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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14628442 No.14628442 [Reply] [Original]

I see a lot of misunderstanding of GMO food in threads of late, so I'm going to provide some fundamental info about GMO'S to help you all understand the benifits.
>Reduce pesticide use by 37%
>increase crop yields by 22%
>Increase farmers profits by 68%
>Increase plant environmental hardiness, allowing to grow in harsher environments.
>Increase drought resistance, utilizing less water, and allowing to grow in dryer conditions.
>Better nutritional value
>Longer shelf life
>Increased allergy sensitivity
>Cross pollination

Now, I know what you're gonna say next...
>But OP, we don't know the long term effects. What if they turn us into zombies or something?!

Well Timmy, we actually do know the long term effects because GMO's have been in our markets and food products for over 25 years! That's almost as old as your big brother Jimmy! Many fears and myths surrounding GMO'S come from fear of science and the unknown, as well as religious fanatics fear mongering. Now go do your part in saving our planet and ending world hunger!

>> No.14628444

And the process its self probably isn't as complicated as you think
>The key steps involved in genetic engineering are identifying a trait of interest, isolating that trait, inserting that trait into a desired organism, and then propagating that organism.
That's basically advanced selective breeding.

>> No.14628452

Worried about hormone use in GMO's?
>GMOs do not include plants or animals made by selective breeding, or animals modified by being given hormone supplements or antibiotics.

>> No.14628457

begone shill

>> No.14628461

What is a GMO?
Genetically Modified Organism
>A common misconception is that any animal or plant considered to be outside the realm of our reference for “natural” is a GMO. Images of abnormally large cows and tomatoes come to mind. However, the scientific community and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) use a stricter definition for a GMO: an animal or plant that has been created through genetic engineering [1].

>> No.14628468

But what about all the "Franken-Food" images I've seen?!?!?!?!
>No genetically engineered crops on the market in the United States have been modified to be unusually large (Table 1). Pictures of extremely large vegetables used to support the “Franken-food” image of GMOs are probably not GMOs at all; an unusually large vegetable would more likely be created through less controversial methods of selective breeding or nutrient supplements, not genetic engineering.

>> No.14628483

> I am completely unwilling to listen to facts and reason. I'm scared and ignorant, so I will delude my self into thinking everything I don't understand is a Jewish conspiracy. Please stop trying to educate me, I'd rather live in ignorance and fear.

>> No.14628780

>GMO foods, specifically grains, are GM'd to resist dying from chemicals that kill bugs and weeds.
>These chemicals persist in the grain after being used to make food
>eating contaminated GMO grains is proven to cause a huge retinue of digestive disorders
>ulcerative colitis and Chron's happen because the chemicals cling to your intestines and your body tries to attack them by inflaming your immune system

So there you go Becky, add that to your troll OP when you spam it later on.

>> No.14628796

Anyone who's against GMOs for any reason other than Monsanto's bullshit is an irredeemable moron.

>> No.14628803

>In a new report, published in February of this year, Dr. William Shaw describes a group of triplets, two male children with autism, and one female child with a possible seizure disorder. All three children were found to have dramatic elevation of their urinary glyphosate levels, and additionallaboratory studies showed that their mitochondria, the energy producing parts of their cells, were not working properly. The author goes on to talk about sources of glyphosate, indicating that glyphosate is found in many GMO foods. It turns out that this family was eating a lot of corn tortillas, and, as we all now know, almost all of the corn available here in America is glyphosate-laced.
>There is strong epidemiological data that correlates increased usage of glyphosate with an increase in autism rate. Further, one popular theory states that glyphosate induces significant changes in the bacteria that live in the human gut. As Dr. Shaw states:

>That theory is that the normally beneficial intestinal bacteria species that are sensitive to glyphosate are diminished and harmful bacteria species, such as Clostridia, that are insensitive to glyphosate, are increased after glyphosate exposure.

>The changes that are brought about in the gut lead to changes in the presence of various chemicals that may go on to damage how mitochondria work, and this can certainly manifest as changes in behavioral activity. What Doctor Shaw was able to demonstrate was that there was a remarkable improvement in the various laboratory studies of these children once they went on a diet that focused on foods that did not contain glyphosate. In fact, there were some improvements reported by the patients’ mother. Dr. Shaw concludes his study by making the following observations:


>> No.14628809

>The presence of high amounts of glyphosate in the urine samples of the severely affected children in the current study, who had been eating nonorganic food, calls into question the wisdom of distributing GMO foods dependent on glyphosate usage throughout the world while essentially eliminating
non-GMO foods.

>> No.14628817

>three siblings are all fucked up and have the same issues
>its the GMOs not a genetic issue! Aaah!
Ok dum dum

>> No.14628830
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>Researchers say controlling the bacterial population of the gastrointestinal tract may help improve symptoms of mental disorders

>Current thinking in the field of neuropsychology and the study of mental health problems includes strong speculation that bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other psychological or neurological problems may also be associated with alternations in the microbiome. Researchers speculate that any disruption to the normal, healthful balance of bacteria in the microbiome can cause the immune system to overreact and contribute to inflammation of the GI tract, in turn leading to the development of symptoms of disease that occur not only throughout your body, but also in your brain.2,3,4

>This system of connections and communication between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain is referred to as the “gut-brain axis.” Some researchers speculate that infections occurring in early life could negatively affect the mucosal membrane in the GI tract, disrupting the gut-brain axis, and interfering with normal brain development. The mucosal membrane can also be altered in other ways, such as through poor diet choices, radiation treatment, antibiotic use, and chemotherapy


>> No.14628837

Yea because autism and crohs didn't exist before GMO's. If that was true why are the cases so limited? It's false correlation.

>> No.14628838

Has nothing to do with GMO's.

>> No.14628839

>study link
>doctor stops seizures literally by just stopping intake of gmos
>hur dur counter argument

Amazing, you really showed me

>> No.14628846

low gut flora didn't exist before gmos? Who claimed that? Excellent avoiding the counter argument.
You have to be 18 to post here. Please attend debate club in your school and come back and argue me properly in a few years.

>> No.14628849

Exactly, GMOs are GMed to use less of those chemicals, normal grains require MORE and harsher pesticides. Why are you against saving the environment and ending world hunger?

>> No.14628854

Nothing you posted has citations and you didn't even answer your own question about the long term effects, just saying "we actually do know the long term effects" without stating them.
Again, begone shill.

>> No.14628859

>Doctor stops seizures in genetic fuckup by changing diet
>Must be GMOs giving her seizures, not her genetics!
Ok dum dum

>> No.14628862

Isn't there something about making GMO food sterile ? I've heard Monsanto put it in place but I'm not sure.
GMO veggies being more resistant to travel means a thicker skin and firmer flesh. I've yet to taste a GMO tomato that could stand the comparison to an organic one in terms of quality end product.

>> No.14628863

Learn how to use logic, idiot.

>> No.14628866

So throwing insult instead of arguing? Your position must be weak. The point was that there are other causes they didn't even explore. The doctor started the trial already assuming GMOs were the culprit, that's not how the scientific process works. The issue can be resolved by stoping the GMOs but can still be caused by something else. For example how lowering fiber intake can solve diarrhea issues caused by other illnesses. There's no way to know if GMO's were the cause because that doctor fucked up the data.

>> No.14628872

Because there were no negative long term effects found bud. I'll be more clear next time.

>> No.14628875


>> No.14628880

Not an argument. How was my statement illogical?

>> No.14629375

>Eating food modified by mega corps who won't even feed it to their employees

>Eating food that has been designed to destroy what few small farmers exist while putting a patent on life

>Eating food that contains junk RNA that has been barely studied along with it's potential for harm

>Eating food that props up bad practices when farming should be being pushed to indoor operations closer to population centers

>> No.14629428

Reread my post dipfuck, you didn't say anything coherent about what I said. I said thee GMO grains are the problem, not the natural grains. They are not being bred to use less chemicals

>> No.14629442

> who won't even feed it to their employees
Making shit up.
>designed to destroy what few small farmers exist
Making shit up. Farmers using GMO crops increase profit 68%
>while putting a patent on life
They are seeds, stop being homo. You can also choose not to buy it, there's still a prominent market for organic foods.
>Eating food that contains junk RNA
Why does that matter? You're creating issues that don't exist to support your baseless fears.
>has been barely studied
same as last, you're absolutely delusional.
>Eating food that props up bad practices
Such as?
>indoor operations closer to population centers
Sounds unnecessarily expensive. What would be the benefits exactly?

>> No.14629472

You said that GMOs are being GMed to resist pesticides. I'm saying they are also being GMed to use less pesticides. Also the same pesticides are being used on regular grains as well, so the argument doesn't even matter. Next time read slower instead of throwing a tantrum.

>> No.14629641

>Well Timmy, we actually do know the long term effects because GMO's have been in our markets and food products for over 25 years!

Good post, mostly. Some things you got wrong, like above. GMO food has been in our diet for centuries. GMO has no legal definition technically. GMO labeled foods do not necessarily mean they were grown with pesticides, because it's simply a marketing term.

The corn we eat, as an example, was modified by the Native Americans to be bigger and sweeter. Bananas are the same way--This image is what bananas used to look like before ancient civilizations bred them. Even foods that claim to not be GMO are still technically GMO, unless they found the very first original seeds planted several billion years ago and decided to sell that crop.

GMO almost always means that the food that comes out the best will be planted next season, and the worse, more bitter tasting food will be used up and not replanted. Do this process again and again and eventually you'll guarantee a full harvest very similar to the best food you planted originally.

"GMO" is scary because words like "genetically" and "modified" are big, scary, and words that we associate with dangerous tests and chemicals. In reality, it's a very basic and simple procedure that humans have been doing since the beginning of agriculture. And GMO's relation to pesticides is assumed, not a given.

It's fine to be cautious about how your food is made and prepared, but don't give in to marketing terms companies use to make you buy expensive products that are no better than normal products. If you're really worried, grow your own food, and see how long it takes for Chinese beetles or earwigs to eat your plants before you start spraying them with something.

>> No.14629665

I mostly agree, but there is a difference between traditional modified foods and the GMOs we're talking about. The difference doesn't matter, but ones done through breeding and the other inserts selected genes manually. But yeah, science just scares people and traditional and modern methods are basically the same thing.

>> No.14629673

GMO is bad because it is misused by massive globohomo corps that would nuke the moon if it meant a 15% increase in gross profits. "37% less pesticide use" isnt about environmental health, it's about saving money on pesticides, and allows them to use stronger and more absurd pesticides that dont kill the plant. Farmers making 68% more money means they can charge 50% more for the seed.

>> No.14629702

That's mostly speculation. The reason doesn't matter if the outcome is positive. The 68% income increase is after the cost of the seed.

>> No.14629707

>Making money bad

>> No.14629724

the only concern is how the changes to the food effect the human body. like the more resistant and plant is to pesticides to more shit it is for digestion, and this can be said the same for selectively bred ORGANICTM foods
its literally just language and fear with retards in the population that assume they know everything; "WORD SOUND BAD THEREFORE BAD ITS SO OBVIOUS" like this retard here >>14628457

>> No.14629769

Well the resistance to pesticides would be a chemical resistance, as long as the composition of the food doesn't change, like a rise in fiber, stomach acid should be able to break it down. That's easy to test for though.

>> No.14629851

I personally don't fear eating it (perhaps I am wrong) but the economic handling of it I despise like the devil. They should serously be torn down

>> No.14630539

No, there isn't a difference. Again, GMO has no legal definition. And both things you described are actually the same thing. Selective breeding and selecting genes are the same thing. Unless you think that farmers are injecting DNA into every single crop.

>> No.14630577

stfu u dirty technophile, face the wall pls

>> No.14630744

This is the perfect example of Europeans being more retarded than Americans for once

>> No.14630772

Great, the community college professor made it just in time to write out half an essay making the same tired false equivalency between selectively-bred crops and genetically modified ones. With reddit-spacing no less. Eat shit.

>> No.14631289

I read that in the Kurzgesagt guy's voice!

>> No.14631330
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no thanks im not very interested in science

>> No.14631394

Kill yourself.

>> No.14631725

>first original seeds planted several billion years ago
several billion years ago there were no plants

>> No.14631769
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>created by hybridizing an orange and a pomello mixing together the DNA of both organisms in a random half hazard way
>grown and exposed to radiation to further scramble the DNA in an atomic garden (mutational breeding)
>can be sold as organic
vs an organism that has one specific gene deleted that has to be called a GMO
Anti GMO posters belong on /x/

>> No.14632461

No Monsanto is. It actually is a completely different process, with the same result. Most words don't have a "legal" definition, but the phrase GMO is commonly refered to plants and animals that have been genetically engineered.
>Farmers have been selectively cultivating plants for thousands of years. Choosing a plant, for example, based on its ability to survive certain conditions or on how many seeds it produces. Farmers also sought to improve plants by crossing them with related species that had other desirable characteristics. This type of selective or traditional breeding involves crossing thousands of genes, which is different than how gmos are made. Creating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), are a more scientific process.
>While selective breeding and mutagenesis methods usually involve crossing or altering thousands of genes, genetic engineering enables breeders to select a trait or characteristic that exists in nature and insert the associated gene(s) into the target plant. Genetic engineering also allows a breeder to make changes in a plant’s makeup without any insertions whatsoever, for example, by silencing (“turning off”) existing genes.

>> No.14632467

t. brainlet that's scared of anything he doesn't understand (which is most things)

>> No.14632482

Willfully ignorant and scared of change. We will genetically modify you out of the gene pool soon, subhuman.

>> No.14632483

>ending world hunger!
Nah I kinda want Africans to stop breeding so fucking much

>> No.14632503

Several can mean 2. And we have only found evidence of life up to around 3.5 billion years ago, but it's possible it could have started earlier.

>> No.14632758

2 billion years ago, there were no plants. Maybe you should do an internet search before doubling down on your mistake.

>> No.14632830
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Is this a VERY dedicated troll or is this thread created by and full of coordinated shills?

>> No.14632972

>anybody that disagrees with me is a shill
no, there are many of us who are fed up with /x/ tier bullshit

>> No.14632977

GMO shouldn't even be a thing in the first place. It's practically a fucking retarded attempt at being God. The hell do we need to "genetically engineer" food of all things for? Plant seed = yield a harvest. The arrogance of humanity is something else. You're taking the natural things of God and then making a discombobulated version of it that does harm to the body than good compared to the original version.

>> No.14632986


>> No.14632993


You enjoy your golden rice. I'll enjoy my natural rice.

>> No.14633006

It’s for children in countries with poor nutrition, where they have a good chance of dying from a vitamin A deficiency. Is it still bad?

>> No.14633026

>ending world hunger
yeah not possibile don't bother

>> No.14633084

It's GMOs or GMO, not "GMO's", you illiterate faggot. Apostrophes signify possessorship or abbreviation, not plural.

>> No.14633105

It's not GMOs themselves that scare me, it's the fucking companies that make them.

>> No.14633110

>Cons: increased reliance on corporate buttfucking, promotes monoculture
all the reason i need to avoid

>> No.14633111

do you even know how we got crops that are harvestable now? because if you go in the jungle and try to pick a wild banana you'll be shocked when you don't just plant a seed and get a chiquita

>> No.14633124

>GMO has no legal definition technically
wow, blatant lying in the first line, thanks Monsanto shill!
its organisms modified by recombinant technology, and the FDA, a legal entity, regulates them

>> No.14633131

kys liberal, multinats are what are destroying every distinct community and culture in the world to produce a homogeneous pool of disenfranchised consumers

>> No.14633134
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>> No.14633143

you could use GMO plants in a non-monocrop format, nothing stopping you
moncrop just benefits from GMO more than other crop designs do, just like its generally more efficient in every other way too

>> No.14633148
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>crossbreeding and selective breeding is the same thing as chopping up DNA and splicing it back together and mutating it into forms that would never ever occur naturally are the same thing

>> No.14633156

you've refuted nothing, GMOs are more effective in monocultures and monocultures are the most cost efficient large scale agriculture (in the short term before they ruin the planet by ruining the soil and by nitrogen fertilizer production)

>> No.14633175

yeahs that my whole point
its not the GMO promoting monoculture
its monoculture benefiting from another thing we invented, and we seem to really like monoculture
if we took all the tricks we knew and probably more that havent been developed yet, we could make a non-monoculture farming system that gave us what we needed(or maybe it would need a more limited population, and id say thats not such a bad thing)

the point is we like monoculture regardless,we liked it before GMO and wed like it despite GMO.
GMO doesnt promote it more than it promotes anything else its beneficial for

>> No.14633186

every technique is more efficient in monoculture

>> No.14633241

t. nitrogen fertilizer producer

>> No.14634796
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Sorry I though I posted the pic with it. Maybe you should have googled it?

>> No.14634808

No you're just retarded. GMOs are literally saving the planet, and you anti-vaxx, anti-gmo, vegans, and flat earthers are destroying humanity.

>> No.14634817

This guys obviously trolling guys

>> No.14634828

So? Get over it, and grow up. Ill cont'inue p'utting m'y ap'ostrophe a'ny wher'e I' p'l'e'a's'e.

>> No.14634831

That's definitely understandable

>> No.14635080

That's life, not plants. The first life on Earth was microbes. Plants did not evolve til much later.

>> No.14635110

Which god are you talking about?

>> No.14635173

i don't see jack shit about gmos, ever
why do you people waste so much money on this website?

>> No.14635181

You're paying to be here?

>> No.14635183

Gmo is a technology with good and bad uses
Monsanto is a demonstrably and repeatedly evil corporation and at this point are basically synonymous with gmo crops
Until monsanto ceases to be I won't trust it

>> No.14635218

Monsanto doesn't even exist anymore. It was bought by Bayer in 2018. You don't actually know anything about them, could you name 1 bad thing they've done without googling it? Yes they were evil, but now they only exist as a department of a different company.

>> No.14635221

So, I'd just like to point out that there's no scientific study linked here. There's a case report, with no follow-up, and anecdotal reporting both prior to intervention and after intervention. There's is a basic urinary screening test performed before intervention, and _one of the three subjects_ was tested post-intervention, with no useful information obtained. The entire paper reads like the ramblings of a crazy person obsessed with Sri Lanka and GMOs. I don't even know why they're obsessed with the levels of creatinine in the urine of Sri Lankans, but they mention it repeatedly as if it's some sort of magic talisman.

>> No.14635373

GMO skeptics are fucking morons.

>> No.14635662

someone is. it ain't me

>> No.14635664

>hurr monsanto
is not an argument against GMOs
And what has Monsanto done that is so bad that makes it worse than any other corporation?
>duh terminator seeds
were never marketed

>> No.14635907

I didn't get a good membership either. There's basically no benifit.
yea, the shittiest board on the site.
I already bypass it
No thanks Jew.

>> No.14635910

Not going to read all this shit

>> No.14635959

>Reading bad, Broog like being stupid and uninformed. Ignorance keeps me safe!

>> No.14635968

t. American education

>> No.14636172

>reading is hard

>> No.14636371
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Why is cross pollination bad and how do GMOs increase the occurrence of it?

>> No.14636515

There are many people in the US who don't want to send their children to public school and opt for home "schooling." They try to teach their children by themselves instead, despite lacking any relevant training or education

>> No.14636717

It's not inherently bad, but non GMO farmers don't like it when GMO crops pollinate their crops. It's really a non issue I just know someone would have mentioned it if I didn't.

>> No.14636761
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>Humans breed the best plants and animals for centuries
>Now it's bad because fictional spider man radiation

>> No.14636784

There was one Canadian farmer who planted his crops to get cross pollinated by a nearby GMO crop. Monsanto sued and sort of won.

>> No.14637023

>just eat what was literally designed in a lab to kill ya brah...

>> No.14637290

>The court heard the question of whether Schmeiser's intentionally growing genetically modified plants constituted "use" of Monsanto's patented genetically modified plant cells. By a 5-4 majority, the court ruled that it did. The Supreme Court also ruled 9-0 that Schmeiser did not have to pay Monsanto their technology use fee, damages or costs, as Schmeiser did not receive any benefit from the technology.
Tldr: the court ruled that he used their seeds but that he didn't have to pay. Monsanto lost because they didn't get what they wanted. Also Monsanto got bought out by another company since then.