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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14649496 No.14649496 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Rolling Rock.

>> No.14649499
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A happy meal when your feeling down can lift the spirits. Its been proven that americans get dopamine rushes when they smell a mcdonalds. Sometimes if it was a particularly good meal I will use some of the napkins as a bed sheet so I can sleep with that wonderful smell. I think i shall journey on doewn and see if ronald will be indulging me on this fine evening. I love that clown as if he were my father. Wow. Just wow.

>> No.14649500

This isn't getting me any closer to my scoop on Rolling Rock. Come on you rambling schizo give me something good to chew on.

>> No.14649504
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It's Angry Video Game Nerds staple beer. Can't think of anything else special about it it's just weak pisswater.

>> No.14649509

Ill have you know i am very much on my meds. Havent been off my meds since those 11 days in june where i was off my meds.

>> No.14649523

Rolling Rock painted labels were my cheap beer jam years ago. They sold out to some beverage giant at some point, not sure if quality changed.

>> No.14649525


>> No.14649577

cheap shit beer that tastes like slightly yeasty nothing. inefficient at getting you drunk. my dad always drinks it because it's cheap. I like it better than coors.

>> No.14649624
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I went through a solid Rolling Rock phase. Pretty refreshing, no offensive stank like Heineken, not too strong. It's probably my all time favorite session beer. Not so weak that you're just pissing all night trying to get a buzz started but not so strong that you get messy after 4 hours. I like it, although when they moved out of the Latrobe brewery like 15+ years ago I feel like the quality faltered a bit.

fun fax: me and two friends famously had a "day of a hundred beers" back in the mid 2000s. we each had a 12pk of rolling rock that we drank through, so we walked up to the packy and bought 3 more which we destroyed, so we walked up again and bought 2 more. so yeah, between about noon and 10pm we put away 96 Rolling Rocks between us. good shit.

pic is from that very day - me standing a couple feet away from a freight train roaring past at about 50mph

>> No.14649672

Cheap, easy to drink beer. If you're not a pretentious fuck that is. Not special, but nothing complicated either. It's nice after a few harder drinks and you want to start going easy. Also like a couple other posts, it's an AVGN staple.

>> No.14649675



>> No.14649697

Good beer to drink in the sun all day.

>> No.14649708

It tastes like corn in a pleasantly sweet kinda way

>> No.14649728

Used to be kino but then was bought

>> No.14650204

Rolling Rock? outta stock.

>> No.14650209

Was OK when it was in Latrobe but turned to utter shit when Anheuser-Busch purchased it.

>> No.14650215

Sadly I somehow agree. It's not all gone to shit but it's not the same, and it's sad because in a market of 10,000 beers subtle nuances really mattter

>> No.14650236

Its my parents boomer beer. I never cared for it.

>> No.14650262
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I miss the 'skeller and cases of pony bottles

>> No.14650265

Everyone where I live affectionately refers to it as "Frog Piss". I don't mind the frog piss †bh

>> No.14650266

very carbonated, it would be good if you're working in the sun all day. reminds me on carbonated water.

>> No.14650486

What took you so long?

Rolling Rock tastes like Pabst in my opinion. Standard cheap beer

>> No.14650492
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I love Pabst, same as I love Narragansett, but neither is quite as good as RR. Worse headache in the morning and always more ragrets

>> No.14650494

Tastes like rocks.

>> No.14650495

That's interesting actually, I always thought it tasted more like rollings

>> No.14650497

I'd rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ear than take a sip of this fuck

>> No.14650551
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>> No.14650562
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>> No.14650673

You are an incredibly boring person.

>> No.14650692

my neighbor drinks it while shirtless in his front yard when he welds or cuts wood

>> No.14650707


>> No.14650724

the smell/taste of mcdonalds gives me legit binge eating nightmares where my dreams perfectly simulate the taste of old, moldy oil and the strange texture of their burger meat
i don't even eat it anymore or have ever binge eaten before outside of childhood

>> No.14650922
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It's not unusual for two people to share a bottle of wine, but when you have a third guest one bottle might not be enough anymore.

Let's say we're having a wine party where every guest drinks the same amount of wine. Now suppose as a rule that for any wine party we need exactly one less bottles of wine than the number of guests. Notice that for larger and larger numbers of guests, the amount of wine per guest approaches one bottle (750 ml). In fact, there is some finite number of guests where the amount of wine each person gets is, in human terms, imperceptibly different than a full bottle of wine.

But how can that be when we KNOW we bought exactly one less bottle than the number of guests at our party?

Now take this a step further. What if we buy two less bottles than the number of guests? Three less? It seems like for any finite number of bottles less than the number of guests at your party, there is some number of guests you can invite where each one gets arbitrarily close to 750 ml.

>> No.14650925

It's the perfect beer to drink after a Grand Communication of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.


>> No.14651039

Breakfast beer

>> No.14651045

What an absolute unit

>> No.14651169

He seems pretty cool to me. He has friends, too.

>> No.14651191
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It's good. I think I see it in bottles more often than cans.

>> No.14651468

That's a lot of fucking beer lol sounds like a fun time tho anon!

>> No.14651479

I consumed a lot of this beer back in HS. Its good for what it is.

>> No.14651489

to me it almost has a cripsy crunchy penut buttery taste

>> No.14651974

>>14649496 Used to be a great cheap beer. Now It's made by Anheuser Busch and tastes like busch ice (shit)

>> No.14653084


...and I don't like it.

>> No.14653140

I'd hangout with him

>> No.14653144

anyone else here remember having that first and profoundly-underwhelming swig of rolling-rock after years of curiosity having grown up watching AVGN?
in my schoolboy brain I imagined it tasting something like a Bud Light Lime actually does, but of course, well, why would it.

>> No.14653196

Tastes like aluminum. Legitimately one of the worst cheap beers.

>> No.14653197


>> No.14653200

Cheap, decent and drinkable, nothing special.

>> No.14653203

This is the biggest cope I've ever seen on /ck/. Anon is a lad.

>> No.14653260
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You're all invited to my next BBQ and we can go off into the woods and smash beers on the railroad tracks late into the night

>> No.14653265

oh, and you. >>14653260

>> No.14653544


>> No.14653565

I used to go to a bar that served 2 dollar rolling rocks on draft. The beer is good and very drinkable and I always thanked myself when it was time to tab out.

>> No.14653573

i don't understand this bit

>> No.14653677
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>> No.14653688

Can I come? Will bring some bratwurst for grill.

>> No.14653732
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>> No.14653816
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Yes, I haven't had a good brat in years

>> No.14653859
File: 54 KB, 615x400, guinness-bun-mustard-615x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boil in beer then cook on grill. My dad used to do it with Guinness but thats a select taste.

>> No.14653886
File: 9 KB, 220x229, DFB7525A-1E6F-4C0E-BB88-299DC36995AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, dope. Would be dope if u drunkenly fell backwards and got your fucking body cut in two by the train .

Ask your mom about the day of 100 cocks!! U fuxkjng faggot piexe of shit

>> No.14653907
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oh anon you always say that

>> No.14654085


>> No.14654117


>> No.14654389

came here just to post this exact phrase!
are you me?

>> No.14654480

In the US it's a mediocre beer at a cheap price.. so good if you're drinking alot and are on a budget

in canada it's a mediocre beer at a premium price, don't buy it

>> No.14655669

In terms of cheap beer it's probably my favorite. The only way I can describe it is if the smell of a freshly cut lawn was a beer. Only out of a bottle though, the cans are literal piss water.

>> No.14655671

Tastes like peanut butter and nickels yummy yummy

>> No.14655720

Tastes like bullfuck

>> No.14655732

Bretty good but way overpriced in a lot of places—don’t bother with it if it’s more than Coors or Budweiser, but it’s good at that price point

>> No.14655735
File: 3.41 MB, 1458x1080, 1597635614514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got an 18 pack from the store. been drinking it when i want to drink something next to dirt cheap that tastes okay.

pic very related

>> No.14656090

Helllll Yeah anon! you're a good man! lets do this thing.

>> No.14656137
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>> No.14656147
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>> No.14656148

The cheapest 12 pack that tastes decent. Truly a god send when I was broke. Now I have a cellar of lambics. Times are a changing.

>> No.14656159
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My sister used to give me rolling rock when I was a toddler before she'd flip my legs over my head with my underwear off and suck me. Hope she's dead now of an overdose. I piss a fine mist because of her.

>> No.14656181

Its cheap shitty beer for parties, not the sort of beer you drink to enjoy.

>> No.14656195

It’s known for being AVGN’s beer of choice and pretty much nothing else