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14593615 No.14593615[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I make sure that my meat isn't contaminated with blood? My religion prohibits me from eating blood, so I normally buy halal or kosher meat, but that's not an option with pork chops. They're bone-in and have some red spots around the bone. I ate one of them and saw red specks inside of the cooked porkchop.

>> No.14593619

what religion allows pork but not blood?

>> No.14593627

That's kind of a weird question. What does eating pork have to do with eating blood?

>> No.14593636
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ive never heard of a religion prohibiting blood, but i have heard of religions prohibiting pork.

now answer the damn question

>> No.14593653

>ive never heard of a religion prohibiting blood,
>I've never heard of a religion that permits eating blood. The entire reason I get kosher or halal meat is because they also can't eat blood. I know for a fact that Christians are banned from eating blood but not pork as well, so it's not like it's a weird thing.

>> No.14593660

Don't know why that last sentence was greentexted.

>> No.14593679

>Christians are banned from eating blood
It's our most important sacrament

>> No.14593687

Christianity is a false religion, so you can't expect logical consistency. It says to not eat blood in Acts 15:20.

>> No.14593691

age it in salt so all the moisture (blood) comes out

>> No.14593693


>> No.14593696

I garuntee op is a part of some weird ass country church. I'm from NC and we have a lot of them, think southern Baptist but more cult like with more obscure rules. Op talk to some snakes for me let me know what they say

>> No.14593702

So like a dry brine. Will it make the meat less juicy?

>> No.14593725

That chapter is about a dispute between the apostles after Jesus ascended into heaven about how best to proselytize to the gentiles. It was hardly the final word on the issue.
>implying the early Christians didn't practice the Eucharist

>> No.14593735

Some asian countries soak meat to remove the blood. You can just use water but a brine would probably do the same thing. Or just buy boneless chops, or cut the bone off once they're cooked.

>> No.14593738
File: 553 KB, 1920x1280, dry aged steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technically yes but the juices that remain develop a lot more flavor so it kinda cancels out. if i said dry age makes the meat dry i'd be lying. i age steaks for like a month.

>> No.14593757

>for a month
Can you leave pork out that long?

>> No.14593760

only at room temp

>> No.14593773

Works better in the sun honestly

>> No.14593789

your meat has probably been contaminated with blood most of the time

>> No.14593791

thats beef but i don't see why you couldn't do the same thing with pork

>> No.14593793

consider not being religious anymore

>> No.14593797

theres no way you can be sure there is ZERO blood in the meat
look at the reason why you cant consume blood and decide whether its too ridiculous to listen to or not

>> No.14593799

also this. just consider it :)

>> No.14593804

Are you fucking retarded? The meat fucking marinated in blood for years to grow, it's all over the damn thing

>> No.14593841

I second what someone else said and douse the raw meat in salt before cooking it. Also, it may not be blood that you're seeing. Just like in steak, the red moisture is more likely just liquified protein from the heat you used to cook it with.

>> No.14593851

Ask yourself seriously why any sort of reasonable god would give two shits if you ate blood or not.

>> No.14593860

Blood of God isn't the same thing as blood pudding

>> No.14593917

There's obviously a margin of error, but I don't really know what it is. I personally consider it to be any visible amount of blood, but I don't know how to tell the difference between myogloblin and hemogloblin

>> No.14593947

Both myoglobin and hemoglobin aren't blood, they're components of blood.
If you want to break down the Christian prohibition against blood to the parts of blood, you can say the prohibition includes oxygen that is in the meat, or iron.
Theres also a prohibition for Christians eating food sacraficed to other gods, and if youre a trinitarian, Muslims and jews aren't worshipping your God.

>> No.14593956

Myoglobin isn't blood, it's a liquid carried in your muscles. It's actually considered a serious medical problem if myoglobin is found in your blood.

>> No.14594195

People like OP are the reason no one can take religion seriously anymore. The most important thing is to spread the word and convert and you do nothing but turn people away with this bullshit. You didn't come to that belief on your own some snake handling "pastor" told you to do it and then asked for an extra tithe if you were really feeling the spirit of the Lord.

>> No.14594252
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>not eating blood is unreasonably difficult for most people

>> No.14595152

Isn't that rhabdo?

>> No.14595198

Kosher salt draws out moisture.
However, I feel that this is just a bait thread.

>> No.14595265

You're casting pearls before swine with protestants. They are convinced that Brother Bob's 12th Street Assembly of God(twice reformed) is more in touch with the teachings and message of Christ than Catholics.

>> No.14595739

Why follow the rule of not eating blood if you aren't following the other rules in the old Testament? Like not eating pork.

>> No.14595766

How do people not realize that these old religious food restrictions are the old way of doing food safety?

>> No.14595771

Because religious people aren’t right in the head.
OP the only part of christianity worth following is to do good works and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The rest is dumb garbage created by and for a society of dirt eating shepherds.

>> No.14595773

Just update your religious texts already, you dumb shits.

>> No.14595791

Can't you just put some pastry over your meat so your g*d doesn't see the blood

>> No.14595845

because these sub zero iq cavemen think they'll go to "hell" if they ignore it

>> No.14595855

Just don't eat meat. Join the soy horde and leave the animals for your betters.

>> No.14595857

Jews and technically Christians aren't allowed to eat blood. Bleeding the animal is part of the Kosher process.

>> No.14595965
File: 19 KB, 233x350, 51JuiNcBfIL._SL350_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God isn't real. Eat all the blood you'd like.

>> No.14596321

But meat's tasty
I've thought about koshering the meat, but I know it'll dry it out and I'm kind of skeptical on whether or not it actually removes the blood.
>doesn't believe in religion
>thinks he can lecture other people about religion