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File: 280 KB, 1300x955, dirty-rusted-barbecue-grill-near-grass-old-cinders-ashes-park-69861447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14615530 No.14615530 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's the park grill. The best barbecue grill.

>> No.14615564
File: 25 KB, 702x437, images - 2020-08-23T113731.439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attach one of these baggies, lined with Aluminium with a few little lemon slices in it to my dog when we go walking. I usually cook them up on BBQ's like this in the park.

Dont judge me.

>> No.14615566

Do you cook on it bare like that? Imagine the vinegary shits

>> No.14615569

Nothing quite like tetanus to season your burgers and hot dogs

>> No.14615580

The heat kills the homeless peoples germs.
This is a judgement free thread, friend. That's what these park grills are for.

>> No.14615589
File: 63 KB, 750x750, germangrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's ze germans

>> No.14615592
File: 99 KB, 810x800, 1578043191361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they even have these anymore?
here in Kangarooland they're all super clean Electric or Gas BBQs.

>> No.14615599

In America we have park grills in every national park and park. They're for the homeless people to burn trash in them for warmth as well as for families to grill on the go.

>> No.14615603

the state pays for your electricity/gas useage, or you have to attach your own gas tank/battery to use them?

>> No.14615610
File: 38 KB, 398x500, 1591404425006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bring charcoal, etc

>> No.14615611

You have to pay a fee for a licence to use them from the government and you call beforehand and ask them to bring the petrol or a battery.

>> No.14615618
File: 22 KB, 465x620, up9lvmyzi6mvatunqvir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to taste the meat, not the heat friend. That's why I bring my portable propane grill wherever I go just for emergencies like this. You know, I could probably get you a good deal on a deluxe package. I actually work at a propane dealer down in Arlen.

>> No.14615629

>he doesn't want a seared bite

>> No.14615636

this faggot >>14615610
just called you "dusty old bones full of green dust." what is your response?

>> No.14615639

i've never used one of these but will try it very soon

>> No.14615647

I prefer to taste the subtle intricacies from a nice charcoal grill as opposed to a bland gas grill. Park grills are seasoned with the ashes of thousands of barbecues past, that adds more flavors than any seasoning you can buy at the store. It's literally science

>> No.14615665

This. Charcoal is just a cope from people that don't know how to properly season their meat.

>> No.14615676

It's easier to put charcoal in a park grill than it is to jogger rig it to accept gas machine inputs.

>> No.14615684
File: 19 KB, 650x693, hank-hill-on-the-roots-of-anger-photo-u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you listen right here, I may not be a high flying city man but I am an honest man. I work for my steak every night and can tell you that nothing produces the same clean meaty flavor like a propane grill. Propane is as american as apple pie and football. When you're hungry and alone on a windy day and can't light your charcoal grill, remember the man who tried to sell you the clean burning fool proof propane.

>> No.14615691

>that pic
That's good eats right there boss. Don't need to clean it as it adds to the flavor.

>> No.14615699

This. The grill crust is essential to the flavor profile.If you use tinfoil or aluminum foil you might as well just throw your meat on the ground instead because it's ruined.

>> No.14615717

In my experience, gas grills can't sear a steak well. any attempt seems to cook it medium rare at best, and medium or beyond at worst. It's possible that there are hotter gas stoves out there, but all I've encountered intimately are the same. I also like a nice smoke with some wood chips, but thats a bit of a separate discussion

>> No.14615722

I hope you're up to date on your tetanus shots.

>> No.14615728

Steaks are supposed to be cooked in the oven

>> No.14615743

If you put them in an oven then you're baking them, not cooking them, retard.

>> No.14615778

I can't believe I'm having the explain the definition of the word cook to someone but here you go

>> No.14615791

my GP is actually very pushy and thorough so yes i am. she gets onto me about the dentist

>> No.14615828

I saw a drunk guy piss on one to put out the charcoal.
It was me.

>> No.14615872

That sounds awfully expensive there buddy, doesn't propane cost more than coal?

>> No.14615907

Many Freedomburger parks have them.
At least a handful of apartment complexes have the same type (cemented into the ground, a safe distance from the building, NO DO NOT GRILL ON THE BALCONY).

Pilot Rock and several other companies still make them.
They are available if you would like to install one yourself in the back yard; also available with a wheeled base if you don't want it permanently located.

>> No.14615918

Not really.
Unless you try to extinguish the charcoal and reuse it, you will burn more than you strictly need to cook, which increases the cost of coal.

>> No.14616128
File: 818 KB, 2077x1393, 16FFBB72-9CBD-4445-96CA-63F3E6CF53AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers pls

>> No.14616131

Sounds like you just have a shitty grill, bud.

>> No.14616149

Same, though I always bring a brush for a quick preclean and post clean.

>> No.14616161

i fucking hate that i cant grill on the balcony because some drunk retards couldnt handle the responsibility

my apt has pretty nice grills tho

>> No.14616168

why not just clean and season the grill properly before using it? just bring a grill brush and some extra oil

>> No.14616280

When i was homeless these things are the perfect place to take a shit. The bars are just wide enough for my sphincter to pinch off a log while sitting. Plus i could wipe my ass and safety clean it up with fire.

>> No.14616286

Why not just use a public restroom?

>> No.14616289
File: 517 KB, 850x393, fogodechao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the fogo de chão.

>> No.14616290

Theres no mirriors in them anyways why make the trip if i was already in the park

>> No.14616451

I've never seen one that isn't absolutely filthy and rusted over

>> No.14616468

It's a GRILL retard, the heat kills any bacteria that are hanging around. That's the biggest perk, you never have to clean it.

>> No.14616471

You must have some real vinegary shits

>> No.14616592

Work on your English if you want to use an English speaking site.

>> No.14616620
File: 5 KB, 259x194, 1582089021402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell the vinegar

>> No.14616635


>> No.14616640

Give me more

>> No.14616652

if they're not free (solar panel on the roof of the park shelter or something) it's like 20c to use it for a half hour.

>> No.14616674

I've never seen one that charges
but yeah they're everywhere here in QLD, push a button and half an hour electric BBQ

>> No.14616678

alright bros, there's one of these on the college campus near me. i have no idea how to use it, but i want to. what do i do?

>> No.14616715

>doesn't use small cut wood logs on the grill

>> No.14617925
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, Weber-Go-Anywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd honestly rather bring my own portable grill along. This one is nice, it folds up and is easy to carry with a handle.

>> No.14617929

put charcoal in it and light the charcoal on fire. it will get hot and you will be able to cook food on the hot metal grill sitting above the hot coals

>> No.14618709

Also a big charcoal mistake is cooking over actual flames and not hot coals. You don't actually want much fire involved.

>> No.14618744

You can find 'em at most public beaches near me.
Just bring some meat, charcoal, a starter, and you've got food for the party.

>> No.14618748

The heat will kill any living organisms on the grill, but aren't you worried about the rest of the dirt/residue on it? Genuinely curious.

>> No.14618806

A lot of parks in Florida have these but they're basically reserved for whatever random spic fiesta is happening.

>> No.14618815
File: 108 KB, 837x476, WhatChemicalsdidTheRetardsBurnInHere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This...I don't think people realize how far people have fallen in society today. Just idiots burning plastic and spent fireworks in these things can be enough to poison someone...Let alone the amount of people who would add toxins intentionally.
If you're not a newfag here, you KNOW just how fucked up people can be.

>> No.14618822

You gotta eat a little dirt every once in a while. It makes you stronger.

>> No.14618858

I have a hibachi for park BBQs. I got the idea from some giant Lebanese family BBQ once, they had like six on the go and it was a fucking heavenly sight, all the women swording up meats and veggies, men all gathering around the coals drinking beers, kids causing havoc.

Meanwhile we had this shitty propane BBQ, and the women lounged around in the sun.

>> No.14618862


>> No.14619034 [DELETED] 

from florida as well. my friends and I used to take shits on those grills when we were kids. also at the baseball park near us we dug one of the grills out of the ground and planted it in one of the baseball outfields

>> No.14619141

You'll probably need your own fuel, utensils, and desired accessories.
Pretty common to find grill kits for around $25; spatula (useless), tongs (good), skewers (probably workable but suboptimal), and a wire brush (essential).
You may WANT a chimney starter, leather welding gloves, and some oil (and a paper towel or rag to apply it).

Oily newspaper or paper towel, crumple loosely, bottom of chimney starter. Charcoal on top. Light newspaper on fire. Fire is cool.

In about 8 minutes, the top coals will be lit and the inferno will start to die down. Dump the coals onto your cooking area.
Flip the grate down, lowest position.
Let the heat penetrate the grate and burn loose the crust of crap on the grate for about 4 minutes.
Brush the everliving hell out of that grate. Gloves are helpful, unless you're trying to prove to the qt nurse in the burn ward how much of a man you are.
Wipe oil onto the grate. Wait a minute for it to stop smoking.

Put your food on your selected cooking area and turn and move as needed to prevent burning and promote even cooking.

>> No.14619317

>young and stupid, think using one would be fun and a good idea
>right before I put charcoal in I see a few used needles

never went to public parks ever again
fucking homeless people

>> No.14619363

This is a bizzare thread, I have never seen a remotely clean / functional one of these in 30 years in America. From federally funded parks and reserves to little local parks. You need a functional, healthy society for such high trust public items, and that is simply not possible in the USA.

>> No.14619380

God, Ioved VB when i was in Australia. Why can't I get it in the USA.

>> No.14619431

See this is the kind of insider-info I come here for.

>> No.14619435

are those even clean?

>> No.14619462

You're welcome to make it as clean as you want.

>> No.14619960

How the fuck did you get gout on your hands.

>> No.14620186

They still exist in a few wayside parks in reasonable condition.
There's usually a toilet available nearby, and a lot of people just don't realize they could use it, so it's practically new.

>> No.14620221

I see them in parks in maine. They all look fine. What would be the issue?

>> No.14620498


texas weather is about to get very nice. i'll bring a small broom brush for the hypodermics