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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.26 MB, 1125x1324, 268A1AB6-D113-43DC-989F-836F081BD7C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14710234 No.14710234 [Reply] [Original]

THIS is cooking

>> No.14710242

This sounds sanitary for a post-COVID world

>> No.14710324

Let the weakest perish amid the ashes of the donuts they consume.

>> No.14710355

Dont they already have a glaze waterfall? Growing up Krispy Kreme was still a local thing but you can watch the donuts be made and you see them be glazed from a waterfall of glaze

>> No.14710379
File: 890 KB, 724x674, Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 11.02.03 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all do
That's it in the photo

>> No.14710520 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 600x800, 1586912934544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still believes in this "deadly" pandemic

>> No.14710629
File: 58 KB, 626x474, krispy-kreme-japan-easter-2014-donuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only doughnut from crispy creme I ever enjoyed was the Caramel Easter a few years ago in Japan.

>> No.14710678

it sounds unsanitary by standards of the 16th century

>> No.14710778

Do Amerifats really

>> No.14710880


>> No.14710915

>100s of thousands dead doesnt count as deadly

>> No.14710931

>primary cause of death in US

>> No.14710943
File: 7 KB, 235x215, 1586913635698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing those numbers when every death in a hospital is attributed to coronavirus

>> No.14710952

did you somehow miss the videos of people collapsing in the streets? Stay safe, chud.

>> No.14710975

high concentrations of sugar is a natural preservative tbqh.

>> No.14710979

*coff coff*

>> No.14710981

Got any proof?

>> No.14711000


>> No.14711004

>everything is a lie
>>> print(“Take your meds schizo”)

>> No.14711041

Considering neither this virus nor any other pathogen in the history of mankind has ever caused that I'm gonna go ahead and say whatever videos you're watching are fake as shit.

>> No.14711047

Anon, they used chud on 4chan, they're obviously being disingenuous

>> No.14711050

That Black Panther nigger who died of Stage IV colon cancer was listed as a COVID 19 death.

>> No.14711051

>Sanitation isn't a thing even if there's no virus
Join your fellow pajeets in shitting in street

>> No.14711058

Proof of this?

>> No.14711061

i was the original (you) the other guy responded to and realized that. on /pol/ in february they were spamming so many chinese .webms that were obviously staged or completely unrelated to the virus. just screamed "psy op" but people ate that shit up.

>> No.14711152

So /pol/fags lied about how bad the virus is with out of context webms, and now /pol/fags use their own lie as proof that the virus isn't a threat at all?

>> No.14711161

lol you actually fell for the virus meme

>> No.14711172

>BLM protestors mass-gather and largely don't wear masks
>Cities with BLM protests don't have increased infection or death rates
kinda makes you think

>> No.14711197

I thought Antifa always wore masks

>> No.14711225

>100s of thousands
is this the new holocaust?

>> No.14711234

based and truthpilled trips.

>> No.14711250

Wow, a donut thread ruined by fags. It's like /ck in a nutshell.

>> No.14711275

The virus is literally fake.

>> No.14711307
File: 72 KB, 800x450, a2cf1aea9faf465c03eeb3708279a21a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a small one, this is going to be a giant one

Little background music for this thread:


>> No.14711334

I visited CHAZ/CHOP and probably about 50% of people weren't wearing masks. Many had masks but had them down below their mouths.

>> No.14711351

Who gives a fuck? You should be celebrating that we can now cover our face in public and be more anonymous without attracting attention.

>> No.14711477

>tfw live in a third world shithole
>no donuts in a 5,000 km radius
>krispy kreme fucking never

>> No.14711523

well this is in the same country that is counting deaths due to complications of obesity as death by coronavirus rather than death by being a fatfuck

>> No.14711592

>unironically calling someone else disingenious while outing yourself as an idpol retard
The ironing.

>> No.14711608

>Cities with BLM protests don't have increased infection or death rates
>he thinks chimps would actually take time away from their burning and looting in order to get tested
Oh, I am laffin'.

>> No.14711632

A shillthread ruined by shills shilling something else. It's kind of poetic, really.

Yes, every single government in the entire world has somehow managed to unanimously agree to this charade. This totally happened.

>> No.14711643

>if someone didn't die exclusively because of corona then it doesn't count
By the same logic, AIDS has never killed anyone.

>> No.14711704

You're an absolute idiot if you think covering your face makes you more anonymous

>> No.14711714

I agree, but Krispy Kreme has always had a glaze waterfall so I'm sure it's already up to spec

>> No.14711759

No, I'm not.