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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 325 KB, 1248x936, IMG_20200711_234240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14687013 No.14687013 [Reply] [Original]

Pastries, bread, cookies, cake, whatever you've baked goes here.

>> No.14687016
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Two doughs ready for the oven, one is in right now.

>> No.14687019
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So far so good.

>> No.14687026
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>When you realize you forgot to score the dough and it takes matters into its own hands

>> No.14687073
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Oh well, good thing bread always tastes good anyway.

>> No.14687104
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While we wait for the second dough: Vörtbröd. Lots of christmas-y spices, julmust, dark sirup, porter and 50% rye.

>> No.14687239
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About a year ago, I tried to bake a chocolate cake from a recipe I found online. That was a second cake I ever made. All was going well until I extracted the firsts layer out of the oven. When I tried to put on a cooling rack, it basically seeped through it, piece by piece, into a sink full of wet and dirty dishes below. I managed to salvage the non-soaked chunks, put them on a smaller, intact layer, and glue them together with chocolate cream. It looks bad but tastes delicious.

>> No.14687243

Last bugger is out.

50% bread flour
35% whole wheat flour
15% spelt
75% hydration

Crumb of first coming up soon.

>> No.14687246
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>> No.14687254
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I love food salvage situations. I tried baking some "lussekatter", pic related, on sourdough yeast. It took forever to rise so I dunked in some commercial yeast in the sourdough and mixed it up with some water. It turned out OK but had an odd flavor.

>> No.14687261
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My sister and I made some medovik a while back, unfortunately I can't seem to find a picture of the whole cake but it was a big square. I wish the layers were thinner and I bet if I made it again it would be much easier, but overall it was pretty good. I don't bake much but I wish I did, it's always so much fun and stuff tastes amazing.

>> No.14687971
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Sorry I'm late.

>> No.14688002

What's the best bread to make as a beginner? I have a thermometer and a scale so I can monitor ratios and temperatures pretty well.

>> No.14688043
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I’m making a 50% rye, 25% spelt and 25% bread flour (all wholegrain) sourdough bread right now.
I decided to throw in some dried plums. I’ve baked a bread with them a couple of times.
But then I read the ingredients: .... potassium sorbate. Fuck. It is there to prevent growth of yeast and mold, so it will fuck with the fermentation. But I always wondered when I used them that the bread didn’t have a nice rise as I’ve seen in all the videos. Learning by mistakes I guess. Unfortunately, it’s the only ones they have at Lidl, I’ll have to buy them somewhere else.

>> No.14688058
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Another bread I’ve made previously.
50% wholegrain with olives and dried tomatoes.

>> No.14688424
File: 582 KB, 1793x1261, sourdough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just baked this this morning,

>> No.14688434

Easily no knead recipes. You can do them with instant yeast and even add starter to make it sourdough when you start getting frisky. You don't need to worry about temps, turns or even time all that much. It won't be the most amazing crumb like you see in Instagram, but you'll be extremely surprised how high level it looks.

>> No.14688438

Looked burnt

>> No.14688440
File: 3.13 MB, 3586x1960, 20200905_125721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some cinnamon sugar doughnuts about 30 minutes ago. They didnt puff up as much as I wanted them too, but they still taste ok

>> No.14688441


>> No.14688449

I am still amateur but I haven't baked anything in the last 8 months.

>> No.14688463

Someone right below you suggested no knead recipes, if you're still learning the ropes I think it's a good alternative. Conversely, get FWSY on libgen. It'll walk you through the steps and give you some confidence.

>> No.14688490

It's a little singed at the edge of the burst point but no burnt taste. Bottom could use some more but that's how it goes when in a bread pan. I wouldn't want it any less.

>> No.14688506

I want to get into making my own bread since I finally have a kitchen of my own. What are some utensils one wouldn't necessarily think of getting when beginning to outfit their kitchen for making bread? So far I have a bench scraper, rolling pin and an enamelled dutch oven. Only thing I really have on my list is cooling racks and a food scale and I was wondering if I was missing anything important.

>> No.14688512

I would suggest a pullman pan as well, you can make some pretty great sourdough pan de mie, and milk breads too.

>> No.14688516

>be me
>living on own for first time ever
>mother gives me what she can and is worried because she is moving states away and will not be able to help
>hands me half a bag of all purpose flour
>too poor to buy much so use what I already have as much as I can
>no experience baking so use trial and error
>decide to make a pie for the first time
>use flour to make home make mini chicken pot pies from scratch for the first time ever
>had to make buttermilk from lemon and milk
>baking powder from cooking baking soda at low heat till it changed (or vice versa I forgot which turns into which)
>bring to girlfriend's family Thanksgiving
>everyone loves them
>amazing what half a bag of flour did for my feeling independent and not so shitty for being poor at the time

>> No.14688518

Thanks anon, I'll put it on the list!

>> No.14688521
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This one was like 9 months ago

>> No.14688535

Better but you need to work on your turns and temp control, you can tell because the crumb becomes much denser towards the center. I'd suggest reading tartin bread since you seem to be a little more ahead. Just read the kneading and methods, their recipes aren't that great for beginners.

>> No.14688555

Just ordered the book! Thanks!

>> No.14688558

Two tall industry standard plastic ser through square containers, for the starter and high hydration dough. A very wide and shallow stainless steel bowl for kneading smaller enriched breads and doughs (sucree, brisee, sablee, phylo, feuilletage). If you're in Cali or Florida a wooden surface for kneading in, your counter is probably too cold, which causes shrinkage in things you want to roll out and temp loss in breads. Measuring spoons and cups, lolamericans.

>> No.14688567

Friend it's free on libgen. But if you want the physical copy it's very pretty

>> No.14688579
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Blueberry and Almond oat bars

>> No.14688581

New house and am filling up the bookshelf

>> No.14688583
File: 3.32 MB, 4032x3024, pube bread finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14688594

These are great suggestions, especially because I do live in a very cold area when it's not summer ti me. Also I'm a chemist, I work pretty much entirely in metric and because I live in the US, I know how to convert between imperial and metric on the fly with accuracy. That being said, I'll be using scales to measure things out because in my mind it's easier. These are great suggestions though, thank you!

>> No.14689198
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Feels like my scoring often ends up "interesting".

>> No.14689203

Try this next time

>> No.14689209

Looks like a motorcycle helmet

>> No.14689225
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>> No.14689723

>make a flavored specialty bread from a recipe I found on ck
>smells great
>doesn't taste like anything

If i'd known all the extras I added in were strictly for aromatics and not flavor I would have just made a good old fashioned white loaf

>> No.14689735

they look good tho

>> No.14690068
File: 2.67 MB, 4032x1960, banhmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recent new thing I made where sandwich rolls for banh-mi. Haven't baked that many things other than that. I do sourdough every week and I tried croissants once.

>> No.14690079


>> No.14690235

I dunno, has yeast and stuff so its close.

>> No.14690253


>> No.14690259

All donuts are fried. Baking is for cakes

>> No.14690265

I sort of feel bad for this anon, it was a neat thing to attempt and people actually cooking isn't that common on this board. It's just.... there were SO MANY hairs

>> No.14690400
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>> No.14690753

Good job.
Crust looks great.

>> No.14691655
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Thank you, anon.

>> No.14691694
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>> No.14691697

it's pretty common, don't be retarded

>> No.14691707

I made this dough before with some butter that I used later to make these breakfast buns, basically I would coat the top with a little canola oil and put a divet in it large enough for a single egg, I'd prebake the dough a bit then crack the egg in the divet and season with salt pepper and thyme. It turned out pretty well. Beyond that I've made bread several times and pizza once