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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 2026x1137, umaru-chan-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14632205 No.14632205 [Reply] [Original]

hello, just recently I started taking a new medication (an antidepressant) and one of the side-effects is severe nausea, and i love to browse and post on /ck/ to learn new dishes and cooking techniques, but lately, a lot of the stuff you guys have been posting has been making my stomach very upset. I take one look at the front page and feel the overwelming urge to vomit at the sloppa you guys keep making. please stop posting such revolting foods on thes boards, and try to post only normal foods from now on, you are all being very inconsiderate to people with stomache and mental health problems

>> No.14632212

lol enjoy however long you're on that shit
i stopped taking an anti-depressant because it made me severely ill and my doctors said "well, the benefits outweight the side effects" and "diabetics have to take insulin for their entire lives so..."
also, search the phrase "brain zaps" on Twitter and enjoy the droves of young people being heavily medicated on shit that causes literal brain damage

>> No.14632213
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drink ginger beer hamter fren

>> No.14632218

I would rather have brain zaps for the rest of my natural life than eat the sloppa that you guys cook up

>> No.14632221
File: 1.18 MB, 500x283, 1579309861359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah if you're feeling nauseated because of your antidepressant then its time to switch to a different one so you can enjoy your chippu and cora

>> No.14632232

Fuck off and harden up, stupid self obsessed worthless reject of society. You would be dead if society decided not to take care of your useless ass.

>> No.14632251

no, I would be dead if I ate your sloppa, even merely looking at a picture of it makes my stomash upset

>> No.14632311

are you taking the pills on an empty stomach op

>> No.14632348

sort of. i had dinner a few hours ago but I vomited it back up, prior to taking my antidepressant, because /ck/ was making my stomach hurt with all the nasty pictures they were posting

>> No.14632378

eat something before taking pills m8

>> No.14632389

fucking brain zaps, I was on an SSRI for about 6 months until I weaned myself off of it, lasted for about three weeks until it stopped. Glad I stopped using that shit

>> No.14632390

you're being poisoned by Big Pharma, your body is rejecting the unnatural poison that you are swallowing and it's damaging your brain. You need to take those pills back to the doctor's office, march right into his office and shove them in his face and tell them to shove them up his ass and then ask him for some painkillers or benzodiazipines instead.

>> No.14632394

Stop telling her to eat poison.

>> No.14632422

i bet these little pills are less poisonous than 99% of the home-cooked food posted here

>> No.14632488

SSRI's are altering your brain chemistry OP, stop taking them, "anti-depressants" are prescribed to fight depression but they've never been desribed as such, their purpose is to prevent suicide by preventing highs and lows in your brain, making you the ideal wagie

>> No.14632511

>tfw I was on SSRIs from 14 to 23

>> No.14632523

are you a tranny now?

>> No.14632529

Stop taking the Jew meme pill. Get hobbies. Leave your house.

>> No.14632551
File: 8 KB, 241x209, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life feels meaningless and worthless, lacks joy


>> No.14632558

hey friend try getting some ginger in your diet, early and often, then shut the fuck up

>> No.14632574

Sertraline withdrawls were worse than heroin for me. And i was doing both every day for about the same amount of time. 1 year apart.

>> No.14632576

Should I not be taking my anti anxiety medicine?

>> No.14632577

OK listen up, my meds are not up for debate, I am going to keep taking my new meds because thats what the doctors ordered. please read my original post more carefully--my issue right now is a direct function of the terrible foods you people keep posting, and if you guys keep doing it, then I'm going to keep getting sick to my stomach for sure. all I'm asking is for you guys to make more normal foods, i don't think its to much to ask

>> No.14632586

I took setraline for a couple of months but felt nothing.
Guessing I just didn't take a high enough dose?

>> No.14632671

I was given sertraline for 1 (one) day when I was in the psych ward after trying to kill myself and even the thought of eating made me feel like vomiting, also it made me so agitated that I was compulsively pulling hairs out of my eyebrows and beard. Then they put me on mirtazapine which did literally nothing and I lied through my teeth and told them whatever they wanted to hear til they let me out and stopped taking it, skipped all my appointments and went right back to drinking.
SSRIs are BAD and lying to doctors is GOOD
This post is /ck/ related because I'm a chef.

>> No.14633852

Have you tried razorblades and a hot bath?
It's a great blanket cure for weeb mental illness.

>> No.14633901

brain zaps doesnt mean brain damage.
it means you quit cold turkey like a retard

>> No.14633902

Why is it so fashionable to feign mental illness these days?

>> No.14633909

sertraline needs to be taken for at least a month before you get the positive effects

>> No.14634044

Just stop being depressed like wtf lmao

>> No.14634055

I unironically recommend becoming an alcoholic if you're depressed. You might die early, but you won't die as early as if you killed yourself!

>> No.14634247

>Mankind continues to poison itself with anti-depressants and hormonal birth control.
Where did we go wrong? Why have we strayed so far?

>> No.14634517
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It's ok umaru, just ignore the /pol/tards who don't believe mental disorders exist. I'll stop posting gross food for you.