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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 222 KB, 1280x720, THE WORLD'S LARGEST COFFEE TASTING IS BACK!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14624672 No.14624672 [Reply] [Original]

"Cupping for the masses" edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what are you drinking
>do you like it
>getting anymore

Previous thread: >>14578193

>> No.14624680

Lmao you’re all a bunch of faggots

>> No.14624693
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>tfw had a heart attack last year
>doctor says no more coffee
I mean, fuck, I didn't even drink the shit daily, but there's just something off about having to order decaf or just plain turn down coffee when someone has a coffee maker on the jobsite.

>> No.14624712

How profitable is running a small coffee shop ?

>> No.14624714

I keep trying different ways of skinning the cat with brewing and have a huge assortment of gimmicks like the Aeropress, Hario pourovers, Chemex, moka pots and I keep going back to the regular coffeemaker. I think I should just get the ultimate coffeemaker and be done with it.

Should I get a Moccamaster or is there something better these days?

>> No.14624725

I have a Smart 7 and I really like it.

>> No.14624727
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Masterrace reporting in..

Coffee should be as black as your soul without a bunch of sugars and cream in it

>> No.14624742

Where I live, there's a couple places where some enterprising people applied for a zoning exemption in the middle of the residential sprawl to open a couple cafes. There's about three places with a small front where the owner lives upstairs and they mostly hire local high school kids for minimum wage. I imagine they're pretty sustainable, since they've all been around for 20+ years.

>> No.14624746
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opinions? I like the fabric mesh over plastic k-cups cause I don't like plastics leaching into hot water. Does this even matter?

>> No.14624749

Do they roast their own coffee ?

>> No.14624837

What is the cheapest, easiest method of softening hard water?
Brita filter?

>> No.14624940

Does all air roasted coffee taste like shit or have I been unlucky?

>> No.14624975
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I grew up drinking coffee and chicory, pure coffee generally tastes weak, boring, and just "wrong" to me. what do?

>> No.14624977

I wouldn't think so. There's on place we have down by the port that does that shit and it fucking reeks up the city every day around 11AM. Another one downtown burnt down the other month.

>> No.14624990

cum and stir

>> No.14625083

>what do?
Keep drinking what you enjoy. No need to force yourself to give up something you enjoy for no reason.

>> No.14625620
File: 136 KB, 860x1200, moedor-moinho-de-cafe-manual-hario-dome-35g-com-regulagem-D_NQ_NP_819341-MLB30325549243_052019-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeating my question from the dead thread. Does anyone have tips for adjusting the grind size on these little motherfuckers? Mine will arrive in a few days, and I've got a bit worried, since this will be my 1st mill. I don't know if there's a standard number of turns for adjusting it, but a reference would be good.

>> No.14625736

When i got mine i just grinded some coffee until i got in the ballpark of my desired size. Then made some coffee and adjusted it from there. There may be instructions with it to help and you can always google to get help dialing it in.

>> No.14625741

How fat are you, honestly?

>> No.14625833

Crying like a bitch in every coffee thread won't rid you of your toddler palate.

>> No.14626055
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>drinking medium roast

You're settling for the worst of both sides you fucking fence sitting subhuman faggot. Hop off the fence and pick a side. Either way your ass will hurt less from all the hemming and hawing and seesawing you're doing.

>> No.14626074

Anyone got any suggestions for a good quality hand grinder? I currently have a Hario Mini Slim Plus, and its nice but it's way too inconsistent plus its a giant pain in the ass when i have multiple coffees that all need to be ground at different settings, and i switch back and forth between them.
Ideally i'd like something with numbers on it or something.

>> No.14626082

Is this where we post about gween tee?

>> No.14626100

Why would I when it's breddy gud

>> No.14626205

Is there a decent small coffee maker? 12 cup maker is just too much and when you try to do only 2-3 it turns out weird.

>> No.14626231

Brita pitchers, or any activated carbon filters for that matter, do not remove hardness. The only practical way to remove hardness is to install a RO system or invest in a whole-home water softener.

PS I installed a water softener in my home some time ago mainly to prolong the life of my appliances but it made my previously yummy tap water taste flat and disgusting. So I had to also install a RO system in addition so that it could make my water palatable again.

>> No.14626304

get a aeropress or a french press

>> No.14626318

Best hazelnut flavor that isn't just sweetener added? Need recs.

>> No.14626408
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Used a V60, and the Flair for this stuff.

>> No.14626423

Kinu m47p

Brazilian Maragogipe.

>> No.14626548

It's not. You're lying to yourself and me.

>> No.14626590

It's not anything special it's just your basic run of the mill coffee (well better than a lot of other brands but that's besides the point) that's neither bad nor super exclusive but works well in all situation I'd say

>> No.14626602

Anon, you're not making any sense. Stop being a fence sitter and choose a side.

>> No.14626627

What's your limit on what you'll spend on a bag of coffee?

>> No.14626649

Depends on how big the bag is desu

>> No.14626658

What's not making sense it's a quality coffee that I like to drink at work, mornings and fika

>> No.14626736

Or should it be as white as your skin?

>> No.14626744

Medium roasts are based. Balanced acidity and classic coffee notes, good daily drinker roast. Takes some maturity to admit it though since you won't fit in with the 3rd wave reddit types who would rather drink hot lemon juice.

>> No.14626763
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>> No.14626906

No. I already have a French press and it's more work. I don't feel like dealing with it on a work day.

>> No.14627208
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I went cupping in Portland a few years ago. Lotta vagrants and disease infested hobos around. I wonder if the black community has burned the place to the ground yet.

>> No.14627465

$20 for a 12 oz bag.

>> No.14628119

opinions: is pour over better than french press? i already have a french press but i'd be willing to throw down 25 bucks on a hario if it's good enough

>> No.14628249

You can get a plastic hario for less than that

>> No.14628620

I like my V60 better than french press. You get a much clearer cup, no oils.

>> No.14629482
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>coffee brand endorsed by the Soy King

>> No.14630109

>Soy King

Can't make it up.

>> No.14631217

bumping for high iq V60 method


>> No.14631258

Isn't this what Tetsu Kasuya told that Patrick guy from April roasters in that interview?

>> No.14631331

different dosage but yea

>> No.14631369

Kasuya is a dishonest hack. When he was working for Hario and they wanted to sell the Smart 7, he came out with a retarded highly complicated method best suited for a machine. Now that he own his own coffee shop, suddenly pooring all the water as fast as possible without giving a fuck is the best thing to do.

>> No.14631415

He prefaced it by saying the quality is inferior to more involved methods, but it's very low effort yet still results in good brew. He also said he would never serve his customers like that because one should make more effort with guests.

>> No.14631719

he's also trying for sweetness, which this method produces

>> No.14632711
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Geisha comes in a tin in an engraved wooden box.

>> No.14634321
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thoughts on reusable v60 filters?

>> No.14634869

Underweight people are even more risk for heart attack than overweight people.

>> No.14634888


>> No.14634938

They're fine. But i personally don't like em cause I find them a hassle to clean and I think that paper makes a better tasting cup.

>> No.14635005

I find that very difficult to believe.

>> No.14635322

The kinu is like 200 dollars. That's a bit pricey for my taste. I was looking at the Knock Feld47, is it any good?

>> No.14635429

Knock grinders are handmade by a very cranky old guy in Scotland, and he is the also the person doing customer support. He gets very mad at people over email if they say something is wrong with their grinder and needs fix but doesn't include all the pictures and description he needs to know if it's manufacturing defect or damage from misuse.

>> No.14635520

>Knock Feld47

Haven't heard too much about it. Most people seem to be stepping up a few bucks to the 1zpresso lines. Buy once cry once. Stick that feld47 cash in an envelope and wait 6 weeks for a kinu. You'll be happy you did.

>> No.14635668

Yeesh, I don't think I want to deal with terrible customer service.
Alright you've sold me on the Kinu. Its out of stock atm anyway so I've gotta wait no matter what. I just wasn't sure if the price point was worth it. I didn't want a situation where I was paying for a brand more than good craftsmanship and results. Do you happen to know the difference between the 3 different kinu models? I'm assuming the cheaper Phoenix model is the same as the high end just made of plastic.

>> No.14635677

based Kinuposter

>> No.14635808
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They had a massive factory a while back and lost a significant portion of their manufacturing capability. The phoenix(and traveler I believe) are slightly cheapened versions using the same burrs. The classic and simplicity are the upscale versions. All of them are milled stainless steel bodies. Phoenix has plastic "spokes" centering the burrs, but I believe there are steel rods inside of the plastic. Most grinders will have the crank sitting on a single bearing, more expensive will have an upper and lower bearing to stabilize it. Kinus use 4. Simp and classic just use solid steel spokes. Classic has the nicer magnetic catch cup, S/P has a press fit oring. Alot of people bitched about the old magnetic catch cup(think they doubled the amount of magnets since), so it looks like they've got the oring version available now if that gets your dick hard. I use the standard burrs for espresso and pourover, but they've got a pourover optimized burr if you feel like tossing more cash their way.

>> No.14635858

Oh wow thanks for the info dump.
I don't do home espresso because it scares me, i mostly focus on various filter coffees (pourover, aeropress, french press etc). So I might grab the pourover burrs. Do you have any idea how the default burrs handle Turkish grind? I like a cup of turkish now and again

>> No.14635868

>he won't mention Kinu can't be completely disassembled like most other high-end grinders (like Commandante, Lido, 1zpresso etc.), and thus it's impossible to thoroughly clean the insides

>> No.14635904
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I've got some of pic related and Hologram from Counter Culture. It's in North Carolina (not far from where I am now) and you can tell it's freshly roasted. Pleasantly surprised with quick delivery time.

Hologram goes down smooth and a has a peanut butter cookie + molasses aftertaste.

>> No.14636039

If you're in Europe then Keen Coffee has some in stock. They're based in the Netherlands but mine had free shipping to the UK and arrived in 2 days

>> No.14636064

I am in burgerland

>> No.14636072

Coffee snobs are a meme, and you are a fatty

>> No.14636112
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It'll turn beans to dust. Should be fine.

>Doesn't understand how a fixed point contributes to stability.

Thanks for the reminder. Haven't cleaned that in over a month. That's about a minute with an aliexpress brush.

>> No.14636365

>make a cup of coffee
>taste it while it's hot
>pretty good
>cools down slightly
>becomes unpleasantly sour
i have a way to go on this v60 business

>> No.14637664
File: 72 KB, 1200x900, kinto-slow-coffee-specialty-dripper-lifestyle-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Kinto Slow Coffee.

>> No.14637717
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>> No.14637885
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I miss going to my local mom and pop coffee shop but it's permanently closed thanks to covid.

>> No.14638565

Significantly better imo
>better flavor
>easier to clean

>> No.14638578

Those are what me and my dad drink, except the rainforest one (green cups). I like them for the same reason as you, but the keurig itself is also plastic so you aren't really dodging it that much. I just use a pour over when I'm not at my parents. But to answer your question, yeah it tastes fine

>> No.14638588

What's the best way to improve some mediocre coldbrew? I grabbed a blend and it isn't really cutting it to drink on it's own. So far drowning it with milk and a little vanilla syrup is working out alright.

>> No.14639168

Brew it cardamon and nutmeg. Works for the shitty coffee I bought.

>> No.14639173

>thanks to covid
You mean thanks to the government

>> No.14639594

you have to go back

>> No.14639755

Should I worry if I let about a quarter teaspoon of grounds go down the sink each morning?

>> No.14639916

what's a cheap and reliable set of coffee scales? (if such a thing exists)

>> No.14639930

*thanks to 5G

>> No.14639931

It taste like coffee

>> No.14639944

yes. Milk, cream, sugar or any other bs in coffee is for pussy faggots. If you need those things in you're coffee then it's because youre either a pussboy or have shit coffee

>> No.14640002

Coffee can air popper roaster guy: I summon thee! Do you have a throwaway email? I have some roastery questions and I don't want to ask them here.

>> No.14640013

While i agree that coffee is best black, only turbofags get upset about how others drink their coffee.
Just buy any inexpensive scales accurate to .1 of a gram and you'll be fine
Yes be very worried. You're turning the entire sewage system into cold brew. This will kill off all the bacteria that are used to treat the water. Soon we will have no way of recycling our water.

>> No.14640079
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R8 my coffee nook

>> No.14640094

can close to espresso can you get with that aeropress addon

>> No.14640122

how* close

>> No.14640204
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I've never really tried, I bought it so I could do the uninverted method without coffee dripping out. It's probably going to be better than what you could get otherwise but I don't think you're getting the proper pressure for espresso. The kompresso on the other hand I hear does espresso well.

>> No.14640224

I need to start buying decaf so I can actually drink coffee in the evenings without feeling like shit.

>> No.14640802
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Probably easier for you to just hit me up on discord.


Back on the semiwashed brazilian yellow bourbon. This stuff is a fucking crowdpleaser. Full bodied peanut buttery goodness. I'm not usually a fan of overtly nutty coffee. This one is a fucking winner. I can see why that brazilian qgrader who was posting here was shocked I was able to source it.

>> No.14640828

I would make her happy with a big family.

>> No.14641435

I really want some good decaf beans for the evenings.
What's the best you've had?

>> No.14641554

>1 chance at life
>born in a hard water area
i tried so hard

>> No.14642534
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Kalita should be forced to make Wave filters in the U.S. and sell them at the same price they sell them in Japan ($6.50 per 100).

>> No.14642561

Any reason not to use a metal mesh?

>> No.14643006

Any good clever recipes?

I just got this thing and I see some are grinding course and others v60 grind. So far nothing but shit coming out of this method for me.

>> No.14643065

when will kinu restock

>> No.14643553

Comandante mk3

>> No.14643567

Alright lads I have a comandante grinder and I'm about to purchase a flair. My question to you folk is should I get the redclix mod or get an actual espresso grinder? Niche is out of my budget right now.

>> No.14643613

been making my cup in the morning with a v60, going through bags and bags of fancy organic local whateverthefuck roasts, just bought a bag of starbucks sumatra with a gift card, made it the exact same way and wow it's kind of nasty. still gonna drink the entire 2lb bag but wow i guess you get what you pay for

>> No.14643617

1lb bag* lil buzzed excusemoi

>> No.14643781

That coffee doesnt even look good

>> No.14643786

well you already fucked up by putting a blend in it.

>> No.14643823

retard here
got a v60 and followed the instructions, but all the water dripped out in under a minute
don't have a gooseneck kettle fwiw, guessing I poured too much in all at once

>> No.14643961

Get redclix until you can afford a niche

>> No.14644015

Grind finer.

>> No.14644593


>> No.14644708
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Am I correct in my understanding that the cheapest grinder to bother with is the Aergrinder Knock?
That everything cheaper is a pointless waste of time?

>> No.14644716

ok so even if that was true - How fat are you, honestly?

>> No.14644717

Timemore C2 is cheaper

>> No.14644728

I should mention that I'm a eurofag, so a lot of the time things that are cheap in america are either expensive or just unavailable here

>> No.14644827

Does coffee that I brewed with coffee have the same amount of coffein as a coffee brewed with double the amount of coffee?

>> No.14644838


not sure if trolling or retarded

>> No.14645062
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>> No.14645142

1) If I only make coffee on the weekends, should I freeze my beans for best quality?
2) If so, is there a process for thawing them? Or perhaps don’t thaw but change my brew time?

>> No.14645225

Buy from AliExpress.

>> No.14645240

What do you prefer: Single Origin or Blend? And why?

>> No.14645540

It's pretty clear.

>> No.14645559


>> No.14646306

Is there a way to make whole bean coffee without fancy shit like a french press and all that?

>> No.14646425

hi /ctg/, new to taking coffee "seriously" so sorry if I get some terminology wrong. I wasn't sure if I'm fucking this up or what, but I'm brewing medium roast hazelnut with pour over and it ends up really bitter. Hazelnut I've had in the past has been really sweet so I'm not too sure.
I'm doing 28g/400ml with water at around 195 F

>> No.14646428

Yes, get a 12$ pourover

>> No.14646437
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>> No.14646454

>needing a fancy box
There's a collar around the bottom for a reason.

>> No.14646483

It's just the first thing that popped up in google, calm down kiddo

>> No.14646539

You're most likely grinding your coffee too fine, and over extracting it.
Try grinding coarser.
Also i would change your ratio. Generally it's suggested to brew around 60g of coffee per litre of water. So if you want a 400ml cup that's probably closer to 24-25g of coffee.

>> No.14646548

Thanks for the advice anon, I'll try that out.

>> No.14646576

Read. vvv


>> No.14646589


>> No.14647079

Should i get one of those japanese yama drip towers?
I'm starting to really like how the japanese make their coffee.
I was going to get an espresso machine, but i think I prefer the japanese methods now
where can i learn more on japanese coffee methods?

>> No.14648766

/our guy/ james hoffman recommends 75g per L for french press, that's 1:13.3333333333. Seems strong, what does ctg think?

>> No.14648938

If it's too strong use less coffee nerd
I use the golden 30g to 500ml rule and it's perfect

>> No.14649408
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Is there an easy way to remove the gasket in a moka pot? I've been toothpicks as levers.

>> No.14649439

In https://youtu.be/st571DYYTR8?t=111 hoffman recommends 30g/500g(ml). My guess is the stronger recommendation comes from a guide where he's expecting people to grind coarser than what he typically recommends, thus advocates for a little bit more grounds in that instance.

>> No.14649858

that's an older video, he's said recently that his tastes are up to 75g/L
if you're brewing a single origin dose down to like 63-65g

>> No.14649990

What are the best espresso machines under a $1000?

Can the Flair Pro make a proper double shot?

>> No.14650129

>Can the Flair Pro make a proper double shot?

Yes. I have a flair and pull better shots than every chain coffee shop. Not as good as you can get from a good specialty coffee shop but still some nice stuff

Get a gaggia classic or rancillo silva (or flair) and a good grinder (Kinu M47p, niche zero, mignon) to start

>> No.14650145

>pull better shots than every chain coffee shop.
realised this is a stupid statement to make since its so obvious. but yes a flair can pull some great shots and the pro version lets you use doses over 20g for a good double shot

>> No.14650459

Does the Flair make better shots than a Gaggia Classic? How about more time-tested manual machines in a similar price range like the La Pavoni?

>> No.14650476
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Maxwell house lover checking in.

>> No.14650557

Similar shots to a LP europiccola but better than a gaggia classic. Only benefit yo the gaggia is convenience. If you can get a PID gaggia from coffeeforums or something similar for under $200 then I would def go for that

>> No.14650571

What do I need to buy? I want to make coffee but I don't have the time/will in the morning to do it. I don't want a pads or cups machine, but a full automatic machine is way to expensive. What is a budget solution?

>> No.14651074

Ah, nevermind. I figured it out. Ethiopian coffee crops this year were really low. Hopefully next year's will be better. You're the guy who's been talking up the Daterra Estate coffees, right? Sell me on this! Also, what's up with fermented coffee processing?

>> No.14651143

Can't go much simpler and hands-off than the classic drip machine.
>put water in
>scoop some coffee
>switch on
>go do whatever else you need to do
>come back to a hot pot of coffee
>rinse it when you're done

>> No.14652390

All comes down the the user. Its a skill to develop. Flair will be s l i g h t l y more inconvenient, but you gain access to controlling all 3 variables. Heat pressure grind. You can pull shots all day back to back on one. You'd have to wait for the pressure and heat to die down if you're planning on refilling a pavoni tank.

If you're in the states, join greencoffeecoop. I figure I'll focus on the brewing/roasting and I'll let someone who knows alot more about high end coffee source beans for me. He should have a crop of ethiopian in soon, both washed and honey. I snagged 10lbs of the honey last year and want more.

>> No.14652785

Coffee doesn't cause heart attacks. Stop eating plant oils other than coconut oil and olive oil.
Stop eating carbs and fix your prediabetes.
You'll never ever have a heart attack for the rest of your life.

>> No.14654021
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Sey is the best coffee roaster in the United States.

>> No.14654299

Porlex mini vs Aergrind Knock vs Timemore C2?

>> No.14654560


>> No.14654684

so the aergrind is the better of the three huh

>> No.14654702

porlex is trash but a knock or a C2 will serve you well for brewed coffee. Aergrind is the better of the 2 but its always out of stock so I would just get the C2 which looks nicer anyway

>> No.14655075

Never had difficulty. What brand is it?

>> No.14655131

It's Bialetti.

>> No.14655202

It's kinda fiddly but I guess I've never had an issue. I also have a bialletti.

>> No.14655676
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Today I had my coffee with two Fruit and Nut Toblerone segments and a little bit of milk

>> No.14656019

I want a really autistic aesthetic coffee maker for my new house
What should I get?
I would rather have regular coffee over espresso

>> No.14656140

if you want to use it get that vintage re-release moccamaster
if you just want the aesthetic just get some shitty vintage espresso machine or whatever

>> No.14657501

Thanks, makes sense. Is there any actual benefit to gaining control of the heat? I thought you wanted it to have a pretty stable temperature. I’m learning SLIGHTLY towards the Europiccola just because of aesthetics, ease of parts availability, and portability isn’t a concern of mine. I’ve never frothed milk and typically don’t have milk drinks so I don’t expect to use that much.

>> No.14658011
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Having the ability to replicate a shot, but a few degrees hotter is pretty nice. People love their pavonis though. Significantly more maintenence than a dumb flair though, and you have to pay a few hundo extra for the pressure gauge right?

I've really been enjoying the shots out of my flair signature+sep. Here's a little ethiopian I'll be pulling tomorrow.

>> No.14658047

All that chaff is making be feel anxious.

>> No.14658465

It'll get tossed around in a colander for a bit before I brew. Going to rain the next few days so I wanted an extra jar of beans resting just in case. Was looking through the stash to see what lb I wanted to pull next and found a ziplock with about a half lb of this.


>> No.14658841

Makes sense about having fine-tuned control over the temperature. I’ve seen people get thermometer stickers to measure the group head temperature for the LPs, so I can understand value in not needing to worry about that.
Yeah it looks like there are only pricey aftermarket pressure gauges for the LP, though people with Flairs and Robots seem to say they don’t use the gauge anyway. Do you? Is target time or pressure more important for pulling? Or are they a ratio consideration, lower pressure means longer target brew time, and vice versa?
Sorry for all the questions, I’m trying to get a good understanding of what I’m getting into with a manual machine. I’ve got a Gaggia right now (no PID) and I want to replace it.

>> No.14659261

I got this a few weeks ago. Love it. I believe the guy who made it also makes the nicest pressure gauge conversion for the LP. Digital gauge and scale combo really helps with consistency. Unnecessary and and absolutely too expensive for a $200 press? Sure. But my shots have never been better desu. Probably a combination of me getting better at roasting and thinking more consciously about my pressure and flow since I can look at it on a graph. My goal was to max out what the flair can do, be happy for years, and still have the high end pressure shit to put on a cremina or something later.


>> No.14659370

>tfw want affogato
>tfw don't have an espresso machine
>tfw afraid to just make pourover coffee with less water and finer grind because that tastes awful on its own and not just because of bitterness

What do I do now?

>inb4 get an espresso machine

>> No.14659378

Get espresso from a local cafe, drive home fast and dump it on some ice cream

>> No.14659773

Better yet, bring your ice cream to the coffee shop.

>> No.14659786

whats a good coffee setup for like 500€? was thinking used rancilio silvia and rocky, is that a good idea

>> No.14659806

Based. Would love to see some dude walk in with a bowl of ice cream and order espresso.

>> No.14659881
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PSA for all wannabe coffee snobs: WEIGH YOUR FUCKING BEANS.

For too long I took the word of my Breville Coffee Grinder and was drinking shitty weak ass coffee I thought was good. Now I'm fucking wired off one cup from my Chemex now that I'm using the proper amount of coffee.

>> No.14659929

A Moka pot would make something close enough to espresso IME. Sure, no on the cheaper biallettis but they have some fancy ones with stronger valves that are supposedly good for a more real espresso. If not, you're putting it on ice cream anyways and they're like twenty bucks.

>> No.14659971

*No crema on the cheaper biallettis.

>> No.14660010

Just got my mignon crono, damn this thing makes fluffy grinds. A nice step up from the Timemore I was using

>> No.14660043


Purely up to taste.

French press will /generally/ provide a heavier, more textural/oily coffee. Personally I like this level of strength/heaviness, it's like a middle ground between pour-over and peculator
If you use a metal filter with a pour-over, it will shift closer to a french press.

>> No.14660174

Do you still wdt fluffy grinds? My m47 makes fluffy as fuck grinds but I see small clumps so I end up stirring to break it up, but I think that just makes the overall grinds less fluffy. I’m probably being too autistic about this.

>> No.14660219

havent had enough time with it to tell, but so far clumping seems minimal without wdt

>> No.14660224

What grinder range is enough when I don't care about espresso and only want to do pour-over/filter.

>> No.14660302

>Grams per Ounce
What the fuck is wrong with you. Get this shit the fuck out of my face

>> No.14660320

I use cream because I want to keep my teeth looking good

>> No.14660357

I like light roasts in my french press and mediums in my v60. It's up to taste but I do like having little oil and all the oil as an option depending on the beans.

>> No.14660762
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There has to be a more cost effective way to get an under-counter espresso bar that isn't pic related or a Modbar. It can't just be $20,000 for two groups or go fuck yourself.
>Mfw I hate how clean they make the counter look
>Mfw I hate how customer interactions work with them
>Mfw I hate them because I don't have one

>> No.14661755

Any grinder on hoffmann's grinder video, if you want a manual grinder

>> No.14661799

Look around the second hand market too.
If your budget is shit and you end up with a hario pro, hold it flat to the counter top whilst grinding it'll improve the consistency.

>> No.14661804

Just build your own bruh, its just high pressure fittings and compressor. its not like if you fuck it up it could explode and maim you

>> No.14661949

Bros I am EXTREMELY tempted to buy this espresso machine


Fucking hell I love me some epsresso. But I also love pretty much any kind of coffee

>> No.14662023

Honestly, cost it out. If you've the money to burn, then good for you.
At $700, that's about 170 lattes at your local cafe, or three a week. You're going to have to buy beans and waste them too before you figure out how to brew properly and what the best ratio is for you. Then you need to clean it regularly so that oils don't build up inside it, as they'll fuck your flavours. There are a couple of other things to think about, but these are the first that should come to your mind.
If they don't scare you off and you're confident that you will use it more than three times a week and not have it end up in a cupboard, then pull the trigger, if not, then see if you want to invest that $700 in a damn good grinder and set of scales, or treat yourself to some new import coffee.

>> No.14662060

>grinder integrated into espresso machine
>beans resting in hopper that gets heated from the boiler

>> No.14662791


>> No.14663590

My parents have this and it's pretty decent when I've used it. They have it since 2015 and no problems so far since they have taken good care of it. Its perfect for 95% people who are not total autists but have an appreciation of coffee and you don't have to drop $1k+ for a setup with features like PID and a good grinder.
You should get it on sale though wait for black Friday when they go down to $550 or so.

>> No.14663895
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This kills the coffee fag.

>> No.14664481

I bought the Breville Duo Temp off Amazon's deal of the day. This will be my first true espresso machine beyond using Moka Pots. Hope my Burr Grinder is up for the task.

>> No.14664486

>Keeping beans in the coffee grinder
Measure out your coffee then run the coffee grinder till it's empty. Shit's not hard. I wish the Coffee Grinder makers would stop putting in giant baskets to encourage laziness.

>> No.14664717

A lot of those grinders (esp the cheaper ones) depend on the weight of the beans to push beans into the grinding chamber; if there are barely any beans at the top, the bean intake will be inconsistent leading to a less consistent grind

>> No.14664889
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Any cafe these days better have an on-line shop component selling beans or allowing to pre-order lunches.

>> No.14664954

Brevilles are some of the most popular espresso makers today, I've never had a machine with built in grinder but I can attest that my old Breville Grinder has been working for the last 7 years just fine. I think their grinders are quality.

>> No.14665566

Cheers, money is not a real issue I can accommodate a couple hundred eurodollars.

>> No.14665758

my local shop has online orders, and they both sell beans in shop and have a monthly bean subscription service

>> No.14666346


If you have the larger dripper it will hold about 400 ml of water in it. Grounds will absorb a portion of that water, so expected volume after the drip is something to consider.

48.5g of beans to 400 ml of water is my recipe. Grind fine-ish and allow ample time for the grounds to absorb water and fall out of suspension. At that high of a concentration (8.25:1) it takes about 20 minutes or so.

If that's too strong, divide 400 by whatever concentration you'd like and you'll have your weight in beans to grind.

If you're making coffee for volume you'll need to adjust bean weight to account for the absorption rate.

>> No.14666705

>48.5g beans
This boy gettin' caffeinated. Gonna need a Benzo to relax after

>> No.14667057
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I've been a neet for the last six months and it's starting to get to me, been feeling shit because there are fuck all barista jobs in Dublin, and the ones that do pop up either don't respond, or don't contact you after the interview. So, to make myself feel better, I'm creating a coffee nook in my room.

>> No.14667130
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Bit neater. It's funny, the picture of my room almost perfectly described my situation as a sperg neet.
Have the nook clean. Just trying to get an idea of how I'd like to arrange it. The window is south facing and the sun should illuminate the corner for a few hours every morning, but it isn't constant direct sunlight, so I'm considering whether or not to leave the beans up top, or move them under the counter.

>> No.14667181
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It still looks.... cluttered.
I'm going to move the stuff over to the windowsill, see if I can utilise the differences in height.

>> No.14667245
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Starting to feel better about this placement. Just need to figure out how I want to arrange them.

>> No.14667414

Wraith spire? I just built a ryzen 3600 system a few weeks ago.

>> No.14667722
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I got a 2600X two years ago and just Swapped out the cooler for a wraith prism I got for €20, can't really do much better at that price.

Here's where I'm keeping my coffee and other stuff. I don't know why I have the jar of instant, hate the shit.

>> No.14667823

Start cold brewing. I grab those massive Community bags of coffee and chicory and make absolute gas coffee.

>> No.14668534

post benis ;D

>> No.14668859

I keked but this shit is allright.

>> No.14670787

*saves thread*

>> No.14671371

What wood is that on the bar? Ash?

>> No.14671881

ordered a bag of ethiopian sidamo, looking forward to trying it

>> No.14672029


>> No.14672051

1zpresso JX, JE, and K-plus are all in stock.

>> No.14672762

i bought a 1zpresso jx pro earlier this month
considering i only use it for pourover at the moment the base version was probably a better buy, but i like to futureproof myself

>> No.14672811

>buy coffee
>brew once
>it tastes meh
>287 g left

>> No.14672820

I cold brew mediocre coffee to use it up.

>> No.14672830

>get the Hario Switch
>Really like how i can do a mic of v60 and immersion brew
>Make a ton of coffee cause it taste so good and is fun and easy to brew
>now Fucking cranked on caffeine and feel like shit
Coffee is evil

>> No.14672846

It's chipboard with a plastic finish, looks nice though. it's just my desk in my room.

>> No.14672887

Why does every coffee taste the same? I've bought various coffees from different coffee roasters and they all taste pretty much the same (that is they taste the same as cheapest coffee from market)

>> No.14673192

It's because roasters usually blend multiple origin coffees for flavor consistency from batch to batch. This can also be done by roasting darker. There's actually a lot going on there, and it isn't always the taste decision you would have made yourself, although it is often a very good decision based on what available coffee crops and buying budgets they're working with. In recent years Columbia has had a bumper crop while the opposite happened in Ethiopia. Coffee is an interesting and complicated business. I'm slowly learning more.

>> No.14673269

yeah but 20$ coffee taste same as 5$ coffee.
I just want something sweet since im not into strong bitter things but everything is just o so sour. So far for me coffee is just a big meme,
Maybe the flavored coffee taste better.

>> No.14673355

I hear ya, man. I just started home roasting and the taste differences between regions. coffee lots within those regions, and roast levels blew my mind. I think my dissatisfaction grew to the breaking point this year because crops were bad in general (agricultural product ebb and flow) and the 'rona further limited my market choices. Hope things go back to normal next year.

>> No.14673611
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What's the best electric kettle I can get for my little nook? Birthday is coming up, and the GF is willing to spend €100, I am prepared to put something extra on top to get a decent one.

>> No.14673867

I was reading on a coffee forum that some nerd as doing testing with La Pavoni and said it’s impossible to get above 6bars pressure, the lever is too short to maintain that pressure. legit or nah?

>> No.14673929

Fellow stagg or brewista. I've got the fellow. Pretty based and looks great.

>> No.14673956

Brewista literally is in bankruptcy proceeding with brand right and IP being sold off by creditors.

>> No.14673978

Been a neet for the last 6 months, those kettles look amazing and are exactly what I'd get in an ideal world but money is tight for myself But then again, the extra €70 seems to get me a lot more kettle. I appreciate your feedback all the same though anon.

>> No.14674121

I have the normal Fellow and it's an amazing product, I use it for everything that requires hot water.
The electric model wasn't convenient for me, but you may want to buy a cheap electric kettle and a good one to pour your coffee. Or use your stove like I do.

>> No.14674128

Cold brew or use it to make cortados or other lattes that you may enjoy from time to time. You can also use it to make a very good tiramisu.

>> No.14674147

Whats the best kind of coffee i can get for a Keurig?

>> No.14674274

Seeing as brewista was the clear yuro choice below fellow, oxo bonavita and tfal are in shambles.

>> No.14674674

who cares? lower pressure is better

>> No.14674705

I don't have an espresso machine.

>> No.14674806

i don't know why you'd brew coffee with coffee but i'd imagine there'd be more caffeine in the double since if you're re-brewing the same grounds it'll be pretty diluted

>> No.14674812

Japanese cold brew tower, but its just 6 v60s draining into each other.

>> No.14674859

Probably. But it would taste worse because reheating coffee makes it taste worse. Just use more beans.

>> No.14675178

>drink 10+ cups of coffee a day
>blaze it until I fall asleep at night

How long can I do this until I develop serious mental illness or cognitive disability?

>> No.14676049

For drip coffee, with regards to the typical drip coffee maker, how much does the machine actually matter versus the quality of the coffee you use? That is to say, if I don't plan on doing my own grind and just buying some preground coffee, then it doesn't really matter how good of a machine I have right? If I know what I'm getting myself into, with preground coffee grinds, then I can just buy a cheapo coffee maker and that'll do the job since I don't really care too much about having a perfect cup of coffee.

>> No.14676050

>10+ cups

>> No.14676079

A bad machine is going to ruin any coffee you make, they are all going to taste similar.
Are you going to buy coffee from a local roaster or are you talking about commercial coffee from a big brand?

>> No.14676123

I like to buy something from a local roaster, but preground

Just don't want to commit too much to a expensive machine if it doesn't matter due to using a preground, know what I mean? Will take recommends on a decent 5-cup machine if you guys know any that are in the $50 range.

>> No.14676199

These threads always give me the feels.

I used to be an aficionado but after years of drinking shit coffee at work, quitting coffe for a while and being lazy and cheap, I've ended up drinking cheap pre-ground shit that goes straight to a drip machine.

I'm getting decent expressos at my new job at least.

Fuck I miss good coffee.

>> No.14676214

I had a coffee at 6pm because i was full from a late lunch and didn't want dinner.

Ended up having a terrible headache and feeling sleepy a few hours later wtf bros it was nothing fancy some nescafe gold instant.

I don't usually drink coffee and the last time I had a cup was probably a year ago.

>> No.14676277
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I used to put raw eggs in my coffee all the time for like a year but now I'm content with just using butter.
I thought that the heat from the coffee would kill any salmonella but then I started eating them raw by themselves and realized that salmonella basically doesn't exist anyway's so I keep my coffee and my raw eggs separate now.

>> No.14676283
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>> No.14676458
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How do you like your coffee? I like mine black as sin.

>> No.14676551

I'm drinking some Dunkin Donuts original blend, med roast, and with some Silk vanilla almond creamer.
Trying to figure out what kind of creamer I'm going to have picked up today as I'll be out once I fix my last cup here in a few. Does anyone have any suggestions that will go well with my coffee? I'd like to pick up some Silk pumpkin pie creamer, but I don't think they have put it out or at least in my area. Sadly, they didn't even put it on shelves last year at the only store that sells it here.

>> No.14676815

Not sure if the mill is similar to other Hario grinders or not but typically you fully tighten it and then measure in 'clicks'.

I know for reference that a French press grind in a mini mill is ~10-13 clicks

>> No.14676994
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>look perfect water temp for brewing
>guide says 90 to 95 celsius
>boild water and let it rest for a minute, they assume water boils at 100 celsius but that not true for every place
>measure boiling water at home
>water boiling at 88 celsius

What do I do now? Should I heat water in a pressure cooker to reacher over 100 then let it cool to 95?

>> No.14676999

As with everything coffee, it really depends. What kind of coffee and how are you preparing it?

>> No.14677023

Hario, 1:18 ratio. I insist that no matter how expensive local beans are they still cant beat ethiopia so Im trying to autism brew my local coffees just to be sure.

I would like to buy from my country but nothing comes closer to shitty ethiopian capsules. I dont even have nespresso, it is some machine from J&D holding and the capsules are 5 times cheaper than beans from my country anyway they taste better than expensive beans. I even suspect that these capsule arent 100% coffe grounds and they probably add some artificial flavorings.

>> No.14677203

recommend me a good light roast for pour over

>> No.14677362

You’ll definitely want more than 88 then. If you can, i’d say the ideal for you would be 98 so go past that and let it cool.

>> No.14677390

Convince me not to buy McDonald's brand Arabica Ground Coffee Beans next time I go to the store.

>> No.14677401

go ahead
i'd be curious to hear how they taste, though i can't see it being great

>> No.14677410

I'm a normie who enjoys them. That's all.

>> No.14677415

does it tell you where it's sourced from? is it cheaper than other places?

>> No.14677455

It does say that on the can, however I can't recall where.
I just googled and it says it's from some (and I copypaste) '100% Rainforest Alliance Certified Arabica Beans' or something

>> No.14677461

As for the second question, it's cheaper than going to the McCafe as it is in a larger volume at a higher rate. It's better too.

>> No.14677477

derp this was a better search
on the mccafe:

>> No.14677995

do you live on a fucking mountain? How is it boiling at such a low temp?

>> No.14678003

>altitude 492 m

Maybe my thermometer is crazy

>> No.14678361

>new coffee beans arrive
>grind them
>boil my kettle for a pourover
>grab it to wet the paper
>hit the coffee ground container with my elbows and spill it all over the counter
i'm not having a good day

>> No.14678381

Sounds like you need a cup of coffee

>> No.14678451
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Well I told you boyos it was on the list. Buy once cry once right :'(

>> No.14678477

Official coffee bean region tier list

>> No.14678967

Literally impossible. Either you mistake a few bubbles appearing for a boil or throw your thermometer out the window. At this altitude a rolling boil is virtually 100oC.

>> No.14678991

>too poorfag to afford 100% kona
>sour grapes about it online

>> No.14679005

timemore c2 finally arrived

>> No.14679012
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Better than me.
>get up early for work
>pull out kettle to heat up water
>chemex says, “ME TOO FAGGOT” and comes hurling out of the cupboard >smashes on the ground into a million tiny pieces
>try to make my way through a glass minefield in a dark kitchen

>> No.14679013

Why not get an espresso machine?

>> No.14679070

Nanopresso is the best hand espresso machine I've tried, the pump is way easier than manual pressuring.
Can't do brewed stuff in it obvs tho like kompresso can

>> No.14679513
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Have this, good machine. (Mind you I paid $540 AUD for it by combining sales + discount vouchers and shit). People will shit on the integrated grinder but it's the same internals as the real breville burr grinders and it neatens up your counter space so much. I get consistent grinds from it.
It only has 1 heating element inside, so you can't steam at the same time as a shot, doesn't matter with the right routine tho
>Machine on
>Cup with water in microwave, 1:45m
>Steam milk once machine is up to temp
>Microwave should finish while steaming
Begin rush time
>Begin swirling milk to smoothen
>Cup out of microwave
>Blind shot into cup to heat group head
>Grind beans
>Pour cup of water into sink while grinding
>Pour milk
Done in like 5 min with everything heated properly and minimal espresso resting
It's heatblock not boiler based so hot time is shorter and less radiant heat. I keep a few days of beans it it, is fine.

>> No.14679596

What about nicaragua

>> No.14679746

I, too, drink mostly chicory and have found that Seaport Dark is pretty strong for regular coffee. Good luck finding some, though, without having to pay more than it's worth for shipping

>> No.14681745
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Nice one. I wish I had the tabletop counter space for an espresso machine in my rented apartment when I'm the only coffee drinker. Time to move out & move on... damn pandemic

>> No.14682556


>> No.14682987

Breville Precision - programmable and you can get an adapter to use a pour over (although you have dismissed them as "gimmicks")
Bonavita machines are much less programmable but still have pre-infusion and meet 'Gold Cup Standard' per the Specialty Coffee Association - for what that's worth

>> No.14683958

$700 of plastic internals.

>> No.14685628

Wrong machine. $350 of aluminum tubing.

>> No.14686835

Fuck Ass Shit Balls!! I over-roasted my last batch of coffee. Now it tastes like Starbucks, God damn it. I'm still going to drink this shit anyway. Angrily.

>> No.14687481


>> No.14688047


>> No.14688178

Mako pot came in the mail and im too much of a brainlet to get it to work. I loaded the coffee grounds and water but none of the coffee ever came up to the top. It all pooled in the bottom where the water originally was

>> No.14688514

tfw have 20 lbs of green coffee sitting around but still want to buy more 90+ scoring african beans

>> No.14688545

Sorry for the noob question, I'm just getting into making my own coffee at home instead of getting a cup at the coffee shop on the way to work. What's a decent, inexpensive (less than $50) grinder for home use? I'm just making regular drip coffee, no espresso or pour-over shit.

>> No.14688570


>> No.14688793

god my tap water makes shit coffee
i was making a few cups with new beans and no matter what i tried it came out acidic and unpleasant, then i bought some cheap bottled water and it was really good

>> No.14689441

I understand this. I have made a rule for myself: at any given time I shall have no more than 30lbs of coffee on hand and no less than 10lbs. As a regular person, I just can't have all the coffee. If I want to have all the coffee I must justify it by starting a business.

>> No.14689467

I'm sitting at around 25lbs rn. The co-op can cram 15-20lbs in a flatrate box so you only pay fees on one order, so I'm waiting for their next bags to get in.

>> No.14690931
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get a filter for your tap
Bottled water uses unnecessary plastic

>> No.14691168

Timemore c2 seems like the sweet spot before diminishing returns. The cheapo ones are really not worth it, please shell out a little more.
I went with the regular JX and have a lingering ache in my heart. Suits my needs for now and I dont want to hand grind for espresso, but I could if I wasnt trying to be a cheap fuck.
Great grinder though. Rogue Wave started carrying them so much easier to buy in Canada now.

>> No.14692179

>tfw no local roasters have Ethiopian beans
Wtf ?!

>> No.14692336

Ethiopia had a small crop this year or something.

>> No.14692942

I’ve heard the base model JX is actually faster than the pro while lacking it’s finer grinds, so it’s probably a lot more convenient for your needs

>> No.14694258


>> No.14695141

>Underweight people are even more risk for heart attack than overweight people.

Only if they're constantly losing and gaining weight.