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14632874 No.14632874 [Reply] [Original]

Why do gringos prefer corn over flour tortillas? Over here in Mexico, only people who like corn over flour are people who never had them or insecure people.

>> No.14632897

they've convinced themselves that corn is "more authentic" or something

>> No.14632903

Good question, why would anybody prefer corn tortillas, which have actual flavor, to flour tortillas which taste like nothing?

>> No.14632915

The baizuo believe corn tortillas are more authentic.

>> No.14632928

Cause còrn is gluten free

And it is simply better than flour

>> No.14632934


>> No.14632997

Flour tortillas for breakfast are so much better than corn; bacon and egg on a flour can't be beat
Corn is usually better for meats since its not as fatty

Also, flour tortillas are pretty prominent in the Rio Grande Valley, where its like 90% Mexican. Stop trying to feel superior to gringos for their food taste

>> No.14633089

Corn is for tacos and flour is for burritos. Also where can I get a tortilla press I’d like to just make my own

>> No.14633102

corn is cheap here

>> No.14633104

this, flour is also superior to corn for beans, which can be included with breakfast. id also say i prefer flour for fajitas, but all other meats corn

>> No.14633129

Everything is made out of corn in america. Coca cola, sandwiches, sugar, plastic, gasoline, fake tits, etc.

>> No.14633132

Because I don't like to amylase my corn, OK? Jesus Christ. Just fucking simple flour

>> No.14633340

Cause it tastes better. Authentic Mexican food doesn't use beef in their tacos either but I like that too.

>> No.14633559

Because fuck spics and your third world country that's why

>> No.14633578


>> No.14633603

>authentic Mexican food doesn't use beef in their tacos either but I like that too.
Are you stupid?

>> No.14633610

>Why do Americans prefer the tastier tortilla?

>> No.14633655

Corn are the ones who smell like what I imagine a beaner pussy smells like, right?

>> No.14633661
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if a beaner pussy smells like corn tortillas than my latina fetish just got UPGRADED

>> No.14633687

Real Mexicans eat migas with flour tortillas.

>> No.14633722

In white as fuck and live in San Antonio. I get laughed at for liking flour tortillas all the time. Maybe I’m the true Mexican in this shit hole.

>> No.14633785

I'm Mexican and op is telling lies, almost no one eats flour tortillas here

>> No.14633788

Where the fuck do you live? Every Mexican I know eats corn tortillas.

>> No.14633822

sick cunt

>> No.14634011

Typical baizuo

>> No.14634090

Insecure about what? Also both corn and flour is plentiful so its likely everyone has had both.
Corn tastes better but flour lets you fold more shit in them.

>> No.14634092

Probably he is from the northern states of Mexico, where wheat grows better than corn

>> No.14634099

corn is more unique
we eat wheat bread all the time, but we don't really have a corn equivalent

>> No.14634132

Where the fuck do you buy masa in NZ, it's fucking $8+ for a tiny bag at the supermarket here

ended up making cornbread with frozen blended corn the other day cos fuck spending 20 bucks on a single skillet full

>> No.14634226
File: 43 KB, 1372x915, Corn_Bread-w-Chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never heard of corn bread?
Here's a hint, it goes great with chili.

>> No.14634244

Does the chili have beans? If not, then I am not eating

>> No.14634286

Corn tortillas are r*ddit's choice

>> No.14634315

both are bad since grains are poison.

>> No.14635023
File: 431 KB, 727x609, 1BDC2FEF-7965-4217-913C-C6B419CF290D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexicans in Texas will make fun of you for any way you eat a taco. People in San Antonio complain about Austin tacos, people on the RGV complain about San Antonio tacos. I hate how much Mexicans guard Mexican food, even though Tex mex is totally different from interior Mexican food. Like just try mentioning you like Torchys and you’ll get shit on to oblivion cause it’s “gentrified” Mexican food, but Mexicans will be happy to order sushi covered in spicy Mayo and hot Cheetos. Just enjoy your taco and eat what you like, they can fuck off

>> No.14635029

different tortillas are better for different tacos

>> No.14635039
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everyone knows the best tacos are in dallas at random sketchy gas stations.

>> No.14635060

I’ve been to Dallas like once and we didn’t get any Mexican food, mostly Korean food.
I’m sure there’s plenty of great taco places in Dallas, I just hate how Mexicans, especially younger liberal ones, will make fun of someone for what they eat

>> No.14635069

i'm a younger liberal mexican in texas with lots of similar friends and none of us care about what you eat anon.

>> No.14635095
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I'm not a gringo, but southern mexican food shits all over northern mexican food. Northern mexico is just texmex crap. Everyone is a hamplanet and drives an SUV and has shit taste.

No good mexican food exists north of CDMX.

>> No.14635100


>> No.14635111

torchy's sucks because they charge way too much for a fucking taco, not to mention that the service takes forever and they always get your order wrong somehow.

>> No.14635117

I see all my former classmates complain after the left the RGV that the tacos in Austin/Dallas/San Antonio/Houston suck, especially in Austin when they complain about whites people food. Have you ever tried talking to someone from the RGV who went to UT about tacos in Austin? It’s insufferable

>> No.14635118

they also took away the salmon taco and the fried catfish taco

>> No.14635121
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yes i work with a bunch of them at a mexican restaurant. i laugh at them because they all enjoy stupid shit like pic related and have no taste at all.

>> No.14635126

Yeah there tacos are expensive. I think their chips and queso are great and the trailer park taco is pretty good, but other than that I never go. Buy why should you care what anyone eats and likes, even if you think it’s a ripoff

>> No.14635136

Do Mexicans really profile over a bread preference

>> No.14635163

White people are the only ones who don't gatekeep over food because the only thing anyone cares about when it comes to ethnic cultures is their food (and no one cares about "white people food" outside of twitter where it's used as an insult). If you ask a random person on the street who Quetzalcoatl is they'll just stare blankly at you, but if you ask them what an enchilada is their eyes will light up like a ferris wheel and they'll tell you their favorite filling.

It's also present if you have arguments about illegal immigration or refugees the people who support it will always talk about how great it is that immigration is great because there are so many different food carts and restaurants but ignore statistics about rates of rape or overall crime.

>> No.14635185

mexicans are such a rats , they make me sick

>> No.14635198

All the local taquerias run by Mexicans who don't speak English serve their breakfast tacos on flour. Non-breakfast tacos tend to be on corn. Fajitas are half-and-half and depend on personal preference. (I prefer flour.)

No need to be on Team Flour or Team Corn when each one has its delicious delicious place.

>> No.14635205

i dont think you know what that means

>> No.14635211

>Why do gringos prefer corn over flour tortillas?
I don't feel like that's a real thing, IME most people prefer flour.

>> No.14635234

Its the opposite actually

>> No.14635239

Theres no food to gatekeep. I dont want meatloaf with ketchup

>> No.14635252

>I'm Mexican and op is telling lies, almost no one eats flour tortillas here
The only guy in the thread who knows what the fuck is going on gets totally ignored.

No bother , fuck all these gringos anyway, who cares what they believe

>> No.14635272

Thanks for proving the stereotype that Mexicans seethe when people eat Mexican food differently
I think OP is trying to bait Mexicans to shit on flour, so congrats on falling for it

>> No.14635276

Are you trying to mindfuck us? It’s the opposite

>> No.14635289

There is no seafood in tex mex cuisine.

>> No.14635298

Bro, I'm from AZ, and have driven all over Mexico, and you're not Mexican.

>> No.14635315

There is but it’s mostly shrimp cause of the Gulf of Mexico

>> No.14635339

I'm not a gringo either but there has been a influx of seafood restaurants from Northern Mexico in Mexico City and the food is very good. Every Mexican region has good food

>> No.14635623

For me it's pan arabe

>> No.14635669

Only americans. Here in europe we pretty much only eat flour tortillas

>> No.14635693

White bourgeois foodies are obsessed with authenticity

>> No.14636051


>> No.14636062

Bullshit, white people prefer flour tortillas

t. Worked at a mex restaurant

>> No.14636075

>native to Mexico

>> No.14636163

>not a fusion cuisine
Are you stupid?

>> No.14636187

Yeah most Mexican food has ingredients brought by the Old World

>> No.14636423

Mexican here, the only thing that will make me sperg out is rice inside burritos

>> No.14636658

only based post in this thread

>> No.14636702

My experience has been almost entirely the opposite with getting shit on for preferring flour over corn.

>> No.14636716

I'll be sure to tell all the first and second gen vaceros that live around me that there food is fake. Thanks bro

>> No.14637341

Corn tortillas taste and smell better than flour tortillas. Simple as.

>> No.14637492

I prefer flour tortillas though.

>> No.14637566
File: 572 KB, 1440x1425, 1593899644482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz the Mexicans HERE like corn tortillas and serve them at the restaurants or at least give the option which is why they're so common
stay in your poor shithole country

>> No.14637708

Spic here. Flour tortillas to me are great on their own, like a plain slice of bread, but I find them too doughy and filling to use for most dishes over corn. Plus I think corn tastes better.

>> No.14637734

north mexico uses flour tortillas
south mexico uses corn tortillas
or was it visa versa?
in central mexico i couldnt find a plate of beans and rice anywhere, fuck

>> No.14637756

baja is bestja

>> No.14637856

The debate with corn bread is whether it should have sugar or not. No sugar, here.

Good. Everyone should hate California

>> No.14638711

Because blue maize tortillas are superior to everything.

>> No.14638807

Corn tortillas are messy as fuck to make so people around here just serve the dry-ass ones that you can get from the store. That said I think it's better for a taco that's just diced beef or something to be served on corn tortillas, I'd only prefer a flour tortilla for anything too messy (or a taco with eggs like other anons mentioned).

>> No.14638811

It do be like that m8

>> No.14638821

Okay boomer

>> No.14638833

Has to be fresh corn tortillas. The premade ones are shit.

>> No.14639205

Báizuǒ is chinese, and it's a political term.
Not sure what bèn wàiguórén use it here for

>> No.14639319

Fuckin based.

>> No.14639985

My tortillas are never that good.
People say its simple but I can't work out what I'm doing wrong, mine always end up dry and puff up like Indian chipati

>> No.14640113

I hate Mexicans so I bastardize their ruins of a culture.

>> No.14640142

amazon, you stupid cunt. why would you even need to ask?

>> No.14640182
File: 56 KB, 750x746, bme8l16ptk521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said, partner

>> No.14640241

It depends on application, corn tortillas are far superior for tacos, but no one in the right mind is going to use corn tortillas for quesadillas.

>> No.14640272

Wrong. Corn tortillas and queso chihuahua make the best quesadilla combo

>> No.14640275

>implying those aren't great

jalapeno cheddar is better, but still.

>> No.14640277
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>> No.14640295

because americanized versions of mexican food is literally always better. same with every other regions food honestly

>> No.14640718

you have to go back..

...to your faggy flour country lol got em

>> No.14640745

People use it as the Chinese soy boy

>> No.14640781
File: 1.45 MB, 884x658, e3e3ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best non seafood tacos i've tried were flour tortilla tacos from Sonora. Maybe it was the quality of the meat but fuck I'd have those over any al pastor or carnitas anyday

>> No.14640968

I cannot understand why people even eat corn itself, let alone any products of corn processing

>> No.14640982

based, chili with beans is top drawer

>> No.14640997

Flour tortillas are better if you needs some shit to dunk in the broth or you're making some wacky ass shit that requires a flexible wrapper like burritos etc

Corn is equal to flour when it comes to tacos, and is superior with spicy meats because it helps diffuse the spices enough that you can taste them before the heat gets you

>> No.14641010

Recipes you see online usually call for corn in a 4:3 ratio with water. This isn't nearly enough, I can't make my tortillas come out pliable and without cracked edges without a 1:1 ratio.

>> No.14641017

as a northern mexican, I agree.

>> No.14641018

this just reminds me that I haven't had chilaquiles in a while.

>> No.14641021

Flour contributes no flavor to the dish. It's a crutch for when you're trying to stuff too much shit into the taco.

>> No.14641031

Northern Mexico places like Baja and Sinaloa are good as as any place in Mexico. Especially in Baja where it's a new state and they do whatever they want while other places like Yucatan you will get scolded for something not being traditional from an abuelita

>> No.14641233

you will be a boomer too, someday, if you not die from being a faggot before you became a boomer faggot, have a nice and faggy day

>> No.14641254

only gringos call people gringos

>> No.14641283

Quetzalcoatl is a cute girl with big tits, obviously.
Most people don't care about stuff that isn't relevant to their life. Food is relevant to everyone, so food is one of the most important cultural ambassadors.

>> No.14641310
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so they don't corrupt the flavor of everything else

>> No.14641363

Picking corn or flour just depends on the filling

>> No.14642650

Carne asada tacos are very popular in Mexico

>> No.14642858

Ive only ever eaten flour
My whole famly only eats flour
We are all very very white

>> No.14642892

Gonna go out on a limb and say he means that cows are not native to the Americas, they had to be brought over by colonists.

>> No.14642951

It wouldn't make sense eitherway because 99% we eat everyday consist of old world ingredients

>> No.14642982

In both BCs, corn are way more common than flour. Corn is the "default." You have to specify "tortillas de harina," otherwise you'd get corn. So I'm guessing he's a Texas "Mexican" or a Chicano.

>> No.14642994

Being more common doesn't make it a preference.. Corn might be more common but they do sell Flour tortillas in the North.

>> No.14643003

>Being more common doesn't make it a preference
That's exactly why they're more common, doofus. Restaurants don't give out corn by default, and tortillerias don't specialize in corn arbitrarily; they do it because there's more demand for it due to local preference.

>> No.14643023

>That's exactly why they're more common, doofus.
You are missing the point, retard. The fact that they sell Flour tortillas in the north hints op can be from Mexico or in the US. Them having more corn tortillas is irrelevant.

>> No.14643068

what kind of flour tortillas are you eating?

>> No.14643097

it literally is. flour came from europe to that shithole, before that they only had access to corn for that
doubt they do

>> No.14643119

Tortillas are overrated. Tortas are where it's at. No one can touch Mexicans when it comes to Sandwiches

>> No.14643141

same here in vegas. the best taco places are little buildings in the corner of stripmalls that looked like they used to sell soft serve and lemonade

>> No.14643170

if your favorite taquerias don't consist of:
>the taco stand
>birria el compa
in las vegas then your opinion a shit

>> No.14643466

flour tortillas are fucking disgusting and should be wiped off the face of the earth to pave the way for the true chad torilla, corn.