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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14670090 No.14670090 [Reply] [Original]

Got a girl coming over tomorrow and she's vegan. What dish can I make for us?

>> No.14670097

You can hop in the oven and she can have a faggot souffle.

>> No.14670106


>> No.14670235

aglio e olio

>> No.14670238
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Didn't we have this thread yesterday?

>> No.14670243

We have it multiple times daily, /ck/ isn't very interesting or clever about its memes.

>> No.14670275

Surf and turf with sea-catched Salmon and the fattest marbled T-bone you can find, served with chicken nuggets made from ground chicks, all on a tableclotch from fox skin

>> No.14670284

only /tv/ and /b/ have occasionally been interesting about it's memes

>> No.14670291

Yeah, that sounds about right.

>> No.14670422

bake some sweet potatos, vegan weebs love potatos

>> No.14670436
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tear a bunch of grass out of the ground and put it in a plate

>> No.14670437

classic pasta with tomato sauce

>> No.14670443

get a better girl

>> No.14670476
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Peanut butter and jelly, homie.

>> No.14670478

do vegans swallow?

>> No.14670569


>> No.14670785
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>> No.14670800

If you have a yard you can just leave her there so she can eat the grass

>> No.14670806
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> /tv/
> memes
seek help

>> No.14670816

yes, they need any animal protein they can get
and it's cruelty free (hopefully)

>> No.14671206

Last time I fucked a vegan chick her cunt smelled like overcooked cauliflower. Would recommend against cooking her anything that will get you laid. Maybe some oatmeal porridge for sustenance.

>> No.14671216


Vegans love cum.

>> No.14671233

Serve meat to assert your dominance. She will respect you for it.

>> No.14671235

Honestly, OP pasta would be the most simple and tasty. Just make a simple homemade sauce of some sort. I was going to recommend pesto but that's technically not vegan because you typically add parmesan or pecorino cheese. I guess you could just not add it in but it's her loss. I also have a date with a vegan in a week and she's smoking hot. I love vegan women. Their skin is amazing, just so soft and clear.

>> No.14671238
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since humans are animals then cum is an animal product. if a vegan swallows, they aren't really vegan.

>> No.14671245

Based post.
You don't have to be vegan to date vegans. They are generally smarter than their omnivorous sisters, as well as more physically healthy. My last three partners have been vegan.
For posterity's sake, I eat meat.

>> No.14671255

Exactly most of my past gfs/dates were vegetarian or vegan but personally I eat a lot of dairy and seafood. But a health-conscious woman is attractive, better in bed, more youthful and makes other sluts jealous from what I have observed kek.

>> No.14671292

Dubs confirms.
As long as you can cook vegan food and don't rave on about how much you love "le medium rare steak xD," they don't care what you eat. Also their pussies don't stink, contrary to >>14671206
You should've fucked a chick without a yeast infection.

>> No.14671637

Cover her urethra with your mouth and drink every drop of her delicious hot piss.

>> No.14671893

Broccoli and soy chicken

>> No.14672102

How about you ask her what she fucking likes?

>> No.14672133

>talking to w*men

>> No.14672145


>> No.14672156

The only vegan I know pretty much only eats hummus, bagels, and Oreo's. Dude's well over 300lbs.

>> No.14673543


>> No.14673582

Invite another girl over, prepare a delicious steak dinner for two, then have the vegan slut pleasure you both orally under the table while you eat.

>> No.14673627


>> No.14673772

Only boomer males are impressed by steak, women are more likely to like more something like fish or chicken, with lots of vegetables

>> No.14673942

Potatos, vegan cake flax egg for binder

>> No.14674192


>> No.14674862

Just cool it with the anti-gay remarks..

>> No.14674964
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