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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14613865 No.14613865 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14613937

hey they make pig brains too bitch

>> No.14613955
File: 34 KB, 636x333, milksteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14615178
File: 34 KB, 498x282, porkbrains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do they ensure I'm not going to die of that thing that literally kills you with pork brains? my testosterone demands this cholesterol content

>> No.14615199
File: 13 KB, 300x225, pepe_krabappel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was homeless my brother sent me a care package of food and it ended up being a can of fucking pork brains because he thinks he's funny

>> No.14615232

>be 17
>just started lifting
>eat sardines to get brotein
>no idea what to make other than fish sandwiches and fisherman's eggs
>i cant get over the fishy taste
>stop consuming them
>5 years later
>away at college
>my sister comes across a sale on sardines that must have been fantastic
>sends me like a 5-10 lb box of canned sardines
>thank her
>use probably two
>either left them to roommates or more likely had to throw them out because roommates probbaly didnt want that shit
if only I had known the greatness of kippered herring at 17, maybe I would have received 5-10lbs of those. I know you fuckers love deenz, but the taste just isnt for me, at least in the preparation methods I know

>> No.14615351

that was very nice of her though

and i don't really do fish, not canned anywawy

>> No.14615400

so bittersweet of how nice it was, and how I really couldnt bring myself to use it. obviously fresh fish is better, but goddamn do I love kippered herring on a cracker with cream cheese and a good louisianna hot sauce(in my case sweet baby ray's is my go-to), which I only found after getting into canned smoked oysters for the same

>> No.14615529

never had kippers before, maybe i'll have to give them a try someday

>> No.14615554

theyve got a nice smoke to them, and a mild taste unlike sardines' strong fish flavor. I have no idea how I'd prepare them other than the way i put forward, though

>> No.14616015

What subhuman animal buys this shit?

>> No.14616029

Most atlantic sardines are just juvenile herring, and most brands of kippers use mature herring fillets. Same fish, but a lot less concentrated.

They're a popular brand in the Philippines and some American states.

>> No.14616047

me when i dont have much money left

>> No.14616739

why the fuck is it in milk
i can understand canning and eating the whole animal but why milk

>> No.14616746

rose puts everything in milk idunno man