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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14714719 No.14714719 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14714724
File: 27 KB, 304x326, SHODAN_hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat the a-a-annelids, i-insect...

>> No.14714733
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I'm gonna be honest, I've never eaten any invertebrate I haven't enjoyed (granted that's somewhere in the 10-20 range)
I'd probably try the bugs.
Also yokels have been eating bugs since the dawn of time.
If someone found a way to grind the bugs and dissolve the chitin of their exoskeleton and flush it off, I'd probably enjoy that too.

Does anyone know if there's anything chitin is particularly reactive with?

>> No.14714744

Eat shit retard.

>> No.14714747

Go back to /qa/.

>> No.14715020

Return to monke

>> No.14715028

I'm more upset that you put tomato on my burger, yuck.

>> No.14715037

I would try using motor oil

>> No.14715182


>> No.14715212
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Bugs and stuff won't be presented like that for the masses.
Any photo like that is anti-buggers

It is the way we are heading since we can't stop the population growth.
Crickets are, by weight, a better source of protein than beef

>> No.14715232


>> No.14715248

It's not about the protein. It's about tastiness and not eating literal insects

>> No.14715376

>lobsters used to be fed to prisoners since it was considered disgusting torture food
Just you wait.

>> No.14715381

Niggers can eat bugs, ill have a steak instead

>> No.14715456
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>invites in niggers and other sub-humans and subsidizes their existence via welfare

>> No.14715467

said no one ever

>> No.14715477

what's your problem with chitin? it has no taste and adds a crunch. it's a major constituent of the cell walls of fungi too

>> No.14715483
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Imagine the charade the prisoners had to keep up: "nooo, mister jailer, not LOBSTER again! Please, have mercy!!!"

mr jailers fw

>> No.14715899
File: 378 KB, 208x200, 7090C15B-87F7-4B6E-978F-7A912D2D8226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since we can't stop population growth

>> No.14715917

Chitin tastes like sand. It’s coarse and rough and it’s irritating.

>> No.14715944

This is what the leftie commies want

>> No.14715947

Shellfish allergy. Eating bugs would kill me

>> No.14715982

>since we can't stop the population growth
Yeah. We should bomb India & China.

>> No.14716021

Technically, you can ferment them with chitinase enzyme, produced by certain fungi.

>> No.14716201

I'm a white man, i dont listen to ZOG orders.

>> No.14716272

> since we can't stop the population growth
You're right Anon, it's really time to dust off the showers in Austzwich and get back into the groove.

>> No.14716289

>Crickets are, by weight, a better source of protein than beef
Then why did humans domesticate cows first? Were they idiots?

>> No.14716320

It isn't just China and India.
The entire economic system is predicated on infinite growth, which means more and more people buying more shit forever. Unless you like the idea of a global Brazil we have to change it to a sustainable system.

>> No.14716481
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>It's inevitable goyim
Notice how the bug shill always brings up beef as a source of protein, as if beef is the only source of protein, why not compare bugs to chicken?
Oh because then your argument of how everyone needs to eat bugs falls a part as chicken and eggs are a renewable source of protein without causing excessive CO2 to the enviroment
This is nothing but about controlling and humiliating the lower class of goyim and making meat a commodity for the elite again

>> No.14716484

I'll go full vegan before I become a bug eater.

>> No.14716489


>> No.14716503

which proteins?

>> No.14716711
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no, also rate my burger

>> No.14716715
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>> No.14716727

Looks pretty good, maybe a few too many pickles for my taste.

>> No.14716730

The sole purpose of big eating propaganda is a humiliation ritual by Jews. Just like racemixing and trans kids, there's no real purpose except to demoralize society.

>> No.14716739
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They just want to deprive populations of enough protein so their brain's can't function properly.

>> No.14716770

Wrong, Protein has been found to atrophy the brain leading to right wing believes and ideals

>> No.14716774

And, of course, our good tenderizing friends, papaya and pineapple.

>> No.14716994

Insects are already plummeting and these retards want to fuck their populations even further while hoarding all the good food for the jews, scum.

>> No.14717045

It really is funny to me that the retards screaming eat bugs don't realize that the second this shit starts I'll just start hunting out of season. I'm sure after a few months of eating bugs any fish and game officials that catch wind of my antics will let it slide in exchange for a few pounds of proper meat from my kills.

>> No.14717294
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