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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 750x450, man_throwing_spaghetti_away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14645756 No.14645756 [Reply] [Original]

If so, in what circumstances?

>> No.14645761

Never. Even if it's moldy.

>> No.14645770

When "I'm not going to eat that Shit".

>> No.14645776

I'm about ready to toss a head of green leaf lettuce, it is bitter af. ALDI did me wrong.

>> No.14645786

My faggot friends always throw half their shit out when eating at restaurants and they aren't wealthy by any means.
Why do this? What a complete waste of food and money! Garbage

>> No.14645790

On the occasion I fuck up and food burns, something like rice or something else that chars really bad, I throw it out since it'll fuck up my stomach from eating it. I think generally chicken or diary are one of the few things I end up needing to toss due to it going bad. Even fruit and veg are fairly easy to salvage from having to throw it all away.

Other than that, weird impulse buys for unhealthy shit that turns out not be tasty enough to be worth the calories, but that's only if I can't give it away.

>> No.14645794


You must think like an American.

>Buy the Costco pack that can feed 30 people
>Eat one or two servings
>Let the rest of it grow mold because you ate out 5 nights in a row and never put it in the freezer
>Throw the rest of it in the trash after your fridge starts smelling like shit
>Drive the SUV to Costco
>Rinse and repeat

>> No.14645795

Aldi is always fit or miss with me

>> No.14645811

Same, their bagged green beans are probably the best consistent produce there. I forgot what possessed me to buy lettuce there.

>> No.14645850

I noticed this when I was in college, white dudes never saved leftovers and then complain that they don't have anything to eat later in the day because they are out of their weekly allowance

>> No.14645880

not usually. at this point I know how to make enough food for any setting. I only ever buy ingredients I know I will use.

Occasionally if the store only sells ingredients in a size larger than I want, and I don't end up using it in time, i may throw away but that is very rare.

>> No.14645970

If it’s in the fridge longer then a week if I’m being honest with myself I know I’m not gonna eat it. I clean it out every time I bring groceries home

>> No.14645991

If its moldy or spoiled. Even if I hate it, I still use it. I made that Golden Japanese Curry and it was fucking garbage (way too sweet) but I still ate it every meal until it was gone and then donated the other boxes to some food drive.

>> No.14646066

Funny I saw a black couple at a jap steakhouse on their anniversary eat half their food and the wife talked about how he didn't eat leftovers. Basically threw out 2/3 of a $30 meal.

>> No.14646128

If it's Italian food.

>> No.14646131


Did he at least take them home? I have a REALLY small appetite so I can never finish USA portions (when I've been to Europe I had trouble finishing those too) but I always bring it home to finish later or the next day at work.

>> No.14646153
File: 1.61 MB, 1200x1600, ff01e316-e893-4e12-8287-a13622f0de72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this guy. He's basically a fluffy garbage disposal. So no

>> No.14646173

Only when I'm given shit I don't like.
Just threw away a block of yogurt-strawberry Ritter Sport after trying a square

>> No.14646195
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>> No.14646263
File: 15 KB, 600x600, 121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you cook something, you should always eat it. even if you fucked it up. even if you burned it. eat your mistakes, for it will teach you not to fuck up again, for it will give you a baseline to know just how bad a dish can be... which will contrast well for when you master a dish and find how true the opposite can be as well.

eat your mistakes.

>> No.14646275
File: 171 KB, 1080x1340, 1580861112947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I eat wings. I dont throw away a lot, but some people get pissed.

>> No.14646293

you just know

>> No.14646370


>> No.14646398

I dont understand this. It's the stupidest thing. It's access to excess. Gluttony.

>> No.14646431

Poorscum wouldn't understand.

>> No.14647023

>fresh product
Never, because I'm fat and they're rarely are leftovers
>non perishables, frozen food, noodles
All the time, I like to buy random crap that I've never tried before and over half the time it's inedible, absolutely vile

>> No.14647104
File: 31 KB, 640x480, wasting_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance I get.

>> No.14647153

I live alone, so I'm constantly throwing food away. What am I going to do with a hundred carrots? Live off nothing but carrots for a week? They'll go moldy by the time I'm half-way through the bag, and the stores don't sell them in smaller quantities.

>> No.14647884

you retards ever hear of composting?

>> No.14647899

You can't compost animal remains.

>> No.14647976

what happens to a dead carcass in the woods? does it just sit there forever?? you can compost animal under the right conditions, and because the average home composter cannot isnt an argument against composting all other food.

>> No.14648003

Well, it decomposes, of course. But for gardening, the advice I've always read multiple times was to not use any animal bones, and the like. Only egg shells, fruit skins, leaves, and so on. I don't know why, though.

>> No.14648018

Yeah, that's right. animal will attract too many pests like maggots and such.

>> No.14648066

you can if you do it right
or a worm farm is much easier

>> No.14648087

>I live alone, so I'm constantly throwing food away.
Same here, basically. I try to eat one meal a day for health and order out mostly. Cooking with fresh ingredients is all but a guarantee I trash a bunch of food.

>> No.14648089

You have no idea what bonemeal is. You take bones, you bake them until they're brittle. Then you powder them, great for adding calcium and phosphorous to the soil. You do the same exact thing with blood meal, except most people never truly interact with animal blood.

>> No.14648091

bruh just pack away the left overs and use them the next day, you live alone so you have complete control over your fridge

>> No.14648104

how well does this work
i usually keep some bones on hand for making stock and am setting up a garden
i know phosphorus is a major player in agriculture but what about calcium?

>> No.14648213

when you get blossom rot that's from lack of calcium. The plant either lacks it or had too much water and wasn't able to absorb enough calcium.

>> No.14649664

Only if it's unsafe to eat and not a moment before. I strongly dislike wasting food, and will force myself to eat shitty food I made unless it's truly inedible.

>> No.14649698

no, but if i do, it smells bad or got mold on it

>> No.14649817

Only if its moldy

>> No.14649824

How do you powder the bones?

>> No.14649825

why the fuck don't people eat leftovers?
why do people boast about it like it's something to be proud of?

>> No.14649826

Is this a personal anecdote?

>> No.14649827

The implication being they have so much money, they can throw food away.

>> No.14649843

They recommend that because idiots won't take advice like >>14648089 and go through the process of making bonemeal, they'll just dump bones in the backyard. Aside from attracting scavengers, it also becomes a zoonosis vector. It's the same thing for manure. I used to keep pigeons and pigeon guano has very favorable NPK ratings compared to just about any manure on the market. Yet if you go to a gardener's resource you'll get people poo-pooing the idea for the same reason. You need to actively hot compost any form of manure instead of just dumping it on your garden or the same issues with potential disease transmission happen.

tl;dr morons ruin everything.

>> No.14650477

why would anyone want to spend more money on food when they can cheat the system and eat beans.

>> No.14650498

Leftovers that's been on the fridge for 3 days, there's a reason it's been there for 3 days because I don't want it, if I don't throw it out 3 days will turn into a week then a month, etc...

>> No.14650499

My parents make dogshit food and have tiny egos; they get in their feelings whenever someone doesn't glow about the canned green beans they heated up or take 3rd helpings of grey, overcooked meat. I work from home and I work during traditional dinner time so I just take a plate upstairs and dump it.

>> No.14650949

I knew someone like that. She as a huge asshole who was fucked in the head.

>> No.14650966

If I made it and it tastes bad or if I bought it and it tastes bad. I don't force myself to eat anything anymore. If it's tastes awful and/or it's bad it goes bye-bye.