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14622841 No.14622841 [Reply] [Original]

why do people not like plain steak well done, its just better

>> No.14622846
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shut the fuck up, I will honestly fucking kill you, you probably never grew out of having your anaemic post natal depression mom making you steak in the microwave, go kill yourself, fucking americans

>> No.14622850

Could you explain why is it better in your opinion?

>> No.14622853

juicier, more flavour

>> No.14622900
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>> No.14623035

the tapeworms have made you starved for attention

>> No.14623053

Argiefag here, I grew up eating asado and everyone cooks cow meat that way and frowns upon anyone that cooks it even slightly red.
A couple years ago after seeing on the internet that in most countries the common practice is the other way around, Istarted to barbecue my own steaks rare and holy fuck, the flavor just explodes in your mouth, it's like I rediscovered meat
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy it well done, and cooking it rare is something that I can scarcely do because most of the time I cook for other people too, but they should be experienced as different dishes accompanied by different sides

>> No.14623067

Not OP but I actually prefer well done. Tried every other doneness multiple times too and just never liked the texture, tried it at home, at expensive steakhouses, having someone else make it for me, etc. and I just always like well done.

It's mostly a texture thing. With well done it seems like when you chew it the meat fibers shred apart in a way that I really like. With less than well done it's like you can mash it up a bit as you chew but it never breaks apart in the same way and never feels like I'm done chewing.

Of course you still have to make sure you cook it until it's just well done. Cooking it to 155F and letting it come up to 160F as it rests keeps it from drying out. There'll be a big difference between a steak cooked to 160F and one cooked to 175F even though they're both technically well done, the latter will be a lot drier and tougher.

>> No.14623095

its just better and you are just jealous that you cant cook steak as WELL as i can

>> No.14623120
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Fair enough. I respect that reasoning.

>> No.14623125

only plebs can't appreciate well-done steak. they say well-done is inherently overcooked and can't even differentiate between cooking a steak to an internal temperature of 160F and 170F, they'd say it's the same. did you know well-done steaks are actually more flavorful? when protein is cooked to well-done it contracts and squeezes out excess water. this means the flavor of the steak is concentrated. people who like less than well-done are basically saying "wow this watery steak is great". most carnivores who eat raw meat don't even chew it, which is why less than well-done is actually chewier, but people act like this is better for some reason. when meat is well-done the muscle fibers shred apart more easily, this is better for us since we actually chew our food. something like a lion or wolf just tears off chunks of meat and swallow them whole, people don't do this, so less than well-done is actually chewier. steaks are overrated anyway, it's like a bare minimum of effort to actually prepare them. i'd rather have a good braised piece of fatty meat, that's way better, especially once the fat has started to melt and become buttery. notice how a lot of people just cut the fat off the steak and don't eat it because it's chewy? that's wasteful and you're missing out on something that could be really good. i dunno why steak has gotten to be such a premium product with so many strange rituals surrounding it. i guess people just fell for the marketing of it being a premium product and eating an undercooked chewy steak making them cultured and superior. i'd even rather just have a good burger over a steak. welcome to good burger home of the good burger, can i take your order? who loves orange soda? kel loves orange soda. is it true? i do i do i do-o. benis.

>> No.14623141
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Try to make some paragraphs next time. Fucking hard to read that. Also, after reading your diarrhea post, please, try again. You contradict yourself.

see me after class.

>> No.14623250

I like it both ways, eating fine quality steak is delicious no matter how much you cook it, I don't prefer either