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14698552 No.14698552 [Reply] [Original]

>trying to make watermelon icing just for fun and experimentation
>small batches
>none of the flavorings/extracts are working
>suddenly remember I have some packets of pic related left over
>why the hell not
>dump the failure, make fresh batch
>try 1/3 of the packet
>way too strong
>make a full batch of icing, use the remaining 2/3 packet
>perfect taste, exactly how I pictured it in my mind
>so pleased (and unwilling to dump a full batch of icing) with the outcome I made a cake and frosted with it
Fucking delicious, I would actually say kool aid works better as a flavoring than a drink.

>> No.14698589

innovative and daring

>> No.14698628

Grats, OP. Sounds like you made a good end result but it does state "artificial" on the packet.

Somethings happened in the world of natural flavorings that made cucumber and watermelon more shelf stable and accessible as a flavoring. I frequently buy seltzer waters with a hint of both flavors lately, and they're very refreshing and everywhere, across the brands, and even Gatorade has a cucumber.

I really like the lime pepino and the honeydew Klass aqua fresca, as well as the Aloe drinks that feature a bit of cucumber or watermelon and they use actual fruit, but the dehydrated stuff has gotten good.

>> No.14699280

I was for years on the search for "Quench Cherry flavored". Some german stuff i guess, but it was cash.
Like "sour Altoids" in the US ( i WILL buy one batch for 1000 bucks later for sure) it got banned because "Unhealthy" or other shit.
>stummbled over Kool-Aid thx to Family Guy
>bought a batch with 500gr or so for 13fuckingEuros
>made a bowl of it...it´s not sweet
>Drank the whole bowl with icecubes alone
>Now im making icecubes with that stuff and i >love! them
>Thx America for making me addictet to something new.
The McRibb wasnt addicting enought, i guess.

>> No.14699308

>no pic

>> No.14699356
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>watermelon icing

>> No.14699465

I hope you eventually put sugar in it.

>> No.14699486

>letting a race stop you from enjoying something
Fuck you, watermelon is delicious. Honeydew is best melon, though. Cantaloupe can fuck right off.

>> No.14699565
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Agreed, watermelon is delicious.
But using KoolAid as a flavoring agent for icing...

>> No.14699609

its just concentrated, powdered artificial flavorings and dyes, a packet costs like $0.20.
its certainly cheaper and more convenient than finding proper food-grade extract in an uncommon flavor like watermelon.

>> No.14700947

Cantaloupe is great. Ever have a cantaloupe smoothie? I love them.

>> No.14700956

That's cute, want to be my castratro cake maker?

>> No.14700961

You might as well use plain pumpkin meat.

>> No.14702233

Besides the fact that using "plain pumpkin meat" in place of cantaloupe would be absolutely awful taste-wise, the textures are wholly dissimilar.
You ought to be ashamed.

>> No.14702635

Ignore the instructions, sweeten to taste.

>> No.14702817
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Congrats on discovering something that already existed.

>> No.14702996

>1/3 too strong
>2/3 just right
what did it mean by this?

>> No.14703517

But i find it pretty nice the way it is.
Im not the type of an sweet guy.
Cheese as dessert, pickles instead of fruits etc

13Fucking€ for 500gramm.
But fuck it, that stuff is it worth to me.

>> No.14703553

>1/3 too strong for small batch
>2/3 just right for full batch

>> No.14703569

You're supposed to add sugar to Kool-Aid

>> No.14703574

how does one make icing from kool-aid? what's the instruction?

>> No.14703577

First time I read an american product needs sugar be added, based kool aid

>> No.14703600

As i said before, i like it the way it is.
I just dont like sweet taste.
Veggies over fruits, a solid cheeseplate as dessert, pickles over cake or cookies.
Dont know why, as a kid i loved sweet stuf.

>> No.14703942

You just add it. It's already designed to dissolve evenly into whatever it's mixed with.

>> No.14703979
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Dont bring me to stupid ideas.
Now i´ve to try it with vodka.
I mean, pic related in vodka is pretty neat.

>> No.14703981

add it to what

>> No.14703996

Whatever your icing base is.
Cream cheese style, buttercream style, just milk and powdered sugar.
If you want icing recipes go look some up on a site like Serious Eats.

>> No.14704004
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oh i see. it threw me off when other anons were saying you need to add sugar, but of course there's plenty of sugar involved if you're already making standard icing in the first place as a base

>> No.14704161
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I find it pretty nice without extra sugar.
And as ice i just freeze it as cubes and put them in my mouth.
But im german, so i have no idea how you drink that stuff.
Damn, i dont even know how to made a proper icetea.
Everytime i see it in a movie/sitcom it looks so refreshing.
And everytime it tried to make one, it was just black tea with lemon.

>> No.14704174

Thats what iced tea is, tea that is cold.
The only difference between one and the other is the quality of the tea, and the amount of sugar inside.

>> No.14704223

Oh,ok. I havent sweetend it and the black tea here was "Friesentee". Strong as fuck, i guess next time i just try it with earl grey or something lighter.

>> No.14704542
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The ones talking about adding sugar were talking to a guy who was asking about making kool aid normally, as in water/sugar/packet, not icing. In icing you just add it to the icing until it's as strong as you want.

>> No.14704555

American “iced tea” is not earl gray, you were correct to use a black tea. What you made sounds good and in reality the best way to make iced tea is to to use your favorite tea and chill it. If you want the “iconic” American iced tea, it’s just Lipton, brewed slightly stronger than usual to account for the added ice, and sweetened heavily with sugar, served over ice with a lemon wedge.

>> No.14704574

you could just put garden mulch in a teabag, brew that and you'd get the same result as a lipton """tea"""

>> No.14704588

at a chemical level there’s no difference between natural and artificial flavoring, your body doesn’t know the difference. Dyes should be a much more major concern.

There’s actually some ecological value in using artificial flavor - rather than having to grow enough of the source food on real land to distill it into a chemical, you can simply make it in a lab

>> No.14704606

You know theres flavor extracts for brewing that are pretty cheap right? Watermellon is one of the most common ones.

>> No.14704955

None of those are Watermelon flavored

>> No.14705051

Not to mention that kool aid is dirt cheap and has hundreds more flavors than those flavor packs. Also less ingredients/no thickeners because it's meant for dissolution in water.

>> No.14705098

>There’s actually some ecological value in using artificial flavor
Not particularly. You need precursor compounds to synthesize anything in a factory. Those precursor compounds have to come from somewhere. Oftentimes, petroleum byproducts like benzene are the root compound behind a wide array of derivatives inc. common food dyes.

In addition, having economic value toward keeping certain species and strains of species alive tends to make humans consider preserving their existence more instead of bulldozing the land to make factories. Cork in wine bottles is an example of this.

>> No.14706598
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I make calorie-free jam with kool-aid, liquid sweetener, konjak powder, water and baking soda. It works very well with konjak pancakes.