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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14699674 No.14699674 [Reply] [Original]

>Haha I'm just gonna go ahead and dishonestly exploit the Youtube algorithm, name dropping your Youtube channel that's more popular than mine, on my cooking videos of course, so that when people look you up, my own videos will inevitably show up too.... oh, and I'm also gonna go ahead and talk down on your original recipe, and claim to have improved it and call it "remastered" with the same exact name of your recipe on the titles of my videos... nothin' personal, kid (;

I hate this lil ginger like you wouldn't believe

>> No.14699683

Still voting trump

>> No.14699685

nobody cares, ragushit.

>> No.14699686

>exploit the Youtube algorithm

I dunno who this guy is buy big [doubt,] they go out of their way to obfuscate it.

>> No.14699708

Imagine being upset over this. Fucking yikes.

>> No.14699743

Hey there Adam. Feeling extra butthurt today?

>> No.14699749


>> No.14699754

still more likeable than you, adam

>> No.14699768

His oven fries are actually better than Fagusea's.

>> No.14699850

His "improved" recipes are worse than the originals. I hate this desperate faggot.

>> No.14699858

>soggy vinegar "fries" with no crunch
kill yourself ass clown

>> No.14699860

he has serial killer eyes
you want some too?

>> No.14699871

Obviously they don't want people to know exactly how it works but people still figure things out after a while. YouTube is pretty bad though, IMO it's not meant for "content creators" who churn out content like a TV show.

>> No.14699899

He's been trying really hard to be a mixture of Ragusea, Babish and Weissman.

>> No.14699907

>Joshua Weissman is an influential 21 year old cookbook author (published at 17 years old), food photographer, food blogger, cook, and real food advocate.

>> No.14699921

Who gives a shit

>> No.14699923

I don't like any of these people so I refuse to pick a side.

>> No.14699936


>> No.14699951
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he's ok but he needs to trim his videos a bit more, specifically his self introduction, it takes up a good minute or two.

>> No.14699960

I don't really. I never go to YouTube for that garbage but I just point out the issues for others who are starting to notice that YouTube isn't really that great. I think YouTube is fine for music videos, gameplay footage, and random clips though.

>> No.14699962

Fagusea can suck a fat one but I dislike this manlet ginger just as much.

>be accountant watching babish/ragusea vids on wage cuck lunch break
>think "I wanna do that too!"
>quit job to move back in with parents to give it a crack
>rip on everybody else's style and name drop them for clout
>blow up totally inorganically
>wow thanks guys this is such a dream :DDDDD
Fuck this faggot

>> No.14699969

Is there going to be YouTube cook community drama? I hope so, that would be really funny. I might even make a YouTube account to help fan the flames.

>> No.14700073

The only kind of person would get upset about this is some turbo autist or another youtube who is losing views to him. In either case, kys OP.

>> No.14700301
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When will he grow the cahones to "remaster" this culinary masterpiece?

>> No.14700331

I'd fuck him. Is he short? I like short.

>> No.14700341

Don't use the yolk :)

>> No.14700346

Like 5'6 I reckon

>> No.14700360


>> No.14700384
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>> No.14700420
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Who's worse?

>> No.14700428

Sam is based

>> No.14700434

Which god?

>> No.14700443

I love Sam though. I'm from san diego and we all love him down there.

>> No.14700448

The One, True, God.

>> No.14700456

I guess he's a nice guy but, TO ME, he tries too hard to appeal to zoomers and memes. Or maybe is he a 50+ year-old who actually is like that, which is rather unsettling.

>> No.14700458

You should give a shit, it's damn near fucking impossible to look up anything on youtube without getting results cluttered up by faggots who figured out how to game google's dysfunctional algorithm

>> No.14700473

I think it's his son max. He shoots and edits all the videos all sam does is cook. He often talks about max and him getting into arguements about what to cook.

>> No.14700501

Ethan is just a fag trying to ride on the coattails of Adam's star and he should be sued for plagiarism.

>> No.14700534

Which of the Trinity is the One, True, God?

>> No.14700540

>using Youtube
your fault

>> No.14700541
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>> No.14700548

"youtubers" are the scum of the internet. the whole site is based on leeching off of someone else's success.

>> No.14700564

t. adam fagersa

>> No.14700568

Wrong trinity.

>> No.14701605

reaction videos have been a thing on YouTube since forever. this guy is just doing a culinary version of reaction videos on other people's recipes

>> No.14702511

I remember when you used to be able to make direct responses to videos but too many faggots exploited it so they removed it.

>> No.14703203

Dude I tried his recipe on a Tinder date and she said It was literally the best fries she ate at home. I scored that night.

>> No.14703209

I was recently searching for something and the results were filled with completely unrelated videos from popular channels, was pretty stupid and made me just stop using the site for a while.

>> No.14703211

He has one of the best mainstream cooking channels. The only guy I think is more reliable for recipes is Chef John

>> No.14703217

Nobody fucking cooks you moron. Anything you make that is edible will seem like magic to normalshits and dumbass wymin because they've never cooked before in their lives and they think have to go through years of training and be a professional chef to do it. You could have literally made anything.

>> No.14703227

His meatball sandwich WAS better

>> No.14703826

That's a man.

>> No.14703841

he is a bit of a tool but his food always makes me drool

>> No.14703843

>steals recipes from reddit: the cooking channel and presents them in a way that's actually tolerable to normal people
yep, I'm thinkin he's based

>> No.14703849

I don't think the world is ready for a low-cal Jack episode

>> No.14704259

based Diego senpai
i'll bump into him one day at the jap market

>> No.14704311

anyone else notice how he takes these gargantuan bites of food? he opens his mouth as wide as a fucking anaconda and bites off half the sandwich at once.

>> No.14704338

glad im not the only one i tried watching a few of his videos and i just start getting really angry lol

>> No.14704399

>dabs on whiny faggot adam "padding" ragu
>100+1s every j "these are my wife's boyfriends" kenji lopez alt recipe
>leaches off the numale with a (((normal))) sounding name
I like him for these poofters' thunders.

>> No.14704537

Wym? Youtube is a platform. Half the fun is to comment on what happens. This guy “remastering” a recipe from another youtuber is no different than an author writing a commentary on another book. And as anyone who loves to read would tell you, there’s nothing better than a good book, except of course, for a good commentary on it.

>> No.14704556
File: 88 KB, 526x671, nakkitalo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate this roidrage jew so much.

maybe you need to be american to enjoy him and his mutilated cock opinions

>> No.14704573

Like his cooking, hate his videos. They're way longer than they need to be and have ads every 30 seconds.
>Inb4 use adblock
Can't get it to work on my phone.

>> No.14704618

very based. cooking is such a simple task, how the hell do people go their whole lives not knowing how to prepare food?

>> No.14704643

The kenji remasters were fucking shameless

The comparison shots he would purposely burn the dish or use worse buns to make his look better

>> No.14704645

He used to be really fat and showed a pic of himself in one of his videos

The insecurity is still there I guess

>> No.14704664

Its rare to see anyone do Kenji's recipes better than Kenji already has.
The only way that people can generally be better than him is by not trying to do the modernist cuisine thing.
Like just learning how to do things in the most perfect mostly traditional manner.

>> No.14704699

Why didn't you do it first?

>> No.14704707

Legitimately annoying how hyper-focused and obvious his strategy is. It's working though. His stuff shows up on my recommended daily.

>> No.14704716

Only a trash person would want to.

>> No.14704734

Insecure = easy lay.
I'll fuck his hot, gingery hole yet.

>> No.14705244

I hate all youtubers / vloggers or whatever they're called. Everything is so fake now in the desperate attempt to get e-famous and get rich from those clicks. I want to find those diamonds in the rough, the genuine people who love doing it, not some screeching, clickbaiting faggot who pulls funny faces.

>> No.14705299

Ragusea cuts through the bullshit and puts a lot of research into his videos.

>> No.14705334

Ethan is a great guy. He deserves the exposure.

>> No.14705361
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>> No.14705371


>> No.14705408

No he doesn’t.
Clickbait bs and you fall for it like fucking moth a flame

>> No.14705459

reminder adam literally said to give up on your passions and roll with whatever brings you the msot fame and money
i'll still watch his videos but fuck him

>> No.14705462

At least his recipes are good and don't cost $100 to make. Adam is a shitty cook, and Joshua is annoying and makes everything extremely expensive.

>> No.14705604

Maybe youtube shouldn't have doubled down with a shit algorithm then. Oh, but that's right, jewgle knows exactly what they are doing and are making it harder and harder to find anything that isn't a popular and mainstream opinion. You could search up a video word for word on YouTube and get only similarly worded results and not the actual video you searched for.

>> No.14705663

Joshua is a good cook, but it feels like he's more interested in showing off than making the best recipes a lot of times.
Like using proper prosciutto in the same way that people use low end bacon.

>> No.14705747

Cause the last thing I want to do is make youtube cooking videos

>> No.14705791

Same with Google. You put in a series of keywords with + to insist you want each one, and results with only some of the words still get prioritised ahead of more relevant pages. It's a junk search engine.

>> No.14705968

You have no fucking idea how badly I want to stop using jewtube man but there's no way around the fact that it's just the only video site that's useable at all.

>> No.14706005

I've always felt that way about deep frying at home. It greases up everything in the kitchen and is more hassle than it's worth, not to mention uses a ton of oil just for a single meal. Deep frying makes much more sense in a commercial setting. "Seasoning the board" is just prepping the seasonings in advance and placing the meat on the seasoning rather than sprinkling the seasoning on the meat. Doesn't make a big difference either way, obviously. Just a different workflow. I think having knife skills is good and I usually do try to do it quickly, but I understood his point that if you're an inexperienced home cook and you're not in a hurry or working in a kitchen cutting 50 pounds of onion, not being able to chop everything in one second like a ninja isn't a deal breaker and you will still be able to manage by taking your time with it.

>> No.14706134

That's exactly what it's meant for in 2020

>> No.14706154

For me, it’s still Ragusea.

>> No.14706162

I think the only people who actually enjoy YouTube for that are people who just want to mindlessly watch shit on their phone. They can use it for that but it's not what it excels at and I think people eventually get tired of it.

>> No.14706173

Hi Adam

>> No.14706445

Once a fatty always a fatty

>> No.14706446

Is Ethan gay?

>> No.14706511

He is. Why, you want him to be your faggot boyfriend?

>> No.14706523

Why do people hate this nigga again? Lived abroad, cooks well. Isn't a cuck. What's to hate?

>> No.14706536

>original recipe
>hey I adapted this recipe from America's test Kitchen.

>> No.14706546

>lived abroad
He went on vacation to Mexico calm down

>> No.14706558

what's this obsession with wanting everyone to be gay? First it's the guy from tasting history, now it's this random polish guy. Is this some gargantuan freudian slip?

>> No.14706641

He's American like you, mutt.

>> No.14706650

>hate someone
>Watch all their content

>> No.14706669

i'm belgian and live in belgium, muttboy

>> No.14707233

He just seems kinda gay, and it's weird that he seemingly moved with his roommate if he is not gay.

>> No.14707533

>remastered josh's (whiteman) recipe
>just remove stuff and it tastes worse

>> No.14707577
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remastering huh?

>> No.14707588

remember when he was using bacon instead of panchetta or guanciale