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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 619 KB, 1080x1269, IMG_20200831_041714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14658347 No.14658347 [Reply] [Original]

I made curry. Does it look appetizing to you?

>> No.14658397

Sure bud, I'd eat that. After railing your mom.

>> No.14658613

Can someone just rate it please?

>> No.14658619

Looks yummy. It could use more veggies and fresh herbs to step it up! I love you OP!

>> No.14658621

Better lighting makes all food look more appetizing. Just an industry insight.

>> No.14658626

It looks good. Yes.

>> No.14658631

why don't your rate it yourself? i got work to do, kids to feed, eiffel towers to build. who's gonna do that? you? don't make me laugh. i have to do it all myself so that all of you freeloaders can ride my coattails. well not today. you're gonna have to learn to sew your own tux and smoke it. that's the way the cookie mumbles, bub.

>> No.14658641

Doesn't look too bad. Rice looks good, try Indian rice next time. Your meat pieces look kinda random but otherwise, I would give like a 7 or 8. How did it taste anon?

>> No.14658642

10/10 would bang

Just would have preferred a bit more sauce and meat as I'm a sauceman myself but now I'm being a bit too picky looks good anon

>> No.14658653

At least you didn't use a paper plate/10

>> No.14658657

It's fucking drowning in its own juices. You are one crazed motherfucker.

>> No.14658681

Never made it before but I want it.

>> No.14658682

OP here, thank you all :) The curry was tasty and I liked it, but I feel a little insecure about how my food looks, because it's not what you see on Instagram or Pinterest. I have an Asian girlfriend who I send pictures of my food too, and it makes me a little nervous because I don't know if she will think it looks tasty.

>> No.14658689

Making Thai Curry is very easy :)

I followed this recipe, it's in German but should be easy to follow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij5kJzjNwwo

>> No.14658691

But anon the rice isn't more or less swimming in sauce to me it looks kind of dry and the meat-sauce-riceratio seems a bit off to not risk being semidry and adding ketchup would be a shame in other words more sauce is always the answer

>> No.14658699

Like I said use more veggies and herbs, you will have more flavor and if you garnish and plate better, she will suck and fuck you so good.

>> No.14658711

Food is made to be eaten yes plating can help a dish but in the end the only thing that matters is if it's tasty or not and if you're making food to eat or feed others then you don't always have the time to make it look like an instagram or pinterest foto

>> No.14658795 [DELETED] 

You lost any belief on my part that you are post in good faith at "ketchup"

>> No.14658798

You lost any belief on my part that you are posting in good faith at "ketchup"

>> No.14658806

That's what I said Ketchup shouldn't be added more sauce should be added.how is it so hard to believe that some of us out there just really like sauce (pretty much to the point where the sauce becomes the most integral part of some dishes as it makes or breaks 'em) O.o

>> No.14658809

Food like that makes me think your mom does anal on the first date. She available?

>> No.14658909

what if you boiled chicken in ketchup
is that curry?

>> No.14659020

If that happened to be Curry Ketchup then yes why not https://www.amazon.de/Hela-Curry-Gewürz-Ketchup-delikat/dp/B0140F535C

>> No.14659185

kek this is cute

>> No.14659242

Yeah I think it looks good

>> No.14659258

>implying OP's mom would touch your fat, ugly, unfunny, basement dwelling, 4channel posting ass

>> No.14659350

I know what curry is so I'm willing to believe it's delicious until proven otherwise, but you can't tell me curry doesn't look like a wet shit even on its best day. One of the worst looking popular foods.

>> No.14659351
File: 530 KB, 700x868, 1591274867059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about others food.

HAHAAH, m8, those pics are like beauty magazines; they only make you feel ugly. Take those kind of fancy looking photos and say "fk off, I can do better" then make your own food that YOU made, its way better than feeling insecure all the time.

Besides... for every perfect meal you see; theres 1000 kinds of pic related. If you are capable of making a home meal that someone else would choose to eat, then you are already ahead of the curve. Side note, personally id throw in a few lightly steamed broccoli peices for some green colour. other than that, the rice isnt gluggy and the sauce to content ratio looks balanced.

Good job.

>> No.14659405

looks like a big chunka

>> No.14659612

Curry never looks appetizing, but I'm sure it's very tasty, anon.

>> No.14659962

curry is disgusting streetshitter food. they propably touched that curry with their shitsmeared hands.

>> No.14659977

Recipe for the sauce? It looks tasty

>> No.14659994

And yet I bet get you would eat a bowl of chili made by some mall-shitting obese redneck who last bathed when Drumpff won the election.
Fucking irony.

>> No.14659996

looks good anon

>> No.14660015

was with you until you used irony. was a good bant, but shortsale'd

>> No.14661080

indian poo/10