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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14608460 No.14608460 [Reply] [Original]

what is the actual problem with this?

>> No.14608472

The guy who founded it is a legitimately psychotic autist and the people who drink it are insufferable.

>> No.14608475

I’m a human being and I should get my nutrients from a normal human meal

>> No.14608482

Most vitamins and minerals compete with each other for absorption.

>> No.14608486

e.g. zinc or magnesium
but selenium boosts magnesium
but zinc also competes with selenium
and all of these are fat-soluble, unlike water soluble vitamins such as vitamin c

>> No.14608499

very obnoxious how the creator pretends it’s a reference to the book rather than the movie and acts like people are idiots for thinking of it and being weirded out by the name

>> No.14608509

It's falsely marketed as a meal replacement drink, yet it is still unhealthy for one to drink it alone without further supplements.

>> No.14608519

Because ions totally exist dissolved in lipids. What are you even on about, minerals are largely taken in via salts that are water soluble.

>> No.14608533

Okay. Take zinc on an empty stomach and get back to me on that.

Fat is bad, by the way, I read that in Life magazine circa 1957. It's common knowledge. Have a Coke and chill out.

>> No.14608542

it's tranny fuel

>> No.14608556

nobody is so busy in life that they don't have 5 min to make a healthy, delicious sandwich rather than consume this spirit-draining postmodern gruel

>> No.14608567

it doesn't taste good

>> No.14608651
File: 603 KB, 2592x1944, Calorie_Mate_Block,_Cheese_Flavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not filling and it's gay.
No matter how nutrient dense it is, you should never sip your calories. More people die from obesity than iron deficiency.
Here's the true kino meal replacement.

>> No.14608660

So it's based?
Because eating tranny cock and ass sounds amazing.

>> No.14608675

rats running around where they manufacture it

>> No.14608708
File: 3.89 MB, 2988x3051, ticc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make your own

>> No.14608712

Strictly worse than Huel.

>> No.14608724

Vanilla tastes like a vanilla milkshake.

>> No.14608791

I drank this after wisdom tooth removal. Taking antibiotics along with drinking this destroyed my gut bacteria and I'm now histamine intolerant. STAY AWAY FROM SOYLENT

>> No.14608818

yeah it was probably the soylent and not the antibiotics. did you drive a car at the time? pumping gas might have made you histamine intolerant too.
what about tying your shoes? if you tie your shoes while you're on antibiotics, that can really fuck up your gut flora.
same goes for doing the laundry. if you get exposed to laundry detergent while on antibiotics, very common to end up with a histamine intolerance.

>> No.14608836


>> No.14608837

Soylent has a massive amount of histamine in it, it obviously worked in conjunction with the antibiotics.

>> No.14609218

if thats what you're craving

>> No.14609250

you get skinnier, lose your hair, and develop gyno

>> No.14609258

>lose your hair
You got your /pol/ propaganda mixed up there

>> No.14609268
File: 393 KB, 2042x4145, 1588911346189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not legal for sale in most countries outside of the US due to insufficient or false nutritional claims, and other technical issues regarding the ingredients and level of fortification.

>The product does not meet the requirements to be called "Meal Replacement", due to the level of fortification and lack of Phosphorus.
>Sucralose, a non-permitted sweetener in meal replacements of this kind is in every formulation.
>Only "Cafe Chai" contained a second non-permitted food additive (caffeine).

>Calculations showed 13 vitamins or minerals were below the minimum required amount, and 1 mineral was above the maximum allowable amount.
>Required phosphorous was not declared in any of the products.

But probably worth noting that these are technical and labelling issues, and that it was determined that the product is not targeted at consumers who would likely depend on it as their sole source of nutrition, thus:
>No referral to OFSR required at this time, as the issue represents a technical violation and does not pose an acute food safety risk. The target population does not appear to be susceptible to nutritional deficiencies and this would be long-term exposure.

tl;dr - Soylent isn't bad, per se, but the company that makes and markets it is incompetent and fuck and refuses to back down from their inaccurate claims. It won't be leaving the US market any time soon.

>> No.14609304
File: 75 KB, 1000x1000, EB0E1BAB-6D31-4D44-BDBC-5EB70B1D4856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s kind of stupid. It’s like eating emergency rations as a meal. Plus soy is actually bad for you, like corn with more protein.

>> No.14609355

the problem is that soy is far and away the most complete plant-based protein source. if they want to market it as vegan, they can't use whey protein, which would be the obvious choice. however the "bad chemicals" in soy are not proteins, nor amino acids, so a protein isolate avoids that.

>> No.14609360

Ah, the mysterious peanut-flavoured brick...

>> No.14611307

Honestly I just don’t see the appeal. I’m pretty utilitarian with what I eat, meat and potatoes and greens, and frugal as I can be but I’ve never wanted to go and drink my lunch. You think it’s laziness, peer pressure, or some kind of eating disorder that has people drinking this stuff?

>> No.14611325

>defending soylent when it got banned in Canada

>> No.14611358

I stole a pack fo those exact ones to eat while i was at sea.
They taste like poor shortbread mostly

>> No.14611364

Why the obsession with soylent and the epic style soiboi meme in the MAGA right?

>> No.14611425

Based zuckerberg

>> No.14611574

Have you seen the redditor söyboys who drink it? Theyre not strong enough to remove the cap by hand.

>> No.14612088
File: 5 KB, 500x590, 1597985891259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the obsession with soylent and the epic style soiboi meme in the MAGA right?

>> No.14612093

>want to try this shit for the hell of it
>can only get them in packs of 12 which cost 40 fucking bucks
Guess the soy life just wasn't made for me.

>> No.14612112

I was the same as you but I found a supermarket that sold individual bottles

It's like drinking oatmeal. It wasn't very filling, but didn't taste as bad as I was lead to believe. For the small amount I drank I was surprised at how calorie dense it was, and since I paid like 4 or 5 bucks for it I was really disappointed in the quality. I read somewhere that buying the dry version in bulk is supposedly cost efficient but for the same price I could just buy oatmeal and pop a multivitamin or something.

>> No.14612149

They're definitely overpriced, but the coffee ones make a decent enough breakfast for the drive to work and they are closer to 3 bucks if you don't buy them individually. I wouldn't eat breakfast otherwise, so why not.

>> No.14612189

The sentiment behind soylent is peak dystopian capitalism. Instead of taking the time to make a nice hot meal for yourself, you need to "waste" as little time as possible so you gotta consume some slop that's supposedly nutritious like some worthless drone worth less than the value he produces for his company.

It's like the food version of the pod share shithole in Seattle

>> No.14612221

nothing. almond milk is just a lot cheaper.

>> No.14612239

>you need to "waste" as little time as possible so you gotta consume some slop that's supposedly nutritious like some worthless drone worth less than the value he produces for his company.
Fuck you, mate. I eat Doritoes and Redbull.

>> No.14612469
File: 12 KB, 323x570, 1593796655198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the actual problem with this?

>> No.14612597

I tried the chocolate
>Meh taste
>High calories
>Not filling at all
>Expensive AF
>Not enough protein to make the calories worth it

>> No.14612687

i'm this guy
i make my own. it's oats and whey protein and some other things. i do it because i don't really get much enjoyment out of food. eating is a chore. yeah i can appreciate a nice meal, but it's not worth the effort for me, most of the time. when it's all the same, i don't mind drinking a chocolate shake instead of eating meat and potatoes. if i had meat and potatoes in front of me, yeah sure i'd eat it, but very seldom do i get cravings for food. it's like body builders eating nothing but brown rice, chicken, and broccoli. it's just a fuel. only instead of eating it with a fork, i blend oats and whey protein and drink it.

>> No.14612980

>i don't really get much enjoyment out of food. eating is a chore
Then what the fuck are you doing here?

>> No.14613089

unfortunately, i'm required to consume calories in order to survive. i'm holding out for a food machine from the jetsons

>> No.14613186

It promotes the decline of human dignity while reinforcing late-stage capitalist ideals that you are nothing but a tool for producing wealth, and instead of taking an hour to eat a normal meal you should just pour a container of fuel into your stomach at your desk so Mr. Nosebaum can get more productivity out of you.

>> No.14613336

i was just about to call it anti-human but why in the fuck would they name it soylent of all things?

>> No.14613347

Tastes bad and way over priced. If it was a dollar or 2 I may buy them for a quick lunch when I'm busy in place of McDonalds. Ensure tastes better, it's cheaper, and has a better nutritional profile.

>> No.14613366

You mean every single factory and wearhouse on the planet? There are legitimate reasons not to like it, but this isn't one, you're ignorant.

>> No.14613373

Yea because that's how data analysis works.

>> No.14613382

What's the expectation on these like? Thinking of buying a couple for just in case.

>> No.14613385

expiration* sorry

>> No.14613395

well then go for a fucking jog then
oh, right, this is /ck/

>> No.14613407

its funny

>> No.14613416

Well I enjoy a familial feast once per month and this soylent shit is frankly grotesque

>> No.14613424

The peanut brick stuff is usually shelf-stable, but they'll sometimes have to print a year date on it depending on local labelling regulations.
Caloriemate cookies have a best before date three years after production, but that's just for freshness/staleness.

I've never heard of either product going rancid or spoiling, even with their oil/fat content.

>> No.14613429

you could always put it in the freezer. it's not like the texture would suffer. it would last forever that way.

>> No.14613435

Cool thanks man. Yea that's what I'm worried about, I'm sure they use preservatives but my brother has had botulism and it doesn't look fun.

>> No.14613439

Guy asking here. That's what I was thinking, I don't care about texture as long as its edible.

>> No.14613445

I'm not sure what the moisture content is on them, though. The cost of storing them in a freezer long-term is pretty silly anyways if you're considering them as emergency food.

>> No.14613455

in america a lot of people have deep freezers that you keep meat or whatever in. you'd already have freezer space is what i'm saying.

>> No.14613473

Eh, I'm always struggling for space in my chest freezer, but I buy a lot of shit from Costco.

>> No.14613483

Also I usually buy a dozen kilos of local blueberries down in the valley when they're in season, which takes up a lot of freezer space but lasts me the year.

>> No.14615353
