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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 164 KB, 720x400, Purina_Morning-Ag-Clips_Egg-goals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14713379 No.14713379 [Reply] [Original]

So unfertelized eggs are just cells.

Does this mean they're vegan? If I were to raise my own hen and just pick up any eggs they may leave behind, is that vegan?

I'm mostly asking because I find that a lot of vegans are pro-life. But for some reason this doesn't apply for chicken eggs.

That's also why I mentioned the raising of a hen. Because industrial eggs are definitely not cruelty free.

>> No.14713388

they are an animal byproduct, like honey is. They are not vegan.

>> No.14713416

Thats fucking retarded. I know theyre vegans but even still, thats a new level of stupid. Isnt the whole point of it to stop animal suffering? If you have a pet chicken that lives in your garden and it lays eggs, why tf cant they eat it. Whats the harm. Itll just waste away otherwise and the hen couldnt give less of a fuck

>> No.14713420

Isn't the whole point of veganism the avoidance of animal cruelty though? So if you have your own chicken and take the eggs that are left behind there is no cruelty and the byproduct is really just a big cell.

>> No.14713445

The average person gets their fuckin eggs from their fridge, from a store-bought carton of eggs.

If you have a giant yard where chickens can freely wander around that's cool I guess but has nothing to do with veganism. Part of veganism is also not enabling the meat industries in any way shape or form. Some vegans would say that keeping chickens or anything as pets is cruelty to animals because all animals should be free to wander all over the planet not just be stuck in a cage or a yard

>> No.14713453

Veganism is about the exploitation of animals. You can interpret that individually as you see fit. A lot of vegans eat eggs and have their own chickens.

>> No.14713457

There's no vegan police enforcing a vegan rulebook. It's up to the individual.

>> No.14713458
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>A lot of vegans eat eggs

>> No.14713473

"I'm vegan but eat eggs" is like "I'm straight but I suck dick"

>> No.14713478

Hell ya dude

>> No.14713482

Yeah but like the nutjobs they are they keep trying to gatekeep each other to tighten their own affiliation to the identity. Its hilarious to watch but also a scary reminder of how these little idealogical clubs work.

That being said, imagine having one life on this earth and blocking so many god tier flavours from yourself. Theyll be on their deathbeds while the meat and dairy industry still booms thinking >a-at least i did my p-part

>> No.14713488

Lol another guy who is just choking with rage that vegans exist.
Seriously though, the first 1000 times was ok (I guess) but now memes and spam shit should just go to /b/ with the rest of the sad males who never talk to girls

>> No.14713499

Vegans support abortion. They do a lot of mental gymnastics.

>> No.14713515

Have sex, incel

>> No.14713531

eggs are never vegan, and think of where the eggs come from. just leave the chickens alone, stop creating them just so you can steal their eggs. dont exploit animals
what does that have to do with animals retard

>> No.14713538
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>Vegans support abortion
That's not a vegan issue. I know vegans that are on either side of the issue. It's a human issue.


>> No.14713558

why are you so upset at strangers' dietary and lifestyle choices
I'm not even vegan anymore I think it's gay but I don't fuckin care if other people who aren't me are still vegan. good for them.

>> No.14713570

So is shit and dirt.
When have you ever heard of a vegan complaining that they can't eat potatoes cause they were grown in animal poop?

>> No.14713571

I'm vegan and I'm morally alright with eating eggs from a pet chicken, eggs smell gross though so I'll probably never eat them again. Supermarket eggs are unethical as fuck though.

>> No.14713590

Supermarkets are unethical as fuck.
Hauling all that shit into a single place just so your fat ass doesn't have to walk as far. And just think about all the varieties of stuff they sell.
Why does the average supermarket have 45 different kinds of white bread? Couldn't we subsist on just one? And a massive amount of that goes to waste which ain't good for the environment.
You wanna be ethical then get less variety in your diet and insist that others do so as well.

>> No.14713637

which is why a lot of vegans actually avoid foods grown with manure. But even they and you are stretching it a bit thin and are like 3 degrees of separation away from the actual food.

>> No.14713642

If you're worried about what vegans think of you while being (lacto)ovo, then... don't. You can be a decently moralistic, functional member of society while eating eggs, as long as you either know that your storebought eggs probably involve less-than-humane treatment of the chickens to maximize cost efficiency, or that the eggs your hens lay are only as cruel as you are to your birds.

If you could verify that the hens were telling you "Yeah dude... If you want, go for it, but that's kind of gross," then it would be vegan to the extent of being freely given. To that same effect, if you donate your sperm or a chunk of your right buttcheek to a meal, and the person eating it also consents, then that's vegan-kosher by technicality as well.

>> No.14713657

No, it's more like "I'm straight but am still attracted to post-op mtf cuties."

>> No.14713677
File: 45 KB, 406x431, 1599011228389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol another guy who is just choking with rage that vegans exist.
>Seriously though, the first 1000 times was ok (I guess) but now memes and spam shit should just go to /b/ with the rest of the sad males who never talk to girls

>> No.14713685
File: 1.53 MB, 2174x2500, 4chan eras.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to /b/ with the rest of the sad males who never talk to girls
if you're posting wojaks youre proving his point though

>> No.14713697
File: 40 KB, 752x661, D7799233-4D21-46C8-9522-DD65A99894DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>go to /b/ with the rest of the sad males who never talk to girls
>if you're posting wojaks youre proving his point though

>> No.14713703


Keeping, taking from, raising, harvesting, anything involving animals except for rescues are not vegan.

Not even keeping pets is really vegan. The hens that have been selected have been so to the point their bodies produce an unnatural amount of eggs to the point it fucks them up really bad if they aren't being fed like fat bitches.

Keeping an animal prisoner for its life until it's useless isn't vegan lol. They aren't objects, that's the point of veganism.

>> No.14713720

yeah but if you dont eat meat your kinda of a fag

>> No.14713737

nothing faggier than giving a fuck about what a burger king commercial told you

>> No.14713738

Apparently having an actual discussion about controversial matters and lifestyle choices is trolling now.

Life must be fun with boogeymen all over out to get you.

>> No.14713741


>> No.14713746

I agree with most things from supermarkets being completely unethical in their creation. From human slavery to animal cruelty. Might as well walk into a holocaust camp.

>> No.14713752


there is nothing NOT faggy about doing everything because people think you should

>> No.14713754

Not to mention the amount of good food they simply throw away so that the price doesn't go down rather than giving it away to people who actually need it.

>> No.14713768


>> No.14713775

So vegans don't have pets of any kind?

>> No.14713815

It's not really controversial though. Veganism is a stance that does its best to reduce harm done to animals and not view them as objects for human benefit. We can do fine with plants.

Of course they do. I know plenty who have cats and dogs. It's more my personal opinion. You can't refuse to buy eggs or milk because of the conditions of farm animals, even local, truly free range ones, and turn around and keep a dog, with its built-in BDSM slave complex that can only freakishly love you trapped in a house for 20 years, only to be let out with a rope on its neck for half an hour.

Being a vegan and buying an obligate carnivore like a cat, that you then have to buy meat, just to have a cute thing you can pet and fuck with here and there is a bit backwards, don't you think?

>> No.14713837

Christ you people are stupid

>> No.14713842

It has to do with mental gymnastics which is what vegans do when they get an abortion for unethical reasons, or own cats, or eat eggs. You are really intelligent btw :)

>> No.14713843

That's more complicated than you think. When I worked produce, we kept a shopping cart in the back room where we'd dump loads of vegetables and produce items that were nearly out-of-date for the homeless shelters to pick up as a donation. Unfortunately, it was only so often that they had someone to come pick it up. So yeah,a ton of it does get tossed, but an effort is made to get some of the leftovers to people that need it.

>> No.14713879
File: 285 KB, 444x444, 1586114907576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit isn't complicated.

Vegans don't: kill shit, harm shit, take shit that isn't theirs, specifically, in relation to diet and lifestyle.

Buying new leather, wool, fur, silk products isn't vegan. Buying and eating eggs, honey, milk, cheese, ghee, or things containing these as ingredients is not congruent with veganism.

Neither is having your abortion, but vegan bitches are usually dead ass impossibly liberal, so that fact is usually thrown under the rug.

No, keeping animals is not vegan. Under any circumstance. The difference between veganism and vegetarianism is the possibility of seeing animals and their products as fit for human consumption. 'Backyard eggs' are the most hated fucking shit in vegan circles next to the 'uncle's farm' shit because it's intellectually dishonest.

There is no egg or cheese eating vegan. These are liars.

>> No.14713992

vegans are intellectually dishonest, purity spiraling losers, it is irrelevant what "vegan circles" say or think.

>> No.14714053

dude thats like some low iq word salad brought to you by your favourite youtuber. abortion aint a vegan issue what the fuck mental gymnastics u mental retard
also eggs are not vegan and ur vegan if you eat eggs there is no debate

>> No.14714084

That stupid image doesn't even include vanilla Feels Guy.

>> No.14714106

If you say so anon. You are really smart! I can tell because you bring it up every post :)

>> No.14714115

complex definitions unnecessary. vegetarians don't eat animal-flesh, vegans don't consume animal-products. eggs are products of animals, thus nonvegan.

>> No.14714118

How can you not see that murdering an unborn child is morally wrong, and then go on to say eating eggs and drinking milk are morally wrong.

Vegans are retarded, have a poor concept of morality, and are malnourished. Apparently you're the same.

>> No.14714148

>complex definitions are unnecessary
>lists examples of things in place of definition
surely you are underaged?

>> No.14714165

No. You can't eat the unfertilized eggs because the hens sometimes eat them. Vegans often abuse animals and forget to feed them.

>> No.14714221

at what stage of consciousness is murder murder?
because a zygote aint fucking conscious

>> No.14714233

If it's got a functioning nervous system, and you stop it from functioning, you've probably murdered it.

>> No.14714311

vegan discussion shouldn't be allowed on /ck/
it's equivalent to going to /k/ to discuss gun control
if you want to post an actual recipe or dish that happens to be vegan fine but this moralizing shit has no place here

>> No.14714344

>discussion about food doesn't belong here
>just like discussion about guns doesn't belong on /k/
interesting take anon!

>> No.14714376

Discussing food and condemning 80% of the world population for not adhering to your shitty diet are different things
It's exactly like I said, going to an interest board to advocate for the castration of your own supposed hobby

>> No.14714394

You okay big guy?

>> No.14714431

>Yeah but like the nutjobs they are they keep trying to gatekeep each other to tighten their own affiliation to the identity. Its hilarious to watch but also a scary reminder of how these little idealogical clubs work

Sounds familiar

>> No.14714442

Tell me some more about mental gymnastics smart guy.

>> No.14714446

>intellectually dishonest

>purity spiraling
lmao what

>> No.14714457

Can someone explain to me why vegans are ok with honey but not ok with eggs? Bees make honey and chickens lay eggs with absolutely no harm

>> No.14714478

>why vegans are ok with honey
They aren't. At least, all the vegans I know aren't.

>> No.14714529

Hey, somehow I think this demand is being done in bad faith. You wouldn't do that, would you anon?

>> No.14714569

>have your own chicken

>> No.14714580

google "factory farm chicken" and you can understand the harm in it. However, I see no problem with eating your own hen's eggs - I do myself, they have absolutely 0 emotional connection with the eggs - or buy from a reputable source where you are sure the birds live (at least relatively) happy lives

Some 'vegans' eat oysters

>> No.14714581

>all animals should be free to wander
Then become an anprim and call for the abolition of human society at large, given that wholescale conversion to veganism wouldn't stop the concrete jungles, habitat fragmentation, infrastructural projects, logging industry, etc.

Vegans are literally just cowards too scared to accept the full implications of their positions. I have far more respect for the vegans that bomb shit because at least they understand that they want mass genocide and the wholescale destruction of civilization.

>> No.14714598


>> No.14714894

omnis really fucking hate their shit being called out

>> No.14714901
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>> No.14714913


>> No.14714929

>all animals should be free to wander all over the planet not just be stuck in a cage or a yard
what if you don't have an fencing up? then if the chicken stays in the yard it would be by choice and not by force?

>> No.14715603

the people you buy the hens from throw male chickens into grinders while they are alive because male chickens are not profitable. Veganism is not really a diet, its a life style. Its about "consent" from the animals. But you could use the same argument of indirect suffering for everything. You could call it something else, but not vegan

>> No.14715614

not all, but the californian ones sure do

>> No.14715618

No, the whole point of veganism is the 'holier than thou' act.