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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 324x216, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14640505 No.14640505 [Reply] [Original]

this shit is literal poison, why would you drink this?

>> No.14640507

You have to be over 18 to post on 4chan, tastelet

>> No.14640526

whats wrong with drinking poison

>> No.14640585

because I want to fucking die but I'm too much of a pussy for real poison

>> No.14640608


>> No.14640619

eat your prunes boomer

>> No.14640704

I liek 2 poop :)

>> No.14642102


>> No.14642105

Makes me less sleepy. Tasty.

>> No.14642130
File: 19 KB, 254x186, 1596730087500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14642142
File: 71 KB, 700x700, b54cc6cb5cf8057dbff627161acd2f60b1-trump-pollster.rsquare.w700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14642901

>calling people tastelet
coffee literally dulls your taste buds

>> No.14642911

For the same reason use other poisons on themselves: using a low risk does has fun side effects.

>> No.14642922

It's actually good for you in moderation.

>> No.14642926
File: 165 KB, 1242x1236, 1553230496927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would support any foreign war that ensured that the international supply of coffee continued. I love that shit.

>> No.14642944


>> No.14643714

I'm sensitive to caffeine like my heart starts tightening in my chest and I start feeling panicky. This shit literally feels like I drank poison. For most people though it makes them feel good and also it has health benefits so I wouldn't call it poison.

>> No.14643721

It's got that good ol umami mouthfeel you know

>> No.14643734

Im absolutely not a morning person so I make iced coffee before driving to work so I dont fall asleep on the Parkway and cause a massive pileup.

>> No.14643744

retard, kill yourself

>> No.14644134

Because it isnt poison, and is delicious.

>> No.14644144

I unironically just realized this is definitely what that bastard was trying to type
Why the fuck is the media so retarded and gay that when something like this happens it gets painted in such a negative light when it’s endearing to see your president act like a normal human being, it’s a damn shame.

>> No.14644147

It has a nice texture

>> No.14644152

You fall asleep immediately after having to wake up? You could just try sleeping more, jesus. I used to work graveyard and only seldom would I begin to fall asleep on the way home, and typically this was resolved by opening a window and blasting myself with 40 degree air. Stop being such a pussy and get over your gay little addiction, it’s probably the only reason you have this problem.

>> No.14644154

Coffee smells wonderful but tastes bitter, but it's also a good source of caffeine with no calories.

>> No.14644161

It's about as endearing as a kid with down's playing with plastic bricks

>> No.14644164

>a good source of caffeine
Your caffeine-addled brain copes with addiction by pretending it’s some kind of essential nutrient, huh?

>> No.14644169


>> No.14644170
File: 35 KB, 341x347, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am retarded pleas rape my face

>> No.14644171

A typo? You realize everyone makes those, right? Because you’re effectively calling yourself a kid with down’s playing with plastic bricks, especially because you can’t even type downs correctly you silly boy.

>> No.14644172

>despite the negative press coffee
I suppose he intended to write "French" instead of "negative"? Anyway, people just made fun of it as they would make fun of any public figure who fucks up. The vitriol was saved for other tweets.

>> No.14644182

Jesus you even fooled me, it’s literally just Down syndrome. God you really must have an extra chromosome.
Maybe he intended to type, “coffee is still good” and then it ended early. Who knows. Don’t know what else he could’ve been typing.

>> No.14644634

[citation needed]

He didn't say caffeine is a nutrient or imply he was addicted to caffeine.

>> No.14644689

Haha based boomer

>> No.14644695

so is alcohol, anything spicy, and even water if you drink too much of it

>> No.14644715
File: 5 KB, 234x215, 1547951073254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what's wrong with coffee?

>> No.14644733
File: 56 KB, 545x630, 1584599509831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude fuck graveyard shift, I did it for three years and felt like a zombie for most of that time. Horrible social life, completely mangled sleep cycle, days where your body tells you you're not sleeping and you go to work awake for 30hr, and the knowledge that since you work as an antisocial vampire no one in management will ever know you or care to promote you. The only good thing was unlimited coffee at my desk, used to do 3-5 cups a shift and quickly became addicted to that shit. Now I'm a NEET and life is glorious.

>> No.14644736

Nothing faggot, just don't be an absolute retard and drink 10ltrs of the shit

>> No.14644790

It's nice to have at a cafe with breakfast. Iced coffees are great for lunch on the go.

>> No.14644822

reduces chances of alzheimers

>> No.14644848

Coffee is great. Only problem I have with it is the teeth staining.

>> No.14644943


You don't understand, for my entire life even before my parents let me have caffeine after about 4 to 5 hours of sleep my body just wakes up and can almost never go back to sleep. I did a two night sleep study at a hospital to find out what the shit was wrong with me and they had no clue, although they found out that I enter bursts of the lightest REM sleep level even though I'm still aware of what is going on around me. I try to sleep more, I went to bed last night at midnight and didnt sleep until around 3:30AM.