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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 639x469, 6A3C596D-0378-443B-8510-BA6D9A899ED3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14684414 No.14684414 [Reply] [Original]

Besides schnitzel does Germany have any really good recipes worth trying? If so share your favorite German or Austrian recipes.

>> No.14684424

That purple cabbage thing. Or is it Swedish? IDK.

>> No.14684426

Schweinhaxen with potato dumplings and sauerkraut (make your own).

>> No.14684582


>> No.14684629

spaetzle are nice
bierfleisch is a nice dish
combine the two for a nice big sloppa

>> No.14684657

they make lovely sausage

>> No.14684673

>good german food

like that bright darkness or that loud silence

>> No.14684729
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Yes lots there's a German restaurant about an hour and a half from me and I'm due to go there.

Slow cooked beef tips in a rich red wine gravy

>> No.14684746
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Beef marinated in sweet-sour gravy.

>> No.14684757

Rouladen. Get your shit together, OP.

>> No.14684787

I don't know what it's called but I once tried (non- sweet) crepes sliced in very thin long lines, as if they were noodles, boiled and served in chicken soup. They weren't mushy somehow. Delicious comfort food

>> No.14684796
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My mom makes Sauerbraten that’ll kill ya. It’s my special birthday meal, and takes 5 days to marinade. Pic isn’t hers but similar-ish

>> No.14684800
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>> No.14684804
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>bright darkness or loud silence
Unironically experienced both of these thing and they are no joke.

>> No.14684809
File: 116 KB, 600x600, 5265-flaedlesuppe-mit-gemuese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Flädlesuppe

>> No.14684812

i love how all german food is brown

>> No.14684823
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is it?

>> No.14684858
File: 87 KB, 960x640, schupfnudeln-mit-sauerkraut-und-speck-an-apfelmus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schupfnudeln with apple sauce

>> No.14684864
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>> No.14684883
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Onion cake

>> No.14684891
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>> No.14684915

a lot of meat and plants/tubers that can grown in low temperatures, for sure. It's fascinating how much traditional cusine tells about its territory/people

>> No.14684927
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hey neighbour

>> No.14684942

mmmmmmmmmh sloppa

>> No.14684956


>> No.14685075
File: 64 KB, 620x413, zurcher-geschnetzeltes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geschnetzeltes mit Eiernudeln
Schmeckt besser als die gammelige Muschi deiner hässlichen Mudder

>> No.14685128

whenever i go to berlin i order a big döner from the greasiest turks i can find :)

>> No.14685209
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>> No.14685248
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Liver dumpling soup is Austrian I believe, and really yummy on a cold night before your dinner.

>> No.14685923

I hear Muslim cock is a German favorite, especially amongst women and children

>> No.14685963
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Go back to /pol/, subhuman.

>> No.14686829

Idk how to spell it but labskaus or whatever its called its just a german version of lobscouse

>> No.14686875

The fact that the first thing that comes to your mind is interracial sex and seething about Euros tells me you are an american

>> No.14687131

not german, rather vienna/bratislava region, but cherry and poppy seed strudel, slightly flavoured with rum, punch or amaretto is to die for

>> No.14687569

Germany has great food.
You know, we dont live from Schnitzel,Haxn,Potatos and Sauerkraut alone.

>> No.14687580


You are damn based,bro´s.
I fucking love a good,homemade Sauerbraten.

>> No.14687583

Best German dish.
Fuck Merkel and the EU, though.

>> No.14687605
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eisbein mit sauerkraut. with polish mustard
fucking dope

>> No.14687618
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No one posting Himmel un Äd i am disapointed.

>> No.14687812

I´ve never tried that.
But i hear people often speak about it.
It seems i should give it a try.
But does the bloodsaussage taste like liver? Kind of metalic?
Because thats what i cant stand with fried liver.

>> No.14687817
File: 313 KB, 960x720, stippgrütze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and have a nice Stippgrütze from >>14687812

>> No.14687829

Yes kind of blood sausage has a destinct iron taste to it but it goes very well with mashed potatoes and apple sauce

>> No.14687875

Well, i will give it a try next week.
Maybe a slice bloodsaussage and a slice toungesaussage. Coverd in flour and then slowly fried in a pan.
Caramelized onions and apples, fresh made mashed potatos with a splash of milk, butter and nutmeg and a nice applesauce.
Thx for your answer.

>> No.14687881

You are welcome! That is a perfect recipe you posted and i am confident you will like it.

>> No.14687922

Thx again.
If you should ever be around Ostwestfalen-Lippe or you know a realy good butcher, you have to try out Stippgrütze.
I know, i know, it looks like dogbarf, but it is realy good.
Graupen (pearl barley) cooked in beef broth wit a lot of fat and finely minced hearts, liver and meat.
Served on dark bread with some pickles on the first freezing cold autumn day as breakfast=heaven.

>> No.14687926

It for sure sounds really healthy i will give it a try sometime

>> No.14688019


>> No.14688025

Isnt that a Germknoedel?

>> No.14688027

>liver dumpling soup
>any type of wurst

>> No.14688032


>> No.14688072
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Pork knuckle

>> No.14688378

apart of the ones already named:
kohlrouladen (aka krautwickel)
blaue zipfel

>> No.14688462

Everything of your list but not Obazda.
Dont know why but i find that stuff disgusting.
Every bread spread with cheese is ok, but Obazda...way to much Caraway Seeds.

>> No.14688483

Niggas better not sleep on Maultaschen

>> No.14688645

Why should a nigga sleep on maultaschen?
I thought niggers would sleep on money-filled pillows with a gun in their hand?

>> No.14690059

Dampfnudeln have no filling and are usually fried on the bottom

>> No.14690086
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Pickled red cabbage is mostly a Scandi thing I believe, but there's a lot of overlap between the Nordic countries and their food.
I like to throw the potatoes in there with it to give them some colour.

>> No.14690166

>itt. german autists shilling their shitfood

>> No.14690745

Austrian food >>>>>>>>>>>>>> G*rman """food"""
G’röste Knödel mit Ei!

>> No.14691954
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>Slow cooked beef tips in a rich red wine gravy
What the fuck? That's not gulyas. Just make your own if you're that desperate. The only thing you need to shell out for is good csípős (non-smoked) paprika.

>> No.14692362
File: 149 KB, 960x720, rindsgulasch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He meant this. Big chunks of beef. Not hungarian soup.

>> No.14692438

goulash is a slav dish although germany has slavic influences

>> No.14692466

it's french

>> No.14692490

they call German food "hearty" because it's plentiful and loaded with potatoes and full legs of pork or whatever but it's usually pretty bland.

>> No.14692492

That's not how a schnitzel supposed to look

>> No.14692503


>> No.14692587
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>> No.14692736


goulash is originally hungarian, not slav. tho it is popular in german and slavic countries that do their own versions of it

>> No.14692840

hungarians are mystery meat who knows where they got their red soup from

>> No.14692848
File: 294 KB, 750x581, 3C8CB87E-E644-4F3A-8145-95D2C3055AE3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every fucking time.
Fucking Amerisharts.

>> No.14692852

I’m a generalist.
I just lump all former commie nations in with Slavs.