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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14617452 No.14617452 [Reply] [Original]

What is the next food movement after Molecular Gastronomy ?

>> No.14617460

fart huffing

>> No.14617461

What’s he pumping into that dish? It better be Bryce Dallas Howard’s farts.

>> No.14617464

the shit you take afterward

>> No.14617473

>what is the next food movement after a movement that was current in the 90s

>> No.14617476

ohhh i'm sharting and i'm brapping ohhhhhhhhh

>> No.14617479

Now that cooking has been converted from an art into a science, I'm pretty sure there is nowhere left to go. Science describes the world as it is. There is no room for creativity.

>> No.14617485

i too feel like all movement stopped at the turn of the millennium
now all we have is the bowel movement

>> No.14617490

Deconstruction. You just leave the ingredients out separately and don't even bother to cook.

>> No.14617496
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>bowel movement
Indeed. Rest in piss, art

>> No.14617497

We're back full circle to gathering and foraging. At least it's a little easier now.

>> No.14617534
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>> No.14617538

probably euro youths starting to eat only bugs to save the planet

>> No.14617549

You still cook deconstructed food, retard, you just cook each element individually instead of all at once.

>> No.14617576

I was making a joke, faggatron.

>> No.14617609

Quantum gastronomy

>> No.14617628


>> No.14617657

take out

>> No.14618115

Atomic Gastronomy

>> No.14618134

Astronomical Gastronomy

>> No.14618174

using machine learning and flavor molecules to the find the perfect recipe

>> No.14618357

Lab grown meat or rather industrially produced meat that grows in giant pods. Like eating tumors. If not then we will get to cannibalism.

>> No.14618364

Grandmotherly slow cooked traditional meals

>> No.14618365

just smelling stuff

>> No.14618393


>> No.14618429

hopefully crashing and burning so the these fucksticks stop masturbating on how clever they are when they broiled a pinecone in elderberry jam and serve that shit up for $450

>> No.14618455

Corona will permanently and irreversibly end the sit down restaurant meme as we know it.

>> No.14618459

>Molecular Gastronomy
what's the most low tech way to do this?
does it all rely on complicated equipment?

>> No.14618460

Whatever will they do in new episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm. All they do is go out to eat at fancy restaurants. Those characters will literally have no lives left.

>> No.14618464

Pretty sure it does. But I've had it. It doesn't actually taste any better than normal food. Food is food.

>> No.14618465

Last meal dining. Punctuated by death to make the experience more special.

>> No.14618491


>> No.14618689
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TFW 12’ Chef’s Knife

>> No.14618714

it's very obviously going to be drugs mixed with food

>> No.14618718
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>(You) vs the guy she told you not to worry about

>> No.14618720

molecular gastronomy isn't anything in particular. if deep frying hadn't been invented yet they'd probably consider it molecular gastronomy. you need to specify what you're interested in doing before you can determine what kind of equipment is necessary

>> No.14618731

bugs are the next big thing.

>> No.14618737

Previously unknown or unpopular ethnic cuisine.

>> No.14618898

You have to cook while kneeling and praying to saint george groid or else you go to jail.

>> No.14618906

They have been trying to push that for a long time. I dont think it will ever stick. I remember Andrew Zimmern eating huge from some guy in NYC talking about sustainable food back in like 2007.

>> No.14619427
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Tasty Gastronomy? aka, Grandma's Cuisine.

>> No.14619525

I know that feeling bro

>> No.14621147

recycled food.

>> No.14621174


Pepin already maxed home cooking.

>> No.14621272
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What the fuck is this? It looks rotten.

>> No.14621578

The idea behind that dish isn't that it's going to affect the flavor, it's going to provide a burst of aroma as you open the cloche that will whet your appetite and enhance the experience of eating the plat.

and don't shit on Grant Achatz, he's a badass

>> No.14621591

I might be wrong but I feel like molecular gastronomy hasn't actually been a predominant trend, just a side thing some chefs are into. It feels like a more dominant trend has been heavy on seasonal vegetables and rustic cuisine done classy, but maybe that's more just the restaurants I pick/what my region's into.

>> No.14621601

I say we address the elephant in the room: delicious human meat.

>> No.14621615

MG is so goddamn soulless. The dining industry cannot possibly get any more pseud.

>> No.14621806

more like rockin', that shit a god damn stone boi

>> No.14621821

>Quantum gastronomy
Carl segans universe apple pie

>> No.14622024

food that can be eaten without using your stomach

>> No.14622086

molecular gastronomy is intensely reddit. the only good food to come from the movement were Dip'N'Dots and you can hardly find them.

>> No.14622388

>food movement
name a food movement that came before molecular gastronomy
i am skeptical that "movements" occur in food like they do in other art forms

>> No.14622398

Probably some posh "going back to the roots" autism where they chew raw roots

>> No.14622411

Full-Dive VR fine dining while your unconscious body is molested and fed a tasteless nutrient paste.

>> No.14622425

>Science describes the world as it is
>as it is

It describes the world as it can reasonably see it. Or sometimes wants it to be. Most of the time, actually.

>> No.14622430

Meant to

>> No.14622508

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