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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14616598 No.14616598 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any way for me to make food without the entire cleaning up after yourself part?

I just want to cook, bros. Washing dishes suck.

>> No.14616603

Get a roommate or girlfriend that will clean if you cook everything

>> No.14616604
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>> No.14616606

that's the way I prefer it. I am typically indifferent to washing up, but quite enjoy it if someone cooked me something. earn that meal.

>> No.14616607

Buy a dishwasher, if you are american and too poor to own one you can mortgage your house or sell a kidney if you are an american appartment cuck.

>> No.14616609

I'm the type of person who finds cleaning dishes by hand to be great stress relief and a good time to think, but I also fucking hate people who can't be assed to clean up after themselves. Luckily, I can work through that anger by doing dishes.

>> No.14616610

Weird, not American, but automatic dishwashers are in pretty much every apartment and even illegal sublets where I live.

>> No.14616612

You wanna move in with me bro? I normally clean up after myself but it'd be nice to split the work

>> No.14616618
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>> No.14616641

Nah, I'm a crippled alcoholic who has issues with commitment.

>> No.14616646

paper plates
foil trays
you're still going to have to wash pots and pans

>> No.14616650

Holy fuck same here that's why I live alone

>> No.14616661

I cook all my food in disposable aluminium pans

>> No.14616669


Offer to cook for friends at their place and then bail before clean up time.

>> No.14616671

>cooking in someone else's kitchen

>> No.14616676

You know you did a good job when there is a wet spot on your belly

>> No.14616679

iktf bro. a big part of my recipe and cooking choices circles around how many dishes i'll need to wash. anything more than one knife, one cutting board and one pot/pan and i'm out.

>> No.14617439

You could opt for one pot cooking and eat in the pot. Maybe just rinse under hot water too.

>> No.14617447

Do you have some kinda disability that makes cleaning pans take longer than like 20 secs?

>> No.14617492

Cook one pot dishes and eat directly out of the pot. Boom, problem solved.

>> No.14617548


its really easy. wash your dishes as you go and minimize your utensils/pans. I got my chef's knife and trusty cast iron i do everything in. for example lets say you're making pasta, as the sauce is going you can strain the noodles and while you're waiting for the sauce to finish turn around and wash the colander and noodle pot really quick, or if you're cutting chicken, and then veggies with your favorite knife, just wash that knife between uses really quick. then when you're done cooking all you gotta do is wash the plate you eat off of.

>> No.14617553

My roommate doesn't cook for me - we cook our own food - but I still have to clean up after him. He never cleans shit. If you get a roommate, don't be that guy.

>> No.14617564


clean as you cook you fucking muppet

>> No.14617566

>Is there any way for me to make food without the entire cleaning up after yourself part?
cook with water, not oil. Learn how to pressure cook things. cooking with oil = big clean up.
And that sticky oil you gotta clean off of everything is the same oil you are putting in your body and it is sticking to your arteries.

>> No.14617865

Get gear that can be just put to dishwasher.

>> No.14617919

How do you clean your cast iron if you get a pool of grease in it, like after making burgers?

>> No.14617934

You let it cool, wipe out the grease, the meme about not washing your cast iron pan is bs. Wash it in warm soapy water, dry it completely. Then rub vegetable oil all over the surface and wipe away the excess before you put it away.

>> No.14617999

>And that sticky oil you gotta clean off of everything is the same oil you are putting in your body and it is sticking to your arteries.
shit, never thought about it like that before, that's a little freaky

>> No.14618025


>> No.14618053

You can cook your entire meal in a rice cooker, and eat out of the rice cooker. The cooking bowls are non-stick, so they're easy to clean.

>> No.14618070

I recently had a roommate like this. I made a long angry post about it on a roommate horror story thread. People don’t me my landlord wouldn’t give a fuck.
Here I am a month later, the nightmarish roommate kept stealing and eventually needed drugs so badly he let actual homeless people stay in his room for money, that same day my landlord threw him out and changed the locks and my life is at least 60% less awful.

>> No.14618082

Make sure your recycling anon

>> No.14618097
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Will they sell you those huge ass ultrasonic cleaners if you order with a home address?

>> No.14618104

why are you guys such cucks? you're acting like their wife when you should be acting like the dad they never had

>> No.14618186

I didn’t clean anything for them and also I’m young and not willing to take on a felon who’s been to prison and is probably using amphetamines in hand-to-hand combat anytime soon
It’s not like I’m the one in charge of who my roommates are, if I was I would’ve just evicted him myself

>> No.14618230

Wash as you go. If you use something wash it immediately afterwards, that you will have almost nothing to wash once you're done cooking

>> No.14619722


>> No.14620014

W-whats that?

>> No.14620021

Holy shit these things cost like 1500 dollars what the fuckkk

>> No.14620026

Literally me. I've lived in some nightmare situations before.

Currently my roommate (who works in restaurant industry) is unemployed because of Corona-chan, so I am buying all the food and she cooks. We all take turns cleaning when the mood strikes.

>> No.14620033

Just clean up after yourself when you're cooking. I won't start cooking until everything is prepared. Then all I have to do is rinse some bowls and a few utensils when I'm finished cooking and stack them neatly by the sink then I'll do them the next morning or sometimes before I cook again.

>> No.14620034


>> No.14620051

I lie a teatowel down to soak up the spillage and splashes

>> No.14620088

1. Get gloves
2. Make a habit to immediately clean, clear sink=clear mind
3. Learn effective techniques
4. Use paper plates/bowls more often

>> No.14620120

Not exactly how it works. You don't have olive oil in your veins.

>> No.14620152

I have to run my dishwasher every day. in the beginning of the day my spouse empties the dishwasher, and then I load it throughout the day, and start it before bed at night. The dishes never end. I've accepted it. Laundry is harder for me.
I call this Dish Belly

>> No.14620171

disposable pans

>> No.14620196

lipids are what stick to the arteries. lipids are fat.

All that greese and oil and junk that sticks to the pan and is hard to clean. all that stuff you have to scrub. it's kinda sticky in your arteries too.
my clean up is a breeze because I cook with water and don't eat fatty greasy things. Hopefully my arteries are clean as well.

>> No.14620206

Eat out give up on cooking it sucks.

>> No.14620246

That's the arrangement with my gf.
I cook she cleans.

>> No.14620803

Put them in a dishwasher.
Paper plates.

Personally If someone cooking isn't that good I would rather they didn't cook for me at all. So I'd see this as a double punishment rather than a fair exchange.

>but I also fucking hate people who can't be assed to clean up after themselves
I find that most people who adopt this attitude have mental issues.
Is the mess in your way, does it smell, are there ants, are you out of clean cutlery? those are real problems. And all of them can be solved without cleaning the mess.
My uncle has ant stickers on his fridge and you'd be surprised at the amount of OCD it reveals in guests.

>> No.14620846

BBQ is mostly self-cleaning, depending on what you cook and your tolerance for filth you can get away with many meals before a grill needs to be scraped at all.

>> No.14620857

That doesn't sound very efficient at all.
Your pasta and sauce should finish simultaneously.
You don't need to wash the knife between meat and veggies if you cut them in the right order.
Have you washed the pan after cooking but before eating? things go cold.
When you're done cooking you should have a dirty pot, pan, tongs/whatever you use, and a colander/strainer if you use one. And you should clean them together with your plate after the meal for maximum efficiency, assuming you need one of those implements for your next meal (ie intend to cook pasta again and have no duplicate equipment). Otherwise wash in bulk as infrequently as possible.

>> No.14620869

>but I still have to clean up after him
You're taking away his problems before he's even identified them as problems. Stop doing that if the work is causing you to resent him.

>> No.14621012

Trucker with an electric lunchbox?

And to OP, the more you can cook by wrapping in disposable foil or parchment and ovening, the fewer dishes you'll have.
The downside is that soap is cheaper than foil.

>> No.14621072

*Clean As You Go
OP's world must be a mess. I cannot think of a single human activity that doesn't require SOME sort of clean-up afterwards.

>> No.14621075

My mom does this

>> No.14621980

Getting a bunch of disposable gloves changed my life in the kitchen. I use them for almost every activity, cutting, cleaning, dishes. Everyone always thinks it's weird until I convince them to try it out themselves .