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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 128 KB, 600x600, What is Japanese Mayo The difference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14725117 No.14725117 [Reply] [Original]

soul vs souless

>> No.14725134


>> No.14725143

I agree, Hellmanns is very soulful.

>> No.14725144

god i fucking hate this never ending weeb delusion. you can't just slap pedophile anime characters on everything and immediately attain quality.

>> No.14725151

>Souless vs Demonic

>> No.14725152

Sorry to break it to you but kewpie dolls are american
I appreciate the sentiment of the post though, very comedically humorous

>> No.14725157


I'm so particular about my mayo, that I just started making my own to satisfy my needs

>> No.14725159
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I regularly use both (though Best Foods, not Hellmann's). They taste completely different and have different uses.

>> No.14725164
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nevertheless. if you call anything japanese the weebs will pay 10x more and go on and on about how great it is. there's a fucking thread lauding japanese 7-11 on the wily quality of their fucking egg salad sandwiches.

"hey anon do you want this slab of 80% fat beef for $70?"
"fuck no you fucking psycho go die in a fire"
"it's jap-a-kneeeees"
"oh yes must be very good happy beef then i'll take fourteen!"

gimme a fuckin break

>> No.14725165
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>wrapped in plastic

>> No.14725171
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yeah strange considering how japan is such a dedicated stalwart of protecting our oceans

>> No.14725225

Ja/ck/ Disciple

>> No.14725267

>shop for mayonnaisse
>first ingredient in all brands: soybean oil
>shop for canned tuna in water
>"water, salt" replaced by "soy-based vegetable broth"

Twenty years ago, there were conspiracy theories around corn. It seemed like all prepared/manufactured foods had corn ingredients; even the meat was raised on corn-based feed. Meanwhile, ((corn famers)) were getting rich off of government subsidies.

So, soy is the new corn?

>> No.14725270

Yup love Hellmann's mayo.

>> No.14725275

not really, cawn still permeates every aspect of american life, beyond just food. it's in our fucking gasoline now.

but it's not a conspirancy, it just grows superbly in america so we're wont to utilize it as much as possible. i'm sure it's our most abundant and surplus product, even with 15% of it being exported. can't stand how we use cawn syrup instead of sugar for everything though, tastes a shit

>> No.14725304
File: 2.97 MB, 1200x1708, kewpie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. not even weeb trash, kewpie is legit

>> No.14725314


>> No.14725379
File: 64 KB, 430x389, 1570076537379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only main brand mayo i can find with no soy is hellmans canola mayo. even the "olive oil" may has soy as the first ingredient. sir kensingtons is good, but i can never get it reliably with ordering online so i just make mayo whenever i need it. its a sign of how fucked everything that its hard to buy anything not full of soy, corn syrups, or other trash in burgerland.

>but it's not a conspirancy
it doesnt matter either way, its trash that we shouldnt be ingesting.

>> No.14725384

i don't even like corn as a vegetable, never mind all the byprodux we have to consume and ingest. even those fucking packaging peanuts are made of corn. fuck we should be growing more wheat, sugar, and legumes.

if i was earth president corn would be for popcorn only

>> No.14725397
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I'm not trying to sound condescending here. If you guys worry so much about quality mayo, why not make your own?

>> No.14725414

I don't like Hellmann's either, but implying that "salt and distilled vinegar" are somehow terrible ingredients that Big Mayo didn't want you to know about seems dishonest to me

>> No.14725430

Why do japanese people have to put everything into bags?

>> No.14725433
File: 228 KB, 739x1024, istockphoto-171354925-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow up.

>> No.14725435

miwwickle wip

>> No.14725436

that shit is so gross. fucking salad cream trash

>> No.14725447

i just ate a piece of bread with an egg on ir and it was glorious

>> No.14725508


I do like corn--on the cob, in succotash, chowder, cornbread, tortillas--and I like soy in tofu and soy sauce. But I agree with those who find it odd that one or two ingredients should become so ubiquitous.

>> No.14725509
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hail to the king

>> No.14725514
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Ah, salad cream... I admit, James May's little video made me want to try it.


>> No.14725527


>> No.14725540



>> No.14725561

Do Americans really?

>> No.14725702

>there's a fucking thread lauding japanese 7-11 on the wily quality of their fucking egg salad sandwiches.
It absolutely baffles me that anyone would praise any food that comes out of a Japanese 7-11. It's all such shit quality yet none of it is particularly cheap. All I can imagine are these faggots went on some weeaboo trip to Japan (or, worse, were ESL teachers) but were too fucking afraid to go out to an actual restaurant and buy real food, so they just stayed in their hotel eating whatever crap they could get from a run to 7-11.

>> No.14725719

Mayo is for fatties anyway, and we all know fatties don't have a soul

>> No.14725833

Too sweet. Good if the sandwich has sliced pickles