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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14600611 No.14600611[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

2020... I am forgotten

>> No.14600620
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>be ugly and not interesting or great on camera
>have a shitty editor
>blame it on racism
>end a bunch of people's careers because you're a self-absorbed retard

>> No.14600625

I hope Brad never stops fermenting things

>> No.14600631

I wish. Stop spamming this e-celeb garbage. It was never /ck/ related and now that it's defunct it's just pure shitposting.

>> No.14600633

Saw a video from Priyah on Food Networks YouTube. So she's completely gone from BA?

>> No.14600636

Lose them all, useless cunts.

Apart from Molly... sexy Molly.

>> No.14600639

Thank god I fucking hated her.

>> No.14600645

Sohla was actually my favorite and appeared to be up and coming but she went and killed the golden goose.

>> No.14600674

They'll continue working on the magazine though.
Check out Brad's (and others you're interested in) Instragram - pretty fun to see what he's/they're up to.
But nothing will exchange their YT channel. What a shame.

>> No.14600676

I'm going to miss the new deepfakes. I saw some good ones of Priyah and Molly on /gif/

>> No.14600680

ya she left because muh racism

>> No.14600705

He doesn’t know...

>> No.14600721

bro you cant just drop knowledge like that and not post links or pics

I have a rager for Priya and have never seen deepfakes for her you gotta post that shit, help a nigga out

>> No.14600728

I saw them in passing on /gif/. I can't help you more than that. Still came tho.

>> No.14600737

black girl on right was clearly photoshopped in

>> No.14600744

They let two of their channels die over what? Like $50k-$100k a year worth of compensation to some darkies?

>> No.14600754

Brad and Delaney were the only two I watched and they're still going to be doing videos. Hopefully they hire only whites to replace the ones who quit.

>> No.14600780

>Hopefully they hire only whites to replace the ones who quit.
Yeah, so they can shut down the channel again

>> No.14600807

it will likely come back eventually that channel made huge revenue for them and there is no way they are just going to give that up

>> No.14600902

>popular channel about food and cooking not related to the cooking board
>where are my energy drink and fast food threads REEEE

>> No.14601335
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>> No.14601515

Cause you can shop perfect shadows on her sweater? yeah okay lol

>> No.14601520

They've said they're doing videos again next month.

>> No.14601590

I was enjoying seeing more of her. She seemed knowledgeable, and was into some cool and weird shit. I was hoping she'd do more molecular gastronomy. She could have edged out Priya and/or what's his face, the mexifag as the token brown person.

>> No.14601666

No more pickles, though. They're too masculine.

>> No.14602773

god i miss brad so much... my cousin was like brad, brad and vinny was so fucking good... all of the crew was cool... even rick.. fucking sohla

>> No.14603009

Brad is gone if or when BA returns, right? Chris is Jewish and Carla is Italian so they have at least a little non-white cred. Molly has the sex appeal so she'll be okay. Brad has to be fired to make room for another person of color, right?

If I were Brad I would record everything very discreetly. And keep my attorney on standby.

>> No.14603021

Brad's basically been silent since the beginning and trying to keep his livelihood I don't doubt he'll be back in the new videos. Claire hasn't renewed her contract as far as I know so he'll be their #1 star. Make no mistakes, true normies do not give a fuck about this drama at all.

>> No.14603022

Molly already said she's out of the videos. She's the type of person who gets an allowance from daddy and has a rich husband so only has a job for fun. The income doesn't matter to her. A lot of people in journalism are like that, unfortunately.

>> No.14603049

just what in the fuck actually happened

>> No.14603052

Kinda blows my mind that you'd bother to work at all in that scenario. Why not just drink margs in the sun with your trophy wife friends? Or maybe use that time to get yourself in shape. Or learn something fun. Especially when she was so obviously the least talented and least interesting member of the team. The only redeeming factor about that basic bitch is her huge honkers

>> No.14603060

Wahwahs consistent with the feminist minority narrative of lower pay based on gender and ethnicity. Sohla basically killed it. and she has a history of making those accusations in the past when things didn't go her way. She's the Yoko Ono of BA.

>> No.14603070

sohla didnt like that she wasnt getting paid for being on camera. someone found a pic of their editor in chief from like 7 years ago "brownfacing" sohla cried racism and most of them stood with her, refusing to film content until their bipoc coworkers were treated right. sohla, rick and priya left, molly, carla and gabby aren't going to be on video but will still work for BA. delaney said some slightly bad stuff a few years ago and people complained for a day. andy cried about it. chris has been silent. brad is chilling on his nice vacation.

I'm almost certain andfy, chris, brad and delaney will be back and theyll probably hire some new people

>> No.14603078

why wasnt sohla being paid for being on camera? didnt she host a few things?

>> No.14603265

She was being paid she just didn't get lucrative contracts like Claire and Brad (obviously) she got flat rates of like $1000 a video or something. She felt it was insulting because she overvalued how popular she actually was on the channel.

>> No.14603453

sohla rick and priya arent going to be on camera for bon apetit anymore, they will still write recipes.

>> No.14603475

>can't run a restaurant
>cant cook
>look ugly
>zero charisma
>sign contract for a low salary
Must be because of racism

>> No.14603492

>sohla didnt like that she wasnt getting paid for being on camera
No, she didn't like that she didn't randomly receive bonuses for being on camera, and that her contract wasn't as lucrative as the celebrity video hosts who garnered millions of views on name alone
The idea that she was unpaid is a nonsense narrative, she just didn't get bonuses for being on video, something that anyone anywhere who has a job understands you don't randomly get paid bonuses for doing random specific tasks at work, thats just not a thing in the real world

>> No.14603502

all the headlines about them quitting, when really they are just not going to be on video but all of them are staying. The media narratives about this whole thing are dumb

>> No.14603503

So what you're saying is she wasn't getting paid for being on camera?

>> No.14603551

She was getting paid to work for Bon Appetit
Why should anyone reasonable expect to get paid extra for doing things at work, its not like they were making her come in for overtime on the weekends to do video on top of her normal responsibilities. It was just normal work

Also, south Asians aren't even a subjugated minority in America, they are literally the richest ethnic group in the US, none of this even has to do with race, she just shamelessly tried to cash in on black lives matter momentum by spinning a nonsense narrative, its a real classless move. She framed all of the media coverage of her complaints as "Bon Appetit literally doesn't pay people of color who work there", then you have to read the fine print to figure out the real claim is that some of the people of color get paid less than the top video content creators who are mostly white but there is literally no evidence to suggest BA specifically picked white people to get paid more or refused to pay POC more, its just that most of the POC there had been part of recent efforts to diversify the staff and therefore hadn't been there long enough to earn lucrative promotions yet

Remember, Sohla was just an unknown food journalist, the idea that she should have been getting paid more than she was is actually fucking insane, she has a fucking dream cake walk job, things were going super well for her and she tried to burn it all down to cash in and win some celebrity

>> No.14603672

Food Insider's now injecting talk about gentrification into hot chicken videos.

>> No.14604075

in america, you can't even making a cooking youtube series without race, gender, and sexuality being front and center in the narrative.

like it's supposed to be about food, and food challenges, and it had a really good facade going on about how all these people enjoyed working with each other in this fun workplace.

why did they destroy it with all this PC shit?

>> No.14604129

Honestly, who are the two women on the far right?

>> No.14604170
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2020... i am literal woke stereotypes

>> No.14604222


>> No.14604225
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>Why should anyone reasonable expect to get paid extra for doing things at work
because other employees did get paid extra for being featured in YouTube videos. and as a rule, when your employer gives you additional responsibilities, your compensation should reflect that.

>its not like they were making her come in for overtime on the weekends to do video on top of her normal responsibilities. It was just normal work
how could you possibly know this? maybe her vid appearances were on top of her normal amount of work

>> No.14604252

You ask for compensation before that responsibility is taken, or ask for compensation in the future if you had already taken that responsibility.
I see this in the workplace so often where people bitch and moan about how much extra work they do, but have never just gone to the boss and said, "pay me extra or I wont take on more responsibilities than is in my contract." BY LAW, they cant fire you over saying that, and cant force you to take on more responsibilities than your contract states.

>> No.14604272
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>Remember, Sohla was just an unknown food journalist, the idea that she should have been getting paid more than she was is actually fucking insane, she has a fucking dream cake walk job, things were going super well
nah m8 she was getting paid 50k in NYC. thats live in a Brooklyn with roommates money. basically minimum wage. she had previous experience doing videos for Serious Eats and other food jobs. it really does seem like a slap in the face for a major company like Conde Nast to be paying her 50k.

>> No.14604277

And then get showered with praise on reddit, youtube, twitter, tumblr, mainstream media, 'hipster media' like vice, etc...

I'm fucking so annoyed with this shit.I bet most people who are reasonably are as well. I hate to make this kinda edged on race, but lets be honest, white people have been taking an UNREASONABLE amount of shit for whats going on for the past 15 years. The idea that "whiteness" is turned into a pejorative is fucked up, and its probably pushing more people to vote for someone like trump... And i'd honestly say ill be voting for him too. Cause this idea that i'm indebted to PoC for what white people did 2 centuries ago seems FAR more racist, than the idea that some inbred hick calls someone the N word in rural georgia. Like, theres clearly systemic racism going on now, but it sure as fuck isnt to the benefit or whites, or the detriment of non-whites.

>> No.14604278

Most US states have at will employment where either party can terminate the contract for any reason at any time. Not willing to do more work for no extra compensation is a perfectly valid reason to fire someone.

>> No.14604289

in a podcast she said she was in constant talks with Matt Duckor about getting a raise, but he never followed through. basically kept telling her "its tied up in legal" and giving excuses.

>> No.14604294

That's the real lie that gets you though. All of this shit is so much worse under Trump. He didn't end it, he didn't improve it, he has made whites so much more hated than they were before. It's his fault that this BLM shit could blow up and take down a youtube channel. If it's not his fault then there is also no way he can fix it?

>> No.14604295

Delaney is prob going to get shit wherever he goes... Cause he jokingly made a cake with a confed flag to tease a friend who was moving south. Like, clearly it was a joke to kinda shame him about going south... But the retards on tumblr and twitter cant grasp that nuance and thought he was actually celebrating the confederacy.
Its just so fucking STUPID. Theres no room for nuance, or even blatant sarcasm with these consistent malcontents. If something is said that could be in any way interpreted(even if its impractical) as "problematic", they throw a shit fit and try to ruin someones life.

>> No.14604311

Looking it up, it seems only 8 states actually have this law. I'm from Canada though where we dont have that problem.

>> No.14604316

fuck minorities.

>> No.14604325

Bro, dont trust podcasts. It doesn't matter if its Joe Rogam, PBS or fucking NASA. Podcasts are the greatest tool ever for lying. Podcasts were literally developed by the CIA as a tool to see if you could easily convince the public because you are "grasroots" and "real". Joe rogan is a perfect example, he has been CIA for 20 years but people believe everything he says.

>> No.14604329

Most of the people that won’t be in future videos were forgettable, so you’re partially right. See you next month when they start filming again.

>> No.14604423

just to be clear, she was a guest on the podcast and told her story. the medium doesn't really matter in this case. it could have been an interview for an article, or something she posted on her Instagram story, or whatever.

heres what she said:
>I keep telling them, "When are you going to pay me? Like when are you going to pay me?", and I have a talk with Duckor, like once a week. He looks me through the Zoom eyes and he tells me, "It's coming tomorrow. I swear. It's tied up in legal. It's coming tomorrow. Just finish this shoot.” And he did that to me for months.


>> No.14604671

isnt molly gone? :(

>> No.14604682

>Christopher Morocco

I really don't think so. Prove that he is.

>> No.14604707

>that pic

Is this the "LGBT community" we keep hearing so much about?

>> No.14604725

holy shit based