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File: 600 KB, 1097x873, shitcakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14619104 No.14619104 [Reply] [Original]

No bake cheesecake recipes represent everything that could be wrong with the modern culinary landscape. You've taken a recipe for cake that was essentially baked cream cheese custard and turned into nothing but flavored cream cheese out of shear ineptitude. Seriously just apply yourself for once in your life, the only thing that a real cheesecake takes is time. Instead you're too lazy, fat, and impatient to make an actual cake so instead you're going to spoon raw cream cheese mixed with gelatin down your gullet and call it a day. Fuck you, you damnable swine.

>> No.14619117

I've never eaten a cheesecake in my life, so I'll ask you: is there any difference in the flavour?

>> No.14619130

its like acidic gelatin with some whey in it

>> No.14619138

Käsekuche is a completely different cake from cheesecake. It doesn't even use cream cheese, but uses quark instead.

>> No.14619139

Imagine a really good toasted bread vs a plain untoasted white bread.

Baking cheesecake toasts it and intensifies the flavor.

>> No.14619144

But why, american cheesecake is awesome and also something distinctly american,
it shouln't be a crust per se just crushed Digestive that sticks to the goop sure it
shouldn't be eaten often but once or twice a year or every other year it always tastes

>> No.14619146
File: 37 KB, 754x1131, actual cheesecake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare this image with any of those mushy looking imitation on the op and tell me one doesn't look better. And this is the most bland example of a proper cheesecake. It's basically baked custard, compare that to a block of sweetened cream cheese and you don't have to imagine one being better.

>> No.14619155

No wait is that one of those warm Cheesecakes?

Sorry but I can't even manage one slice of those
I don't know what it is but it doesn't sit right with
me for some reason but frozen made from Philadelphia
god damn I will legit assault that cake

>> No.14619156

New york cheesecake, the godfather of american cheesecake is a baked plain cheesecake. Even tasteless americans know the difference.
Just to make a point, real cheesecake is awful for you as well but it's also fucking worth it.

>> No.14619164

Cheesecake is chilled after it's baked. It's not served warm you swine.

>> No.14619178
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, 1AACD712-D512-402E-8C0B-769A105A9E70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it’s basque cheesecake and it’s fucking unbelievably good.
Pic related is mine that I made, my family devoured it and I had only these scraps left to even take a photo for my personal cook book.
Yes, it’s supposed to be burnt on the top, it’s literally called “burnt basque cheesecake”.

>> No.14619190

lol but I mean it's not frozen like icecream

Ok that does look good but "frozen cheesecake" and
this one seems more like two completely different
"cakes" or are there some similarities?

>> No.14619205

Frozen? Never seen frozen cheesecake, but they are supposed to be thoroughly chilled in the fridge.

>> No.14619209

>yes it's supposed to give you cancer

>> No.14619220
File: 54 KB, 527x360, 1597116886805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking shit sherlock

>> No.14619226

The ones made with Philadelphia cream cheese are
frozen they just melt in room temperature and fridge
won't fix it

>> No.14619227

>He still believes
Do you still remember, all the time that has gone by?

>> No.14619230

Wow what an absolute brainlet retard take. Cream cheese isn’t meat, you absolute idiotic cum stain.

>> No.14619236

smoked foods, processed meats, cured meats and breathing urban air all give you cancer you fat titty bitch

>> No.14619239

>Frozen? Never seen frozen cheesecake, but they are supposed to be thoroughly chilled in the fridge.
Confirmed for not understanding the joys of frozen cheesecake, which I have seen all my life. It doesn't freeze solid. It's esecially good dipped in chocolate.

>> No.14619240

Sorry, but I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t buy premade garbage and I would never ever use that shit Philadelphia, only real Ricotta and Mascarpone from Italy (I live in the region, so it’s easily accessible and cheap).

>> No.14619251

Me neither I don't have the recipe I just know it's philadelphia cream cheese
and Digestive crackers, I do not like cream cheese in the slightest but I really
like frozen cheesecake made with it

>> No.14619272

But isn't the travel time from your plate to your mouth too long
if you have to dip your piece as well

>> No.14619276

burned anything gives you cancer retards

>> No.14619288

Acrylamide, PAHs, and HCAs form only with burnt meat and starches and even then it’s not proven they cause cancer at all.
Anyway, you’re a clueless retard and should probably pick up a book before you open your stupid mouth again.

>> No.14619289

“Do you know what this person did (X) years ago” Yes you tell the story every time I see you, and to everyone you see. I don’t give a fuck shut your hole

>> No.14619361

This looks like the cheese cakes you can find at Mexican bakeries

>> No.14619393

We'll maybe you're just a fat piece of shit with no appreciation for actual food. Go back to your mcdonalds discussion thread you twat. I tried to help you, but clearly your tastes are too banal for real cheesecake.

>> No.14619424

You are quoting two different people, not fat, love food prefer MAX over McD
and so on I mean I might try making a warm one some day it's just that I have
yet to taste one I liked while I love frozen cheesecake so I am not in a hurry

>> No.14619442

They're not warm you mouthbreather, acquire reading comprehension.

>> No.14619463

Compared to frozen they're fuckin' warm you mong

>> No.14619469

Being nasty to people will never bring you happiness.

>> No.14619809

I can't afford a stove

>> No.14619873

I'd eat both because I am not a faggot such as OP

>> No.14619906

cheesecake tastes like shit baked or not. Probably the lowest tier of desert. Cookie cake is better than cheesecake

>> No.14620163
File: 49 KB, 728x546, EWjoGwC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating Auschwitz style "cake"

Cheesecake, German of course, is the best cake.

>> No.14621743

you were harsh, but you needed to be

>> No.14621752

technically all cheesecakes use quarks anon

>> No.14621883
File: 119 KB, 553x576, 1304212093298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched the first video in OP's image. The guy still had to crumble a bunch of graham crackers and place them down for the crust, then mix together a bunch of dairy products.

How are these no-bake recipes more convenient? It seems like the most labor intensive parts of making a cheesecake are gathering the ingredients, mixing them and arranging them, and the cleanup of all the plates, pots, and pans involved. Placing a pan full of batter into the oven and setting a timer seems like the least labor intensive part of the recipe, so what's the logic justifying the existence of no-bake recipes?

>> No.14621923

Cheesecake is fucking gross, worst dessert you could bring to a get together, literally fuck you if you do this.
>not bringing Flan

>> No.14621998

Un-air-conditioned houses in summertime.

Or you’re cooking a roast in the oven, or something. And didn’t chill the cheesecake the night before.

>> No.14622571

why is it so flat? when ive made basque cheesecake all the egg made it big and pillowy

>> No.14623495

American cheesecake is baked. These cakes are literally mixed up cream cheese with gelatin, sugar, and vanilla extract. They're probably not the worst desert out there, but it's really silly to skip baking it due to incompetence. Everyone told me how hard it is to bake cheesecake yet I've never had an issue with mine.

>> No.14623514

fuck you it tastes good

>> No.14623525

>i like baked cheesecakes so much that i baked this one twice

>> No.14623562

No, but your post definitely did

>> No.14623678



So why does the recipe I got in Florida say Philadelphia and freeze, it has nothing
to do with incompetence this family had a goddamn in-house chef and maids
but still preferred frozen over hot cheesecake (yes in relation to the frozen it's hot),
sure I bet there are a lot of ppl that make 'cause they can't make anything else
but our family brought the recipe back home and everyone over here seems to
love it (the fact that it's exotic and nothing like what is traditionally served might
have something to do with it) and as far as we are concerned this is american
cheesecake and warm cheesecake is German

>> No.14624153

Probably some shitty recipe from the back of the Philadelphia box you numbskull. My grandfather was a multimillionaire with young girlfriends a la Hugh Hefner, and he still ate at Red Lobster and Olive Garden and bought frozen Jimmy Dean egg white sandwiches and sugar free snack packs. Money doesn't buy you good taste and doesn't necessarily undo your upbringing if you grew up eating certain things. Anyway COOKED cheesecake is American but you chill it before serving. No one serves cheesecake hot or frozen here. It is supposed to be chilled but not hard and cold and definitely not hot.

>> No.14624157

What are you talking about I live to look down on stupid twats like you

>> No.14625005

STFU and go back.