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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 159 KB, 1372x808, 71wuOV6vrQL._SL1372_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14584029 No.14584029 [Reply] [Original]

How do you call yourself a first world nation when you feed your solders this mutt food not fit for prisoners

>> No.14584042
File: 311 KB, 640x1005, Saint_Pinard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the presence of army wine ("pinard") in French rations is nearly sacred because of how famous it was for morale in WWI

>> No.14584089

It's called emergency rations for a reason retard. It's only used in case something goes wrong (plane crash, lost soldier etc...) or inside a bunker in time of war. Every modern army has them, otherwise their soldiers would be forced to eat bugs and worms in the same situations.

>> No.14584099

Me and my friend eat these for fun sometimes. They're neat and they taste decent. Also; seethe more, europoor. USA #1

>> No.14584110
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, Frenchration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay John Hernandez, I can hear your stomach rumble.

>> No.14584118


>> No.14584122
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>> No.14584126

>without pork

>> No.14584130

How does any non-USA nation consider itself first world when they suck the cock of America for aid money and military protection

>> No.14584131

Rations are meant to be a morale boost, and have a full day's nutritional requirements. They do that just fine except hwen I DON'T GET MY FUCKING JALAPENO CHEESE.
Anyway every nation has shitty menus every year, and good ones every year. Except china their stuff is usually barely even fit for human consumption.
Believe it or not, soldiers out on the field aren't expecting gourmet meals, they want something they can easily heat and eat, and candy. candy and snacks are fuckin huge because having real shit brand named skittles or m&ms is worth a three course dinner when your only other meals are field kitchen slop or even worse you're out on patrols and are watching the desert do fuckall. I traded for other rations all the time but besides breaking up the monotony I never favored one more than another, with one exception, when I traded with an italian, that shit had liquor in it.

>> No.14584152

NATO is a meme, it was never useful and never will.
Thanks god the EU is coming back to reason thanks to Trump and has already started replacing NATO by an EU army.

>> No.14584167
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, muttfoodcontinued.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The USA isn't a first world country, Javier.

>> No.14584176

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Muhammed

>> No.14584183
File: 300 KB, 1100x618, French-combat-ration-contents-GLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>W-whiter than you A-achmed
Kek cope Amerimutt

>> No.14584214

Oh boy, you're seethin' hard now. I must've hit a nerve. Peak euro fragility

>> No.14584217
File: 631 KB, 687x597, 1597322624495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's honestly depressing to see American MREs.
Most other countries I see him eat from at least look like something your mother would cook for you.

The US ones though remind me of fast food shit, they miss a himely feel

>> No.14584453

They’re meant to be light and long lasting, with aesthetics down st the bottom of the list.

>> No.14584956

Thats not true at all you retard. Soldiers live off this shit whenever they're not at a base

>> No.14584984

Because you're at fucking war to go fucking kill someone, not have a comfy meal with mommy. This is for peak performance and fuel.

>> No.14585003
File: 131 KB, 222x403, Screenshot_2020-08-17 main-qimg-ddc030d44c693c74aad8d69d956e5975 webp (WEBP Image, 602 × 602 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laugh all you want, but this shit is like solid gold when you're trading rations. I've had french faggots ask for this shit.

>> No.14585009

show a country with an actual army that's killed anyone in the last 20 years with better rations.

>> No.14585020

the republikkk of deez stanky nutz nighuh

>> No.14585023

>American MREs
>Hershey's, Nestlé and white bread

>> No.14585028
File: 453 KB, 602x417, main-qimg-1ac8b103610bbb2b5d7d0dfc847f302f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys.

>> No.14585038

They got rid of most name brand candies, and they've never used actual white bread in MREs because it isn't anywhere near shelf stable. But you're a retard muttlet and I'm not surprised at your ignorance.

>> No.14585045

I’ve only had british version from when they abandoned sangin (bunch of pussies). They were pretty good but US mres give you the better bowel movement which is really the only I cared about. One huge shit a day, barely need to even wipe.

>> No.14585082
File: 34 KB, 324x500, 504826f7f0466d5689e81a51b806952f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had pic related for breakfast today. I'm using the Covid lockdown as an excuse to order a bunch of foods I've never had before. It was fine, though everything had a subtle metallic chemical taste. I couldn't imagine eating this stuff every day.

>> No.14585091

>Covid lockdown
What backwater part of the world are you living in where they actually have "lockdowns"? We've been back to business as normal for a month now.

>> No.14585109

I never understood the faggots who complained about MREs and how they aren't fit for animals. What type of gourmet shit are you eating at home, your fucking highness? Do you expect to have a mini chef and a full kitchen inside of these MREs? They are pretty good for what they are, which is a ration that you can stuff in your pack and eat anywhere.


>me before clicking the image
>better be jalapeno cheese spread
>click image
>is jalapeno cheese spread

my nigga. This on the vegetable crackers is the god tier MRE snack.

>> No.14585111

>Lugging around 50 cans

>> No.14585117

MREs are kinda good though

>> No.14585122

Limpwristed Americans need their rations in plastic bags. It's no wonder you guys kneel to the chad Israelis and their BIG CANS OF FOOD.

>> No.14585130


That is quite literally one of the worst MREs. Avoid all of the breakfast shit. The vegetarian and italian ones are typically good. The pork rib was my favorite, but I don't think they make those anymore.

>> No.14585132

You have the complete opposite opinion of me. The italian and vegetarian ones are dog shit and the pork rib is the worst.

>> No.14585136

You do realize these are basically the same exact thing as a standard American MRE just with more retarded packaging, right?

>> No.14585144

The Israeli one has more pickles and preserves, and is usually vegetarian.

>> No.14585151

I get that, anon.


I am just pretty sure you can find better food that last just as long like tortilla bread and cheap sweets

>> No.14585157

you've clearly never been to prison

>> No.14585164
File: 103 KB, 900x900, 0EFB53A6-0C24-412D-BDC7-1954AFECBEAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 years in development and millions of dollars taxpayer money spent so Sgt. Hernandez-Jones could eat pizza while blowing up a children’s hospital

>> No.14585177

And here come the seething 3rd-worlders with their iPhones. It was a nice thread.

>> No.14585193

Don't be mad your local talent can be bought for a night with a Hershey's candy bar from an MRE

>> No.14585211


Damn straight.

>> No.14585212
File: 1.12 MB, 1976x2806, 1595695356706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you guys ever seen a chinese mre?
are they really as bad as steve's video shows?

>> No.14585240

Iphones are made in the third world?

>> No.14585252

I rename all of my images with strings of random letters and numbers to make you:
1) seethe
2) cope
it had the desired effect

>> No.14585255


>> No.14585268

was it really that much money compared to other foods? the crust is breads they've surely figured out how to make. pepperoni already has a good shelf life. they use red sauce in other items too. I suppose the cheese would be something to figure out for pizza.

>> No.14585271

so it's worse for you

>> No.14585272

Except default Apple filenames are random and are very easy to identify. You can delude yourself all you want, but you're still subhuman.

>> No.14585274

Yeah some nice anon on /his/ once directed me to a great I wanna say stars and stripes article about the wonderful morale and professionalism of the French military and he remarked on the reverence of wine in their rations.

>> No.14585278

Yeah, it actually took them several generations of warfare to make pizza you can heat in a bag, that is shelf-stable. The problem was getting the crust to stay firm.

>> No.14585279

How so?

>> No.14585285

How often would chinks even eat mre's? It's not like they've sent hundreds of thousands of soldiers to go pound sand for the past 6 decades. When do their soldiers even go off base, let alone go outside the country.

>> No.14585286

I would unironically prefer spam and beans.

>> No.14585300

Pinoy detected.

>> No.14585304

it's always better to just prepare your own meals rather than buying MREs anyways. you don't need prepared meals that are shelf stable for a decade if you buy food that isn't shit and just rotate stock. when am I not going to be able to soak and boil some beans?

>> No.14585313

No. Fucked up pizza dough is disgusting. How the fuck did we go back to serving stale bread after we figured out how to can legumes and meat? Why are we serving our troops lunchables devoid of nutrients? Beans are actually good as fuck for you.

>> No.14585317

Considering their military has zero overseas projection power (they can't even secure a sandbar off their coast), they probably only have them for purely practice and simulation purposes. Knowing the corruption among PLA officers, some asshat probably makes millions off of them, too.

>> No.14585322

Morale >>> Nutrition. Just look at the shit astronauts eat nowadays compared to the processed "scientific" garbage they started with.

>> No.14585325

Yeah i know I've got dry beans and a sack of rice at home. I'm talking bout if i was a grunt i sure as shit don't want these MRE meals when pork and beans, deenz, spam, and aged cheeses exist. It's all just to save money so they treat our troops and veterans like human garbage then get mad and say you don't support the troops if you aren't pro war. Fuck em I support troops and I'd feed em like kings and treat them like lords of the realm when they got home.

>> No.14585332

you have to carry that shit around all day if you aren't eating the cooked food. it's basically camping. I dunno what they let them do but yeah I'd prefer to just have foil packets of tuna and spam and whatnot.

>> No.14585348
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, lemon pepper tuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I preferred the lemon pepper tuna MRE just because it was the quickest to put together and usually you only have like 5-15 minutes to eat. I also remember it having the best side stuff too like beef jerky, poppyseed muffins, skittles.

>> No.14585378

All they'd have to do is give me some meth or cocaine laced chocolate and I'd be soldiering on for weeks

>> No.14585401

what is warfighter? is it like a box of kix or something?

>> No.14585427
File: 22 KB, 332x450, philopon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think they still make Philopon or Pervitin. Figures the Japs and Germans had to best combat drugs.

>> No.14585650

you've obviously never eaten one. they're way better than you would expect.

>> No.14585667

He saw the joes eating them once when he was a kid, and now he's obsessed. Tragic story.

>> No.14585903

You act like MRE technology doesn't find it's way into civilian foods.
>Microwavable shelf stable stews with moist beef that lasts 3+ years without refrigeration, and doesn't spoil in 120F heat

>> No.14585933


>> No.14585934

Have to be well fed in case those little bastards try to run

>> No.14585941


Imagine walking into a gas station to pick up a pizza slice in a pouch that has been sitting there for years.

>> No.14585944

Was the juice really worth the squeeze, tho?

>> No.14585959


That was one of my favorite MREs. This and the chicken fajita. The fajita was messy, though, and not really well suited for training exercises. Nice as fuck during deployment where you had all the time in the world to eat.

>> No.14586001
File: 3.43 MB, 2892x4096, 1595261552524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry schlomo they took half that ration away to make room for your extra nappy. wouldnt want you to piss yourself on the field.

>> No.14586013
File: 40 KB, 125x123, 1594748613604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this itoddler who thinks hes usuing some kind of luxury good.

>> No.14586018

>coping this hard
>doesn't even know what hex is
yeah. those letters sure are RANDOM.
day of the flush coming for you pajeet.

>> No.14586025

there are good chinese mres. search for "taiwan"
dunno what thats supposed to be but you should get the good mres.

>> No.14586117

They aren’t nearly as bad as they look, and they’re infinitely better than what they were issuing in the Cold War.
From what I’ve seen American MRE’s are a single meal whereas many other countries have a full days worth of food with breakfast, lunch, and dinner in a box.
I never saw the appeal personally, I’d rather have some peanut butter or one of those first strike bar things.
People either have the taste of a spoiled toddler or only peddle memes. Obviously MRE’s aren’t exactly winning gourmet competitions, but they are certainly edible if nothing else.

>> No.14586171

I pack year old aged gouda, Portuguese deenz (best deenz money can buy), panforte, and homemade croutons made from leftover baguette. Sometimes a vacuum sealed duck confit, Spanish chorizo, or salumi.

>> No.14586325

It's a way of saying that this menu is both kosher and halal.

>> No.14586342

These fuckers are pretty good for combat rations that are designed to be eaten on the move. Most other nations rations are designed to be eaten at rest, given the amount of prep usually required to heat them up.

>> No.14586348

This shit really is dank, I remember mixing into an MRE on a road trip and it made the food infinitely better

>> No.14586349

Weird I don't remember the chicken fajita one. I don't recall any of them being inedible though. I think my favorite was the southwest steak and black beans.

>> No.14586507


>> No.14586588

How much does this cost?

>> No.14586647

Traded with a Czech bro a few times. He loved a few of the MRE's (dont ask why) and he'd give me the better czech ones (imo).

>> No.14586658

Posted on accident before I could finish. I love the pate and crisp bread they get. I think it'd be cool if they added a shot or something like that one ration that gives some wine or something in France I think

>> No.14586689

probably because soldiers are low class trash and who cares what we feed them? We spend way more than enough on them

Also pretty sure MREs are supposed to be like emergency rations, I don't think they are eaten very often by most military people

>> No.14586693
File: 16 KB, 480x360, YouTalkLikeFag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you talk like a fag

>> No.14586730

>please America, protect us from the enemies your shitty foreign policy made.

>> No.14586742

It's Israeli, they probably just boot out some palestinians so they can put all their food down.

>> No.14586749

American hegemony has created the most peaceful era the world has ever seen

>> No.14586768

Do you think soldiers eat this for every meal? There is a chow hall for a reason. There are restaurants on base. You can leave base and go into town and get whatever you want. You can cook food in your Barracks room. This is food only for the field, and even then they try really hard to get the cooks out there to make hot chow. Also. some of the MRE's aren't that bad.

>> No.14586825

>sorry your kid got blown up at a concert because we pissed on bin laden and made him switch sides then went into iraq for no reason and started murdering civilians, but remember we're in the most peaceful era the world has seen!

>> No.14586853

International violence is at an all time low. Never in the history of civilization have a lower percentage of the population been involved with or been killed by war (same holds true for internal criminal violence)

>> No.14586860

You're a dumbass, soldiers and Marines only eat those when they are in a field environment and not at a FOB. I.e. multi day movements and initial pushes. 99% of the military just goes to the chow hall for food. Why? Because eating MREs for more than 28 days will stop your intestines up because they are so loaded with preservatives and sodium your body stops digesting them.
>t. pog

>> No.14586872

Mormon here. Family is big time prepper. We have about 10 years worth of MRE's and water in our basement for the whole family. We crack some out every now and then. My favorite is chicken and dumplings. The spaghetti and meat sauce makes your shit smell like proccessed food. The upside is that its pretty healthy nutrition wise.

>> No.14586875


>> No.14586883


I was in the military 2007-2012. Basically an oldfag as far as 4chan is concerned. A google search tells me that they were last available in the 2013 MREs.

>> No.14586919

Why can't this board appreciate the delectable flavors and aromas of MREs like Steve does?

>> No.14586950

I have never heard that word before, must be an Airforce thing.

>> No.14586958

You say that, but USA has some of the best MREs. There's only a few other countries at their level.
The Chinese MREs kill people. They almost got Steve.

>> No.14586993

>first world
It's about standard of living. The American standard of living isn't actually that high for a first world country.
Admittedly when the next big war comes, you'll probably maintain most of your standard of living and be number one. But if that doesn't happen or there are substantial gaps between these wars, your military expenditure is a waste. You could have free university/health care/child care, well maintained infrastructure, safe to drink tap water, a government owned national fiber network, that stupid fucking wall, etc.

>> No.14587001

>and have a full day's nutritional requirements
No, you're meant to be losing weight on them. And they are missing nutrients because you're not supposed to eat MREs long term.

>> No.14587037

Beside the next world war you just predicted?

>> No.14587067

Don’t you have women and children to kill?

>> No.14587066
File: 118 KB, 1667x982, USA_HDI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The American standard of living isn't actually that high for a first world country.
well depends on where you are. In the northeast and midwest it is extremely high, but the south is not a first world country

>> No.14587100
File: 39 KB, 673x616, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody knows being rich in America is great.

>> No.14587109

Learn math. That's what's called an "average".

>> No.14587136

lol midwesterners aren't rich aren't rich

That chart is literally just saying America has a lot of black people. Its racist and classist

>> No.14587150

how the fuck is isle royale higher than the keweenaw

>> No.14587168

the range of the data is 0.954 to 0.920, what is the difference between these two quantities in practical terms, if there is any? can Norwegians afford 3% more grilled cheese sandwiches than americans?

>> No.14587184

Yeah we all know the ultra rich enclaves of (checks notes)... Grand Rapids Michigan, Rochester Minnesota, Green Bay Wisconsin, Cedar Rapids Iowa, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Omaha Nebraska, Fort Collins Colorado, Bismark North Dakota

>> No.14587191

Americans can afford more things than anyone else, it only gets downgraded on inequality numbers, the poorest in America are a bit poorer than the poorest in those countries, while the middle and upper classes are rich. This is defined as higher inequality and there downgrades the country as a whole

>> No.14587217
File: 13 KB, 589x222, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a decent standard of living. The HDI is the geometric mean of normalized indices for each of the three dimensions.

You could look at currency converted median wage to determine something like the price of a sandwich. Pic related is household income ignoring tax. America does much better by this metric.

The difference will be in quality of education or standard of living.

>> No.14587237

>or standard of living.
Healthcare. Assuming purchasing power falls into standard of living.
Not the definition I would've chosen, since imo healthcare and education fall into standard of living.

>> No.14587247

>Goes bad in 2 years

>> No.14587258

its not healthcare, AMerica has the best care in the world as far as quality goes, the problem is pretty much straightforwardly diet, especially amongst african american

>> No.14587279

>America has the best care in the world as far as quality goes
Very poor access to healthcare compared to literally every other first world country. People visit the doctor less when it isn't free, which has negative health outcomes.

>Everybody knows being rich in America is great.

>> No.14587375

Yeah if you wanna spend $20,000 because you broke your arm, it's fucking GREAT.

>> No.14587409

I mean I am not saying its perfect, or well run, but America has the best doctors and best hospitals in the world. America's health problems all come down to poor people being fat as fuck, not the quality of the health system

>> No.14587418

>funnel subsidies into the corn lobby instead of the healthcare system
>WhY aRe AlL thE PeOPle FaT?
How much of a willing consoomer can you be?

>> No.14587428

>America's health problems all come down to poor people being fat as fuck, not the quality of the health system
Jesus Christ they have you caught hook line and sinker.

There's almost no point to the "quality of care" when surviving means lifelong debt and your life ruined. Have you or a family member ever had a stay in a hospital?

>> No.14587436

What are you talking about? I never addressed why poor people are fat, thats beside the point, I agree that corn subsidiaries aren't good.
I am simply pointing out that the US's inferior health outcomes relative to other rich countries come down to fat poor people, not the healthcare system

Kind of a wild jump you just took there

>> No.14587441

again, I am not defending this stuff, so not sure why you think I am

>> No.14587443

My wife left me

>> No.14587451

>I am simply pointing out that the US's inferior health outcomes relative to other rich countries come down to fat poor people, not the healthcare system
You're a brainlet because the only thing you can tie to anyone's health is whether they're overweight or not. Being in a car accident has nothing to do with anyone's weight. Brain tumor? Not because someone had another cheeseburger.

>> No.14587456

The US is literally the only first world country.

>> No.14587458

>Being in a car accident has nothing to do with anyone's weight. Brain tumor? Not because someone had another cheeseburger
How does this contradict anything I have said?
By far the leading cause of death in America is heart disease, something very closely tied to obesity

>> No.14587615
File: 577 KB, 1224x1632, IMG_5020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lads got your stashes of MRE cheese ready?

>> No.14587635

Dude reaches so hard to find ways to describe the dishes as being more complex than they really are. HEY STEVE it's barely above dog food ya goofy shit, just say it tastes good/tastes bad anything past that is just bullshit and you know it.

>> No.14587637

I heard the stuff in the new 1oz packs isn't nearly as good as the old stuff in the 1.5oz. Maybe that's part of why old surplus cases of MREs doubled in price recently.

>> No.14587648

Apparently soldiers can't eat these in a row for too long cause they cause bowel problems

>> No.14587832

Yeah. Can confirm. When I was in basic there was some kinda issue with the chow supply line and we ended up having 3 MRE's a day. I ended up getting internal hemorrhoids. Had a doctor stick his finger up my ass to confirm. I had to take a suppository steroid but since it would slip out of my anus on my walk from the bathrooms to the bunks, I had to put it in my asshole while laying in my bed while keeping it a secret from the other recruits. They put me on a profile (a slip of paper that says I'm not allowed to do certain activities) and I ended up missing like a week of training. Apparently that was enough to not be able to graduate so I got held back and had to start basic over again with a different company. I had just started black phase of Infantry OSUT if anyone cares.

>> No.14587861

Sorry they amputated your hand, bro.

>> No.14587887

I wouldn't be surprised.
If you're trying to make your food as calorie dense as possible it doesn't leave a lot of room for fiber or water.

>> No.14587893
File: 42 KB, 193x164, 1597620545293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14588039

Please.. please be joking. Not in my army, no. Please.

>> No.14588102

i live in japan and there was never a lockdown here you dumbass.

>> No.14588120

There is on Oki, after the outbreak on Futenma.

>> No.14588151

Literally a third-world country outside of the base.

>> No.14588156

With no confirmed cases though, all cases on the island are Marines and Airmen. Surprisingly none made it to the local populace.

>> No.14588173

It's almost as if they didn't want anything to do with those monkeys.

>> No.14588180

I'm not sure which side is supposed to be the monkeys.

>> No.14588196

>That's the joke.

>> No.14588292

well la de da not every branch of the dod can’t have the red carpet rolled out in front of their dfacs like you

>> No.14588727

They're not called emergency rations, though. They're called Meals, Ready to Eat.

>> No.14588795

>what is a field kitchen

>> No.14588833

they are scientifically crafted to provide a soldier with everything he needs when kitchens aren't available

>> No.14588849

i bought 2 boxes of MRE for the rona from germany and 1 box of french MRE
I can say by far that the french ones are superior

>> No.14588861

This. Also these are meals for people that LARP as soldiers, because no one would be rucking like 3-5 of those around on patrol.

Most MRE's aren't all that bad for what they are. Most are like Chef Boyardee or Dinty Moore stew or better. It's not great for a cooking board, but they last for 10 years, and are calorie dense, lightweight and nutritionally complete. I'd take an actual MRE over "hiking" food like mountain house every fucking time. They've gotten way better too, I was in back in the veggie omelette days, and even then it was mostly only the bullshit vegetarian menus that sucked dick.

Is that the entire meal? Looks like the entree is missing, but maybe it's vegetarian bullshit, because those were the fucking worst ones.

>> No.14588865

why are people pretending to care about mres

>> No.14589121

When i had mandatory army service (finland) we never had MRE's and instead had portable kitchens for camps or, if possible, actual indoor kitchens. The only people who have to even consider eating MRE's here are often special forces

>> No.14589126

>more tuna
>tuna in oil
>tuna salt water
>tuna in sauce
>even more tuna
Oh yeah great ration

>> No.14589161

cant they just do what the medieval solider did?
just pillage the near by village and steal their foods?

>> No.14589178
File: 394 KB, 836x848, 15957166445941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MRE's are for oberadors only :DDD

>> No.14589188

is that a can of pickles?

>> No.14589189

>shelf stable pizza
an absolute miracle of science

>> No.14589199

this is only true because they're fucking retarded and don't drink enough water

>> No.14590160

holy based

>> No.14590220

They serve their purpose. Only downside is not being able to shit for the first 8 days on deployment or in the field. Then that first shit is like 6 pounds of foul black sadness and regret

>> No.14590232

Yeah the breakfast ones are fucking horrific. However I usually would end up getting fucked by getting the beef briscuit one like 90% of the time in the field. The sloppy joe one isn’t bad either

>> No.14590248

how can you call yourself a first world country when you don't even have a space program?
fuck even russia has a space program......even canada does!

>> No.14590262

what is the esa?

>> No.14590547

>Kosher Pickles *Wink*

>> No.14590627

>280 calorie meal for someone that's active and prolly buff
How is that enough food?

>> No.14590633

Ah yes why doesn't the Military have personal chefs everywhere they go?

>> No.14590642

Google what a first world country actually is

>> No.14590683

It isn't. That's why the MRE comes with a bunch of other shit.

>> No.14590684

I'm fine with the cannon fodder eating that shit as long as the officers get good food.

>> No.14590697
File: 2.94 MB, 320x568, 1597264717069.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The U.S... You americans never fail to make to make me laugh when you say U.S.A is a first world country lol. Maybe, it was, a long time ago but it's definitely not anymore.
If convincing yourself you live in a first world country helps you to cope and sleep at night then it's ok I guess.

>> No.14591343

officers are the cannon fodder when the wars actually start.

>> No.14591374

Because we don't have a place in our military for foragers like the nation's of old. MRE's are a temporary meal situation for missions. They get "real" food fit for prisoners when they get back to base.

>> No.14591670
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>Fuck em I support troops and I'd feed em like kings and treat them like lords of the realm when they got home.

>> No.14591852
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800 replies.
There are 2 posts of comparitive versions from other countries. 1 is exactly the same, the other is just a pile of cans.

>> No.14592066
File: 131 KB, 788x1072, 1587580335611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to sit here and listen to all these Anons badmouth the greatest democracy the world has ever known.

>> No.14592398

USA is not democratic.

>> No.14592433

You ought to sue whoever taught you how to read Hebrew.

>> No.14592440

>posts a game that deliberately posits the united states government being usurped by a globalist genocidal coup

>> No.14592724 [DELETED] 

it'd be first world if not for niggers.

>> No.14592734 [DELETED] 

> Its racist and classist

its also the fucking truth. broke nigger

>> No.14593113

No they make you fat and constipated if you're eating them several meals per day in non-emergency situations. Thy are meant to pack on a lot of calories and not induce the runs when on missions.

>> No.14594370

>country has barely a function army propped up by NATO
>its ration is full of cans, retarded perishables, and rich food that may gas indigestion, gas, allergic reactions, and bloating, all while being heavier and less carb dense
>retards online whine about it

>> No.14594372

No it isn't you fucking nigger first world is a cold war term for pro US allegiance now go shovel your head up a goats asshole

>> No.14594374

MREs are not designed to constipate you.
Total myth.

>> No.14594376

Vets are dope bro. They're the key to overturning the fascist Democrats and Republicans. A revolution needs the support of blue collar and former military. We need to stop simping to faggots and trannies and get some real socialism and libertarianism going in this country.

>> No.14594396

Tradesman here. Go fuck yourself. I'm not revolutioning shit. I have a job and have to work tomorrow.

>> No.14594404
File: 73 KB, 683x1024, b8mvvtautn641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vets are literally all trannies and furfags and leftists, you're cucking for people you don't even understand.

>> No.14594410

I'm a tradesman too. I'm just tired of getting fucked over by liars who line their pockets
Those are kids serving. I'm talking about vets with some wisdom who have seen both sides of the beast. These kids, they'll learn. We all learn.

>> No.14594447

>Not using the Big Mac index

>> No.14594461

Yeah but Americans get a lot less public services. Shit public infrastucture, shit public healthcare, shit policing Etc. We get the worst bang for our buck by a good margin in the developed world. Instead we get $750b in defense contractors setting our tax dollars on fire and letting it all go up in smoke.

>> No.14594468

That system is a load of horseshit since the prices are set by the franchisees and can widely vary within a single city. Where I live, I can get a Big Mac for a dollar cheaper in the downtown core than at the train station five blocks away.