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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 133 KB, 768x512, Texas-Chili-10-768x512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14657340 No.14657340 [Reply] [Original]

What are your secret ingredients, /ck/? Special spices? Dark chocolate? Beer?

>> No.14657345

A little bit of peanut butter and whatever beer I'm drinking while making it.

>> No.14657363
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this is my chili. no secrets

>> No.14657369
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finished product

>> No.14657370

When do you add the lime juice?

>> No.14657378

I use some secret south Indian spices. I call it poochilli

>> No.14657380

Chopped mushrooms

>> No.14657387

Peanut butter is fucking great in chili. It's a shame that my dad has a peanut allergy and pretty much the only time I make chili is when the family gets together. I add some dark chocolate and a cheap stout like Guinness to tie it all up and give a slight nutty flavor.

>> No.14657389

good "stewing" beef - lots of hard muscle and fat. Good dried and smoked chilies, or at least solid paprika. Fresh chilies and peppers in fairly late to retain some crunch and heat...

I cook mine like I do porkolt - fry things off, add liquid, cook to dry, add more liquid. I always try to give it a rest period too - at least bring to room temp for half an hour then back up, if not into the fridge overnight.

>> No.14657396

This looks fantastic anon. 10/10

>> No.14657399

very end...finish with fresh oregano, lime juice, more onion and chiles.

>> No.14657401

All off that soaking of beans, and smoking of peppers... the mince doesn't seem to belong. Looks like the end result would be great.

>> No.14657403
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thank you. try it with tater tots and goat cheese.

>> No.14657507

I don't think there's much secret to making a good chili. I make chili 2-4 times a month just about. The coffee and cocoa seem to only help if you don't already have a smoky base, such as if you weren't using anchos or something. I suppose the most weird thing would be a couple splashes of fish sauce. This is my recipe

Cut up and toast dried chilis and cumin seed (I do about 3 ancho, 2-3 guajillo, and 2-3 New Mexican), grind to powder

Brown 2-3lb of ground beef or a decent stew meat (~2cm cubes)

Remove meat and saute 1-2 onions of choice, 1 bell pepper, 1 jalapeno in beef fat and fond

Near end, add as much garlic as you want, I use about 5 cloves. Add spludge of tomato paste and anchovy paste ( or a squirt of fish sauce later instead). Add powdered spices and saute about a minute

Deglaze with 12oz of brown ale or other beer of choice, preferably dark. I also do a glug of red wine if it's at hand, but optional

Add 1 box of decent quality chicken stock or broth, (I use Swanson Artisan Roasted Chicken) I tend to not waste good homemade on this, but go nuts. Add 1 28oz can diced tomato ( I use fire roasted)

Mince 1 habanero pepper and add a bit of salt and pepper, also add additional spices if preferred. Good options are smoked paprika, coriander, cocoa powder, granulated onion and garlic, oregano or thyme. I generally add them as I feel as needed during the cooking. Simmer for 1-2 hours for ground beef, 3-4ish for cubed chuck. About 15-30 minutes out I add in another bell pepper and jalapeno and 1 can each black and pinto bean unless you are some queer from TX, then you aren't allowed (if you want to do dried beans the night before, more power to you)

Check for final seasoning and serve with whatever bullshit you want. I generally only mix in sour cream, and maybe top with scallions or chives if I'm feeling spry.

>> No.14657512


>> No.14657671

Dark beer, assloads of chili, bigger assloads of cumin, some vinegary hot sauce of choice for a bit of tang, cocoa powder, and enough masa right at the end to make it fragrant.

Can't stand chili that is insufficiently cumin'd.

Never tried fish sauce before. Sounds fun. I'll give it a shot next time.

>> No.14657692

i was worried about my beans cooking in the chili cause apparently that and tomato sauce is a no-no. how do you guys deal with this isuse?

>> No.14657710

Remove beans and/or tomatoes.

Also, I think someone was BS'ing you.

>> No.14657716

>how do you guys deal with this isuse
By ignoring the autistic screeching from people with a Texas public education

>> No.14657733

Ooo evan

>> No.14657755


>> No.14657819

Hell yeah Stoney Baloney! Looks delicious!

>> No.14657832

protip: use masa harina instead of cornmeal. the final taste is way better.

>> No.14657837
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>> No.14657838

Good stuff. I haven't been to /ck/ in ages. The McChicken threads got kind of boring. Thanks for the recipe!

>> No.14657874

>the ingredients
2 lbs of beef chuck
1-1.5 cups of dry pinto beans that have been soaked and boiled
2 onions, minced
1 sweet pepper (bell or poblano), chopped
2 jalapeno pepper, chopped
1 habanero pepper, minced
1 head of garlic, minced
1 bottle of dark beer
1 carton of beef stock (4 cups)
6 dried chilis, your choice (rehydrated in simmering stock and blended)
1 fuckton of cumin (to taste)
1-2 tbsp of cocoa powder
shitload of black pepper
1 tbsp of brown sugar
1/4 cup of masa harina, added as a thickener
1 lime (or one lime's worth of juice)

brown the beef in some oil, remove from pan
add all the fresh vegetables (including garlic), soften in pan
add in the cumin, pepper, and cocoa
deglaze with bottle of beer
add in the blended dried chilis, beans, beef
throw in the rest of the stock
add in the sugar, however much is needed to take the edge off the bitterness of all those peppers
bring to a simmer, thicken with the masa harina
simmer for 1.5 to 3 hours, uncovered (you want it to thicken down to the consistency of thick irish stew, or even more)
IMPORTANT: if you add beans, you need to stir frequently, they will settle at the bottom of the pan and burn
once it's ready, take off the heat and finish with lime juice and salt to taste

You can add in oregano or bay leaf here, but I found that all the other flavors are so powerful that it just gets lost no matter how much you add. Kind of a waste of time. I also find that tomatoes are a greedy flavor, they tend to mask other shit really easily. Their big role is cutting the bitterness of the pepper, which I find is accomplished much more subtly with a small amount of sugar. You could also add in some caramelized onions, probably, they'd most likely do a similar job. But I haven't tested.

You know you've done it right when the chili is so thick it could reasonably be served in a tortilla. Do it like that or with cornbread, either is OK. Also serve it with cheddar cheese.

>> No.14657881

seems like a bit of effort to smoke the whole pot - why not smoke some peppers beforehand?

>> No.14657920

He's referring to the problem with beans not cooking through when introduced to an acid. This is not BS nor a Texas thing.
There are several solutions.
>Cook dry beans separately
>Use canned beans
>Omit beans
>Omit tomato
>Add tomato after beans are cooked.

>> No.14658016

>best fuckin chili ever
that makes me want to touch myself

>> No.14658029

Cayenne, smoked paprika and scotch bonnets. Maybe habenero if im feeling toasty or Trinidad scorpions if I wanna die.

>> No.14658087

Swap out 1 lbs of beef chuck for 1 lbs of stew beef trimmed lean. Brown the stew beef in a pan the same as the chuck. You'll love it. The chuck gives it meaty consistency, the stew beef gives you big chunks you can chew on.

>> No.14658107

Sorry, by beef chuck I mean beef chuck roast, cut into bite-sized cubes. Not ground beef.

>> No.14658521

How would that be easier? You still have to fire up your charcoal box and get the smoking chamber up to temp.

>> No.14658536

toasty peppers are way easier to move than toasty pots full of heavy liquids

>> No.14658556

That sounds based man. People really dont know how good it is. I laughed when a cook I worked with first told me.

>> No.14659760

>What are your secret ingredients, /ck/?
Ground mustard I suppose, I just like it. My way:
>2-3 lb steak cut into 1” or smaller chunks (or just buy lean stew meat or stir fry cut steak if you're lazy)
>1 lb lean ground beef
>1 can petite diced tomatoes
>1 can black beans
>1 can great northern white beans
>1 small can tomato paste
>1 small can sweet corn (optional)
>1 lb potatoes
>1 yellow onion
>1 large orange bell pepper
>4 tbsp butter
>4 tsp ground black pepper
>4 tsp chili powder
>3 tsp Worcestershire sauce
>3 tsp Italian seasoning
>2 tsp garlic powder
>1 tsp ground mustard
>1/2 tsp paprika
>1 beef bouillon cube
Dice the potatoes and onion then mix with some pepper, garlic, and Italian seasoning.
Season each pound of meat with pepper, Italian seasoning, garlic, and Worcestershire sauce
Fry the steak with some melted butter. Drain the juice into the potatoes when it accumulated then continue to sear the meat. Helps to cook the meat 1 lb at a time in separate batches.
Set the steak aside, melt some more butter, and fry the potato/onion mix until the meat juice cooks off, then set that aside with the cooked meat.
Brown the ground beef last, without straining, then add the steak and potatoes back in and mix.
Empty all of the cans in the pot along with 1-2 cups of water. Mix in the remaining seasoning and crushed bouillon cube.
Bring just to a full boil while stirring so nothing sticks to the bottom, then reduce to medium-low heat and cover.
Let that cook for at least one hour, stirring occasionally.
De-seed and dice the pepper then add it to the pot with more water as needed.
Cook for at least another 30 minutes on med-low heat, then let it settle on lowest heat for 15-30 minutes before eating. Doesn't need any toppings, but cheese does go well with it.

>> No.14659902
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Looks excellent, anon. Care to share the recipe with us? Also yield, etc...
Wine waifu in return

>> No.14660351

Yeah, I fucked her.

>> No.14660380

I don't care for tator tots, but that looks amazing. Next time I make chili, I'm definitely going to fry to latkes.

>> No.14660392

Do you guys ever add anything to it like tortilla chips, garlic bread or rice?

>> No.14660406

>Upscale stoner-casual
Would eat

>> No.14660503

Cornbread or Fritos.

>> No.14660560

You mean chips? Why specifically that brand?

>> No.14660568


>> No.14660571

My general rule is at least three types of beans and three types of peppers.

>> No.14660575

helllllll yyyyeeeeeaaaaah

>> No.14660628

Fritos have a particular texture to them. There are knock-off brands which I actually get, but it's easier to call them "Fritos" rather than "the HEB knockoff brand of Fritos".

Regular tortilla chips are an insufficient substitute.

>> No.14660686

Only ever as a side, or if I'm mixing things into something else. Garlic bread's my go to side - especially with a little cheese and some roasted poblano or jalapeno.

>> No.14660703

The thing I don't like about chili is how easy it is to hide the low quality of the meat because it's ground. Give me a good spicy goulash any day of the week over chili. (Yes, real goulash the way it's made in the country of origin is absolutely fiery and most people would find it too hot)

>> No.14660715



>> No.14660748

>all that effort to make it look fancy
>didnt welt the cheese

ya blew it anon

>> No.14661190

Looks like a big ol sloppa

>> No.14661198

i do ground beef, onion, 8 oz. can tomato sauce, 16 oz. water, wick fowler's seasoning

>> No.14661915

Tried this out, ended up with a tasty result. Thank you, anon.

>> No.14662020

I agree smoke is important but I've found you get the best smoke flavor if you smoke a chuck roast first (brisket is even better if you got it) then cube that and add it to the chili.

>> No.14662045

if he has ta

>> No.14662059

"Sloppa" is used for foods that are thrown together with general disregard for flavor or nutrition or presentation. That's a fantastic-looking chili, so stop using that shit when it doesn't apply. All you fucking idiots run these terms into the ground to the point that the mean absolutely nothing.

>> No.14662063
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>asking for chili secrets in the current year
nice try glowie, but anyone with a brain knows you have to be down right Machiavellian about your chili recipe these days

>> No.14662247

i put it in a bowl
oh...and ate it with spoon
a real food snob

>> No.14662308

does anyone still have that shitpost chili guide some guy on reddit drew that used to be posted in here all the time?

>> No.14662325
File: 1.34 MB, 952x4749, bdb6b9c65240ae86c30f89a5c6af090c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually from buzzfeed

>> No.14662356

call it what you want...heres how its done. there are a few deviations from the picture based on seasonal availability but the basic process remains the same.

>4 lbs chuck, round or other tough cut
>2 lbs ground beef
>1lb dry black beans
>12oz ancho(about 20)
>2oz chipotle(about 10)
>4 c. onions, diced(about 3)
>2 c. serrano, diced(about 10)
>1 28oz can crushed tomato
>1 quart beef stock
>2 oz corn oil
>1/2 c. bourbon
>1 bulb of garlic, roasted
>1 Tbsp coriander, ground
>2 Tbsp black pepper, ground
>2 Tbsp cumin, ground
>6 Tbsp kosher salt
>2 Tbsp fresh oregano, chopped
>2oz lime juice(2-3 limes)

Grind Dry Spices
-toast & grind
-sift coriander to remove hull
Roast Garlic
- oven 350f
- 45 minutes
- slice off root
- squeeze and mince
Prepare Beans
- basic bean prep
Dice Vegetables
- onions
- serrano
Sear Meat
- slice into steaks
- season liberally with salt and pepper
-coat with corn oil
- sear(do not cook through)
- deglaze with bourbon
- rest meat
- reserve liquid
Reconstitute Dry Chilies
- remove stem and seeds
- rinse
- steep in hot water
- puree, just enough water to process
Slice Steaks
- 1/2" dice

Cook Ground Beef
- do not drain
Add Onion and Serrano
- reserve 1 cup of each
- saute until aromatic
Add everything else EXCEPT
- steak
- oregano
- lime juice
- reserved onion and serrano
- 1 hour

- Add remaining ingredients
- Simmer 10 minutes
- Cool slightly
- Adjust salt

- fritos
- cheddar cheese
- baby wipes

>> No.14662374

horse fucking shit

>> No.14662510

past your bedtime lad
run along

>> No.14662594

Anyone ever top chili with cider vinegar rather than lime juice?

>> No.14662597

how is the hot chili seasoning mix any different to the separate spices?

>> No.14662611

thanks for the recipe anon, will try it out someday.
This looks fantastic for a chili.

>> No.14662629

The amount of cheese and onions is just to make the pic look good, right? You added a bunch more after when you actually ate it didn't you?

>> No.14662660

Looks like someone left a bag of beans on your pile of chili ingredients on accident, friend

>> No.14662665
File: 1.74 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20200716_181715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the secret to great chili

>> No.14662668

freshly ground spices and chiles will have more intense and previously undetected flavors...nuances lost when spices are ground and left to sit for week and months
no theres already a fuckton of both caramelized and barely simmered onion in there. i dont like to overdo dairy in my chili. a little cheese - never sour cream

>> No.14662670

your opinion is invalid because of your ugly toes

>> No.14662690
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I always keep some brisket after a smoke for chili. What I like to do is this I'll preheat a #cast iron skillet mix up some cornbread, you gonna wanna pour your cornbread mix in that hot pan. Then you ladel in some chili into the center of that wet cornbread mix. Then cook that till the cornbread is done.

>> No.14662694

yeah...dont be that guy
beans in chili are fine.
people that complain are probably thinking of 'chili beans' which is not chili with beans its beans with chili. not the same thing.

>> No.14662735

sweet jesus what have you done

>> No.14662762

I like to use some italian sausage for part of the meat. I also like to add some spicy brown mustard the vinegar adds a lot.

>> No.14662817

Don't skimp on the meat :o)


>> No.14662822
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>cheap stout like Guinness to tie it all up and give a slight nutty flavor.
My nigga

>> No.14662828

You aren't going to be 16 forever.

>> No.14663171

is that french goat cheese or american goat cheese or mexican goat cheese

>> No.14663184

freezer aged briscuit

>> No.14663186

idk that actually looks good to me

>> No.14663191

>Italian sausage for part of the meat
this really adds a lot of flavor

>> No.14663226

didnt say it was bad...
just not sure theyre ready for this.

>> No.14663277

>because it's ground
solution: don't use ground meat dummy

>> No.14663281
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>> No.14663286

bean me up scotty

>> No.14663297

red beans and pinto

>> No.14663343

We have a cuumer in the wild, folks!

>> No.14663587

Chili is for poor people

>> No.14663971

I'm afraid of using chocolate in a savory dish, I have no idea what to expect of it

>> No.14664002
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pic related goes in my chili

>> No.14664038

Ew with the fur and bones and everything? What are you, a coyote?

>> No.14664069

Very dark expensive cocoa powder.

>> No.14664275
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I took it to flavortown, throw in some sweet corn and jalapenos to the cornbread mix oh shit getting excited

>> No.14664505

No problem with beans, but enjoy it x10 more without em.

>> No.14664541

How? Do beans really trigger your palate that much?

>> No.14664559

not him, but i once got unspeakable food poisoning from beans. I used to love the damn things, and i still yearn for that bean experience, but i unironically feel genuine fear when i see them now.

I avoid them under all circumstances simply out of a primal fear of having to relive that 3-day rollercoaster of absolute misery.

>> No.14664570

>putting thongs on your feet
>cooking with open-toed shoes
checks out that you'd think beans suck in a chili. i also imagine that you wear those foot thongs outside and inside too. please do the world a favor and don't reproduce

>> No.14664575

>What are your secret ingredients, /ck/? Special spices? Dark chocolate? Beer?
I always soak a few dried (deseeded) chilies in some of the hot liquid a few minutes, and then puree them, and put them back in. Ancho, pasilla, gualillo, california. I never do chipotle, as I consider smoky as an essential chili flavor, and it's cloying in some recipes, just too much aftertaste that covers the chili flavors up.
I also love canned whole tomatoes, not diced, which I barely break up, which give the best chunkiness and bold tomato flavor in some spoonfuls, which I love in a random bite. There is always green bell pepper or ancho peppers in my chili.
Always some alcohol, not much, just a bit in the deglazing step after sweating the veggies, warming your spices in that oil, and the meat. It can be tequila, beer, or even rioja or some chilean wine that is dry. Always beans. They just make a chili more interesting, though I don't care if it's chunky lovingly simmered beef or a quicker ground beef chili con carne.
I always slice dried anchos into rings, and panfry them til crispy in a bit of oil and consider it a passable chili topping so people can kick up their personal bowl of chili with more chilies and some of the oil. They add texture too, softening in each bite, some sweetness and roastiness from some of the chile natural sugars when they were crisped.

>> No.14664576

i put 1 can of
>red kidney
EACH. 4 different types of beans. thats how i make my chili

>> No.14664583

>freshly ground spices and chiles will have more intense and previously undetected flavors
Yes, but I think what the anon meant was why did he throw away the packet of pre-ground spices and then mix up more pre-ground spices? Aside from different ratios of what you want in it, it's pointless.

>> No.14664591
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>> No.14664642

>blaming the beans
They would’ve been crunchy if undercooked that badly, otherwise, it wasn’t the beans. Unless you got botulism. In which case, you’re remarkable for getting through it without a hospital.

>> No.14664652

Peanut butter, either directly in the chili or as pb sandwiches dipped in the chili

>> No.14664682

Post cornbread recipe. Im growing flint corn only for polenta and cornbread.

>> No.14664690

You can get lynched for that in Texas.

>> No.14664694

Beans on the side, but never IN the chili (that's a sacrilege).

>> No.14664712

Fucking where in Texas? I'm Texan and everyone I know does beans in chili.

>> No.14664832

Sounds great, but I'd opt for kidney beans over black and pinto

>> No.14665147

He’s just an autist that doesn’t like beans. It’s common here. You get used to it, newfag. Lurk moar.

>> No.14665172

Okay we have settled beans in chili but what about corn? imo it's not a proper chili if it doesn't have both.

>> No.14665245

Complaining about beans/corns in chili is like complaining about mushrooms in curry. Sure, it may not be “traditional”, but who the fuck cares? Nutrition is volume before accuracy, so the more variety the better. Any retarted nigger on /ck/ that complains about beans in chili is some fat faggot that is used to eating chili dogs at weinerschnitzel. Their opinion is worthless and their life is forfeit by the time they turn 37.

>> No.14665253

Corn is for cattle and ducks

>> No.14665378

This site needs to bite the bullet and get a voting system. Tired of having to wade through dozens of shit posts to see the good ones.

>> No.14665408

Harissa Paste

>> No.14665411

cocoa powder and cinammon

>> No.14665419

Go to reddit, my young faggy friend

>> No.14665442

No. I want it for here.

>> No.14665572


>> No.14665618

looks delicious

>> No.14665638

Wrong opinion

>> No.14665701

It's not an opinion.

>> No.14665883

i always find something cringeworthy about this every time its posted
this time around i noticed the faggot larp way this retard wears his watch

>> No.14666007

This time I noticed that he doesn't saute his vegetables in his beef fat. He says he cleans it out. So not only does he not build fond by using a shitty non stick pan, he doesn't even use the fat from his beef.

>> No.14666021

use cocoa powder, its not sweat. Although i also add a little brown sugar

>> No.14666030

use dark chocolate

>> No.14666034

based babby deer hunter

In all seriousness why would you tax a 6 pointer?

>> No.14666040
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>thongs on your feet
it's called a flip-flop and i cook bear foot

>> No.14666051

>not wearing birkenstonks everywhere

your pp is lil pp. my pp is THE BIG PP

>> No.14666058

this, adds a nice smoky flavor

>> No.14666179

why add corn when you're going to eat the chili with corn bread or corn chips?

>> No.14666189
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Why would you eat your chili with corn bread or corn ships?

>> No.14666196

that's the best part of this site, no bullshit group think mob mentality... Also (you)'s are the voting system

>> No.14666214

> using birkenstonks
get on my clog game

>> No.14666217

There IS groupthink here. Try posting something negative about christian traditions (food related of course) and you'll get several NPC ">tips fedora" replies

>> No.14666221

because that's how its done

>> No.14666227

Where I live nobody has ever heard of corn bread

>> No.14666255
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Blue cheese. Blue cheese improves literally every food. Just stuff it full of great fistfuls of blue cheese and taste the results.

>> No.14666307

Then you're not from chili country

>> No.14666318

I'm going to assume this is bullshit... but i'm willing to try it in a small bowl

>> No.14666361

i notice your effort.

>> No.14666617

fuck off gordon.

>> No.14666643

Extremely fine chopped mushroom, dark chocolate, and peanut butter

Makes the best chili

>> No.14666880

Racism, sexism, anti intellectualism, those are all groupthink here and the thought police incels will flame you to death if you say something like black people aren't all so bad

>> No.14666908
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It's a pity they closed Stormfront and thedonald all of the dregs moved over here.

>> No.14667074

im calling bowl shit
while there is something called texas red and its pretty much the only chili allowed in CASI sanctioned competitions, the vast majority of chili eaters like beans in their chili and this includes texans. fourty years ago it was hip and edgy to parrot *no beans* but now you just sound like someone who eats at Applebees.

>> No.14667091


>> No.14667106

>t. Eats spicy bean and meat soup

>> No.14667330

>anti intellectualism
and yet there is less consensus here then anywhere else on the internet

>> No.14667364

No secrets, i just follow a recipe and let it simmer for at least 20-30 minutes.

Been thinking of trying something new or just learn something new so i will follow this thread :D

>> No.14667397

That's just the style of posting, newfag.

>> No.14667455

>no beans


>> No.14667478

Help me /chilli/

How can I make Turkey thigh mince not taste bland in my chilli? I made it the way I usually do, which was probably what I did wrong, but I'm trying to eat less red meat just need some chilli wisdom.

>> No.14667498

I don't live in your rainy island. It's hot in the summer in Texas, opened toed shoes are perfectly acceptable.

Unlike beans in chili

>> No.14667503

I would recommend not using turkey in chili, sorry bro.

>> No.14667514

Beans are haram

>> No.14667598


>> No.14667645
File: 55 KB, 479x361, 1550689358008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfag posting on /ck/

>> No.14668327

I use the box ain't gonna lie

>> No.14669273

first thing made by someone on this board that looks edible

>> No.14669306

anchovy paste
chipotles in adobo

>> No.14669791

How is ham hock in chili?
I've heard a people say that they use it before and it's on sale at the moment so figured might try chucking some in next time I make some.

>> No.14670043
File: 736 KB, 600x900, yield Big chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest of the chickens