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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 240 KB, 1500x1018, SucksMayorD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14665026 No.14665026 [Reply] [Original]

Fast food establishments should have NEVER touched breakfast.

Change my mind.

Oh wait you cant. Because its all discusting.

Like seriously why would ANYONE want an egg mcmuffin if they could have a normal hamburger instead?

>> No.14665053

Breakfast from any fast food place is disgusting and depressing. Like what the fuck are you even doing up and out that early, and why didn't you just cook something yourself if you hate sleeping that much?

>> No.14665060

Called a “job”

>> No.14665074

thats no typo, the g and the c aren't that close together on the keyboard. People always ask me why /ck/ is the low iq board...

>> No.14665090
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Fast food in the US has to be shut down and forced to abide by the food standards appropriate for the first world country. Not a single "fast food" location I know serves anything that would resemble food fit for human consumption.

>> No.14665112

Whenever my family would go to a diner in the morning as a kid (and currently), I'd always get non-breakfast food like tendies.

>> No.14665116
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>> No.14665122

Alright but the hash browns are good.
“Too greasy” yeah what the fuck ever. Tastes good man.

>> No.14665130
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>barely a centimeter apart.

ThAtS NoT A tYpO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14665131

McDonalds sausage biscuit with a packet of grape jelly. You don't know what it's like

>> No.14665135

Egg McMuffin > any shit "burgers" Mcdonalds sells

>> No.14665136
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never tried it. the only hashbrowns i had on a burger was the big rösti. And it sucked. literal royal with cheese, bacon and a big fried slap of tasteless nothing.

>> No.14665174

Breakfast is the only fast food I bother ordering. It's often far cheaper than anywhere else at that time of day, and you're not really expecting much other than some savory smoked/cured meats with eggs and hashbrowns. I love parking somewhere and watching the sun come up while eating a breakfast burrito from Chick-fil-A or a sausage McMuffin.

>> No.14665401

Some of us work big boy jobs, anonymous.

>> No.14665403

Can I join you?

>> No.14665409

Big boys don't wageslave from 9-5. It's 2020.

>> No.14665433

I wish I worked 9-5. It's usually worse hours than that.

>> No.14665504

Any day of the week, fellow breakfast bro.

>> No.14665513

Yeah the poorly educated.

>> No.14665520

Perhaps, but what good is being highly educated if you're poorly paid? :^)

>> No.14665580

This is America, folks. America runs on money, not education. Some of the dumbest motherfuckers alive are executives, for fuck's sake.

If you can't work yourself around to understanding that, then enjoy dying in the gutter. I will walk by and spit my possibly-coronavirus-infected saliva on you, as I enjoy my McMuffin.

>> No.14665646

>tfw too smart to work in the morning

>> No.14665655

>t. Ignatius J. Reilly

>> No.14665744

The eggmcmuffin is the best and least disgusting item on the McDonald's menu.

>> No.14665754

>People always ask me why /ck/ is the low iq board...
So give us the reason then you fucking retard. WHY it is the low IQ board

>> No.14665817

>he's never gotten wasted on a Friday night and only been able to sleep a few hours before waking up in a cold sweat at 6 AM and felt too awful to make food
Underage as fuck, there's few enjoyable moments that early in the morning but choking down 4 Advils and a glass of water en route to some greasy goodness is the greatest.

>> No.14665828

You sound like you're still in your teens and have been driving for maybe 2 years at most. It's embarrassing when you call other people underage.

>> No.14665853

I know. If I feel like trash I'm not getting in the car and driving to get food. Further, I can't even remember the last time I was hungover. I just don't have it happen because I know how to handle my booze.

>> No.14665855

Nah I'm not, you can shut the fuck up and fuck off the board though, since you obviously just want to whine, complain, moan and otherwise bitch like the fucking nigger you are.

>> No.14665860

Quiet, the adults are talking, kiddo.

>> No.14665875

>you can shut the fuck up and fuck off the board though, since you obviously just want to whine, complain, moan and otherwise bitch like the fucking nigger you are
Great job demonstrating how mature you are.

>> No.14665892

Make a real point or go fucking die you stupid apes.

>> No.14665897

You're making it for us, champ. :^)

>> No.14665910

OK faggot, whatever you want to think, that's fine.

>> No.14665923

Samefag trying to bump his fucking shit thread.
Nobody cares that you think you're "better" than everyone else because you're too "good" and "smart" to eat fast food. Nobody cares that your 12 year old ass thinks he's too "smart" to know people work in the fucking morning like real adults.

>> No.14665933

How's middle school treating you?

>> No.14665982

Maybe reddit is more your speed, fucking dumbass nigger

>> No.14666015
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pic related

>> No.14666026

name a bad breakfast sandwich from a fast food place that doesn't also sell bad burgers

you can't
you're complaining about low quality food that comes from low quality food incorporated

shut up
shut up just shut up about mcdonalds and fast food

>> No.14666375

Made you post, faggot

>> No.14666420

>have a normal hamburger instead
It's all rubbish, but I still prefer macca's breakfast to the day menu.

Double quarter pounder is always pretty nice though, but shit still goes right through you.

>> No.14666711
File: 359 KB, 560x450, dabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I just came back from work fren. I dont know who you are battling with. Its certainly not me.

>> No.14666717

You make a good point but a full-size breakfast from mcdonalds is often faster and more filling than a shitty granola bar/cereal/etc breakfast from home when rushing to work in the morning. I have no real complaints

>> No.14666758
File: 130 KB, 720x868, Pug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like how can you think that? Eggs are pretty easy to fuck up. And once they do, they taste about half as good, at best. Even if you make a burger dry as shit it atleast is enjoyable to eat. Like what is so appealing to you about it?

65 years in flippin burgers and about 15 years less in servin breakfast. More experience i guess? Also there is a BIG difference in low quality foods. Because a low quality burger is INFINITE times better then a low quality egg sandwich.

>> No.14666788

Chik-Fil-A. Checkmate.

>> No.14666795

some of you faggots have never had a good breakfast burrito and it fucking shows

>> No.14666944

Why is the word “faggot” so ubiquitous here

>> No.14666965

“Ubiquitous “ is a fag sounding word.

>> No.14666967


>> No.14666969

Yeah, you would know

>> No.14667115
File: 274 KB, 800x600, mcdonalds_sausage_mcmuffin_w_egg_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the best

>> No.14667849

Oh sorry I should've been a professor so I could be fucking retarded like you

>> No.14668796


>> No.14669409

>barely a centimeter

Your dick size has nothing to do with it

>> No.14669415

>wagey too poor and stupid to earn a living working remotely
that's right, you are a big boy :^)

>> No.14669451
File: 56 KB, 362x298, 1576464948360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really miss the egg mcmuffin. haven't had it in years.

>> No.14669990

Bk pancake platter is tasty as fuck

Change my mind

>> No.14670000

No, we're effectively on call 24/7 now.

>> No.14670037
File: 196 KB, 600x600, Kagami.Taiga.full.1265766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based California firefighter.

>> No.14670080

>t. Jobless loser
Everyone has a different schedule, retard

>> No.14670780
File: 802 KB, 900x1200, 3e9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like barely apart from yo gf puss


>> No.14670937

>Implying I don't get paid $45/hr to drink coffee, smoke cigars, shitpost, answer a radio, and occasionally make decisions at 2 AM.
I am a big boy. :D

>> No.14671011

the last time I had a mcmuffin it was full of eggshells but I was too hungover to bother complaining, haven't been back since

>> No.14671568

>He doesn't have a drinking problem
OK, kiddo.