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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 550x499, Protip - ''Not Xylitol''.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14632281 No.14632281 [Reply] [Original]

Optimizations are really important. Health, nutrition, and fitness -- even "drugs" / supplements; of entertainment, what's most physiologically motivational / pleasing. Resulting performance (amongst reasonable behavior -- choice) is very skillful. Stimulation is really correlative with rewards, awareness, and intelligence; so excitement and immersion are really beneficial.

Here's a topic about your "bests". A lot of mine are such public rarities (while simultaneously being some of the most important culinary experiences).

>> No.14632426
File: 375 KB, 948x1388, PS; Keto_VLC; WL; Some Sweeteners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm savvy with a lot of topics. Some examples:

•Dietary min-maxes.
•Utilizing derivations / chemicals.
•Sweeteners -- especially stevia, which is up with the most pleasing of ingredients .. and results with *much* more satiation derived from both meals and food-preparation.
•Alternatives to recipe options -- especially carbs, which is really beneficial.

>> No.14632653

Nigga just eat a balanced diet and exercise lol

>> No.14633276
File: 26 KB, 472x441, Essential Vitamins and Minerals (notated).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making fundamental recipes -- frostings, fillings, creams, fudges, brownies, cookies, cakes, toffees, etc. -- is really simple (even cold) amongst casein, whey, stevia, cocoa / cacao, coffee, egg(s)..

>fluffy / pillowy
>There are only-sweet (-esque; sometimes the plain powders are hinting of bitter until mixed with other powders, even, or especially in water and oil before other ingredients, is very sweet and flavorous) iterations.
>Is some 200x sweeter than sugar, with longer onsets and more lasting durations.
>Has benefits to glucose and insulin blood metrics.
>Results with *much* more satiation derived from both meals and food-preparation.
•There are huge benefits to replacing carbs with protein.
>Hypoglycemia produces greater appetites, flavors, and sensations.
>Chemical benefits, such as GH, reduced DHT, (even thusly) increased T, and ghrelin (which has huge effects and correlatives unto energy homeostasis, cholinergic-dopaminergic rewards, neurotrophy, et al., hungers even being required for rewards from alcohol and palatable foods.

Optimizations are varied and deep. All vitamins and minerals, substrates of specific molecules, sorts and timings, correlations of hormones (and to physiological statuses)..

Full nutrition is a rarity amongst diets. Some examples are vitamin C (because amounts from food simply aren't anywhere near what even small animals are biosynthesizing from sugar), omega 3 (because the options are approximately "flaxseed" -- purported phytoestrogens being lignans: carbs, oils being fats), protein quality and availability..

>> No.14633662

why do you prefer stevia over other sweeteners? From my research aspartame, for example, is the most researched artificial sweetener and there are no negative side effects to it if consumed in normal amounts. Stevia on the other hand is way less researched and has a chance to negatively influence your gut biome, from my understanding.

Also stevia, to me has the most severe of taste, compared to sugar. Erythritol takes the number 1 spot when it comes to taste, and also consistency, for me.

>> No.14633755
File: 35 KB, 597x369, Stevia Compounds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stevia has the best flavors when a quality iteration is found. They're so often different because many sorts of molecules are extracted, and combined in various ratios.

Aspartame has had warnings for a while, not that it's very tasty anyway; and stevia grows from dirt. I'm also not aware of grounds *or* extracts affecting negatively the gut biome.

Erythritol is disgusting.

>> No.14633757
File: 137 KB, 1200x1200, A Recent Best Stevia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14633815
File: 133 KB, 1054x600, Benefits - Casein vs. Whey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14633839
File: 49 KB, 366x491, Garlic and Vitamin C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14633948

Mind to share some of those recipes? I'd be interested in high protein desserts that don't taste like rubbery shit or have more calories than the original dish, because they just replaced all the carbs with extra fat.

>> No.14633956

Tripcodes are for faggots. OP is a confirmed retard.

>> No.14633961
File: 57 KB, 317x466, rc_ms (170).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, hey, I remember this tripfag. He's the autist who replies to everything with "Not an argument." and then spergs out. He's such a faggot that he's actually had threads deleted on fucking /qa/.

>> No.14633979
File: 2.46 MB, 575x324, Fusion -- spoiler - 'plasma pressure-cooker'.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret to low calorie options is simply that fats aren't very necessary or beneficial. Sorts of fat similar to the original compositions are an example of a logical choice (such as saturated for homemade cheeses derived from powders), but sometimes no or little is really OK.

Cold-made seems a better testing method because pressure-density and heat-consistency aren't so innovated.

>[Not an argument].
My posts are status enough for having archives.

>he's actually had threads deleted on fucking /qa/
Appealing to authority (the administration) isn't valid. "Complaining about.." isn't even "against the rules", and my posts being deleted (if you were so caring as to being provisional of an example) obviously was nothing about "quality".

Also, bringing up negativity in a positive topic about fundamentals of the industry, that already has lots of insight, and methods of immensely increasing personal joy (both of food and life)..

>> No.14633990

Oh, look, there he is again with his non-arguments: the great Lord Faggotorius IV.

>> No.14634012

>[Not an argument].
As, the quintessential "I can't disagree with you because what you just said was an undeniable fact" reply. Tripcodes are for faggots. OP confirms this.

>> No.14634014

/ck/ is better than this; go away.

>> No.14634030
File: 1.81 MB, 176x144, rc_an (204).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ck/ is better than this; go away.
Serious lack of arguments coming from you, as per usual.

>> No.14634031

In your initial post you wrote that cookies, cakes and brownies, for example, were extremely simple to make. could you post any concrete recipes instead of just talking about the theory behind it?

Also how would you go about and make fudge, which you also mentioned, with no, or a significantly reduced fat content?

>> No.14634057
File: 100 KB, 902x677, EG3QyyFXUAAeZJM[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't recently made many of those things, not even having stevia (which I was using in everything). Most of my recent iterations were pressure-cooked at ~250°F for ~15mins. It's really simple though. I already mentioned some of what casein and whey are for aspects.

A fudge was similar to (but without nuts) [image].

>> No.14634113

Ok now I'm cinvinced too. Fuck this gay schizo poster. Fuck off to somewhere else, this board is about cooking not about pseudo scinetific nutritional advice. What the fuck practical use does your expert "knowledge" have when you can't even post a single recipe.

>LOL just make fudge and cake, but leave out all of the main ingredients. Here's a pic of actual fudge, just figure it out how to make my superior version yourself.

>> No.14634196

You're one of the worst posters on this website.

>> No.14634208

>one of the most pleasing ingredients
Livestream killing yourself

>> No.14634215

I warned you, bro. I warned you about the autistic tripfag.

>> No.14634221

>Stimulation is really correlative with rewards
You write like a child.
Stimulation has high correlation with; rewards, awareness, intelligence.

>> No.14634224

Lmao OP is such a huge fuckin dork

>> No.14634225

>[As if you had quality stevia].

That punctuation is a "no".

>> No.14634227

You forgot to turn your trip off, mate.

>> No.14634249

You can get a head start on all the other kids in your class, learn big kid punctuation.
Also press Ctrl+f and seach this page for 'really', it's embarrassing.

>> No.14634265

>Erythritol takes the number 1 spot when it comes to taste, and also consistency, for me.
you write like a child
Eryrthritol is number 1 in taste and consistency.
here are your spare commas, since you use, so , m, a,n,y.

>> No.14634301

we need a drawfag to do something with this image

>> No.14634352

I'm not a native speaker so fuck you just won't use commas if you like that better. Instead of trying to redeem this thread by posting even a single fucking recipe you just start insulting people. Post something about cooking. I'd rather read some funny recipe ideas maybe even one of them has some interesting idea in it instead of your incoherent babble about god knows what. Half of your ranting doesn't even make sense so stop complaining about other peoples grammar. At least I can get my point across.

>> No.14634464

>I'm not a native speaker
4chan isn't the place to practice for your TOEFL, faggot.

>> No.14634525

So how should I actually eat? High protein and stevia? It's all rather vague.

>> No.14634820

I don't understand what the fuck you are talking about

>> No.14634836

>I'd rather read some funny recipe ideas maybe even one of them has some interesting idea in it instead of your incoherent babble about god knows what.
right back at ya

>> No.14634915

Yes. 4chan is right of to lern to speak a of the English. We know the all gramatecals in up here and as well.

>> No.14636620
File: 131 KB, 590x787, Toasted-Peanut-Butter-Banana-Dark-Chocolate-Panini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>[Not an argument].
PS: "rewards, awareness, intelligence" isn't a sentence, dipship.

The commas aren't the problem; he has a really passive paradigm. My HS English professor said "you don't have to say 'in my opinion' because of course it is".

He's not the OP.

>[Not an argument].

More specifically..

>> No.14638407
File: 55 KB, 484x248, Protein - 2.3-3.1g for some diets (Examine.com).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that a lot of diets are having small amounts of is protein -- and e.g., is approximately any not including protein powders.

>> No.14638421

Another assload of non-arguments from the autist king, Faggotonio vi Queerius.

>> No.14638618

What's the best source of protein? What would a normal day of eating be like? What should I eat while sedentary and what should I eat when I'm active? What should I eat when I'm active physically and what should I eat when I'm active mentally? What should I eat when I am under stress?

>> No.14638976
File: 27 KB, 381x259, protein-quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


•Lasting absorption has had better metrics for fat losses and lean gains, but speedy absorption is obviously useful and correlates with MPS.
•Protein quality has, for some common foods, been measured. [Image]. Though, I'm much more, natural affinitative to casein and whey -- milk-proteins and thus having similar attributes at those ratios, and more because of others. (Casein is long-absorbed and low-insulinogenic; whey is the opposite.)
•On amounts, replacing carbs with protein is really simple and fun, the recipes being much more diverse because of the similar formability but definable sorts of powders.

>> No.14638985

literally wtf is this thread even about

>> No.14638999
File: 54 KB, 695x316, 25 eggs a day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


•Obviously, "all essential vitamins and minerals", especially rarities such as omega 3, and apparently vitamin C in reasonable amounts (though balanced with magnesium because of the increased oxalate production, which is also true of alcohol)..
•Ketosis has correlatives suggesting "a repeatable, adulthood puberty", some specific optimizations being "amongst passive activities, low-insulinogenics", only having carbs near intense physical activity (>>14632426). Maybe an exception is D-ribose, the various B3 vitamins being NAD metabolites.
•Eggs are beneficial because of re-routing molecules such as acetyl-CoA via cholesterol availability.
•Garlic somewhat-amongst grams of ascorbic acid immensely lowers BP and increases nitric oxide.

>> No.14639005
File: 23 KB, 541x108, Garlic + Vitamin C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> >>14633839

>> No.14639010
File: 1.13 MB, 3588x3596, autismpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14639021
File: 881 KB, 668x882, QIOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a difference between scientifically backed disagreement and the shiptoasting that has been the usual non-argument or vague inquiry (>>14638985) on multiple boards.

>> No.14639031
File: 202 KB, 978x1024, 1586590525613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an autistic schizo. Just let him have his thread and ignore him.


>> No.14639042
File: 80 KB, 600x460, fukken saved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice thx for the pic m8

>> No.14639047

This guy ban evades, anyways.

>> No.14639063

> >[Not an argument].