745

I don't hate gay people, but seeing this shit everywhere is making me consider it

>> No.14726755

This but unironically. I was pretty open to the love is love thing behind closed doors, but I've been seeing a lot of gay teenagers on Reddit and such and I think it's a propaganda campaign targeted by pedophiles to warp the minds of impressionable minors, now I'm like.. I think all faggots should be gassed for coming "out".I'm a really good person though otherwise, but when you go after children I just.. I can't cope.

>> No.14726761

Claiming you were bisexual was popular when I was in school. Now it's being non binary or trans. I don't get it

>> No.14726767

I'm not sure how old you are, but if you came out as anything but straight in my high school you'd get your ass beat for being a faggot
>t. 2010 graduating class

>> No.14726770

I graduated in 09. No one cared if you were gay, but in the whole stupid emo punk skater group claiming to be bi was pretty common for the broads

>> No.14726781
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Someone let me off this wild ride.

>> No.14726796

I guess I just didn’t live in Seattle. The biggest redpill is realizing that bullying was a good thing, Chads were unironically trying to help you by beating you up for being a soft pussy or a cock loving fag. The world is cold and unforgiving and you have to be strong and ready to deal with it. The zero tolerance policies Obama pushed on schools I think is a big reason why we are in the state we are in. I just cannot cope with it, my wife’s young sister said she was transgendered and I was not mad at her but furious at the time online communities and media subversion that made her that way, she was just awkward and young and grabbed onto her whatever made her feel apart of something. It’s just wrong, peer pressure is alive and well but now it’s not drug use it’s becoming a brainwashed degenerate. My wife always asks me why I’m actively campaigning against these things, that it will kill me but what drives me is protecting impressionable youth from being harmed, I’m not a bad person but the mainstream media and academia has crossed the line and are hurting our kids in more ways than one. It’s pure evil and will be eradicated eventually. You can think what you want of me but I’ll go to my grave knowing I stood for what is righteous and pure.

>> No.14726806

This was a minneapolis suburb. Everyone was just bangin each other. Kids still got their asses kicked for this and that, I just always thought the bisexual trend was weird and it morphed into something way worse

>> No.14726812


>> No.14726821

seething jew pushing propaganda

>> No.14726829


>> No.14726833

project harder loser

>> No.14726837

Since McDucks is doing the whole black hood rapper gimmick right now they should respond with a "miss me with that gay shit" ad. I think it would do well with a lot of zoomers and the older homophobic market.

>> No.14726839

I'm gay and I'm seriously starting to think by pushing all this shit (and ever lumping us in with the niggers) they are simply trying to get us all killed. So very tiresome.

>> No.14726851

Your kids will be trannies, and you'll go to jail if you try to stop them. Seethe harder

>> No.14726874


>> No.14726964

this just proves that homos have unhealthy interests from sexual partners to dietary choices
good if this works, kill the homos with oil and carbs

>> No.14727031

I'm looking forward to the one they make for 5 Guys and Wendys

>> No.14727036
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>> No.14727054

Who the fuck needed this?

>> No.14727129

Tldr cringe

>> No.14727137

>ITT: People that get triggered easily
You fell for the bait bros. BK is living in your brain rent free now with guerrilla marketing.

>> No.14727139

the goyim

>> No.14727147

it's all they do at this point LOL

>> No.14727189

You need more love in your heart.

>> No.14727213

Fuck yeah dude. I'm all for bringing back bullying

>> No.14727217

That's great and all but the BKs here are still all bankrupt and shuttered.

>> No.14727289
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Those images remind me of the conspiracy theory that the illluminati treat us like children and drop hints at what they’re going to do all the time. If they actually do it just shows how stupid humanity is and how true it also is that we aren’t ready for the latest advancements to be made public just yet.

>> No.14727300

>wow independent franchisers are closing down their stores in shithole areas because they're unprofitable
>bk is going down the pipes for sure goys!
t. retard

>> No.14727401


>> No.14727411
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>> No.14727442


It isn't bullying but rather that adults have it so fucking easy that people can spend time thinking about stupid irrelevant bullshit and convincing themselves that it is important.

This is how just about every large society collapses and we are seeing the start of it right now. Some Chad muslim is going to come along, declare war on the western world and actually win this time around because we all turned into weak ass fagots. The ones who remain will rebuild and become the based generation that returns to traditional things that are proven to work, like religion and the patriarchy. Then in about a thousand or so years society will be comfy enough again to generate a new breed of weak men that will lead to the next collapse.