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File: 357 KB, 840x859, lass-of-milk-png-photo-transparent-background-glass-of-milk-11563019930ofvkxfx6lp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14679110 No.14679110 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this considered a drink for children? Why can't adults have this as a regular beverage?

>> No.14679127

I like having a glass with dinner

>> No.14679130

boomers think children need it for strong bones
I drink it every day though

>> No.14679131

Is that what "normal people" think?

>> No.14679137

Milk makes me shit pure liquid and as farty and bloated as bagpipes. Love it though.

>> No.14679139

I drink it so rarely that I'm always surprised how good it is. Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.14679140

Nothing beats a glass of milk with breakfast. Glass of milk, some yogurt with some fruit,
a banana and peanut butter are kind of my staple breakfast.

>> No.14679166

I swear I'm allergic to milk
Consuming milk causes me to have breathing problems due to, I think, lung congestion, kinda like cystic fibrosis. It literally suffocates me.

>> No.14679235

(((they))) don't want you to gain the strength of ghengis khan

>> No.14679248

Depends on where you live. Over here it's entirely okay for anyone to have a glass of milk with dinner.

>> No.14679374
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because a bunch of dirty savages were drug out of their stone-age "civilizations" that fucked instead of domesticating animals and brought to the West.

They can't handle dairy and need a pound of spice to cover up their rotten meat, yet they speak of superiority while smelling so terrible that buzzards refuse to eat their corpses.

>> No.14679379

>drinking calories
you do you, fatty

>> No.14679388

I've heard milk increases your mucus production but I'm not sure if that's a wives' tale

>> No.14679403

cause the dairy industry has been shoving milk down boomers throats since the 50s through propaganda. also they infiltrate schools and do milk programs
boomers legit believe children need to drink it

>> No.14679414

i like to have milk as breakfast
i don't like eating in the morning but milk is easy and convenient to consume

>> No.14679440

A lot of people stop drinking it because its so hugely fatty and their metabolism slowed, and I think a lot of people just lose their lactose tolerance as a result and get the squirts as an adult

>> No.14679479

Yes, I know it. But don't worry, you too can run for President one uh...ah...Milk is good for your bones!

>> No.14679495
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>> No.14679503

Isn't milk like 700kcal / L? That's around juice level.

>> No.14679691

>Why is this considered a drink for children?
because most adults become lactose intolerant

>> No.14679793

A lot of people develop lactose intolerance... mind you, that's supposed to help them off the teat. Cow's milk isn't the most normal of drinks, but if you can still stomach it, I say go for it. Show Bessie who's boss.

>> No.14679799

makes my tummy hurty :(

>> No.14679803

Milk is for babies bro

>> No.14679814

ive wondered why people avoid it for this reason, have they ever took a second to think that evacuating their bowels could help them out?

>> No.14679817

in Ireland most adults drink milk, but that's probably because we all have heartburn because alcoholism

>> No.14679827

milk is that good shit if u can get it raw. if ur drinkin pasteurized, homogenized then skip it and go for yogurt or kefir. the good bacteria is the main benefit to dairy for your digestive tract

>> No.14679831

Are you guys really drunk all the time? How do you drive?

>> No.14679835

Most adults dont drink tall glasses of juice either. It exists as a mixer.

>> No.14679838

because it's flavorless empty calories. drink water tubby

>> No.14679839

a real adult consumes what they want. you don't need anyone's approval

>> No.14679845

not all the time, but excessive drinking is completely normalised to the extent that it's the only way anyone ever socialises.

>> No.14679848

Sure sure, but the violent eruption that IS the bowel movement isn't something one looks forward to. It's not quiet. It's loud. It's farty. It's multiple trips back and forth to the toilet squirting pure water out of your ass like when you squeeze a plastic ketchup bottle too hard an it all comes blasting out at once. The poor anus is on fire and can only handle so much toilet paper and wet wipes before it burns like the surface of the sun every time you wipe.

Is the icecream worth it? Is the cheese and yogurt and milk? Yes. But no. But yes.

>> No.14679850

>flavorless empty calories
wtf kinda milk do you have over there

>> No.14679856
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Because it hurts your tummy, dummy.

>> No.14679857
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>> No.14679858

throw in some protein powder

>> No.14679859

>not eating to get energy

>> No.14679877

Milk is more beneficial for children because its nutrient dense and their bodies still make use of the calcium. Im 29 and still love milk though and it helps with my gains.

>> No.14679933

>making a comic about someone mocking you and your self insert screams like a toddler
Soyboi indeed

>> No.14679934

Absolutely. I always keep a little whole milk in the fridge for desserts too.

>> No.14679941
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Cow milk is full of the hormones given to cows to make them perpetually lactate. It's given to female children to make their breasts grow large. There is no need for men to drink cow's milk.

>> No.14679944

because it sucks

>> No.14680057

dont care;;;;;;;;;;; still drinking cowtit milk

>> No.14680061

because men drink buttermilk

>> No.14680088

Certain people are lactose intolerant, so they make fun of milk I guess.

>> No.14680114

You still get the occasional lactose intolerant or vegan white person who freaks out when people drink milk and start talking about how it's unnatural and only meant for babies. It's mostly just people coping with others doing something they aren't doing so they want to believe it's wrong.

>> No.14680248

Imo things become natural when people do it for generations, milk has been around long enough for me to see it as natural.

>> No.14680906

casein promotes blood clots. cheese and yogurt is fine because it at least has nutrients and flavor but milk is just water, fat and casein. no reason for someone with a fully-formed skeleton to consume it

>> No.14680908

USA is literally the 2nd largest producer of Soy. Learn to differentiate propaganda

>> No.14681125

Because fermented milk products like kefir are vastly superior

>> No.14681164

>why is a liquid literally produced for the sole sake of feeding infants considered a drink for children
shit man i don't know

>> No.14681175

let that sink in

>> No.14681192

>produced for the sole sake of feeding infants
Some adults can digest it. Some farmers produce it for whoever wants it. Therefore it's not produced solely for the sake of feeding infants anymore. Viewing it as how it happens in nature with no human involvement is irrelevant, we've changed how it works and therefore it's no longer just for infants. Deal with it.

>> No.14681198

I used to drink a lot of plain milk and switched to drinking plain buttermilk. Now plain milk tastes a bit weird to me and almost too sweet, and I love the taste of buttermilk.