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14652738 No.14652738 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americans measure butter with sticks?

>> No.14652748

It's easy to cut into fractions

>> No.14652752
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Pic related

>> No.14652768

Because we've standardized it.

>> No.14652776

Because they can.

>> No.14652794

Why do euros use those big brick?

>> No.14652803

cause we weigh stuff in grams, not sticks

>> No.14652804

No idea but I'm thinking the stick might be more convenient.

>> No.14652821

Unless you're a baker, most american kitchens aren't equipped with a scale.

We have measuring bowls, cups, and spoons.

Americans tend to use volumetric measurements for their recipes, whereas Europeans tend to use weight.

Though butter is often still given in weight in American recipes, especially for baking. Most Americans know a stick of butter is 1/4 of a pound, and a package of butter is generally 1 lbs (4 sticks).

>> No.14652825

This is one where the Americans got it right. It’s far more convenient than the tub or brick. Far more specific and reliable. Plus it’s already a standard measure in the country so there’s no ambiguity with how much is a stick, you can easily converted to grams if you like.

>> No.14652829

The sticks are cut into measures of volume, not weight. The ones I buy are 8 tablespoons each, which is coincidentally around 1/4 a pound.

>> No.14652831

It used to confuse me, too.

But 1 American stick equals half a cup or 4 oz, or roughly 100 grams.

>> No.14652849

>most american kitchens aren't equipped with a scale.

>> No.14652865

A stick is a half cup. The wrapper even has measurement hashes on it. Are you retarded?

>> No.14652870

all the recipes here use quarts, cups, tablespoons/teaspoons.
What would be the point in owning a scale?

Even in baking most things are presented in standard cups or tablespoon/teaspoon. Though that goes out the window once you get into bread making in which things shift back to weight and most bread making books for the US market will point out the need for a kitchen scale.

>> No.14652906

When density is constant then volume and weight can be used interchangeably.
And before some motherfucker gets around to complaining how they're utterly incapable of measuring something like flour by the deciliter then know that if such basic tasks are beyond you then exact measurements are irrevelevant for you. There's enough variance in difference in the goods themselves that baking at anything short of an industrial scale is an art, not a science. You can easily observe this yourself by making the exact same recipe with four completely different brands of ingredients (flour, butter, baking powder etc.) and noticing that there's massive differences in the final product. Not just taste but consistency. If every single gram of butter actually mattered then so does the brand of butter and even the particular fucking batch of butter.

>> No.14652951

v o l u m e t r i c

>> No.14653326

but then if you needed a lot of butter you'd either buy an uncomfortably long stick of butter or many smaller ones instead of a reasonably sized brick

>> No.14653334

Go away you spamming faggot

>> No.14653343

Sticks tessellate, they can always form a brick sized rectangle/square inside a box that can then be easily taken apart.

>> No.14653350

sounds like a waste of packaging

>> No.14653352

>needing more than a pound of butter at once
and I thought we were the fat ones

>> No.14653412

It's also how we measure Europeans. A single European = a bundle of sticks, one bundle of sticks =a faggot.

>> No.14653419

A lack of mass based portion control is common.
Don't wonder why we're fat.
We measure by scooping, or by scooping with the big scoop, or just dumping the whole container in.

Kitchen scales exist, they just won't be standard until a reasonable number of recipes use weights instead of a scoop count, and the scoop counting will remain standard until scales are commonplace.
Chickens and eggs.

>> No.14653438

>leaving the house frequently enough to need less in your fridge

>> No.14653475

It even has its weight in grams written on it. what's stopping you from weighing a stick? wtf op

>> No.14653507
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we don't know no better

>> No.14653557

victims of big scale.

>> No.14653909

The waxed paper they come in are great for starting fires in my woodstove. No waste. Rarely do I need more the 1/4 of a lb of butter for any one meal anyhow.

>> No.14653961

>8 spoons of butter (1 stick) 120 grams

>> No.14653966

I can't imagine cookng with so little butter you don't use a measuring stick

>> No.14654030
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>export your product to the US where sticks of butter at 8 ounces
>decide to make yours 7 ounces

>> No.14654033

how do you think butter is made

>> No.14654038

we're retards and we don't like numbers

>> No.14654043

they also export it to the entirety of the rest of the world, anon, where 200 grams is a perfectly reasonable weight

>> No.14654047
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Its funny when mutts and bongs pretend they are not both ugly daemons. You are different sides of the same shit coin.

>> No.14654114

This, you literally don’t even NEED to measure anything, you just cut right through the paper wrapping if you need less than half a cup. It’s so fucking easy it’s brain dead stupid and I didn’t even notice those marks until I started cooking and it was like Ho Lee Fuk this is genius

>> No.14654120
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It works with motor oil. Why fix what isn't broken?

>> No.14654126

I think this butter exists for people in the US to buy once and then never again. It's more expensive and about the same as Tillamook, and it's about the same price as Kerrygold and significantly worse.

>> No.14654137

You don't weigh shit. You define nearly arbitrary volumes as approximations of mass. It's the worst system on earth.
>this cup is 200g if you fill it up to this line
Is it? Is it really? 200g of what? Water? White flour? Whole wheat flour? Dark rye? Olive oil? Melted butter? Raisins?
Grams aren't a measurement of volume but the average amateur kitchen sure likes to pretend they are.

>> No.14654270

it's 113 g of butter in a stick though

>> No.14654851

The same marks are on normal sized butter too

>> No.14654916

That is normal sized butter.

>> No.14654937

This might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. I’d try to explain why gram is the most accurately defined unit since it’s defined by Planck constant, but let’s be realisic, you are so fucking incredibly stupid it’s a miracle you know how to breathe.
Congrats on making the whole world stupid, you actively contribute to a lower IQ average for everyone else. The world would be a MUCH better place without you, and you will never be remembered for when you are gone, the world will be a better place for it.

>> No.14655979

>writes a stupid irrelevant rant
>calls me stupid
Meanwhile in real life the very simple problem of mass being approximated by volume is as simple as it is common.

>> No.14655987


>> No.14655997

>200g of feathers is approximately the same as 200g of steel in volume
Wow, you really are outrageously retarded

>> No.14656002


>> No.14656013

1 stick = 100g
This is very pleasant. (Even though it's 113g, that's close enough.)

>> No.14656029

You've really nuked that spot besides the point. Just utterly devastated it, looks like the surface of the moon. I can't even see where you hoisted up the straw man first before calling down the thunder.

>> No.14656045

There’s roughly 30% difference in volume between fine salt and flaky salt alone, you absolutely disgusting retard. Go fucking kill yourself so the whole world’s average IQ increases.

>> No.14656046

All the employees at the butter factory go "above and beyond", and are widely recognized for giving 110%.

Not just a meme, dude.

>> No.14656114

As an American, I find it odd that I have a very good understanding of the both the metric system and our own system of measurement and their respective conversions, while the rest of the world seems to think the metric system is the be all end all way of doing things and we’re retarded for using our own system. If you didn’t know already, food sold in the USA is labeled in standard and metric weights. Just because standard measures are based on fractions and not nice round numbers doesn’t make it useless. It’s easy to cut things in half, right? So if you cut a pound of butter in half and then cut the halves in half, you have quarters, and the eighths and so on. This can be accomplished without a scale or measuring spoons or cups and still be fairly accurate. So what if you get a bit of extra butter, makes it good, right? Now when it comes to length and distance, metric makes more sense as a standard, especially when building thing that require precision measurements.

>> No.14656130

You can't wipe the smug smile off my face no matter how hard you try. In fact the harder you try the funnier you are. Everyone with even the room temperature IQ you're so afraid of can see how you're deliberately side stepping my original point.

>> No.14656331

Thank you, buttermen.

>> No.14656333

americans are retarded