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File: 267 KB, 1280x720, snackin bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14724036 No.14724036 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously? Are we at this point now?

>> No.14724041


>> No.14724046 [DELETED] 
File: 309 KB, 800x687, 2094A0F7-A4E6-4C3C-9299-FD97A87EDF28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14724049

healthier than any other fast food side dish that you can eat with your hands

>> No.14724051

yummy heart attack

>> No.14724055

Bacon should not be a snack.

>> No.14724064

fast food bacon sucks

>> No.14724067

okay twink

>> No.14724140

While the bacon meme continues to be a meme, this isn't a terrible idea. It's just strips of meat.

>> No.14724145

IT'S NOT A SNACK. It's not for snacking. What kind of obese bullshit is "snacking bacon"?

>> No.14724151


People like you are no better than the women who do nothing but look out of their windows and complain about all the irrelevant bullshit that is going on.

>> No.14724157

What’s worse, snacking on pudding filled deep fried dough and 500 calorie sugary coffees or a bag of bacon?

>> No.14724163

actually a great idea

>> No.14724172

If they make bacon a snack, every fatass is gonna think it's ok to down a whole pig's worth of it. "It's just a snack" after all.

>> No.14724189


literally who gives a fuck

>> No.14724205

why is being intentionally obtuse for (You)s your favorite pastime

>> No.14724228
File: 3.66 MB, 2048x1366, v3-miliband-selwynv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bag of bacon is 190 calories while the smallest bag of fries you can get at McDonalds is 220 (medium is 320 for reference). A small size coke is 150 calories while a medium is 210. At least the bacon has protein.

>> No.14724238

I would totally split that with a friend if I was on a road trip and was forced to get dunkin doughnuts

>> No.14724353
File: 748 KB, 1280x720, 1595525753728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is like 3$
you might as well just buy a fucking pack of bacon and cook it

>> No.14724702

>only one piece looks remotely crispy
>the rest are soaked in grease
By Allah, you people are dogs. I will go on as usual.

>> No.14724837

Would be great if it were good bacon but that looks like the floppy cheap shit tier barely BARELY bacon they give you downstairs at the free continental breakfast at a 2.5 star hotel. And they probably charge $3 or more for it as though it were worth a shit. Fuck them dude fuck that.

>> No.14724849
File: 39 KB, 399x369, Australian Rotation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen bacon prices lately? Pork prices fluctuate wildly Anon, that's why the McRib can only come when the prices are low and stay while they're making enough of a profit.

>> No.14724935

yeah its $5 for a 2.5 lb package at the store near me

>> No.14724953

Why even fucking get takeout if you could have just cooked it in 5 seconds at home? You can't seriously be so fucking lazy you'd rather get bacon from Dunkin than throw some bacon in a pan.

>> No.14724964

Is this sugared bacon? It sounds like they covered it in sugar. Does it come with icing dipping sauce?

>> No.14724979

go be a nigger somewhere else

>> No.14724989


>> No.14725000

go on, get out of here

>> No.14725110

It's between 6 to 7 dollars where I'm at in South Florida but I don't go to the cheap grocery stores (can't trust their coolers etc).

>> No.14725119 [DELETED] 

Can you get that bacon in a sandwich?

>> No.14725492

>At least the bacon has protein

Do Americans really just guzzle down saturated fats and congratulate themselves over it because there's some amount of protein in it?

>> No.14725503

Donut, coffee, and bacon? Sweet, bitter, salty, and savory?

Someone is a goddamned genius.

>> No.14725518

>being this much of a pansy
Anon, bacon isn't healthy, but no one but the fattest of lardasses eats it every day. It's fine to fucking snack on it as a treat you bitch.

>> No.14725522

It's called justification.

>> No.14725523
File: 143 KB, 660x814, Crispy-Bacon-Pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean there are people who *don't* snack on bacon?

>> No.14725530

are you suddenly going to pretend you don't eat bacon at home bitch

>> No.14725558

shut the fuck up you 20 year old faggot

>> No.14726312
File: 272 KB, 447x458, 1594073974940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's worth the extra few dollars to shop at publix, fren

>> No.14726339
File: 54 KB, 415x300, d15-guy-cormier2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's just give these fucking stupid fat pigs a bag of bacon and call it a Friday, Michael.

>> No.14726734

do americans really?

>> No.14726763

>likes burnt meat

>> No.14726778

>Do Americans
>Proceeds to strawman and generalize

Brave of you to be here newfag.
Assuming everything is being done every waking second for every moment as if you're seeing everyone and everything people would do in just a small pack of a fucking bacon strip.

But please, do continue.
You have no god here, you are not on plebbit, Vegan.

>> No.14726795

>you are not on Plebbit
Your spacing would suggest otherwise, retard.

>> No.14727085

>cares what other people eat
Holy autism Batman.

>> No.14727093

I feel personally attacked.

>> No.14727098


>> No.14727119
File: 67 KB, 550x412, checkers-loaded-fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u even American OP?
i actually just recently discovered bacon jerky(lol):

>> No.14727203

>7$ bucks

>> No.14727253

Exactly where I shop and I get the black peppered bacon too, it’s fucking great on everything!

>> No.14727805

I love bacon! I just eat it up while making fun of jews and muslims lol.

>> No.14728736

Calories arent the end all of healthy eating you know.

>> No.14728788

Bacon is a type of tendie