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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14636632 No.14636632 [Reply] [Original]

Hello fellow Steelers!
Let's discuss everyone's favorite premium malt liquor!
This general serves as a discussion for Steel Reserve, 211 culture, the controversial Alloy Series and anything else related to this fine beverage.
What's your favorite thing to pair with a Steel Reserve? For me, it's frozen chicken cordon bleu and an original Newport cigarette.

>> No.14636635

2 steel reserves for 2.27 at my local 711 literally made me an alcoholic. Love the stuff

>> No.14636638

At least you're committing to the image

>> No.14636664

>drinking out of plastic lined canned
enjoy your xenoestrogens. how are those manboobs looking?

>> No.14636670

two what can, tall can, 40?

>> No.14636673

just got 3 40s for 9$ for tonight

>> No.14636678

Got 2 40ozs for tonight

>> No.14636710


>> No.14636742

No worse than they were before I discovered this great beverage.
I wish we could get forties in my state. The 24 oz for $1.19 is probably a better deal per ounce, but there's just something in the experience of finishing the warm bottom of a plastic 40 oz bottle.

>> No.14636829

post pics of your moobs

>> No.14636838

can you actually finish 3 without dry heaving? wow

>> No.14636858

3 is just the money i had on hand to get some i can drink 4 a night if i wanted

>> No.14636894
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I'm on day 6 of a 100 day No Drink. Tomorrow is the day I would have had some Steelies so that's when it basically starts.

>> No.14636912
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Stay strong bro you can make it.

>> No.14636950

Go closer to the embankment and let the mower roll over on you.

>> No.14637010

Good job anon

>> No.14637102

These are actually pretty good. I hear a lot of bad shit about them but I had one and it wasnt hard to down the entire tall boy and tasted ok. Gave me a good little buzz from only one can so I think imna start getting them more often.

>> No.14637214

just don't allow yourself to fall down the steel rabbit hole were you pound 3-4 40s a night its a slippery slope

>> No.14637228

Still confused and pissed about Haffenreffer Private Stock getting discontinued. That shit was the nectar of the ghetto gods

>> No.14637358

How does it make my piss smell exactly like it?

>> No.14637410

I miss the glass 40s.

>> No.14637573


>> No.14637657

Straight up hobo booze right there. Drink that shit for a about 5 years and enjoy your cirrhosis. That and all the cheap malt liquors WILL kill you. Alcohol is meant to be taken lightly, my friends.

I know what I’m talking about. I’ve had two friends die from liver failure. One of them drank this crap exclusively.

>> No.14638375
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umm bros?

>> No.14638378
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>> No.14638392
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>> No.14638429

when will you faggots stop trying to be mr morals and shit. go back to reddt

>> No.14638570

morals implies i care about others here, i dont know if i want to get hooked and really damage myself

>> No.14638859

I usually drink like 2 or 3 with my bf and end up banging like rabbits. He's usually sore the next day.

>> No.14639246

>he thinks such a minute amount will have any lasting effects
/fit/ shitter brain rot

>> No.14639494

That's nothing, I can drink 5 if I want to

>> No.14639552

So much this

>> No.14639564
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>needs to be listed as an alcohol

>> No.14639580

Drank two of these on an empty stomach once. Whoa

>> No.14639629
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goodnight lads

>> No.14639678

how do you die from only 12 beers

>> No.14639688

Rookie mistake. You should eat one can of Wolf chili for every two 24 oz cans of Steel.

>> No.14639707
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>> No.14639711

We don't need to hear about your disgusting sodomite lifestyle with your gay lover

>> No.14639732

what website is that and where can i find more of these?

>> No.14640169

here anon

>> No.14640304

i want to hear it

>> No.14640356


>> No.14640491

You’ve got this anon

>> No.14641130

Shit its 3 for 7 here in Bakersfield

>> No.14641136

Trailer park tragedy

>> No.14641273

We usually end up drinking a couple after the work week is over. Funny enough because of him I get horny after drinking a Steel Reserve. I guess it's because the first time we had sex we were hanging out and drinking Steel Reserve.

>> No.14641304

Dude, It’s slurrsday. You can always start over on September 1st after one last hurrah. You’ll love the taste of that sweet booze, just ease off Monday and start the new month a new man. If you taper off right, you’ll have a blast between now and then and begin anew feeling fresh. You know what I’m saying, and you know what to do. Cheers.

>> No.14641646


Why the fuck does this cursed board have a Steel Reserve general but no general for wines?

>> No.14641741

because wine's for faggots

>> No.14641785

Can we stop forcing this meme? This is how boards turn to garbage. Next thing you know there's gonna be a McChicken general. If you wanna obsess over your garbage beer go elsewhere.

>> No.14641790

Nope were good here

>> No.14641794

I saw a new flavor: tropical storm

is it good?

>> No.14641802

Steel reserve is trash. I used to drink them until I found out about Natty Daddy. 8%, 99 cents at my local bodega and tastes infinitely better.

>> No.14642051

sleep tight steeler

>> No.14642078

Supply and demand ya mexiCan

>> No.14642080

I'd bet you don't say the same thing about soy

>> No.14642242

The Alloy Series gives just about the worst hangover imaginable. Shit is poison. Just drink the regular.

>> No.14642257

Flavored beer and shit like Mike's Hard Lemonade and Twisted Tea gives me the worst heartburn.

>> No.14642263

Sleep tight based steeler

>> No.14643093
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Can't give a shit enough to since I don't go out of my way to eat it

>> No.14643832

Used to drink 2 40’s every few nights. Shit makes me hungover for 2 days now. Makes you get fat too.

>> No.14643864

If this is actually a shill campaign by Steel Reserve, I'm impressed.

>> No.14643936
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Thanks friends. I only ever drank once a week, but I have trouble stopping and the way I act drunk is affecting my life negatively. Also I'm getting fatter.

The hardest part will be knowing the longer I go without it the better it will feel when I do, but that is addiction.

>> No.14644529

I really don't think they can afford marketing...

>> No.14644762

Just gotta stay active and watch your snacking

>> No.14646608

>only once a week binge
honestly if you can't make it to 100 days then you'll really have something to be ashamed of. Absolutely no discipline.

>> No.14647523


Only getting drunk three times a year sounds lame.

>> No.14647556

Describe what a Steel Reserve is like for an europoor.
Is it just popular because it's cheap and strong?

>> No.14647806

I'm from Baltimore and I've never seen a white person drink one. 4chan incels just latch on to some weird shit.

>> No.14648376

I drink three 40s of Steel and then fuck my wife til she near about rips my cock off with her cunt. Reply if mad.

>> No.14648408

You definitely need a drinking break so you can read a post chain.

>> No.14648426

>hard day of work tommorow
>have to lay off the steel reserve

the cure is worse than the disease

>> No.14648469

OP is a nigger.

>> No.14648488

>I'm from Baltimore
my condolences

>> No.14648510

I drank 4 tallboys of this swill and it was a pretty rough day at work. Would not recommend.

>> No.14648536

>Not drinking them AT work
The Steelie life isn't for you, my friend.

>> No.14648540

That's the equivalent of 7.77 ounces of pure alcohol, or almost a full cup. I've been there with Steel and it really sucks.

>> No.14648564

Used to do 211. Then Icehouse released an 8% tallboy for .99 cents. So much smoother than 211 and a lot cheaper.

>> No.14648612

One day there will come a time when we won't need alcohol to get through the day. Maybe you aren't there yet; maybe you just drink a few times a week. That's how it starts. Until eventually you're spending fifty bucks a week on malt liquor and you're drunk more than you're sober. Take it from someone who has paid the price: stop now.

>> No.14648804

Wish we had malt liquor here in the UK. We got some strong beers like Tennants Super and Carlsberg's Special brew though.

>> No.14649066

>One day there will come a time when we won't need alcohol to get through the day.
Despite being right your typo makes your post invalid. C-. See me after /ck/lass.

>> No.14649092


Like that shit is gonna kill you before the steel reserve

>> No.14649126

How fat is she?
I don't like it here either.

>> No.14649290
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My buddy got me pic related because I was memeing about how hood malt liquor is.
I've never had it. Is it best to be consumed while eating some greasy pizza?

>> No.14649329

Watchu know about that? Prolly nothin...

>> No.14650002

What typo?

>> No.14650132

sleep tight steeler

>> No.14650161

sleep tight steeler

>> No.14650172

It's best to be consumed by pouring it down the drain and going out to buy a better beer that isn't malt liquor.

>> No.14650180

Why is everyone in this thread talking about how much 3 of these fuck you up? They aren’t in my country, but really 12 standards? I thought this was for Alcos, 12 standards is nothing you pussies. How does that give you a hangover

>> No.14650359

What do you mean by "12 standards"?

>> No.14650411

Alcohol is lame by yourself anyway

>> No.14650419

guessing he means 12 standard size cans not 40 oz bottles

>> No.14650427

Those are actually really enjoyable but they’re not as high abv as Steel or Ides (my preference)

>> No.14650428

if you're a lame person it is aka you

>> No.14650482

I used to deliver Steel Reserve. One day a single woman came into a gas station and bought the whole 12 pack of 24 oz we delivered.

>> No.14650666
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friendship ended with STEELIES

now PBR TWELVE PACK is my best friend

sorry to say i just never want to experience the feeling of waking up the day after drinking steelies again

>> No.14650687

>Is it just popular because it's cheap and strong?

yes, and because you can buy it almost anywhere. it's in all the grocery stores, the gas stations, etc.

>> No.14650706

steel reserve... 40oz...
whatchu know bout that?

>> No.14650892

Probly nuthin

>> No.14651137

Unit of alcohol. 12 standard drinks.

>> No.14651934

I used to drink 5-6 of those things on a night easily, would pass out almost every time, piss my pants occasionally. Don't miss that part of my life very much.

>> No.14652158

Satan is trying to tempt me away. I find that Bud Ice goes down smoother while not tasting so strong

>> No.14652550

Give it up. It's poison.

>> No.14653150

Thats me now

>> No.14653167
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One time after drinking that much and passing out I woke up and peed on my alarm clock

>> No.14653177
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>> No.14653184

holy based, i used to just piss on clothes I had on the floor next to my bed

>> No.14653185

It's not too late to get help anon. No one is beyond hope.

>> No.14653188

how did u stop?

>> No.14653194

Never said I was an alcoholic, or that it would be very difficult.

>> No.14653217

I built this little PVC funnel/slide that went into my trashcan below my bed. Usually too drunk to ever use it

>> No.14653220

>my relative is retarded
>its the beers fault

>> No.14653678

I've been drinking 6 tall boys on Friday and Saturday for years. It gets the job done.

>> No.14653690

They probably meant liquor

>> No.14654481

You aren't a "Steeler", you're an alcoholic

It's not "comfy", it's an addiction

>> No.14654861

>I only ever drank once a week, but I have trouble stopping and the way I act drunk is affecting my life negatively
me too bud, every sunday i regret going out and getting pissed, saying i dont want to do it again, but then the weekend rolls around and i wanna party.

>> No.14656183


>> No.14656316

whats a good alternative for these in Canada

>> No.14656398

>You aren't a "Steeler", you're an alcoholic
>It's not "comfy", it's an addiction
I only drink steelies when I eat chicken tendies so it’s okay?

>> No.14656676

Mickeys is unironically my favorite 40. For some reason they've become impossible to find in my area lately. Steel Reserve is ok, but I don't really drink anymore. Usually I'd just get Old E.