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14682230 No.14682230 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing tea, tisanes and other herbal infusions.

Why did you let the last thread die?


previous thread

>> No.14682233

those small flowerballs that make kamomill are the comfiest

>> No.14682235

There wasn't really enough worth talking about. If you're going to up a new thread, at least fucking talk about something. This isn't /vg/ where trash off-topic generals just never die.

>> No.14682396
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Just bought this mug. It's cute.

>> No.14682599

>be me
>have a huge collection of different kinds of loose leaf
>enjoy a range of subtle tastes daily
>buy all sorts of tea autist shit
>get Corona from denialist boomer parents
>first noticed it with their cheap supermarket mint tea, tasted like socks instead of mint, and it was a new pack
>then you recovered and were able to return to your own place
>subtly detect pleasant tannins if you brew long and large amounts
>otherwise it’s just warm water
>all of it
>Corona has officially nuked your tastebuds for good
Ok what now?

>> No.14682635

I got a bunch of teas today at the grocery store on clearance. I’m ok with that. Also make my own and plenty of loose leaf and bagged herbs around here. My favorite herbal infusion to make is lemon balm ginger ale. I do drink more tea in the colder months though. It’s just been to hot here lately for me to even enjoy any type of hot tea.

>> No.14682668

>for good
Are you positive?

>> No.14682685

You could be still recovering, just give it some time. When did you get sick?

>> No.14682703

Anyone got a recommendation for a place in NJ or PA to visit for tea? I dont know any good places to go. Coffee places I like sometimes have good tea too, but not like a specific place. Theres a japanese tea house like 30min from me I might check out but idk if they're open anymore.

>> No.14682736

Don’t have any other symptoms anymore, and people around me haven’t gotten infected as I regularly interact with them after quarantine, so I’m sure of it.
Hope so, but it’s been this way since april.

>> No.14683239

That sucks, man.

>> No.14683398

>der ewige boomer

>> No.14683456

Thanks for the condolences.

>> No.14683564

Can I improvise a gaiwan with a mug and a small plate? Or is there something I'm missing?

>> No.14683732

The chinese for gaiwan loosely translates to lidded bowl, you can basically improvise one out of anything.

Just gotta be careful with holding/pouring so you don't burn yourself.

>> No.14683773

I currently have two potted up mint plants
one I grew from seed which has a subtle aroma, barely minty
the other I found wild in my garden has that classic strong menthol fragrance
how do i make tea?

>> No.14683823

Thanks. I actually have a lidded cup, but it's too big (330 ml). I'll try using its lid with a smaller cup.

>> No.14683837

You need some tea first. If you only have mint you can do some cool tisanes, though. Try it with some lemon and ginger.

>> No.14684034

You might want to do some research into possible neurological damage caused by corona.
For your sake, I hope it isn't permanent.

>> No.14684973

It might just be a temporary epithelial damage.

>> No.14685558

you're cute.

>> No.14685812

Oh, I'm blushing.

>> No.14685864

I've never tried tea before, but I've become interested in chrysanthemum tea because it can apparently help lower your body temperature. I've been googling stuff about it but I can't tell if the tea actually helps in that regard, or if its just a bunch of bullshit. What do you guys think about chrysanthemum?

>> No.14685881

>i'd like uhh some more coffee
>i'd uhh like green tea

>> No.14685890


Did the boomers die to corona? We would all like to know this?

>> No.14687338


>> No.14687494

im having chamomile with forest fruits

>> No.14687535

What's the most popular tea on /tea/ anyway?

>> No.14687544

I like green and lemongrass.

>> No.14687591

Strong black for breakfast
Oolong after
Green at noon
Unsweetened homemade ice tea at night

I like a blend for breakfast, osmanthus Oolong, fine jap Sencha and ice cold wild greens

>> No.14687855

Thanks anon

>> No.14687866

Where do you source?

>> No.14687870

>NJ or PA to visit for tea?
There is a chain of supermarkets named "Asian Food” go there, make sure to grab the Google translate app for your phone and download the offline Chinese language pack before you go, then you can translate labels with your camera if you need to.

>> No.14687877
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Lots of senchaheads in these threads, it seems. I'm a sucker for pu'er- there are lots of good teas out there, but the complexity of a good sheng pu'er is absurd.

>> No.14687889

Just grab some mint leaves and toss them ing some hot water, pull them out after a few minutes, if you want you can pick a few sprigs from one of the plants and hang them to dry in a window for a few days first, or just pick a bunch of leaves and spread them out on a paper towel to dry. Once the leaves are dry you can lightly crumble them and keep them in a jar.

>> No.14687910

>because it can apparently help lower your body temperature.
The whole warming and cooling herbs thing is usually from traditional chinese medicine, they think that things cam warm or cool the body and this can help treat certain ailments, personally i think there is something to it.
Taking a quick glance online it seems to be pretty harmless, biggest contradictions being that it can cause allergies if you are allergic to things like ragweed pollen and that you should not take it if you are on immunosuppressant drugs. So you might as well try it and see how it feels. There are lots of popular "cooling" herbs in traditional chinese medicine so if you do some research you can find lots of other things to try, my only advice is to stick to herbs that are popular in the west and don't import weird things with little information about them from asia.

>> No.14688075

Trying some Golden Monkey from Adagio I bought in a whim. It's better than I expected. I guess when they stick to pure tea they can do good.

>> No.14688212
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The Eternally Shilled Black Gold Bi Luo Chun

>> No.14688945

/tea/ has teo major camps, the Japanese green tea drinkers and the puer autists. After that the most frequently posted about teas are british teabags.

>> No.14689129

For me, it's genmaicha.

>> No.14689268

I fell asleep, forgive me. Coof.

>> No.14689310

I'm more of an oolongchad myself.

>> No.14689334

What are your favorite oolongs?

>> No.14689442

i had a good batch of pineapple kombucha, i think i might go with a maple & molasses batch next.

>> No.14689596

Coffee has no real effect on me, meanwhile tea has all typical benefits of it. After coffee I usually either dont feel anything or feel sluggish and kind of sick but Tea makes me feel energetic, alert and ready to conquer the world. Anyone else has experience with that?
I drink both of them black, I usually sweeten my tea and thought maybe it's because of sugar, but I've been phasing out sugar and now drink tea without any sweeteners and it has the same effect still.

>> No.14689619
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what's the best teas for someone with a history of generalized anxiety disorder?

teas I've enjoyed so far:
>decaf black
>decaf green

>> No.14689655


>> No.14689665

Been drinking some Bai Mudan today, it's fucking delicious. I really like white teas over green, but I got some oolongs to try now too.

>> No.14689715

Have you tried green rooibos or honey bush? Also high grade rooibos is different than the cheap stuff. Also a couple of fresh bruised and rolled peppermint teas steeped in a hot mug is god tier.

>> No.14689720


>> No.14689728

*peppermint leaves. Its easy to grow. Just get a long box or just cut down the middle a bag of soil. Just be careful cause they grow like a weed.

>> No.14689762

sleepytime tea

>> No.14689771

Might be worth trying camomile.

>> No.14690210

coca leaves infusion

>> No.14690229

>huge collection of different kinds of loose leaf
duncacinno flavoured fairtade ceylon assam black tea with a touch of leftwing leaning estrogen gaba leafs and assorted petals don't constitute a tea collection.
>be you
get the fuck out of here and don't post again.

>Why did you let the last thread die?
you tell me

>> No.14690646

Do you by chance has ADD?
I only say this because high levels of caffeine like coffee or energy drinks have extremely adverse affects on me, tired and lethargic or just feel like shit.
Tea is much more of a calming/focusing effect for me.

>> No.14691107

Not him, but I do have ADD, and coffee makes me sleepy.

>> No.14691184


>> No.14691193

No your not
Your cute

>> No.14691798

Are you trying to turn me into a trap?

>> No.14691956

I'm just looking for a strong man to hold me and drink puerh with me

>> No.14691989

Is heating water in the microwave really that fucking bad? I got in an argument with my sister in law over it.

>> No.14692089

It's a terrible way to heat water since microwaves heat unevenly and more importantly you have no control over the temperature. Even if you just want to boil the water and let it cool to the right temperture an electric kettle is faster and more convenient

>> No.14692126
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my cold brew came out really good today

>> No.14692354
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>getting into green tea
>lots of nice teas
>buy japan shincha 40€/100g
>tastes absolutly disgusting

teas for this feel?

>> No.14692405

shu puerh is almost always the answer.

>> No.14692436
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to the anon who recently bought chawangshop burma bing - can you please post the photo of dry leaves? I'm curious if kunming tea house aged cake looks much different than my no frills eu storage.
I know you enjoyed it brewed in a mug, but have you tried gongfu yet? because I tried it the mug style after you posted and it was half of the taste compared to gaiwan brew. this tea loves prolonged session, even weaker later brews are very satisfying.

>> No.14692685

Drinking a pint of Bigelow Perfect Peach that steeped for several hours after I fell asleep and left the bag in it. Still good.

>> No.14692769

I will get some up later today.

>> No.14692805

>puer autists
What's especially autistic about puer? I wound have thought Sencha would be that if anything.

>> No.14692957

it's a weeb jap tea drinker form of cope.
after they realize they spent hundreds of talars on inferior overproduced tea product because it looked good in anime, they tend to insult natural chink tea drinkers, who just put the leaves in very hot water and drink it. all the extra equipment, express shipping, gay nihon vocabulary and kawaii bento boxes stay unused, only to come out for a nice retouched photo, all the while "puer autist" just sips on satisfying leaf juice whatever the way he steeped it. calm. collected. maybe focused on the tea energy, maybe not. maybe listening to july morning by uriah heep, maybe not.
but to be honest, "autist" term seem to come from the lengths people think they need to go, to age (probably one or three) cakes of sheng puerh.
protip: don't bother, keep it away from light and strong gales and smells, you're good.
and of course the gay vocabulary.

>> No.14692991
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Morning, y'all.

>> No.14693017

and there's this faggot, him you can call an autist y'all. he seems to enjoy attention on 4channel.

what's in the gaiwan maybe? "morning y'all" don't count as post in the tea thread.

>> No.14693032


You sound a bit like you need to de-stress. Some tea may help with that.

Gaiwan is filled with 2011 Mengku Rongshi Qiao Mu Xiao Sheng Bing. This is the one that has a pretty standard "tea" taste to it but, if I get it right, ends up with a back end flavor of blue raspberry. I'm most of the way through my 100g cake so I'll need to think about stocking back up soon.

In fact, it'll be about time for me to start exploring getting some tongs. That's a kind of daunting proposition though.

>> No.14693062

>In fact, it'll be about time for me to start exploring getting some tongs.
Oh man, that's a big leap to make. It might be worth exploring some of the newer listings on Kingteamall, guy added a few dozen Changtai brand cakes from the mid 2000s and they actually have descriptions and tasting notes, pretty decent range of prices too, you should also really grab one of these guys, or at least a sample
One of the best prices on a decent quality, nearly 20 year old kunming stored cake. It's surprisingly punchy and fruity for something so old, nothing like the super smokey heavy xiaguan factory cakes. If you are thinking tongs my advice would be to grab cakes that are at least 6 or 7 years old. Because of the current bubble they are frequently the same price or cheaper than cakes from this year, and the age let's most of the early green notes out so you can get an idea for how they will shape up over the longer term.

>> No.14693087


I've been meaning to check out some of those Changtai teas for a few months now but I took a while to back off on spending after going hard with it for a bit. Maybe I'll just keep putting in varied orders for a bit.

I'll also say that the W2T club has been really nice. I've gotten to try some pretty interesting things so far only two months into it. Definitely going to need to check out some white teas and explore black tea further. It's also made me realize I'm not a fan of Lapsang so I know to avoid that in the future.

>> No.14693115

Best tea for health benefits? I unfortunately have the palette of a child so I only enjoy the taste of herbal teas (not the camellia types) so which tea should I drink purely for antioxidants and not taste? White tea? Is it healthier if I steep it in for longer?

>> No.14693184

>I'm not a fan of Lapsang so I know to avoid that in the future.
Oh geez, yeah you got that sampler with 8 kinds of lapsang, a bit crazy.
The Changtai stuff should have some interesting stuff for you since a good amount of them are yiwu teas.
I ordered one of the cheaper changtai bricks a few days ago and I will definitely post about it when it comes in.

>> No.14693241

Either extremely fresh Japanese green teas imported from Japan, probably matcha sine you end up consuming the tea leaves, or Chinese fermented teas, those are really high is polyphenols and other things of that nature.
Matcha, strong bitter vegetables and seaweed
Chinese puer mellow caramel chocolate wood leather
As far a herbal teas go there are lots of options,
Chaga mushroom, woody, earthy
For some other herbals that have good vitamin and mineral content look into
alfalfa herb, dandelion root, nettle leaf, and red raspberry leaf

>> No.14693466

If you can't stand Camellia sinensis, you're gonna have a bad time with white tea; it's a shame though, its a great drink. Among the (decent-tasting) herbal options IMO the best bets for health benefits are nettle and tulsi. You can make very healthy and tasty teas by blending these things; try something like nettle/lemongrass/moringa, nettle/mint/yerba mate, or tulsi/mint/lavender.
Rooibos is interesting but the antioxidants generally have poor bioavailability, and more research should be done. Another anon mentioned chaga; that stuff is super promising in the fight against cancer but has some real downsides as well (taste leaves something to be desired, and very high oxalate content means for your urinary tract's health you probably shouldn't make it a daily drinker).
One lesser-known tisane that is very healthy and that tastes fantastic when brewed on its own is a Balkan plant of genus Sideritis; it's also known by the names ironwort, shepherd's tea, and Greek mountain tea. I'm brewing some right now, in fact.

>> No.14693844

it’s literally pressed shit

>> No.14693884

i like putting 4 tea bags in at once. gives me a buzz

>> No.14693890

fermented teas are for shit eaters

>> No.14693900

cringe teenagerposter

>> No.14693931

Thanks anons, I'll write that down.

And it's not that I can't stand it per say, I just don't enjoy drinking bitter things. (Yeah I'm a pussy who doesn't like beer either) I can do it, which is why I'm still drinking tea but it's not for the taste, I'm just willing to put up with it for its benefits.

>> No.14693941

I know it's not a tea, but anyone drink chamomile regularly? Was wondering if it really gives you a nice relaxed feeling.

Came in this thread wanting to ask about chamomile. I get stressed and go the liquor easily. Supposedly it's does do some work. There's also kava if you want to go that route but I can't myself atm. Supposedly passionflower, not fruit, too.

>> No.14693943

You're addicted to caffeine.

>> No.14693948

so are you, but at least other anon's honest about it

>> No.14694024

if you drink too much pu'er it turn you into tranny

>> No.14694098

lemon balm

>> No.14694125

I'm more of a oolong and rooisbos guy.

>> No.14694136

what exactly is in there? Sounds interesting

>> No.14694137

chamomile is for washing ass when you have hemorrhoids

>> No.14694146

I do, and I hate it. Tell me about what you mean.

>> No.14694165

When I was a teen I would sometimes steep huge amounts of chamomile (buds, not powdery teabag junk) in a small quantity of hot water for 10+ minutes. the effects are a like a very mild, slightly stone-y benzodiazepine. I haven't drank chamomile in a while but I still do recommend it. Tastes good too.

>> No.14694352

chamomile gives me terrible heartburn

>> No.14694517
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I had a hard time getting a color accurate photo but this is pretty close

>> No.14694680

Drinking silver needle now. Very nice. I'm always surprised by how many infusions you can get out of it.

>> No.14695211

What does it taste like? Would you recommend that people try white tea?

>> No.14695298

Tastes very floral and honey like, I've heard it gets nuttier with age, but I've never tried it.
I do recommend people to try white tea, I think it's a really good way to get more into it, as it's hard to screw up and it doesn't taste like what most people associate with tea, so they can look more into it.

>> No.14695482

Thanks anon! Have you ever tried simmering it for a few minutes to brew it? I have seen that recommended a few times online.

>> No.14695508

No, I'm worried it might become too strong; against all common advice, I find that I get a clearer flavor with a more moderate infusion. But it can't be too bad, I guess. It doesn't go bitter easily.

>> No.14695567

>It doesn't go bitter easily.
silver needle? not bitter? white leaf tea i've found doesn't get bitter even with full boiling but white bud tea like silver needle everyone i've had gets bitter
i find white tea to be light and sweet with floral, honey and hay notes. i do ~4g/100g 85c for 20seconds and +10seconds for every re infusion

>> No.14695592

It hasn't been bitter for me, but maybe I've been conservative with my brewing. It has gotten a bit astringent, and can dry the sides of the mouth, but never bitter like a badly brewed green.

>> No.14695663
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Good news / bad news : Osawa Engawa cafe will remain closed since so many of the people there are elderly.
I want to go back so bad, someday.

>> No.14695677

Okay well since this anon said that white tea is thr greatest tea ever created by man and i absolutely had to try it i chartered a private jet from Beijing to bring me a few ounces of the finest white tea. Maybe i will try it tomorrow.

>> No.14696276

Now I see what he meant by puer autists.

>> No.14696302

why no just make kombucha?

>> No.14696303

I honestly meant it as a term of endearment

>> No.14697070

>mellow caramel chocolate
Wait really?

>> No.14697130

Yeah, ripe puer can have all those kinds of flavors, chocolate leather caramel wood soil loam. It's pretty tasty stuff as long as you buy it from the right factories. It can also smell a bit fishy but you usually won't actually taste that in the tea if it's been processed well or aged for a few years.

>> No.14697301

>the right factories
what are the wrong factories

>> No.14697315

I hate to bring this up...All these Teas you guys are posting are documented and proven to lower Testosterone and Raise Estrogen.
I wanted to get into Tea but settled for Moca Pot Espresso due to 95% of Teas having documented and proven Testosterone lowering effects.

>> No.14697409

From hard water to filtered water, continued:
I went back to the tea store from nearby city I hadn't been to for 2 years. They have a ripe puer I had tried with hard water: tasted like moss, soil and dirt. 'Compost tea', as some would say. Turns out it's some 2002 De Ye ripe from Menghai. I tried it yesterday with filtered water and though the earth tones are still there, it's more of background thing now. What's new is a brown sugar and quince paste flavor, with a lot of sweetness. Night and day again, another example of affordable ripe that tastes amazing for its price with decent water.

I guess I'm not buying expensive ripes from fancy internet sellers until long, until I get bored with all cheap local options at least.

On the other hand, what's the appeal to raw pu er? I don't enjoy the samples I tried more than dirt cheap gunpowder, with one or two exceptions.

>> No.14697504

>what are the wrong factories
There are a million places that make ripe puer until you dip your toes in and get a feel for the market you really should only buy it from Menghai tea factory aka Dayi aka tae tea. They are the ones that pioneered the fermentation process in the 80s and they are the undisputed kings of it. Prices are reasonable as long as you don't go for the collectors productions and they age the tea loose for 2-3 years after fermenting it and before they press it in to cakes so the fermentation funk is mostly gone before the tea is on the market. The worst you will end up with buying from them is a bland tea but most of it is pretty damn good. If you live in the us there is lots available on yunnansourcing.us and they have and official factory store on Amazon linked in the pastebin in the op.
With bad productions of ripe puer it can taste like a fishing dock smells, the fermentation process has to be monitored and managed carefully over the 30-50 days that it takes and the tea has to be decent quality and handled well to avoid issues with these weird off flavors, there are definitely other brands that make good ripe but dayi makes cakes cheap enough that it's really not worth branching out until you really want to try boutique productions or just experience some slightly different fermentation styles.
The dayi 7572 is the absolute classic recipe and considered the benchmark for ripe puer. I also have to mention that dayi teas are faked frequently, lots of the dayi teas on ebay or AliExpress are fake, so it's best to stick to known good sellers like the ones on the pastebin until you know what you are doing.

>> No.14697509

Absolutely based post, please link se studies i would love to read them

>> No.14697569

I agree that it's worth using filtered water for tea, i still think it has made some of my teas brew up with less viscosity but the improvement in flavor has been worth it.
>On the other hand, what's the appeal to raw pu er?
Raw puer covers souch a massive range of flavors from smokey and pine resinous teas to light and fruity teas, insane bitterness and none at all. I have a cheap gunpowder, temple of heaven, from my local chinese grocer and most of the puer i have had blows it away.
I can throw a few cheap recommendations your way if you want to try.
This is super herb flavor, some minty notes.
Haven't tried this particular tuo but xiaguan typically has a smokey strong tea flavor, mushrooms sweet maybe some overripe fruit and usually some pine incense resin kind of flavors.

>> No.14697638

This is a bit more of a buy but mengku is another good puer producer. This is a pretty bold tea in terms of ripe stone fruit and some solid bitterness. No smoke or any of those heavier darker flavors from factories like Xiaguan.
And finally since you like the ripes I have to shill some liu bao, this is the tea that provided the inspiration for the ripe puer fermentation process, it has a lot of the same flavors as ripe puer but it's unique, hard for me to describe but it's heavy on the chocolate and nutty flavors generally, frequently it is said to have the taste of betelnut. I really enjoy it and several anons have liked this particular cake.

>> No.14697720
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Not a tea person, but I have lots of herbs for cooking (sage, marjoram, rosemary, cloves, etc.). Steeping herbs both leaf and ground in boiling water and then straining that through an ordinary sieve. Not the best method as the ground powder takes a while to settle.

>> No.14697982
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Heh, nothing like slamming 5 of these bad boys and taking a PISS

>> No.14698017

Seconding. Sounds interesting.

>> No.14698384

awesome, thank you. it looks a tiny bit darer than mine, no wonder, they have it hotter there.

>> No.14698404

So far I've had the 6 different raws from the 2 YS sample sets (including a 2012 Xiaguan tuo) and another one from the aforementioned store. So far, the only one I actually enjoy is the latter, a 2017 O Yang Nanmei sheng. I'm not a fan of bitterness and smokiness.

But to be totally honest, I should have a raw pu erh week and report back because I just realized I only tasted most of them with my hard ass tap water. Silly me.

>> No.14698454

I miss my tea house.

>> No.14698673

Hmm, well report back on your results with the new water.

>> No.14698981

drinking 2017 impression from ys and god damn it's a good tea. soup is nice orange, the bitterness that was there in 2017 is already transformed. it's a salty and sweet tea, with lingering aftertaste on the back of the tongue, not much the throat. instant salivation and moving energy. it was 30 bucks when I bought it, unbelievable bargain three years later. I'm sweating.
2019 version is on sale, but it's different blend, copy of 2018 blend, which I find less interesting than '17, but still perfectly fine tea. very good and solid cake for beginners.

>> No.14699227

Yeah i was really happy with the price to performance ratio of the 2015 impression i got a few years ago. It's nice tea. The 2017 was the year that sold out because people figured out it was really great right?

>> No.14699351

yeah, 2017 got rave reviews, loads of new puerh fans were coming up in that time, bloggers, reditors and what have you. combined with low yields of leaf that year https://www.twodogteablog.com/2017/06/09/2017-spring-puer-tea-state-union/
made it sold out quickly.
also I checked my order history and turns out I paid 23 bucks at the tail end of 2017 for it.

>> No.14699459

is it best to avoid literally any tea that contains "aroma" in it?
and speaking of which, how do i forgo the insane prices of local tea shops? they want upwards of $40/kg for some shitty chamomile tea.

>> No.14699637

>is it best to avoid literally any tea that contains "aroma" in it?
Yes, unless you are buying from the finest french tea shops. I think there is one linked in the pastebin.
>how do i forgo the insane prices of local tea shops? they want upwards of $40/kg for some shitty chamomile tea.
Buy online, mountain rose herbs for herbal tea blends and individual herbs if you are in the US. For tea tea yunnansourcing.us has pretty reasonable prices. I sympathize with the added overhead of brick and mortar stores and I try to give them money when I can but it doesn't make me feel good for paying a 400% markup over the prices from Chinese tea dealers.

>> No.14699655

Thank you

>> No.14699727

How much sugar do you guys put in your tea?

>> No.14699737

These days I don't add any. Lots of the teas I drink are naturally sweet. If I'm drinking a cheap green I will sometimes through like half a teaspoon of honey in it.

>> No.14699767

Neat. Is honey better than sugar for tea?

>> No.14699811

What sweetener do you guys like using? I like using honey and stevia.

>> No.14699824

It has a more complex flavor, so it works well for some teas, especially greens, im not sure if it would be very good in a traditional english style black tea. If you get the chance try and look for some chinese black teas, some are pretty naturally sweet and fruity.

>> No.14699835

depends on the tea.
For Roiboos, i usually don't add any. for herbal teas, half a teaspoon or less.
never milk, except for black tea and only when my grandma makes it.

>> No.14699894

I love using honey for lemon or ginger tea, it really adds a lot of complex flavors to an otherwise single-flavored tea.

>> No.14699909

You guys weren’t lying about how much better loose leaf teas were than teabags. I’ve been drinking bagged oolong for the past couple weeks but today I got some loose leaf wuyi oolong stuff for comparison, and it really is a big difference.

Hopefully I will have a pleasant journey down the tea autism rabbit hole. Thanks /tea/.

>> No.14699918

teabags are starting to piss me off. Half the times I steep with my current bags they fall off into the water.

>> No.14700278

Awesome anon, enjoy.
Time to try looseleaf anon. There are some great affordable options out there. If you are drinking normal english teas lots of brands sell looseleaf versions. You just need a simple infuser basket like the ones from finum and you are ready to brew in mugs.
I like this teadog website for buying traditional british stuff in the US because they tell you the expiration dates and you know you aren't getting old tea.

>> No.14700397
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How accurate is this?

>> No.14700413

luckily the last cup I bought came with an infuser. time to invest.

>> No.14700542

accurate for white roasties, not so much /tea/

>> No.14701092

What does it taste like?

>> No.14701367

a yerba mate, a slice of lemon, slices of ginger, and a handful of fresh mint
kombucha is a lot different and also has carbonation. a cold brew is just like an iced tea

>> No.14701408

Very cool, anon. It's a whole new world.

I have never been good with tasting notes... it's like a much thicker and sweeter chamomile, I suppose. Not psychoactive, though.

>> No.14701458

how do I make sure the water is at the PERFECT temperature ? ? all the teas want different temps and im just looking at my pot of water baffled

>> No.14701512

Maybe an electric kettle? Which one would you guys recommend?

>> No.14701537

They all have pros and cons, the most popular ones in no particular order are the bonavita 1l gooseneck, the oxo gooseneck, and the Cuisinart cpk-17.

>> No.14701548

Need to stay awake for an extra day to fix my fucked up sleep schedule. Figured tea might help.
Got some cheap black bag tea but I prefer mine bitter af and need to use two bags per cup for a mediocre tea experience and can't get any re-uses out of them cause of lack of flavor.
Any recommendations for how to shop for bitter cheap teabags? Don't think I've ever seen any that specifically market themselves as bitter.

>> No.14701553

The first time I had yerba mate I felt like I just took a bump. I was vibrating with energy.
I like to have peppermint tea after meals because it is refreshing with a clean mouth feel & it soothes the stomach esp. if the meal was heavy
Valerian root tea has an odd taste but it's good for before bed
Quince Eucalyptus is awesome with apparent immune health benefits
I like mixing chamomile with kava root tea for ultra relaxation
I want to venture into higher quality teas.

>> No.14701617

How hot are you brewing them?

>> No.14701622

The biggest problem I've seen in reviews is that most of them seem to rust

>> No.14701648

Just overbrew your tea, anon.

>> No.14701661

Strong black tea with cream and honey is actually pretty good IMO, but it's not something I'd drink daily.

>> No.14701665

>yerba mate I felt like I just took a bump. I was vibrating with energy.
Yeah that stuff always keeps me up
>I want to venture into higher quality teas
Just dip your toes in and see where it takes you. This sampler has been recommended a few times, it even has some fruits n shit in it. It's not the fanciest tea but it will give you an idea of what kind of teas you want to explore further.
If you want to get more into herbal stuff... I feel less confident giving advice but you can try out some things like licorice root, tulsi (holy basil) lemon balm and lemon verbina. American ginseng will get you going, just get the farm raised stuff don't bother with wild.

>> No.14701679

Yeah, I don't use a temp control or gooseneck kettle and mine rusts, i just hit it with some citric acid coffee machine cleaner occasionally and it holds up pretty well. The rust doesn't really do anything negative except with the gooseneck kettles it can cause them to fail faster.

>> No.14701693

I've had a regular stovetop metal kettle explode. It was kind of funny, the bottom half of it cracked and water went everywhere. I can't imagine using a gooseneck which is even more fragile

>> No.14701706

Basically you just have to consider electric kettles disposable, they will last somewhere between 2 and 5 years and then something will get fucked up.
Damn having one fail one the stovetop seems like a shitshow.

>> No.14701733
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I'd never post in this thread for any other reason but to brag about Arizona Tea's gold tops, but I felt like I should let you co/ck/'s know that my new roommate makes raspberry and peach tea exclusively with about 2 cups of sugar for about 4 bags worth of water.

While it is good, I'm scared that he's gonna be a prissy little cunt about me using a raspberry, peach sleepytime, and two regular peach packets with a cup of granulated sugar and a cup of coconut palm sugar. And he hates the sleepytime shit.

Is he just fucking autistic or do I need to euthanize him in his sleep?

>> No.14702186

So here's a very odd and peculiar question, i have some loose tea bags in a sandwich bag stored alongside some packaged tea bags (think tazo tea bags) and the loose packets have turned the tazo tea bags translucent. any ideas why, and would they still be safe to consume?

>> No.14702197
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>> No.14702202

cute feet

>> No.14702208


>> No.14702260

perhaps the tea is oily?

>> No.14702261

Looks like oils, possibly bergamot oil from the earl grey, have soaked into the bag.

>> No.14702265

ok thats what i've figured

>> No.14702281

Can any one recommend me a good caffeine free tea that takes milk well? I've been drinking red bush but I want something different. Has to be an every day type of tea not some pansy sip after brewing for three point two seconds thing.

>> No.14702404

Saw someone talking about Moychay some threads ago and decided to check them out. Despite being in Russia, I was able to get my order in about 3 days here in eastern US. Bought some hei cha, some Georgian and Russian red tea, lots of Ivan Chai which they sell a multitude of different types of, and some cakes pressed from Russian herbs. Personally, I thought the prices were really reasonable and so far I've had many quality brews. Can't say I enjoy Russian/Georgian red tea more than Chinese (or Indian/Ceylon), but it's unique enough to drink often. Anyway, they have tons of options so I definitely can suggest them as an option for anyone here.

>> No.14702645

>Despite being in Russia, I was able to get my order in about 3 days here in eastern US.
That's incredible.
Thanks for posting your experience.

>> No.14703454


>> No.14703929

Now we gotta quarantine the thread, asshole.

>> No.14704355

honestly, there's like maybe 5-10 idk how many different kinds of tea, and the rest are just with different fruits or herbs or whatever added. if you don't know yourself what is in your tea, then that's kind of retarded.
like, all of those fruity teas are just one kind of base tea + whatever fucking fruit

>> No.14704361

It's kind of lemony but herbal.

>> No.14704544
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I just looked at moychay's selection of russian made ceramics. I'm not sure if I would advocate buying a lot of them but some ceramic nerds might get a kick out of a few of them. They convey some feeling in-between shitposts from the bleak russian tundra to a we brought supplies to a third grade class and put them to work vibe.
Good for a chuckle

>> No.14704564
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This seems like a parody of that really rough Japanese pottery.

>> No.14704622

When I get employed again, I'd like to order something from Yunnan sourcing again.
I remember getting something with osthmanthus flower years ago that tasted pretty much like honey.
I'm not into alcohol, but I imagine one of those Baiiju drinks with osthmanthus is really good too.
Fucking osthmanthus.

>> No.14705370

I'm getting an old tuo later. Should be good. Spring 2005, will post a picture if the mail truck ever decides to show up.

>> No.14705385
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tea and fish

>> No.14705403
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karigane sencha top tier

>> No.14705415

Nice, we don't get many posts about cooking with tea. Is that some brewed out sencha on the rice?

>> No.14705487
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also as you can see topp tier philly 'roll'

>> No.14706213
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>> No.14706280

I like Chamomile tea, I found it when I went through a phase of quitting the ganja. Reading this makes me want to make my own blends, nettle and mint sounds nice and easy for my to gather locally.

>> No.14706357

>leather wood soil loam
sasuga puer fan
these are not nice flavors. just drink hong cha instead if you want tea that tastes like caramel

>> No.14706443

>these are not nice flavors
Sorry my friend but you are incorrect. I hope you have a nice day!

>> No.14706480

Does Harney and Sons have any actually good tea? I tried their black and jasmine and both tasted sort of like socks. Did I just get an old batch?

>> No.14706664

how does everyone store their puers? thinking about getting some Boveda 65% rh and keeping my cakes stored in tupperware, right now they're in their bags in a drawer, amazon seems to split their packs between Cigars/Tobacco & weed, guessing the former would be more appropriate

>> No.14706722

It really was man. I had sent payment to them, like hours later they had shipped, and then bam it was at my house a few days later. Didn't even buy the express shipping or anything. Also, I dug into their Russian puerh today, which was insane. Like a strawberry jam with some chocolate and herb (mint) notes. I'm really blown away and will order again from them.

>> No.14706859

yea i reccomend the tea i have on the shelf, they have nice blacks and herbal teas (and blends/flavored teas if you're into that shit). the frost tea is real nice if you're into foresty black teas (like darjeeling kind of but more fruity/herbaecous/spicy woodiness than floral/muscatel

>> No.14706914

I mean I never heard of covids of any kind doing that before. But what could have happened is that you used a ton of medication. My guess is that you're currently insensitive to taste in general, which is something medication does, including some that is prescribed for heavy colds. This wears off in a month at the very latest. You're probably on the tail end of that and will be fine soon. Don't stress about it.

>> No.14707029

Therea a place in peddlers village i heard

>> No.14707475

Rate this (clay) teapot
I would probably give one to some metal head kids I know.

>> No.14707704

>I mean I never heard of covids of any kind doing that before.
You're ignorant then, and I mean that in the most literal, non-aggressive sense of the word. Loss of smell and taste is one of the most common symptoms due to the response of the respiratory system.

>> No.14707716

He said permanent. I meant permanent loss of it which is clearly what the post I replied to was worried about. He said for good.

>> No.14708953

I definitely got notes I never had (honey, sweetness and a little pungency for what I remember) but the baseline taste didn't change. I tasted just one because the second I was considering did smell like that exact baseline taste and I don't like it very much. Maybe I'll try again later in my life.

>> No.14709023

What's your favorite kind of tea for:
mid day

>> No.14709519

the more I read, the less I seem to know about tea

>> No.14709533

house of tea in queen village or premium steap on 13th right off of race st

>> No.14709541

cringe redditcore

>> No.14709971

It's mostly fraud and just so stories. The only thing you should pay any attention to is tasting notes from whoever is selling it.

>> No.14710152


>> No.14710222

I was gifted some bags of "organic genmaicha green tea" and I tried it
I kept the temperature steady and did several tests since the package said 1-2 minutes, so I brewed several cups for 1 minute and 30 seconds, 2 minutes and 1 minute

The all unequivocally tasted horrid, literally burnt, starchy ricewater
It was absolute shit

>> No.14710254

Weird, genmaicha should taste really mild and sweet. What was the ratio of tea to rice like in the bags?

>> No.14710402

Treated myself to some of my nicest gyokuro today, the Kameijirushi from O-Cha. Much gentler broth than the Yame from the same vendor; fewer sesame notes and more citrus.
I'm glad gyokuro is fussy and weird enough the healthfags probably won't ruin it.

>> No.14710808

I fucking hate how true this is. I wanted to be super classy and get into shengs but after a few weeks of just them all I want is a nice shu and I can't get enough of it.

>> No.14711345

I haven't really looked at it, but there was a bunch of rice now that I think about it. That would really explain a lot.

>> No.14711374

this is kind of stupid
no one ever drinks tea. nobody talks. it's not an actual tea room - it's just an empty, virtual room. how utterly fucking pointless. the sounds aren't even balanced in volume or placed correctly, spatially.
garbage ASMR/10

>> No.14711388

breakfast: fast, quick, dirty: teabag of fruity tea
mid day: roiboos, herbal, or other non-sweet
evening: relaxing. tea ceremony-tier. green tea. yellow tea.
just how i do it, idk. also don't do this every day of course, that would be sort of autistic.

>> No.14711397
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whatever you think taste good, is good. if you hate green tea because it's bitter, then you shouldn't force yourself to drink it just because some fucking retard on 4chan said so.
Hell, I love cinnamon-apple tea. i bet 90% of people here would say this is pleb tier.

>> No.14711399

Makes sense, I've had cheap bagged genmaicha in the past that really cheaps out on the actual tea

>> No.14711604

If your green tea is bitter, it's because you don't know how to brew it.

>> No.14711617

based and cinnamonpilled

>> No.14711635

That's true of literally everything. It's a good thing.

>> No.14711693

I'm TRYING to find better tea room asmr but I can't find SHIT

>> No.14711798

sauce? I want one.

>> No.14711821

I'm immunosuppressed and chrysantemun doesn't have I'll effect on me.

>> No.14711890

>What's your favorite kind of tea for:
Puer in a mug
>mid day
Puer in a mug
Puer in a mug

>> No.14711921

>some malty black tea
I just stop there since nothing compares and drinking caffeine at night is bad.

>> No.14711992

Strawberry & Vanilla
Cinnamon & Apple/Citrus, sometimes i add cloves too
Passion Fruit for sleep
Matcha for awake
Black Tea only with sugar, some juice, and ice

>> No.14712017 [DELETED] 

Try Not To Throw Away a Banana Peel Again After You See This

<a href="https://zenfir.com/10-reasons-why-you-should-not-throw-away-banana-peels-again/" >https://zenfir.com/10-reasons-why-you-should-not-throw-away-banana-peels-again/</a>

>> No.14712024


>> No.14712083
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>yellow tea
Got any recs?

>> No.14712202

I got it from Adagio, but I can't find it anymore. Just google "double wall mug", and you'll probably find something.

>> No.14712209

thanks lovu faggot

>> No.14712475

what the fuck is yellow tea?

>> No.14712525

It's this weird chinese tea that is steamed at some point. It's very expensive and hard to find good quality productions so it's not very popular in the west. But apparently it's pretty good if you can get it fresh and well made

>> No.14712633

cute birdie

>> No.14712870

its urine right

>> No.14713782

I want some fucking sencha

>> No.14713861

I will partake in mugwort tea that grows in my yard

>> No.14713862

who /lipton/ here

>> No.14713892

A few weeks ago I remember seeing a tea review, or possibly even a description from a seller, that suggested infusing a few tablespoons in gin, but I don't remember what tea it was. Anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.14713957

Prolly earl grey

>> No.14714036

That's what comes up when I google it, but I know the review in question wasn't for a scented tea. The suggestion of putting it in gin came after descriptions of how it tasted throughout a gungfu session.

>> No.14714232

Maybe a white tea? Seems like it might be good. Maybe some strong smokey puerh? Maybe some dragonwell

>> No.14714257

Latest tea pickup is this 2005 nianjian phoenix tuo i got from fullchea. I grabbed it because it was fairly cheap and the packaging said it was pressed in april, which makes me think it's a spring tea. It's okay, floral and sweet, not very potent or intense flavor wise.

>> No.14714272
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Always forget the picture

>> No.14714602

Brewing some more of this now it's actually pretty good. It has a bit of a hay straw kind of storage note on the first infusion but that gives way to a really plesent floral sweet flavor. It has a real mouth coating chalky kind of feeling, for lack of a better way to describe it. Like eating powdered sugar. No bitterness or astringency to speak of.

>> No.14714607

i thought that was burned pizza for a sec

>> No.14714622

Not my best photo. I got a macro lens to mess around with. Going to try and get real up close and personal with some leaves.

>> No.14714718
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mind blown

>> No.14715007

Sleep? Who needs sleep? How bout another cup of tea instead.

>> No.14715025

go to sleep faggot let's cuddle together

>> No.14715059

I noticed coffee just made me depressed and demotivated for the entire day

phased it out and replaced with daily cup of green tea, never felt better and became much more productive, no more bouts of depression

>> No.14715064

lemon grass is fucking great

>> No.14715072

Tea just seems way more even then coffee, coffee makes me overstimulated and jittery, tea even the super high octane stuff mostly has a smoother feeling.
Yep, have you tried lemon verbena or lemon balm?

>> No.14715085

lemon balm is to die for desu

>> No.14715155

my aunty makes really nice red tea idk what it is but it’s fruity and i love it :)

>> No.14715166

Anyone have a Grische electric tea kettle? My only one broke and I am thinking about getting one.

>> No.14715170

Also what’s the strongest black tea?

>> No.14715268

i really like white tea !!

>> No.14715550

Or to kill for.

>> No.14715707


>> No.14716433

CTC assam. It looks like big coffe grounds. Don't drink it on an empty stomach or brew it to strong or long though.

>> No.14716477
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What's the "right" way to make tea IYO? I've just been putting leaves in one of these in a cup then poured on it.

>> No.14716491

Gongfu or bust.

>> No.14716693

black tea with breakfast
green tea all day
oolong in the afternoon
hojicha at night

>> No.14716985
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The best way to brew in a mug is one of these basket style infusers.
I always shill thee finum brand ones but there are also tons of stainless steel ones out there.
The bigger the better as long as it still fits in your mug. The big basket give the leaves room to expand and let's water move around more easily. Helps the flavor of your tea.

>> No.14717238


>> No.14717392
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>> No.14717489

Grandpa style. You put the leaves on your mug, put the water, and drink. No fancy tricks, no refined technique, just a man and his drink.

>> No.14717525

But that's not how wet piling is done?!

>> No.14717741

Newb here.
How the hell do I brew gunpowder green tea?
Everyone seems to have different opinions about it.

Also my tea is yellow, while I saw some videos where the tea turns out greenish

Halp pls

>> No.14718101

>2 and 5 years
That's really unfortunate and makes it not really seem worth it. Yeah, I'm lucky I wasn't in the kitchen. Water went everywhere and it would have sucked to have it spray at me.

>> No.14718141

He doesn't have any right to complain about anything using that amount of sugar. My roommate uses several tablespoons of sugar for one cup of tea, it's disgusting.
You may as well listen to H ASMR fox girls serving you tea instead
Does it smell like apple pie?

>> No.14718165

Usually 2 minutes at 80-90 °C. 1 gram for 100ml. That's a pretty decent baseline you can change around.

>> No.14718310

i've never had good gunpowder, it always comes out bitter and (bad)smokey. try dragonwell aka longjin

>> No.14718482

Would anyone here be able to recommend any Chai mixes ?

>> No.14718488

Thank you.

Isn't 80-90 too much for green tea?

I tried 80-85 for less than a minute but it ended up too bitter

>> No.14718672

Do you know hold old the tea is? Lots of gunpowder has been sitting in some Chinese market for half a decade. Makes it a bit more forgiving with times and temperature.

>> No.14718696

It's a twinings box of gunpowder green tea.
It's from a supermarket, should be fresh.

Maybe is it a bad quality tea?

>> No.14718748

Damn. Well if it's coming out bitter try either less heat or less time. then adjust from there

>> No.14718792

Gunpowder is stronk. It can take a little heat.

>> No.14718798

>if it's coming out bitter try either less heat or less time. then adjust from there
This. This is pretty much all there is to making tea.

>> No.14719086

Genuine schizo post.

>> No.14719110


>> No.14719185

I can’t get a straight answer from science, but does 12-24 hour cold brew tea have less, or more caffeine than hot brewed tea?

>> No.14719198

I don't see any reason it should have less, if you let it brew long enough.

>> No.14719648

Nah he got bored with shitposting in thw coffee thread so he came over here for more attention. Just running some tired /pol/ parody schtick that was old and played out already half a decade ago.

>> No.14719654

There probably hasn't been a study done. It probably depends of your water to leaf ratios and if they are different with cold vs hot brews.

>> No.14719802

is drinking several liters of tea a day bad for you?

>> No.14719832
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could somebody help me with how to brew these? i use a gaiwan with about 145ml to the brim and gongfu brewing

i want to impress someone tomorrow and want to make it just right, but now sure the temperatures, the time steeping, and the increases. as well as grams im supposed to use.

>> No.14719910

the pastebin has some guidelines for brewing

>> No.14719918

is it all the same for stuff? i was ridiculed by someone because my dan cong was supposed to be brewed way lighter than other oolongs.

>> No.14719927

I'm afraid my autism level is too low

>> No.14719945

mine too. i am really curious as to how people can just recognize teas like that and know exactly what to do.

>> No.14719961

God i hope not

>> No.14719967

The guidelines in the pastebin are good enough for those teas. They are pretty normal teas without anything weird going on.
There is so much tea autism, it's not worth stressing about too much

>> No.14719982

i got into this hobby to start having time to myself and relaxing. its starting to not be relaxing when im not sure what to do

>> No.14720023

Top priority should be enjoying it. If you want things to be elaborate make it about having a ritual and enjoy the act of making tea. If you want it simple and easy then do that. I don't even bother with gongfu 99% of the time. I brew everything grampa style or occasionally western style and don't stress about perfect brew parameters, as long as the tea tastes good to you that's all that matters.

>> No.14720032

This, if you're getting tea you like the taste of, you're doing it right. Those guidelines are just starting points to help you zone in, don't sweat it.

>> No.14720057

i think the actual brew is more fun than the taste, but maybe i just havnt found teas i enjoy yet.

>> No.14720075

Try reishi mushroom tea. It helps you be lucid in your thinking and u feel good

>> No.14720107

>i think the actual brew is more fun than the taste
That's interesting. I really think there is a lot to enjoy about the ritual of brewing. You will figure out what you want eventually

>> No.14720195

Hey anon does it really taste like blue raspberry? It’s my favorite flavor of all time. I’m just getting into teas and I’m looking for finer teas that have a fruit we flavor and I want to gongfu brew them. Is this the move?

>> No.14720235
File: 2.38 MB, 4032x3024, 5C8A9957-FD9C-4E7E-A290-69E6305A4FB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As reddit as it sounds, I bought a tea tray and just holding the warm cups and experimenting is fun. I have been putting on some light gongfu music I looked up on YouTube and it’s just a nice relaxing time. I just moved into a house with new roommates and my tea corner is near our garden and it’s very planty. I am loving the see this and it gives me a reason to leave my room and interact with my roommates, as they are all super into it as well. Kinda lame, but here’s my setup.

>> No.14720240

>can’t get a straight answer from science
>asks /4channel/
I'd say equal amounts. From what I know, caffeine is hydrophilic and the amount of caffeine extracted in coffee depends on the amount of extraction water (limited by extractible caffeine). The lower temperature could be made up for by a longer extraction time, but I don't know if the tannins in tea would affect that.

>> No.14720263

Nice, looks good to me anon
Can i ask why you left the sticker on your pitcher? I see it a lot and I don't understand why people do it. But at the same time i find it oddly appealing

>> No.14720508


I taste it but haven't had the chance to enjoy it with anyone so don't have any corroboration. For fruity teas in general, the Dan Cong Black Tea from Kong Mountain Tea packs a really strong grapefruit punch (not sure if this is more characteristic of black tea or Dan Cong Oolongs so can't really point you outside of that), and the 2007 Yi Wu Zhi Chun from Yunnan Sourcing gives me straight up fig and raisin.

>> No.14720521

This might be a retarded question but one of my friends said he would drink this herbal tea that would give him a body high, is he bullshitting me or is there such a tea?

>> No.14720603

that bi lou chun green tea gets very bitter, i posted a month ago about my troubles making it drinkable. what i ended with was 3g/100ml, 90c, two 15sec infusions then +15seconds, its good for about 9 infusions. for some reason 90c give you less bitterness than 70 or 80c.

very thick vegetable soup flavour, it would be amazing if it didn't turn bitter so easily

>> No.14720611

what kind of kettles are you guys working with? my pos 15 dollar electric kettle finally kicked the bucket and i'm looking into getting a nicer replacement

>> No.14720618

is that the raindrop gaiwan? i think i have the same one, word of warning the glaze will crack and you'll get a spiderweb pattern on the inside. its safe but you lose the clean white inside

>> No.14720623


I've had the OXO Gooseneck Electric for 3 years and have no complaints, but some reviews I've seen from more recent purchases of it have been more mixed. It's possible they've dropped in quality since I got mine. FWIW I'll probably go Stagg EKG once mine croaks.

>> No.14720663

The sticker being left is just cuz it kinda looks nice and if it falls off it falls off no big deal.
Yup it’s the raindrop. Mine started to crack when I stupidly poured some cool water on it to wash it after a session, and it’s been cracking more each time. I kinda like it.

>> No.14720667

Ty both

>> No.14720931


>> No.14721255

On immunosupressant drugs? Like for organ rejection? Because that's what OP is referring to

>> No.14721305

I have had both the first and third of those teas. I brewed both at boiling, and flash steep then + 5 secs. Do ~7g/145ml and it should be good. The first one is nice, very floral perfumy

>> No.14721386

i'm poor af but i wanna drink some oolong, what are my options?

>> No.14721399

mow some lawns for money

>> No.14721490

My two Bonavita goosenecks (one variable-temp and the other not) have held up really nicely. The variable-temp in particular is a very nice product for the money, unless they cheapened out on the metal within the past few years or something.

>> No.14721652

cmon theres gotta be some good cheap oolong on taobao right?

>> No.14721742

This is what made me ask: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4648929/

There's another compound in tea that degrades the caffeine and heat/energy fuels the reaction. That, or caffeine itself isn't as shelf stable as its been reported (unlikely, right?)

>> No.14722110

Poppy pod tea
But beyond that yeah lots of herbal teas and regular teas can change your headspace or give you body high type feelings. It's not as powerful as doing drugs. And if your brain is burnt out from abusing various substances it probably won't be very noticeable but it's definitely a thing.

>> No.14722335

i remember you shilled 'grandpa style' for years lol go away haha

>> No.14722562

new thread

>> No.14722787

My Grandma told me they gave Poppy Pod Tea to babies in the past. Helped them sleep. Damn, being a baby in the early 20th century was pretty nice.

>> No.14723275
