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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14609259 No.14609259 [Reply] [Original]

Restaurant bros, how is it going with COVID? Are people in kitchens getting the virus? Is the food coming out of the kitchen safe to eat?

>> No.14610696

I've been wondering this too, I will not go out to eat yet. Someone give us some numbers.

>> No.14610707

I haven't eaten out since March because I'm scared of some low wage faggot who's forced to come into work sick cooking my food

>> No.14610711

Are you over 60 or diabetic?

>> No.14610715
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>> No.14610748

I took the risk and ate out twice. Once was last week but now I'm starting to get a cough. Pray for me bros, this might be it.

>> No.14610756

No. But I'm 5'6 and 135 lbs if that makes any difference

>> No.14610781

Not an argument. If you were to catch that shit chances are all you'd get is a 2 week vacation and an immunity to covid-19 so what the fuck are you afraid of?

>> No.14611342

Are kitchen staff getting infected? Seems like a dangerous environment.

>> No.14611461

Start taking vitamin D, C, zinc, quercetin and n-acetyl cysteine daily. Good luck.

>> No.14611510
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nigga just go outside and eat lmao. i went out for breakfast this morning just like i do every saturday and everything's fine. cashier chick today was also pretty cute. at least I think so, her face was covered up but the rest of her was nice so i imagine she's pretty too. in any case, i'm about lay my moves on her which by that i mean I'm going to go there regularly hoping that an opportunity will present itself but that'll never happen and one day she won't be there anymore and instead there will be an ugly person with an attitude running the register and i stop going there all together. so yeah don't worry about that covid stuff m8. the real virus is already inside all of us.

>> No.14611516

This post is a product of a society that shuns education and intellect. Just do the world a favour and stop spreading your toxicity everywhere, yeah?

>> No.14611541

Hey I buy that brand of rice!

>> No.14611573
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I am ready for Fallout New Vegas! I also have a mountain of toilet paper and unlimited supply of industrial size canned chili. My wife's boyfriend is currently picking up extra hand sanitizer too!

>> No.14611578

I mean anon is right. Look up stats of people dying from covid. Majority are over 65 or have prior health issues. I'm willing to bet you yell at people to wear the mask thinking that's gonna cure us and save the world

>> No.14611579
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And here is me in the basement of my wife's house!

>> No.14611580

>who's forced to come into work
It's the opposite that's happening now. Workers have their temperature taken every shift and if they're too high they're forced to not work. No one wants their store or restaurant to be where people caught covid, it's bad for business.

>> No.14611583
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Who's pooping right now?

>> No.14611602
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>oh i looked up stats I am very intelligent i'm a fucking loser in real life tho take health advice from me!
Honest question. Why do you think it's only about death? The death rate of the virus is laughable less than 1% mortality. But it's not the death rate that is concerning it's the unknown long term effects the virus will have. Even if you are young and healthy there is a lot of research that shows there can be permanent damage. So far we know it impacts much more than the lungs. Blood vessels/blood clotting/strokes are a major concern. There is a lot of heart damage in people who recovered as well and also kidney/liver damage. In children, there is Kawasaki disease (inflammation of the blood vessels), multisystem inflammatory syndrome, and again it's unknown how this will impact their health long term. There is practically no research on the topic and it will take time to analyze the data. The average years of life lost in those who have died is roughly 10 years for females and something like 13 or 14 years for males. So really this virus seems to be something that shaves off a bit of your lifespan. After all, it was likely engineered by the Chinese government as a bioweapon. You really think it's just a little cold because it makes you coof a bit you uninformed fucking faggot? Clearly you're an uneducated moron with no bio/medical background. I hope you spread it to the people you love and they die because of your own fucking arrogance. Put the mask on and shut your mouth you whiny fucking pussy. No civilized society besides yours politicizes public health to such a degree. God I hate you people. If you can even be considered people. More like uncivilized savages.

>> No.14611609

>permanent lung damage
>likely developed as a bioweapon
You're unhinged m8. Most people don't even have any side effects at all.

>> No.14611627

>he unironically believes the CCP
Kill yourself

>> No.14611633

Hubris has seen many a fool's downfall.

>> No.14611636

Didn't read, but i can tell you're a gigantic faggot

>> No.14611642

Not subtle enough, dumbass.

>> No.14611654

>Most people don't even have any side effects at all

That's not true at all. There is a study from Italy that discovered 87% of a patient cohort with covid struggled with symptoms 2 months after recovery. And a much larger study named "the Covid Symptom Study found about 10-15% of people did not recover quickly at all and they had lingering symptoms for months. I really don't know what your problem is but 10-15% is not an inconsequential figure. Furthermore the fact you're ok with potentially being a carrier and spreading a possibly fatal disease to vulnerable people in society like the elderly or immunocompromised just shows what kind of character you are. I think there was a study that linked narcissism to a refusal to wear a mask. Makes sense, arrogant dumb nigger.

>> No.14611657
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>> No.14611683

>But it's not the death rate that is concerning it's the unknown long term effects the virus will have. Even if you are young and healthy there is a lot of research that shows there can be permanent damage.

Extremely fit young athletes have not only died, but are sitting out seasons with myocarditis and heart damage from diagnoses of positive months ago. They had mild symptoms of covid or none at all, not even hospitalized. It's estimated 25-44% now have organ damage from their diagnoses.

>> No.14611692
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I believe it. This was a headline from a while back but now there is an increasing trend that formerly healthy fit scuba divers who recovered from covid have absolutely fucked lungs and can't dive anymore.