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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 1500x1125, Eggs..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14700250 No.14700250 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do you cook sunny-side up eggs?
Are they even safe to eat? If you can't eat them "runny", that's like half of all egg cooking methods out.

I don't trust the USDA/FDA to know if eggs are pasteurized or not. I just wanna make beef bowls with tasty eggs on top and not get salmonella in the process.

>> No.14700293

you throw them on the skillet, cook them for a few minutes and take them off

eggs are like the easiest thing in the world to make

>> No.14700300

but the shit's still runny. I don't want salmonella man.

>> No.14700310

its fine, stop being afraid of everything, if youre afraid of runny eggs youre probably also afraid of having sex

>> No.14700316

Do you also avoid over easy and over medium you cocksucking fag?

>> No.14700329

You can literally eat raw eggs you little baby

>> No.14700339

I cover them so the top cooks very slightly from the trapped heat/steam. Stop when the whites start to bubble up over the yolk. The yolk will still be fully runny but will be hot.

>> No.14700354


Dont be a faggot Ive eaten raw eggs for years and Ive never been sick from them.

>> No.14700487

Take a spatula and turn it over. Fry it equally as long as you fried the bottom.

For reference I fry on medium-low for 3 minutes, flip the egg and fry another 3 minutes. The yolk is hardened at the center and slightly gooey on the borders.

>> No.14700508

Only third worlders have to fear salmonella

>> No.14700781

You're making eggs over medium, op is asking about sunny side up which means you don't flip them ever. And yeah you either adjust your heat or cover them to fully cook.

>> No.14700805

Salmonella from eggs was a thing for a while in like the 90s and then went away. Stop being retarded

>> No.14700830

Use a lid.

>> No.14700851

Personally I take mine overeasy. However, if you want to do sunny-side up and still have the top cooked, keep the heat low and cover with a lid. The trapped heat will help out.

>> No.14700860
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>How the fuck do you cook sunny-side up eggs?
crack egg in hot pan
cook 30 seconds
splash water in lid
turn lid over in pan
turn heat to low/simmer
cook 1 minute

>> No.14700890

Gotta say, it's like anon has never heard of steaming before.

>> No.14700897

But that steams the egg and makes the yellow yolk turn white. I want the classic orange yolk look.

>> No.14700899

Salmonella is a statistical anomaly. Don't be a pussy.

>> No.14700904

Cook eggs on a low heat, have it high to start, then turn down to low before you put tye eggs in, use a good bit of oil too. Thats how I do it anyway. Just leave the egg fry on low and wait till the white is cooked

>> No.14700990

you're either cooking too long/at too high heat or you have freak eggs because that shouldnt happen at all.

>> No.14701109

The human body has acid inside of it that is stronger than battery acid. Stop being a fucking pussy. You don't get salmonella from taking a little bite out of raw salmon.

>> No.14701123

I cook my eggs in oil and spoon small amounts of hot oil over the yolk to just barely fry the yolk. Super runny and super tasty

>> No.14701146

Salmonella is on the shell only. Briefly dip it in boiling water if you're so afraid of it

>> No.14701193

Decrease the heat and/or time until your product has a yellow yolk. The purpose of steaming the egg is to cook the white so it's not slimy and gross. The yolk is fine raw, it's better raw. The task is to cook the white and keep the yolk as raw as possible.

>> No.14701213
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btw I promise if you follow the method here >>14700860
you will at least get very close to the result you want. Try it and adjust. I live in a dry climate, about 4000 ft. above sea level.

Steaming the egg is the best way to cook it sunny side up, no contest.

>> No.14701222

Oil is good if you want it runny, butter makes it more crusty. I don't know why but that's how it is.

>> No.14701234

Yeah, that's the way. Obviously the bottom, on the heat, cooks faster. What you want to do is cook the top without burning the bottom.

>> No.14701258

just make them sunny side down...

>> No.14701303

Low heat so you don't overcook the bottom and use a lid so the steam cooks the top.

>> No.14701312

I am afraid of having sex, but not raw eggs. Any advice on this?

>> No.14701327

Can you poach an egg on a thin layer of water in a skillet?

>> No.14701333

I eat raw eggs every day, don't be a baby.

Also, you can cover the pan with a lid and it will cook the top of the egg more. Raw yolk is fine. Plenty of sauces use unheated raw yolk.

>> No.14701335

No, it's fine.


>> No.14701425

Yeah, but it won't look good.

Poaching in a pot with water, salt, and a small amount of vinegar are quite nice

>> No.14701445

Sunny side up is gross uncooked white and no, you don't want them. Learn how to do over easy and you get safe eggs. They come up to a safe temperature.

>> No.14702300

I dislike when people are afraid or say a certain preparation is bad because they have been served poor food. My girl used to hate eggs because of how her parents cooked, now she goes out of her way to buy them.

If you do sunny side up correctly there is no uncooked whites.

Definitely safe. Sunny side up eggs have been my favorite for 25 years now and never gotten sick from them. As for the beef bowls, that is one of our favorite uses for eggs. If you have never tried a loco moco I suggest it.

>> No.14702313

Mid high heat
When the bottom white starts to set add a tablespoon of water
Cover for exactly 1 minute
Remove from pan and eat

>> No.14702329

Dont eat so many eggs, that's probably why girls don't sleep with you, too much egg breath. Perhaps follow with some mint tea?

>> No.14702335

Cook bacon
leave lard in pan
Crack eggs into pan
Wait until eggs are nearing completion on the bottom
Tip pan and use spoon to gently pour hot oil over the eggs
wa la

>> No.14702339

even then it was mostly from people handling chickens, not from slightly undercooked eggs

>> No.14703550

there's literally 0 reasons to eat raw eggs

>> No.14703970

Salmonella actually only affects the whites so cook untill those are set. The yellow can be runny no problem.

>> No.14704006

sunny side up eggs are for children and the mentally handicapped