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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14726247 No.14726247[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>BA is mcfucking dead cause of covid and twitter drama
>the one who started it all walks away clean and is getting appearances on other shows

How does it feel to watch the villain win?

>> No.14726334

Based! Uproots the Jew and looks elsewhere to spread her holy wad on the Berg.

>> No.14726349

>giving a single fuck about YouTube 'content'
Back to Facebook with you, young lady.

>> No.14726702

>hiring shitskins
You dont shit in your pants and expect it not to stink. Always keep them on a leash or not hire them at all

>> No.14726723

but she's the hero
whites need to learn their place

>> No.14728407

She's disgusting on every level, but she did dab on a bunch of hacks so. . . . . . .

>> No.14728544
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>How does it feel to watch the villain win?
Pretty normal.

>> No.14728553

They were actually fighting for a world where it was possible for different people to have different ideas. Which, judging from your image, is something you oppose.

>> No.14728567

Alright buddy whatever you say, the worm will turn one day.

>> No.14728571

>the worm will turn one day.
Tavistock will probably turn it inside out before that day comes.

>> No.14728574

Politically I am progressive but she totally capitalized on a woke movement for personal gain.. nobody is racist against Indians. They are the highest paid median demographic in the USA, can’t even claim systemic racism against them. Sure “tokenism” was probably a thing to force diversity optics but that isn’t racism, racism would be that they didn’t even want you on the screen

>> No.14728923

i like her :)

>> No.14728950

Not paying people for working on videos is pretty scummy, though.

>> No.14728986

She inserted her own nasty ass into the videos. Why do you think she was always conveniently hanging around in the background while they were filming? Just how she is trying to push herself out now, just now instead of looks, charisma, or talent, she can fall back on being a "brave and strong brown woman".

>> No.14728996

So organize from the bottom up and work it out with your employer. Seize the means of production instead of crying on social media and claiming racist

>> No.14729040
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>> No.14729055


>> No.14729090

they were fighting for a corporation , a dead meme of old money. you are too dumb to understand

>> No.14729238

>delaney and amiel are now unemployed because of the whole situation
>delaney will probably never work at a large food publication company ever again
worth it

>> No.14729263


>> No.14729283

amiel will unfortunately most likely be able to find new work but delaney is most likely done for which is a good thing

>> No.14729361

>Delany said he will be staying on
nothing about Amiel in the article

>> No.14729395

You have to hand it to her, in a way. She knew exactly what she was doing and knew she'd be able to ride the victimhood lightning in the current climate. Her sociopathic disregard for her co-workers and utter lack of self-awareness concerning her lack of talent adds to her charm.

>> No.14729405

what's with all the positive comments on the YT video? is there just a crowd of "you go girl" retards that spam that shit no matter what?

>> No.14729467

Probably the same "YAAAAAAASSSSS BROWN KWEEEEN" retards that took r/bon_appetit over.

>> No.14729468


>> No.14729477

Suspended is not the same as fired. Apparently he's already been reinstated.

>> No.14729589

She didnt host her own show, and she didnt bring in views so she wasnt going to get her own show. Why should she be paid extra just for showing up and doing her job when they happened to be filming?

>> No.14729597
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They understood themselves to be fighting to keep alien ideas from taking over their culture and you know it.

>> No.14730019

keep cooping with your nigger kike country

>> No.14730032

Fucking BASED

>> No.14730036

>Video is real shit quality and the food doesn't even look very good
Why does youtube recommend me this trash?

>> No.14730037
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>> No.14730057

fuck you bigot she's a stunning and brave culinary genius

>> No.14730113

Sorry to burst your bubble, but they're reviled in certain African countries. They've been succesful middle-class folks characterized by notable social movement upward.

>> No.14730117

Oh, and Arab countries can be pretty awful for Indians.

>> No.14730123

the vast majority of other people's ideas are fucking terrible though

>> No.14730191

>tfw youll never get to calmly dissasociate to a brad or claire video again

yet another thing the shitskins have ruined for us. fuck sohla, fuck niggers, and fuck the white guilt race traiting faggots that support them

>> No.14730203
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the day of the rope can't come soon enough.

>> No.14730219

>knowyourmeme filename

>> No.14730233

are you talking about yourself tranny?

>> No.14730394
File: 146 KB, 588x823, 1567184277097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She inserted her own nasty ass into the videos. Why do you think she was always conveniently hanging around in the background while they were filming? Just how she is trying to push herself out now, just now instead of looks, charisma, or talent, she can fall back on being a "brave and strong brown woman".

You're saddest faggot ive ever come across. Sohla is based af. Go fap with with crisco to Giada you fucking worthless cuck. Then an hero and give your parents something to be proud of.

>> No.14730403

True, but I'd die for your right to have it.

>> No.14730429

nice meme pic you pathetic faggot lol

>> No.14730538

She’s not in Africa dumbass she lives in New York City. She had enough capital to start her own restaurant and failed (blaming it on racism again even though she ran a “comfort food” restaurant). Yes capitalism is bullshit but don’t blame your failures to find success within it on racism, there’s so much competition for everything even without taking race into account. Mom and pop “white” restaurants fail all the time

>> No.14730551

Not the poster but gladly, sohla fucking sucked and I didnt feel that way about any of the other staff. Based Priya was always a good addition, sohla always made shit awkward and weird. Oompa loompa body ass bitch.

I just want to watch Chad and Claire again, bros

>> No.14730564

Yeah, it was awful how she revealed the ignorance of everyone else. Telling Claire you need to warm alcohol before using it to flambe even though Brad was already there and also confused? What a bitch.

>> No.14730577
File: 61 KB, 728x1036, seething stormfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-the worm will turn one day

>> No.14730588

Nobody is watching those videos for cooking accuracy, you’re missing the point. And even with what you’re saying she’s a hermione granger type know it all which is annoying too. I’d rather watch brad and Claire fail for 2 hours than a single sohla show

>> No.14730590

Don't you have a "gem" on /qa/ to bump?

>> No.14730654

>lack of talent
She's the only one who seemed to be able to do something as simple as tempering chocolate.

>> No.14730832

>Thank god we're talking about USA instead of Africa.

>> No.14730905

Why the fuck do /pol/fags even watch this shit if they hate it so much?

Is it just for the epic youtube drama?

>> No.14730926

she did it because Brad refused to colonize her