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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14664669 No.14664669 [Reply] [Original]

* Dabs on 3 michelin stars "chefs" *

>> No.14664672
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im not gonna lie some of the shit out his cookbook wasn't bad

>> No.14664700

Ramsay btfo
bet Oliver can cook a grilled cheese

>> No.14664707

>t out his cookbook
he published 20

(I have like 18)

>> No.14664723
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>bet Oliver can cook a grilled cheese

>> No.14664734
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Way back in the 2000s Jamie Oliver got me excited about cooking and it started a whole new direction for me. I lived in an apt where I couldn't cook and spent a good 18 months craving home cooked food and missing all the dishes I grew up on. Used to watch Jamie At Home and get super motivated to cook, at how good it all looked and how easy he made it look.

Anyway, once I got myself into a proper kitchen I was doing backflips in there cooking shit I never thought I would cook. When I was essentially homeless for about 4 years I paid my room and board by cooking for the various households that let me stay with them.

I like him, memes or no memes.

Pic is the next thing of his I'm going to try, black pepper and marmalade glazed ham. Only problem is in Australia it's almost impossible to find a raw, unsmoked gammon

>> No.14664742

His books are very good.
Hes not a bad chef.
Hes not even a bad person.
Hes just somehow still really easy to hate.

>> No.14664745

Jaime was the father I never had.

>> No.14664753

Based and Pukkapilled

>> No.14664754
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* propagates the white race *

>> No.14664757

ovely jubbly, chuck that in, lugs of olive oil, whack 'em in there, hack that up, bash it all in, mush it all up, and... tastes pucker..., it's really really pucker,... ends up being dead tasty and looking dead pucker

- Jamie Oliver

>> No.14664766

He goes a bit overboard with the cheese outside but check it out for ooze


Ramsay BTFO by Oliver

>> No.14664769

The one episode of his first show where he has his m8s over seemed very homoerotic. As did the cook for his boss one. Glad to see I didnt enjoy watching a homo

>> No.14664774

he's just british

>> No.14664777


>> No.14664779
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Me bottom right in 10 years

>> No.14664781

Checked. The fuck is your problem?

>> No.14664784

>Ramsay has revealed that he will not speak with Jamie Oliver again
>unless the Naked Chef apologises to his wife Tana
>Jamie turned round and said [in a newspaper], >‘I’ve got five kids, he’s got four kids'”,
>Ramsay told Radio Times. “
>To judge someone else’s family on the amount of kids you have, that’s… that’s…”

Chef Ramsay BTFO

>> No.14664786

Ramsay was pro Brexit
Oliver was pro Remain

>> No.14664787

don't post tabloid trash please

>> No.14664788

>Oliver’s comments appear to have hit so hard as they came after what Ramsay describes as a “shit year”, during which he and his wife Tana had lost a baby at five months through miscarriage, his daughter had a collapsed lung and he ruptured his own achilles.

>> No.14664790

Anyone with a brain would choose remain.

>> No.14664792

Everyone in EU was secretly rooting for Brexit to happen

fuck anglos

>> No.14664799

> >lost a baby at five months through miscarriage

Ramsay truly BTFO

>> No.14664801

>when you put olive oil in your wife uterus and the baby doesn't stick

>> No.14664804
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Did your visa get denied polak?

>> No.14664806

I'm a happy Italian, with a job, a house and a wife.

I just hate Brits.

>> No.14664814

Why? Because your tiny r*man "empire" couldnt compete with the mighty British Empire?

>> No.14664838


I'm a person who likes aesthetics and your people are ugly
I seldom get to work with brits (I'm a consultant) and they can't think outside the box for shit
The whole politeness thing is just bourgeois hypocrisy, you say sorry every 20 seconds but never mean it
You're still stuck thinking you're the mighty Britain but you're not and haven't been for 1 century
Fuck cider
Stupid carpets in your offices and need buttons to open doors (wtf)
list is long

I like me some brit food tho, pies, toad in the hole, etc.

>> No.14664844

>Stupid carpets in your offices and need buttons to open doors (wtf)

Thats it, let it out bro.

>> No.14664878

>fuck cider

hey hey hey! Calm down there buddy! Don't say things you can't take back

>> No.14664885

>I like me some brit food tho, pies, toad in the hole, etc.
you alright mario

>> No.14664890
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what about bubble and squeak

>> No.14664893

>bubble and squeak
we have frittata in italy but yours is alright

give me a sec, I'll post some pies I made with Jamie Oliver recipes

>> No.14664897
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Fish pie

>> No.14664898
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so this is where the thread went to shit

>> No.14664903
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Some meat pie, I think a guiness or ale pie

>> No.14664905
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Toad in the hole and onion gravy

>> No.14664907

i'd watch him over 98% of youtube 'chefs', that's for fucking sure. his channel is also how i found gennaro contaldo, and he's based, so that gives me a softspot for ol jaime

>> No.14664911

None of those children look white

>> No.14664912
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Better pic of toad in the hole

>> No.14664914

This one in particular looks fantastic.

>> No.14664915
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Chicken pie (before covering)

>> No.14664924

>3 michelin stars "chefs" *
Restaurants get awarded Michelin stars not chefs.
Lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.14664936

looks great italybro

>> No.14664944
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Other pie
As you may understand I like them a lot

>> No.14664953

Lmao, you can tell they were all made by a foreigner, none of them are made properly

>> No.14664963

I'm sure you're going to post yours now

>> No.14664971

What the fuck is that?

>> No.14664974
File: 150 KB, 1440x720, quick-toad-in-the-hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck is that?
a toad in the hole

>> No.14664983

Ohh, it's this shit again.
Americans butt-hurt about superior British Chefs.

>> No.14664985

they're both brit

well Ramsay is scot

>> No.14664991

Fuck off Amerilard, your chefs don't even compare.

>> No.14664996

Back to /pol/ you fucking retard......

>> No.14665000

Get there, faggot

>> No.14665008

Coming from someone that will never have children.
Good on ya, you fucking homo.

>> No.14665018

Is your wife black?
It seems like she is, and has been used before you had her.

>> No.14665022

what's wrong with you m8

>> No.14665027

> I'm a consultant
No you aren't, you are a fuck-wit that got the sack and is crawling back to the job you had before.

>> No.14665034

what's wrong with you?

I'll have you know I'm still in the same company 5 years and 3 raises later

>> No.14665040

what's with these bitter fucks everyday on /ck/

>> No.14665041

This homo has never heard of things like fire doors and ergonomics.
I wouldn't employ this fucker in a bin emptying round.

>> No.14665052

OK homo, heard of a fucking sun-tan?
You Americans are such arseholes, just get a life.

>> No.14665061

As opposed to WHAT, faggot?
People like you need to my foot in your arse.

>> No.14665062

>things like fire doors
the doors are wooden and the floor is carpet

tell me again why you need buttons to open them?

>> No.14665063

Do we know how much he blew on that restaurant chain?

>> No.14665065

It is the gay mans toad in the hole where you can see the full length of the sausage.

>> No.14665067

>Do we know how much he blew on that restaurant chain?

>The group started looking for buyers late last year, and Mr. Oliver provided an additional 4 million pounds, or about $5 million, of his own money this year to make the investment more attractive.
>But the company struggled to find interest and floundered as competition grew in the midmarket casual dining sector.

He lost at least 10-15

>> No.14665072

>reading comprehension.
Fuck me, I'm sick of Americans.

>> No.14665073

>in 2018, it was revealed that the Essex-born star's firm owed staff £2.2m and was in £71.5million of debt.

>Jamie Oliver's net worth is reportedly over £240 million.
>Jamie lives with his family in a £10 million property in Hampstead and a country house in his native Essex.

>> No.14665075

Ha Ha Ha Ha

>He works for a company
>Has no control over his life and income
>Sucks to be you

>> No.14665079

Dept is pretty meaningless for a ltd. though. All he lost was his investments.

>> No.14665085

>Bitter fucks
>People expressing their own opinion.

Gee, maybe you could go back to somewhere like YouTube or even MySpace, homo.

>> No.14665089
File: 33 KB, 487x449, pepe_hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread turned into pure trash. what the hell is wrong with you people

>> No.14665091

>this thread turned into pure trash. what the hell is wrong with you people
they never knew real love.

>> No.14665097

>I'm sure your wife is a whore and a nigger
>I'm sure you lost your job

yeah, opinions...

>> No.14665103

You've obviously never worked in a hospital before, have you Mr Consultant?
I have worked on electrical systems in hospitals since 1989.
The reasoning behind the switches for the doors is so that dementia patients can't open the doors and walk out.
This sort of system isn't only used in hospitals, it is used in various other places as well.

>> No.14665106

>The reasoning behind the switches for the doors is so that dementia patients can't open the doors and walk out.
doesn't explain banks and IT enterprises, where I worked

>> No.14665107

This from a frog poster?
Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.14665217


>> No.14665222

>In charge of anything

>> No.14665300


It's his fat tongue that annoys folk.

>> No.14665318

Jamie was also for taxing sugar stupid high

The nation hates the cunt.

>> No.14665341

It's a good thing

>> No.14665396

>banned turkey twizzlers cos "muh fat kids"
>sugar tax cos "muh fat nation"
>got an energy drink age limit cos "muh hyperactive kids"
>trying to ban 2 for 1 pizza deals most pizza places here do cos "muh fat nation"

>offers absolutely no alternative for convenience/price
>just limits the options that poor people have

oliver is a cunt and its an absolute travesty that david cameron bent the nation over backwards and let oliver have his way however he liked

>> No.14665404
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How does he do it?
How does Oliver always get the better of Chef Ramsay?

>> No.14665414

>>banned turkey twizzlers cos "muh fat kids"
>>sugar tax cos "muh fat nation"
>>got an energy drink age limit cos "muh hyperactive kids"
>>trying to ban 2 for 1 pizza deals most pizza places here do cos "muh fat nation"

literally all good things, fat burger

>>just limits the options that poor people have
poor people should buy 20kg sacks of rice and beans, not fried frozen stuff

>> No.14665420

>How does he do it?
Ramsay blew at least 80 millions on cocaine

>> No.14665421

If poor people were able to exercise self control they wouldn't be poor.

But little shannon and bradley dont want rice and beans they want frozen chicken dippers and ketchup cos our lee can't have cheese

>> No.14665424

>If poor people were able to exercise self control they wouldn't be poor.
Good goy

if you work hard enough you can be the next Jeff Bezos!

Now do some more unpaid overtime, so your CEO can buy a new boat for Christmas!

>> No.14665434

>There are only corporate wagies and fat cat CEOs

if you left your mothers basement you'll discover a whole world of opportunities anon, you're 27

>> No.14665443

>>There are only corporate wagies and fat cat CEOs
yeah unless you want to open a shop and see it

A. burned by niggers
B. bankrupt because it cannot compete with Amazon
C. closed because you don't serve gays or let men piss in the women toilet

the middle class will not exist by 2030, it will be billionaires and poors

>> No.14665488

that's cute, anon.

>> No.14665497
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Imagine being Ramsay's brother, watching telly one day and the cunt calls you a junkie just because you like a jab now and then.
All the while knowing that cunts put more coke up his nose than a team of 1980s traders.

>> No.14665500

its the smirk he always does

>> No.14665502

>All the while knowing that cunts put more coke up his nose than a team of 1980s traders.
gotta give it to Gordon, he never made scandal
his brother got in rehab 7 fucking times

>> No.14665506

Looks like he kept trying for a boy.

>> No.14665511

>Looks like he kept trying for a boy.
the blondie is a boy, anon

>> No.14665528
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Yeah, and then some. He's an innovator. Once you've shaken your flavours you never go back. Honestly makes me cringe all the years I was using unshaken flavours.

>> No.14665562

Gordon, is that you?

>> No.14665584

I know, his name is Buddy lol

>> No.14665591

>I know, his name is Buddy lol
Daisy Boo Pamela Oliver

Poppy Honey Rosie Oliver

Buddy Bear Maurice Oliver

Petal Blossom Rainbow Oliver

River Rocket Oliver

>> No.14665630

Did you just assume all of their genders?!

>> No.14665643

You ever eat other peoples food and notice how unshaken the flavours are?

>> No.14665667

>Can't pronounce orégano
>Somehow is regarded as a good chef

>> No.14665670
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I have.

>> No.14665680
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>>Can't pronounce orégano
you can't write either

t. italian

>> No.14665686

Americans pronoun "potato" as "poteyta"

>> No.14665705

Carry on citizen

>> No.14665712

Why is Jamie Oliver considered some authority on healthy eating when he's fat?
You sure talk about them an offal lot.

>> No.14665720

>google it
>those are all real

Jesus fucking christ, if I had a name like that I'd murder my parents for giving it.

>> No.14665729

if your father was gonna leave you 400 millions of dollars, you'd better let him shit on your chest if he so much pleased.

>> No.14666094
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>Walk in the street
>Hear some guy say HEY BUDDY
>Turn around
>No, not you

>> No.14666132

to be fair people don't address others as buddy in UK

>> No.14666137

Let's wait and see if Jamie goes for a 6th kid and names her CUNT

>> No.14666139

Poofta Nonce Oliver

>> No.14666142


>> No.14666156

Did he use a name generator?

>> No.14666173

Ramsay has almost no market penetration in Europe. I didn't even know him before people on 4chan mentioned him.
Meanwhile the stores are full of Oliver crap and books.

>> No.14666183

>Meanwhile the stores are full of Oliver crap and books.
gotta give it Oliver, "his" pans are relabeled Tefal, which is a good brand

>> No.14666252

thinner than you, fatty

>> No.14666372
File: 40 KB, 800x474, 905AFE3C-5F6C-4719-A7CD-864BA60FFA54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its because their disgustingly inbred bodies lack the vigor and strength to open doors at this point. They have been breeding incessantly on an island the size of michigan for thousands of years, which also explains why all British “people” have a distinctly “British” look.

British? More like BRUTISH lmao. Dont even get me started on the stupid baby talk words and false sense of superiority that comes with coasting on the laurels of a fallen empire.

>rules 1/3 of the entire world at one point
>relegated to an island the size of michigan

At least niles can go down to the chippy butty while muslims replenish your nearly dried up gene pool.

>> No.14666378

You're retarded
The button just unlocks the door
You still need to pull it

>> No.14666390

Was it the same year Ramsay was having an affair?

>> No.14666409

That's any year

>> No.14666427

oi mate you don't like eggie weggies? this anon is a roight cunt eh is

>> No.14666451

>internet knowledge
I could write a whole essay on you faggots pretending to have knowledge of anything. Stop consuming so much biassed media and go form your own world view.

>> No.14666462


Whats the point, Archibald? Im sorry ive never visited a country where you need an ID to buy forks.

>> No.14666467

I'm the anon saying it's a pointless thing
Especially since you already need a badge to enter the office, so it's not like you're trespassing some off limits area

>> No.14666484

Go away Jamie.

>> No.14666485


Nothing in british society makes sense. They arent coping well with the fact that they are geopolitically and culturally irrelevant at this point..

At least you italians have food and and an aesthetically pleasing country and populace

>> No.14666817

>roman empire: lasted 2000 years
>british "empire": lasted 200 years

>> No.14666828

Sometimes a /pol/ member miss clicks and ends up on a different board, this is the result.

>> No.14666938

I actually knew someone that named his kids Dragon and Ocean. I wish I were kidding man.

>> No.14667015

Go away Jamie

>> No.14668369

>professional chef
>doesnt even know how to make fried rice

>> No.14668407

>I'm a person who likes aesthetics and your people are ugly
This is a meme opinion that NPCs unable to think for themselves spout. UK is disproportionately represented in modelling, Hollywood, etc. However, I will grant you that we are fat which will bring us down. Hungary is fatter though and they don't have such a reputation as such a meme hasn't been established yet.
>I seldom get to work with brits (I'm a consultant) and they can't think outside the box for shit
Why is Italy's economy a complete joke compared to the UK's then? Maybe you should try thinking more like Brits.
>You're still stuck thinking you're the mighty Britain but you're not and haven't been for 1 century
See above. Italy can hardly talk. You don't get Brits arrogantly bashing Italy like this.
>I like me some brit food tho, pies, toad in the hole, etc.
Based. British cuisine being bad is another meme NPC opinion and I'm glad you've managed to overcome this.
Size matters.

>> No.14668461

I guarantee you're an 'Irish-American' or some gay shit like that which under your logic would also be inbred. Not that it makes sense anyway, since the British isles have been invaded many times throughout history which introduced viking, Norman, Roman, etc. genetic stock. I'll give you one thing though, America has had more 'diversity' - hence why there are so few whites left. And the whites that do remain are mostly of British stock.

>> No.14668696

>hes not a bad person
look up his kids names

>> No.14668837

His wife is a fucking train wreck. Make up should be illegal

>> No.14668884

that's because hungary is full of thick hung-aryans, not shrimpdick inbred abomonations

>> No.14668919
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>ragging on jamie oliver's faggot ass is /pol/

nigger what are you SMOKING? can you show us on the doll where the /pol/ touched you?

>> No.14669139

Jamie what the fuck is a "builder's mug" and no im not gonna buy your merchandise

>> No.14669268
File: 28 KB, 800x445, obese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 in 3 obese
>can't even see their dicks
heres ur aryan bro

>> No.14669282

Imagine being that guy and there's literally no way to win. The parents of those little shits are going to come down on you either way for picking the wrong snot monster, if you're too nice to the little shits you're a molester and should be homeless after being raped in jail, and if you're not nice enough you're physically abusing them and should, again, be raped in jail and then homeless

kids are cancer, everyone with kids should commit infanticide and then self immolate, I command you to do so in fact

>> No.14669482

>still mad about attila
you got dabbed on, just accept it my friend

>> No.14669493

ok mohammed

>> No.14669595


>> No.14670114

>>professional chef
>>doesnt even know how to make fried rice
> Uncle Roger HATE Jamie Oliver Egg Fried Rice [9:52]
He's not a chef
Just a cook

>> No.14670124

*makes worse chicken nuggets than some washed up fast food chain*

>> No.14670138
File: 7 KB, 206x244, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fookin' ate Jamie Oliver, tosser took away turkey twizzlers innit

>> No.14670153


Which world do you live in, m8? Kids are pretty rad.

>> No.14670157

>Jamie At Home
my favourite cooking show ever by some distance. most relaxing tv i've ever seen, it's like opium. can just watch it over and over, seeing him pick stuff from his garden and then cook it in the different comfy kitchens in his home.

>> No.14670202
File: 55 KB, 590x574, 1576454043546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ramsay was pro Brexit
>Oliver was pro Remain
The Chad Ramsay, the Virgin Jamie Olive Oil

>> No.14670266

holy fuck

>> No.14670294

its pronounced "tur'he"

>> No.14670355

>puts jam in rice
>puts water in the rice as it cooks

>> No.14670470

no he's right don't be so butt hurt. in the final solution hungarians were right after homosexuals slated for extermination.

>> No.14670803

And is one of the youngest and the daugthers oldest.
Based retard

>> No.14670823

>replying to 21hrs post

>> No.14670832

yeah it's definitely a good show. i should hit it up on yt one of these days

>> No.14670878
File: 155 KB, 193x271, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a creatura

>> No.14670976

>Womb, nice and barren

>> No.14671145

>97 ingredients
>9 dishes
>9 minutes
>"get loadsa different size and color tomatoes and pile it up bosh"
>"just char it m8"
>18 gallons olive oil
>loooks like a dogs dinner

>> No.14671203
File: 1.72 MB, 1000x667, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he literally has a book in which every recipe is 5 ingredients m8

>> No.14671246

Give me back my turkey twizzlers you cunt

>> No.14671257

he literally gave you 5 years of life

>> No.14671267

Life ain't shit without turkey twizzlers

>> No.14671320

>5 more years of dementia being poorly cared for by a immigrant worker having to eat bugs and vegan gruel.

I'd rather have delicious Bernard Mathew's Turkey twizzlers in my tummy as a kid. Why should I be punished because some parents are regarded and let their kids become fat eating trash food all the time. Jamie Oliver is food communist.

>> No.14671331

why don't you kys already then

>> No.14671335

>they never got over the big dick horsechads stealing all of their loot hundreds of years ago

>> No.14671540

Cool it with the anti semitism

>> No.14671557

Are you retarded?

>> No.14671561

Dunces like this wreck this board

>> No.14671612

Understandable. My apologies.

>> No.14672247

plus olive oil and vinegar thats 7 ingredients.

>> No.14672322

>plus olive oil and vinegar thats 7 ingredients.
Staples don't count
They are always home

>> No.14672327


Its a factually accurate statement

>> No.14672331

Does anyone actually like J Kenji Lopez for his food? I feel like we’re all just pretending he’s great.

>> No.14672365

So the whole book is full of lies then.

>> No.14672376

>eurocucks seeting at British superiority again

>> No.14672437

>>eurocucks seeting at British superiority again
They're both brits

>> No.14672438


Kek it's the morbidly obese jonas brother

>> No.14672600

your mother telling she loves you was a lie

>> No.14672947
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>> No.14672962

Ham isn't raw bro, that would just be a pork leg.

>> No.14673277

i get a lot of my recipes from his website

large range of dishes/cuisines
they all work well
no retarded measurements
no unobtainable ingredients
no pointless blogs
easy to print out on one page

jamie is based

>> No.14674344

solid opinion. he's a bit of a mong but when he gets down to just cooking stuff i can't think of many chefs i enjoy watching cook more. and it's achievable too. seems like a top lad.

>> No.14674354


>> No.14674395

Most ham yes but a gammon leg is only salted and but not edible without cooking first. I can get a pork leg with bone which is almost identical except not salted and that won’t be remotely similar in the end

>> No.14676107

>The whole politeness thing is just bourgeois hypocrisy, you say sorry every 20 seconds but never mean it
Our society has functioned peacefully without revolution for centuries for a reason

>> No.14676111

Most of it is pretentious or bland takes on foreign cuisines that would make any native chef gasp in horror

>> No.14676113


>Milf magnet incarnate

And his Grilled cheese dabs all over ramsay

>> No.14676121

The fact he has so many girls means he's probably high test

So many wrestlers and athletes all have daughters

>> No.14676187

>*thread devolves into pol shit again*

>> No.14676201


>> No.14676205

Most of the big youtubers literally just copy things he's discovered and put in the literature.
e.g vinegar when boiling potatoes to stop them falling apart before you bake them in the oven to make chips

Ethan Chlebowski copies him all the time

>> No.14676298

>no pointless blogs
whats with this trend? every fucking recipe i google lately has some cunts life story for 50 pages before the recipe for no goddamn reason

>> No.14676306

If you want ad bucks you have to fluff your story, because thats what daddy google wants