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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14645862 No.14645862 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on authentic Mexican food?

>> No.14645866

Why do you keep posting the same threads

>> No.14645884

Is taco bell authentic?

>> No.14645886

Because Mexican food is god tier and worth discussing on a weekly basis

>> No.14645892

Why do you keep posting this same faggot-ass whining any time a duplicate pops up? Just accept the fact the world doesn't revolve around you and nobody gives half a shit about what you think this board should be.

>> No.14646956

You sound mad, did someone hurt you recently?

>> No.14647035

I'm not mad at all lol

>> No.14647046

it's /ck/. how many different threads can there be? /ck/ should just be one thread. it's the same crap over and over.

>> No.14647049

There should just be a Mexican general at this point.

>> No.14647052

Antonio López de Santa Anna?

>> No.14647054

The Mexican posters keep getting beheaded

>> No.14647059

i like mexican postres

>> No.14647071

All the based mexibros post in /sp/, you have to go there

>> No.14647085

b-b-but i'm a honky

>> No.14647117

Calm down, ESL

>> No.14647141

I love Mexican food but I have a small gripe or two. They focus too much on the sauce and not too much on the protein. I wish the meat was cooked better. Also, fuck chicken. Why does 90% of mole have to be made with chicken? Give me duck, short ribs or lamb with mole instead

>> No.14647203

I can agree there. The condiments and sauces are top tier. They need to learn from western chefs the techniques to cook the protein just enough to make it safe.

I think part of the overcooking of protein comes from the cultural practices of having no refrigeration so meat mist be cooked to past well done. This also accounts to why the choice cuts for mexicans are flap meat and flank steak. They butcher them in such a way to make them thinner than any steak cut an american butcher would cut.
It allows for the meat to show no pink in the middle but still be moist.


>> No.14647283
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>> No.14647293

I made aguachile de ribeye last week after seeing it in one of these threads. Was pretty great hadn't fucked with a flavor profile like that in a while.

Thanks mexibros

>> No.14647566

There’s way too much shit on that chalupa. The way an old indita will make it for you from her stand is with diced onion, crumbly cheese, fresh salsa, and maybe sour cream. The beans are already mixed into the masa.

>> No.14647585
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>> No.14647605

It's a tlacoyo.

>> No.14647613

I wonder if Mexico will ever embrace thick, non overcooked steaks

>> No.14647617

That's not 100% true because they do shit with pork, lamb, and goat that really cooks the meat well (carnitas, barbacoa, etc.)

>> No.14647686

They do in Sonora and maybe Baja California, but I am uncertain about the overcooked part. All Latin america loves their meat overcooked for some reason

>> No.14647690

Some of the best food this earth has to offer desu

>> No.14647694
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>> No.14647719

I think I'm going to make that this week, Thank you Anon.

>> No.14647922

is a chalupa in puebla. or memela or gordita. every old lady mixes it up across the country, but i think the same basic fried masa and beans on a comal concept is obvious.

>> No.14648006

i dont really like mexican food

>> No.14648084
File: 55 KB, 1200x800, BBOtuhu.img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Pulque was available in the US i'd be making this every week

>> No.14648099

Probably because of the cheap steak they use

>> No.14648191

And honestly, what other country does steak like the US? I know that Asia also likes thin, well cooked beef

>> No.14648199
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I'd suck a trannydick for a nice cochinita pibil

>> No.14648651

I had one of those "chanclas" before. Not very good. Toppings aside, just way too tough, thick, and oily. I get it if you're poor and trying to get a lot of calories for cheap. Gimme a fucking basic ass fried corn tortilla.

>> No.14648662

This is why tostada is GOAT. The focus is on the toppings not the masa

>> No.14648681

>lead cook wants to do carne asada for a feature
>says she'll come in early and start a batch of queso fresco
>exec chef tells her to just use the idiazabal we have in the walk-in
>the basque country sheep's milk cheese
>on mexican food
one of the few times the exec has caused me to BSoD after hearing his instructions.

>> No.14649103

Health, we dont trust our providers.

>> No.14649152

posting this again

>> No.14650240

I wonder if Latinos in the US also like overcooked steaks.
If I take a qt Latina on a date and she orders a well done steak, I'd sperg internally

>> No.14651443


>> No.14651766
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Find a flaw

>> No.14651868

Does anyone else not like that Mexican plates always come with tortillas?
I just had this Bistec a La Mexicana and it was the perfect amount of food without the tortillas. If I used the tortillas, I would have been overly full

>> No.14652719

Americanized latinos are learning about american meat customs. Older mexicans actually look for really lean beef (select). They see choice and prime as bad. Americanized latinos actively look for choice or prime mexican cut of beef. Within the last 3 years there have been three mexican meat markets that sell exclusively prime beef in mexican cuts.

>> No.14652988

Shut up pendejo.

>> No.14652994

Fuck off
Better cook properly the meat than eating garbage undercooked

>> No.14653021

Its basic food hygiene. You need to cook the meat.

>> No.14653024

Do your own pulque.

>> No.14653223

Nigger logic...enjoy your hockey pucks

>> No.14653540

Enjiy your E. coli

>> No.14653556

You don't have to eat the tortillas.........................

>> No.14653596

stop spamming this thread you fucking mexinigger

>> No.14653609

Why do you browse this board enough to know a thread is duplicate?

>> No.14653659

T. Tastelet hockey puck eater

>> No.14653663

mole actually made me gag in a restaurant
everything else is okay to good
the double chalupa from taco bell is unironically the greatest mexican dish i've ever eaten in my life

>> No.14653743

Why is aguachile so good bros

>> No.14653798

I know a lot of Mexican-Americans who actually like food eat steak
But the ratchet ones are kinda like black people when it comes to steak

>> No.14653989

What are the best food regions in Mexico

>> No.14654282

Puebla, oaxaca, and Veracruz are three

>> No.14654433


>> No.14654695

indeed. thats where mexicans know to go for seafood.

>> No.14655601

Yeah but I feel like you're supposed to if they're there

>> No.14655698

Mexico City is a better food region than that infested shithole.

>> No.14655760

Veracruz food is shit. Puebla is meh tier. Oaxaca is god tier.

>> No.14655766

For me, it's dos tacos autenticos from Jack in the Box.

>> No.14656070

What the fuck is going on here

>> No.14656473

ExDF or Mexico City its a bigger shithole

>> No.14656773

You don’t know shit about Mexico. Mexico City mogs the rest of the country cus of its size and importance. Veracruz is where the cocina jarocha is. Now stop larping like you know shit.
You too you little twat

>> No.14656808

Mexico City is one of the most important food regions in the world. Veracruz can't compare. You can find good food from all over the republic in Mexico City. Stop acting like you're the only one who knows about Mexican food in here.

>> No.14656820

A mexican restaurant opened across the street from where I live and I must say it's fucking delicious, I go there like twice a month

>> No.14656857

I never said shit against Mexico City. Mexicans in Mexico know Veracruz is where the good seafood is at, but you zoom zoom larpers are the ones pretending it’s not. Don’t be so assmad about being called out as larpers, you illiterate twink.

>> No.14656867

Also the movie is kino

>> No.14656869

>you zoom zoom larpers are the ones pretending it’s not.
Point out in my post where I said it isn't you paranoid cunt

>> No.14656891
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>> No.14657052

For real, tho. And it's always the same picture, too.

>> No.14657057

How are those compared to the old burger King tacos?

>> No.14657173

in reality it is:
1. Oaxaca
2. Ciudad de México
3. Baja California
4. Guerrero
5. Sinaloa/Yucatán/Puebla

>> No.14657180
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that's just pizza lmao stupid mother fucker looooool

>> No.14657892

they the same shit

>> No.14658162

Why is that black man reflecting lasers?

>> No.14658177

Authentic Mexican seem ok but then I keep seeing dishes that have bugs in them.

>> No.14658192

>What are your thoughts on authentic Mexican food?
Flavorless trash.

>> No.14658232

>flavorless trash
dumb nigger

>> No.14658471

several things come into play when going on about charred meats
first of all many folks will just wait for the embers to cool somewhat and drop meat onto the coals and leave till whenever
the outer parts could be overcooked some but further in the meat is cooked to perfection maybe even undercooked when done like a newb
on the other side of the table you have salibridad or wholesomeness as in health concerns with serving near raw foods which need cooking to kill bacteria and parasites or whatever
this is nothing new
many folks get sick from eating half cooked food and others just wont dare getting sick in such a fashion
as its embarrasing
its a most common theme that when someone does not cook well they cary a sort of shame with it basically towards women whose paet is to nourish the family
To claim "the food is over salted" cook is put in a bad position
much murmering insues
that is why many mexicans can cook well they are scared to look bad and have their pride hurt

>> No.14658504

many moles have a blah taste to them
fairly unimpressive most usually even in "gourmet" specialty locals
moles are special even very special when treated as such which may not be the case when you walk in to have a plate of number 6

>> No.14658551

whether you think it's blah or whatever mole is anything but flavorless. people can feel overwhelmed or like it the first time they try it.

>> No.14658586

go buy a plate of your favorite mole, likely a bad batch

ill wait till my folks make it for a party
for sure going to be good or outright thrown out

>> No.14658649

is mole better than curry?
maybe ive only had american curry, but always too sweet
theres a mole buffet near me with like 15 different moles in a pot at a time. and beans and rice and chips and onions and cilantro and a million other little mexican side things

>> No.14658655

15 different pots of mole*

>> No.14658665

Whats the place called?

>> No.14658701

street trash for third world subwhites

>> No.14658875

Which mole do you like best?

>> No.14659014

What's yours

>> No.14659638

exactly this. Mexican food was given to us by the gods. it is our duty, as mortal beings, to respect it and to cherish it always.

>> No.14659642

the first word that come to my mind when I see this pic is: faggot. not sure why. could be the extremely feminine pink/purple cum on the plate

>> No.14659670
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I think it's the perfect dish that defines Mexican food: a blend of various shit.

>> No.14659953
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I found your pic

>> No.14660879


>> No.14661559

bump from me also
mole buffet is "los moles" in the sfbay

>> No.14661924

no but yes

>> No.14662201

Looks pretty good

>> No.14662357
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Tell the exec chef to go back to the office and finish the god damn invoices already and make sure the Ecolab guy comes by to service the dish machine before the end of the week.

Hate god damn pan shaking (((((chefs))))).

Also he needs to tell the GM about the hispanic bussers harassing the female staff.

>> No.14662945


In 1999-2000 laser deflecting jackets were common, US army had been developing them since early 90's Boyz2Men albums (hence the oversized prototype suits) All information from the first gulf war are classified so there's no photos of combat use available on the net.

>> No.14663941

Mexican food is best when people make their own take on traditional dishes. That's how the best Mexican dishes are made.

>> No.14664083

Lame name

>> No.14664616

do i need to make my own flour tortillas if i want taco shop quality bean and cheese burritos?

>> No.14666797

Of course. You know the rules :
Good tortilla, good salsa, good filling

>> No.14667512

rest in shit fucking loser