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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14683595 No.14683595 [Reply] [Original]

Hey ck

I have been sick with salmonella food poisoning for nearly 3 weeks now. Diarrhea has stopped but still have crippling nausea. Is there anything you bros can recommend me for relief?

The doctors gave me medication to treat the nausea but somehow gravol does a better job however it doesn’t last that long unfortunately.

>> No.14683609

Theres a reasion this is the leading cause of death on the planet. Its just gonna take time.

>> No.14683616

Anyhow mint and ginger tea helps. Very good for seasickness too. I used when I used to work on a little lobster boat.

>> No.14683627

Thank you anon... yes I’ve been miserable ever since I got it. It’s by far the worst experience I’ve ever had in my life.

>> No.14683632

That sucks my dude. Three weeks is a long ass time to be dealing with this shit. If you've already been to the doctor and he says you're not going to die, then all you can do is ride this out. Did you eat something tainted or was it because you don't wash your hands before eating?

>> No.14683650

They confirmed yesterday at the hospital I should be fine I just have to work through it. I honestly don’t know how I could’ve gotten it - possibly from fast food or from poorly washed bottle.

>> No.14683669

The only problem I’m having with “ride it out” is how nasuous I am. If I could take something for relief this would not be a problem at all

>> No.14683696

Honestly forgot this even existed fuck...howd you get it?

>> No.14683709

Ginger helps with nausea, so gingerale in small frequent sips. Eat the BRAT diet--bananas, rice, applesauce (unsweetened), toast or crackers. Ginger flavored tea, or throat lozenges--whatever you can find. Also, sniffing lemon can help. Cut a lemon in quarters, squeeze the juice out of it, and just smell the rind when it gets bad. It sounds really stupid, but it works for nausea.
t. Dr. Mom

>> No.14683717

Are you a real mommy?

>> No.14683724

>Dr. Mom
Post asshole you dirty fucking old washed up hag. I want to suck your titties while youre dressed as a sexy nurse you fat cow. Moo for me bith MOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.14683727

I’m thinking either from KFC or from a bottle for sport drinks that I barely washed

>> No.14683731

If you haven't been able to eat for a while, try a teaspoon of sugar. After a few days, it's the lack of carbs/calories that is causing the nausea. If you can drink, add a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar to your glass of water.
As someone else stated, ginger helps, you can also try fennel seed tea and sour patch kids candy.

>> No.14683742

Thank you very much anon

>> No.14683751

yes, I am. 3 grown kids.
No. Go back to /pol/, faggot.

>> No.14683754

smoke some weed, it’ll help

>> No.14683802

Thank momma. I’ll follow your instructions and see it that helps

>> No.14683804

what the fuck does this have to do with food and cooking, you faggot. go to /fit/ with your blogposting

>> No.14683809

This is really good advice. This anon knows what is up. good luck OP.

>> No.14683812

fuck i wish i got salmonella
i need to lose some weight

>> No.14683817

You get salmonella from food? Do you not?

>> No.14685623

Feeling any better, anon?

>> No.14685639

it works for everything digestive related
>only downside is that it makes your poop grey

>> No.14685647

I had a dream that I eating wokjaks asshole while he maked the rot face

>> No.14685655

>muh mint and ginger tea
Touchy feely bullshit. Not going to do dick kek.

>> No.14685676

Salmonella doesn’t last for 3 weeks. Of it did you would be in the hospital super super sick. Stop lying plz

>> No.14685678
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You have to take antibiotics retard, anti nausea shit is treating the symptom not the cause. You need a prescription for ceftriaxone.

>> No.14685938

Yes it does. The salmonella also caused me to have colitis. I was in the hospital for 2 days and then returned a week later for 1 day. I’m on strong medication now which seems to be helping with the nausea

>> No.14685946

I took antibiotics for about a week which helped but as soon as I ran out the symptoms started to worsen again. Doctor at the hospital told me not to take more antibiotics as it could prologue and make everything worse

>> No.14685970

How did you get salmonella?

>> No.14685988

it was kfc, the bottle would give you epic shits. Anyways, blat diet soon and you're going to feel better swiftly now that the worst is over. Few more days of the worst at most, promise. When you're feeling more relaxed start researching probiotics and nutrition as you need to start building your system up.

>> No.14685994
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>blat diet
Sorry, brat diet. You're gonna eat like an Edo period Japanese merchant for a week.

>> No.14686064

You want an actual fix it answer? You probably won't do it, and it's probably worthless to try to keep broth pilling people, but here it goes.

Make a pot of bone broth, organic bones. Bring it to a boil and simmer for 24 to 48 hours. Drink that broth for three days. You drank it all? Make more. After the third day, add a bit of lacto fermented sauerkraut juice (not the actual sauerkraut bits) and drink the broth. You can now mix an egg into the broth with each cup. See how that goes. Three days plus some ferments should fix you. If you are still fucked up afterwards, keep with the broth protocol and begin to add other fermented foods like kefir and kombucha.

I have seen people fix their guts with broth protocols, but make sure they are organic bones, and make sure you eat low fibre foods for a few days after with intense pro-biotic supplements. Good luck.

>> No.14686097

Post milkies

>> No.14686101

that would be /b/ newfag

>> No.14686110
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Last weekend I got a terrible dose of salmonella eating sushi off my sister's unwashed panties.

In my house we call it Pussi Sushi. My father prepares it, he's Japanese and a registered sex offender. The panties are literally still warm when he serves it, it's amazing. Almost as amazing as the holocaust.

>> No.14686236


>> No.14686246

Ginger is genuinely good for nausea you cuck

>> No.14686252

Damn, that sounds like when I was born

>> No.14686256

>go back to /pol/, faggot
Confirmed for both not being a woman and being a newfaggot
Posts tits or gtfo you fucking fat fuck I know you’re sitting there holding your limp cock you little bitch

>> No.14686269
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>organic bones

>> No.14686271

You need the good gut bacteria or else your digestive system will be absolutely annihilated
Also, from alcoholism experience, I have had some EXTREME nausea associated with dehydration. Unfortunately, this dehydration is NOT fixed with anything BUT an electrolytic solution. Get some fucking pedialyte, stat. You might find the nausea disappears the second it hits your stomach. The other day I went on such a hard day and a half bender I was throwing up even when I had nothing in my stomach. I drank some coconut milk, and instantly I didn’t have to throw up one more single time. There are many foods that have electrolytes you need, such as yogurt, bananas, milk, and all sorts of shit, but if you can’t keep it down a good bottle of pedialyte could be the perfect solution (pun intended). Protip: chilled cherry pomegranate is the best flavor and make sure it’s cold.

>> No.14686331

animals that are heritage bred and fed non-chemical laden feed or grass grown without roundup or organic vegetable and fruit discards.

>> No.14686347

>haha lol I know a meme from 2006, do I fit in yet? XD
Go back.

>> No.14686380


>> No.14686386
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>> No.14686395

>be american
>get on the offensive register for sexism

>> No.14686396

Damn you might have just answered some questions for me. There was a year that I drank real fucking hard every night and coconut water saved me many mornings. Those days are behind me now but dehydration fucking sucks. Pissing orange jello isn’t fun.

>> No.14686866


This isn't a health board

>> No.14686899
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>Theres a reasion this is the leading cause of death on the planet.

Because it mainly occurs in poor countries with poor hygiene practices and poor health infrastructure. Poor kids die because of dehydration COUPLED to an already malnourished and co-morbid state. There is a reason why it's not a leading cause in any country with decent sanitation, hygiene, and available medical infrastructure.


Mot food poisoning is self-limiting. It will go away on its own after an unpleasant few days or weeks. Just stay hydrated and ensure you eat some salty foods. Antibiotics can make things worse as killing the causative bacteria will just lead to them spilling all their toxins into your gut at once exacerbating the condition and potentially making it more fatal.

>> No.14688501

You need antibiotics or you're going to die.

>> No.14688740

BASED beyond belief. How will incels ever recover?

>> No.14688752

you know the rules post tits or gtfo

>> No.14688771

It can. Preliminary labs come back for it, they give you the most common antibiotic for it, then the C&S comes back and the strain you have is resistant to the medication you got, but no one bothered to follow up on it. Happens all the time.

>> No.14688777

Did you lose weight? I may be interested in trying it.

>> No.14688780
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>I have been sick with salmonella food poisoning for nearly 3 weeks now.

>> No.14688783

>waaa my tummy hurts because of a few germy wormys

have you tried not being a pussy?

>> No.14688791
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smoke some weed

>> No.14688794

absolutely baste

>> No.14689948
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Sam O’nella, love his channel

>> No.14689961

Buy raw ginger and gnaw on it to ease nausea. Only downside is it only works while it is in your mouth
Echinacea,orange peel, ginger in a tea to boost the immune system and speed healing.

>> No.14690261

Seriously how the fuck does someone get salmonella?
I've been drinking raw eggs everyday and on occasion eating raw chicken for awhile now and have never had a problem.

>> No.14690272

Terrible advise ginger is insanely toxic
And none of the foods you mentioned are real food's with nutrition do the opposite of this

>> No.14690372
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>> No.14691920

>ginger is insanely topic

>> No.14691931

Enjoy the fact that you're losing weight quickly and without effort and permanent damage to your internal organs.